Session 29 May 2021

IMO what the Cs are confirming is the phenomenon of shedding, that people who've had the vaccine can somehow shed the spike protein and transmitting covid

Well yes, they confirm "shedding" and say "they (the vaccinated) are shedding Covid". In former sessions they said that Covid did "backfire" because it had the opposite effect on "enough" people than intended by our "Orion Friends" and the vaccination would be designed to counter the "positive effects".

So why should our "friends from Orion" now continue with a campagne which backfired? Doesnt make sense unless the "virus"or/and spike protein had been modified to exclude the "positive effects". But then it would not be "Covid" as we know it anymore?
I cant see why this should be desirable.
Perhaps not everyone feeling happy or sad at the same time but a feeling of some sort of unified camaraderie in service to the same goal. The old “we are on same team” sports analogy perhaps. I would assume Something like that is what Mari meant. Great teams need a multitude of players with different skill sets but a common emotional outlook unified by a common purpose? Maybe?
Perhaps not everyone feeling happy or sad at the same time but a feeling of some sort of unified camaraderie in service to the same goal. The old “we are on same team” sports analogy perhaps. I would assume Something like that is what Mari meant. Great teams need a multitude of players with different skill sets but a common emotional outlook unified by a common purpose? Maybe?

I had in mind something like this;

G said:
in order to regulate and accelerate the work of the lower centers, the primary object must consist in freeing each center from work foreign and unnatural to it, and in bringing it back to its own work which it can do better than any other center. “A great deal of energy is also spent on work which is completely unnecessary and harmful in every respect, such as on the activity of unpleasant emotions, on the expression of unpleasant sensations, on worry, on restlessness, on haste, and on a whole series of automatic actions which are completely useless. As many examples as you like can be found of such unnecessary activity. First of all there is the constantly moving flow of thoughts in our mind, which we can neither stop nor control, and which takes up an enormous amount of our energy. Secondly there is the quite unnecessary constant tension of the muscles of our organism. The muscles are tense even when we are doing nothing. As soon as we start to do even a small and insignificant piece of work, a whole system of muscles necessary for the hardest and most strenuous work is immediately set in motion.

Bad moods, worry, the expectation of something unpleasant, doubt, fear, a feeling of injury, irritation, each of these emotions in reaching a certain degree of intensity may, in half an hour, or even half a minute, consume all the substances prepared for the next day; while a single flash of anger, or some other violent emotion, can at once explode all the substances prepared in the laboratory and leave a man quite empty inwardly for a long time or even forever.

Then Laura said:
However, to graduate to STO 4D, one must increase their STO polarization by choosing to divest themselves of darkness, even while allowing others the choice to embrace it. And, in the same way, we must find appropriate ways to divest ourselves of the manipulated negative emotions that are backed up in our systems, as in practicing Éiriú Eolas, and learn how to use our reason and will to make sure that we only have positive emotions.

So "tuning to the same emotion" is basically this last part of what Laura said: "learn how to use our reason and will to make sure that we only have positive emotions."
And one cannot do that if body is not healthy and if one doesn´t have enough knowledge.
I found this article in the guardian from 2016 and I wonder if it doesn't tie in with the link between certain batches of vaccines and the magnetic effect they seem to produce, knowing that the C's said it was to control people. Maybe we can pick up the pieces

Next, the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, together with the gene encoding green fluorescent protein, and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed only in specified types of neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex, and dissected the animals’ brains to identify the cells that emitted green fluorescence. Using microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that the cells produce nervous impulses.

To determine whether Magneto can be used to manipulate neuronal activity in live animals, they injected Magneto into zebrafish larvae, targeting neurons in the trunk and tail that normally control an escape response. They then placed the zebrafish larvae into a specially-built magnetised aquarium, and found that exposure to a magnetic field induced coiling manouvres similar to those that occur during the escape response. (This experiment involved a total of nine zebrafish larvae, and subsequent analyses revealed that each larva contained about 5 neurons expressing Magneto.)

In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours.
Thank you a bit late for allowing us to be with you for this great session ! This was an exceptional moment, and we feel very honored by that, knowing that you (Laura) really don't like being on camera.
So far we could only imagine what could be a session with the C's, now that we've seen you for real it was very impressive, fluid, it looks so natural and, in the same way ho my God it looks exhausting !!
So we own you a big “Thank You”.

It was hard to follow sometimes, we're happy to be able to read the transcript. 🙏
I had in mind something like this;

G said:

Then Laura said:

So "tuning to the same emotion" is basically this last part of what Laura said: "learn how to use our reason and will to make sure that we only have positive emotions."
And one cannot do that if body is not healthy and if one doesn´t have enough knowledge.
Thanks for clarifying that. The next question might be defining positive emotions. It sounds dumb but I think it is tricky. If you have a child who, for example, takes the covid jab and then proceeds to suffer and die, there are going to be some strong emotions involved that might not, on the surface, seem very “positive”. It would be natural to grieve for some period of time in that process. Perhaps positive has something to do with feeling the appropriate emotions in a given situation? And not just putting a smiley mind on a bad situation and attempting to distance the emotional center from feeling, let’s say sorrow, by applying a series of rationalizations. I guess I am thinking that anger may not always be a negative emotion. Is it not unhealthy and unproductive to say “I am just going to not feel this”? Wallowing in one emotion is not good either, but, for a time, can’t any emotion be positive for the lessons and self knowledge it might reveal?

Not to mention the cathartic purging that a few tears bring.
I realized today that there is something really weird with how people around me (my coworkers in that case) talk about the vaccine. In English the most used expression I read or hear is "taking the COVID jab" (or equivalent). The term "jab" being here suitable to express the matter.

However, everyone I've heard around me talking about getting vaccinated say they are "getting their dose". Even though it is a literal translation from French, it sounds as odd to me in both languages (I've never heard that expression before the Covid hysteria). Now the small talk at the coffee machine sound typically like this :

A: Did you get your dose yet ? I got mine yesterday, finally !
B: No, not yet. It took me a while to make an appointment. It is difficult to find spots available.
C: I'll have my second dose tomorrow. It hurt my arm pretty badly last time, I hope it'll be better.
B: Yeah, I've heard about people getting some side effects. But its normal after all. It shouldn't be a reason to avoid doing the right thing.
A: *nodding* Let's just get it over with. So, do you have anything planned for the holidays ?

Each time I hear the words "getting a dose", I can't help but translate them to "getting a fix". Are those people craving that magical drug/shot that'll make all their worries/fears go away ? Are we already surrounded by zombies ? Am I overreacting and misinterpreting things ?

In any case, I try to avoid the small talk nowadays as it is seriously creeping me out.
Hello those who identify as human beings, I was going to share my personal experiences in the swamp, but after reading some of the shares on this thread I think this is the best place for them, especially after what Mariama wrote (page 6, post #78):

"So, people participating more on our forum, helping one another, discussing matters, sharing sincerely as Laura said, knowing that we are all in this together and that our individual acquired strength will strengthen the whole network might bring about more co-linearity, more faith and more love, but that means that we have to get over ourselves."

(Emphasis on, "getting over myself". Oops, sorry, "ourselves". Didn't mean to be possessive!)

I have had some especially hard lessons to learn which mirror what many have shared personally here. But probably THE lesson that has been mirrored most is what Cassandra wrote in regards to the lessons she learned via the romantic reading project (page 10, #144):

"One thing I have noticed is that I don't feel nearly as much self-pity for myself after having read of the countless trials and battles our heroes and heroines encounter. Also, after all the insults, gossip, humiliation and spite our protagonists have endured, I don't take things quite so personally anymore, or get quite so offended by insults, which seems to indicate that my self-importance levels have decreased somewhat. A lot of characters do not take themselves seriously. They know who they are and accept themselves as such. They can laugh about themselves. That's something I have to work on. Also, putting others first! I have to read a lot more. I am aware of what a critical and judgmental person I am. I have my own grave faults and I project these outwards onto others, rather than facing my own reflection in the mirror. I also need to network much more."

(Emphasis on, "decreasing self-importance".)

But the post which most affected me, which most reflected where I am now and which prompted me to share on this thread, was this one from Cyrus Wallace (page 18, post #268):

"With the world going downhills, I understand that networking is important. I have found myself in a tough situation, where I have retreated pretty much from all my social circles. They all bought the narrative and parrot whatever the media says. I can't stomach it anymore. I feel I'm getting punched in the stomach and say "UGH" out loud when I read them. I don't participate anymore in such conversations, therefore I'm out of friends! I feel I'm on my own now, other than this forum to sit and read what you people discuss. I don't feel intellectually sufficient to grasp everything, while I also have a terrible memory for numbers and names, so crystallizing that knowledge can be a challenge sometimes. Not to mention I most times lack the discipline to sit and meditate. I feel like this whole solving the problem approach, not lying about it in order to find a solution, should also apply to oneself. Be sincere with oneself and go from there. I also found out that I can't do that alone, so your discussions here help a lot to identify programs, reflect and project."

I, too, am now plumb out of friends. And I've allowed myself to wallow in self-pity, anger, and apathy. That's partially why I haven't post much lately (though I am moving too so I don't have much time at the moment).

I've shared before that I am a Biologist, and I received my Master's degree in an anthrax lab. The subject of my thesis was a virus, and I did some gain of function research. I shared a lot of that here:

So a large part of my identity is as a Biologist who once worked in a biowarfare lab, which affords me a much clearer picture of this entire COVID scam; and being a part of this network has provided me a much larger scope of understanding regarding the entirety of these crimes against humanity that perhaps have their origin beyond this world. And I have spent a very large amount of time and effort sharing what I know (at least, the 3D stuff) with as many people as possible. In fact, I have known for a long time that the elites would probably use a pandemic "emergency" to further their goals of world control. During the Ebola scare seven years ago, for example, I shared this on every forum that I possibly could:

Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? (post #10206)

Over the last twenty years, I have shared with most of my friends and family some of what I learned while in graduate school. They all know that I am a Biologist and that I got my graduate degree in genetics and bacteriology/virology. So they often used me as a resource when they had questions about science, and they trusted what I shared because I always look at all sides of every story before making a decision, as is dictated by those who practice science as it SHOULD be practiced.

That trust ENDED with the COVID pandemic.

I learned the hard way that most people are programmed to believe the lies that the MSM puts forward as truth, even in the face of verified conflicting information from the same official sources. Even people who have known me for my entire life, including friends and family members, trust what they hear on the news over people they have known for their entire lives, even though they formerly accepted me as a reliable source. And many of these same people now want nothing to do with me because I don't parrot what the TV says - and especially because I refuse to get the "jab".

So, I am having not only an identity crisis, but major heart shocks as I have been forced to let go of people I thought I knew, who I thought knew and cared for me, because they have learned to identify with what they hear from the MSM as the ONLY truth, and they even listen to these "sources" - none of these doctors or news anchors of whom they have ever met - over and above flesh and blood relatives who promote ideas that contest the popular narrative . I see that is happening to many people on this forum as well, and I definitely commiserate.

Just in these past six months, I have lost several family members and even possibly my best friend. Despite what I shared with them, they ALL took the jab, and most of them will not associate with me until I get one myself. My own former gaming group not only disregarded the information I shared with them, they openly MOCKED me for not believing the MSM line and they removed me from their social network. The ONLY people I know who still accept me, and listen to my take on things (and I never pushed what I knew as THE truth, but as "something to be considered" that I believed in personally), are my mother and my brother.

After all of this I am having severe identity issues myself, wondering if having gone through all that schooling it was worth it in the end, if I'd not be better off having been an idiot who at least has a crowd to hang with. I am spending a lot of time judging myself, wondering if things would have been better had I never opened my mouth in the first place. In most cases I had the information and only shared once asked, especially when friends asked if I had been vaxxed or not, but even that seems to have been too much.

But perhaps the hardest lessons I am learning are to not judge those who judged me, and to let go of thinking I know better than others what the truth is due to my background. What I think I know really means nothing in the big scope of things, except to myself and/or others who are open to listening. I know what has been done to my friends minds and why they won't listen to me; I shared some of that in my article. They are who they are because society molded them that way, and they never thought to question what they were told. And even though some of them had adverse reactions to the jab, they STILL refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that the jab had anything to do with it. Even here where I work, three people in their 50's - 60's, one of them an Iron Man athlete, died not long after getting the jab. There were a few rumors spreading about, but they were nipped in the bud once management reminded people of the HIPPA laws compounded by "the jab is safe and we wish you all would get it" meme. Not a word has been said about them since; it's like they have been swept under the rug.

It really is amazing how powerful the hypnotists who run the MSM are, how broad their reach and scope of influence, so much so that it can overwhelm flesh and blood relations and split apart couples and families as if a knife through butter. All it takes is to plant a seed in someone's mind that something is an inviolable truth (e.g. vaccines are GOOD), have them identify with it, and then let them loose in the world - and you've got an identity bomb that can be exploded at just the right time that is so powerful it can destroy even love and truth.

I understand now, and bitterly so, how the C's once said that "attachment" is what holds people in 3D. I never understood until now that the deepest attachments are ideas that people take in as inviolable truths that aren't, rather than simply physical things. I pray I am able to transcend that bitterness for my own good. What I am having the most trouble with however, is the hurt I feel inside. That too needs attention, and I will do that in due time.

Thank you all for listening, and for your shares here. Oh, and regarding this:

(Chu) Do we want to ask about the weakness though?

(L) What is the group's main weakness?

A: Lack of true collinearity.

From my perspective, this is actually also our greatest strength. What we have here is obviously stronger than even many family bonds, and very few groups I am aware of have the level of sharing and caring we do. It's just a matter of degree, and personal participation. I'm pretty sure we can get to 51% STO as a group if more of us are able to share as Cyrus Wallace did above. I know he reached me, and I needed it, so I respond in kind. This is not a time to hold back on what we feel and think, and a time to realize that all can be shared here without judgment. The only thing that held me back was my own judgments of myself. I hope I'm past that.
Well yes, they confirm "shedding" and say "they (the vaccinated) are shedding Covid". In former sessions they said that Covid did "backfire" because it had the opposite effect on "enough" people than intended by our "Orion Friends" and the vaccination would be designed to counter the "positive effects".

So why should our "friends from Orion" now continue with a campagne which backfired? Doesnt make sense unless the "virus"or/and spike protein had been modified to exclude the "positive effects". But then it would not be "Covid" as we know it anymore?
The word COVID (however you choose to spell and capitalize it) seems to be a way to encourage people to believe in a religion they do not understand but the authorities allegedly do.
Thanks for clarifying that.
Sure. :-)

It sounds dumb but I think it is tricky.
It´s not dumb and it is tricky. I´ve given some thought about your post. Yes, it´s not straight forward.

If you have a child who, for example, takes the covid jab and then proceeds to suffer and die, there are going to be some strong emotions involved that might not, on the surface, seem very “positive”. It would be natural to grieve for some period of time in that process.
I have 2 kids; if any of them die I would probably fell apart. If it were someone else´s fault, I would probably wanna bite their heads of.
Those are extremes that give me chills and I honestly don´t want to think of.

Perhaps positive has something to do with feeling the appropriate emotions in a given situation? And not just putting a smiley mind on a bad situation and attempting to distance the emotional center from feeling, let’s say sorrow, by applying a series of rationalizations. I guess I am thinking that anger may not always be a negative emotion.
Maybe if we look at our current everyday life, in the context of the knowledge we have here on this forum, maybe we can solve our anger issues. I.e.:

  • people are wearing masks and taking vaccines - is this worthy to be angry every day and every hour in terms of our knowledge? Sure, they might bring a plague upon us, but is that worth to sit and dwell about it, or maybe you take some action to at least lover the damage to oneself? One cannot change the world and peoples´ lesions, nor is our place to impose our will to the world. So our anger towards them can be redirected into improving ourselves and leave the people to their own destiny.
My mother took the vaccine after months of questioning me about it. I was very angry at first - but also scared. And then nothing. It´s her choice. Then I gave her a list of vitamins and what else can I do? Should I think every hour of every day if she will die or not? Sounds cold, but the fact is - I cannot do anything about it and being angry, worried or sad solves nothing, it just puts me in a very bad mood. It was her choice in the end and her lesion to have.

  • you are forced to take the vaccine (for whatever reason) - well, we do know how to minimize damage on that one. Sure, I would be angry, but there is a solution to it here on the forum on how to help oneself.
Also, remember what the C´s said:
Q: [laughter] (L) However, the question has been asked: If people are forced to be vaccinated, and it seems that it's not a good idea - because obviously if they get a vaccine that the PTB really want to spread around, one they've tested and does what they want it to, we certainly don't want the vaccine they push on us - are there ways we can counteract this? There are going to be situations where people can't refuse a vaccine.

A: Yes. You have done the research!

Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA? Um... Melatonin heals DNA.

(Niall) Dietary changes.

(L) Being in a proper dietary state if you have to get a vaccine is going to be beneficial and maybe it is for just this type of situation that we were so motivated to do health research and experiments for so long; it was preparation and we didn’t even know it.

(Artemis) Being in ketosis heals you.

(Gaby) Vitamin C.

(Niall) Detoxification.

(L) Detox would be NAC and other things...

(Andromeda) Infrared sauna.

(Chu) Constant knowledge input.

(L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?

A: Yes yes yes!

A: Knowledge protects. Review what you have learned about "alien" implants.

Q: (Pierre) But then the most uncontrollable ones won't get the vaccine. They'll refuse it.

A: True. Wishful thinking.

Q: (L) So it's wishful thinking on their part that they think they can get any uncontrollable people controlled?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) They will control the individuals that are already sheep.

A: Yes
So, apart from Health Protocol, we have our will power to fight the vaccines and we know from implants story that if we are on the right FRV - implants don´t work.
Vigilance is a shield when rooted in Knowledge, so the C´s say.

On a side note:
I was forced to vaccinate my kids. Measles mumbo-jumbo. It is required by new law an if I didn´t, it would lead to fines and the fact that my kids would not be allowed to go to school (I actually got a letter from the principle stating that non-vaccinated kids are NOT allowed in the school), which would then lead to more fines because my kids are not attending school, which would then lead to social service coming to my doorstep and questioning my parenting in terms of neglect of my kids not being vaccinated and not attending school. Which would lead to...I don´t want to even think about that.
But I managed to fight back for 11 years (if I count from my oldest boy). 11 years until it become the law and me maneuvering and avoiding any form of vaccination!!! By that time my kids were old enough not to suffer heavy damage from the vaccine (autism i.e. which is linked to very small children (under 2yo) being vaccinated) + health protocol = they had no reactions whatsoever.
I didn´t spend 11 years dwelling and being angry and afraid of what will be if and when will be.

  • "our" team has lost the football game - and automatons get angry about that. Is that something worth being angry about and talk about it for days? You already see that there´s no point in staying on this point further, and one can think of 100 more in the same lines....

  • you feel/know that you are being abducted in your sleep - you get angry about it. Of course you do! But what will you do with that anger? Will you use it as a shield and to block further abductions, and will you redirect that anger into improving yourself so you are not "eatable" any more? Or will you run to the priest and "confess your sins" and make it all better? Or crumble in fear? Or will it strengthen your will to work more on yourself? After initial shock and realization, again, up to each to decide...
Again - Vigilance!

  • your car broke one day before the vacation you booked - yes you are angry; now you have extra expense, have to find a mechanics, postpone your vacation, and so on.
At these situations I always remember one story my friend told me: he was working and living in foreign country and every time he and his wife were going home they´ve NEVER stopped to have a brake in this 4h drive, just to get home asap. One time, out of the blue, they decided to take a stop and have a coffee. As they continued on their way home, they realized that it was a huge chain car crash - and realized that if they didn´t stop that particular time, they would be caught in the middle of it and maybe they would have died!
So yeah, you can get angry, but also have in mind that just maybe universe has it´s own plans... And next time before vacation you´ll take the car for a check-up a few weeks before vacation.
Again - Vigilance!

Lesson number 1: Always expect attack.
Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same.
Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.

Is it not unhealthy and unproductive to say “I am just going to not feel this”? Wallowing in one emotion is not good either, but, for a time, can’t any emotion be positive for the lessons and self knowledge it might reveal?

Not to mention the cathartic purging that a few tears bring.
Yes, it is unhealthy to suppress or deny emotions.
But in the end we have to be able to identify them correctly and act appropriately, and it is our intention and what we do in the end that matters - which wolf will we feed.


And in the end, G said:
The second way is the way of the monk. This is the way of faith, the way of religious feeling, religious sacrifice. Only a man with very strong religious emotions and a very strong religious imagination can become a ‘monk’ in the true sense of the word. The way of the monk also is very long and hard. A monk spends years and tens of years struggling with himself, but all his work is concentrated on the second room, on the second body, that is, on feelings. Subjecting all his other emotions to one emotion, that is, to faith, he develops unity in himself, will over the emotions, and in this way reaches the fourth room.
We know that sorting our emotions is a very hard thing to do and takes a long time and a lot of effort, but with patience, with our faith in DCM and with the knowledge and networking, we can follow a thread that can lead us trough bad times and see the bigger picture without being poised by "bad emotions".
Just catching up on the comments. For those who got the vaccine, very brave. You guys didn't blindly go into it and decide to get the shot, like the majority have done, to get there lives back and all that nonsense. You showed trust in your knowledge and faith in your spirit, that when these things are applied, in a sincere way, you will over come anything. Respect to you guys for taking the chance and trusting, all will be well. It will give others the courage and confidence that what we learned and applied will work to keep us safe. As for me, im not under any pressure to get it, at the moment anyway. I'm the only one in work not vaccinated, was asked once in March, nothing has been said since. I have a very good excuse though, recently diagnosed heart condition, will see how long I can dodge it for. Not sure ill be brave enough to get if the time comes, will see how things go. With this delta variant all over the media, people will start losing the plot. Who knows how they will react to those of us not vaccinated. Im in observer mode, just watching and listening.

I also had a dream recently about zombies. They were all in a line walking past me, big black eyes. Walking slowly like a zombie. I just stood and watched them go past, felt very calm in the dream and knew they can't touch me, nothing they can do to me. My partner was also in the dream, at one point one of them looked at her, he seemed like he was in charge. He started at my partner, I got the impression he was trying to turn her into a zombie or something. I let it be known that he better back off and leave her be. He turned and smiled at me, then walked of with the rest of the zombies. Very strange dream, don't remember much else.
Can you summarize the content for us?

He talks about, his experience with getting the vaccine, side effects he experienced. How his biggest fear is for his children, George Orwell 1984, music, van Morrison, and how he started to realise whats really going, after he got the two shots, the effects it has on the immune system And how evil this whole thing is.
Can you summarize the content for us?
I'll give it a try-

1. Aware of "dodgy people" running things prior to Covid
2. Shock of Covid initial impact, not knowing what's going on
3. Was attracted to and following groups with alternatives to the narrative, growing more distant from the public trend
4. As a musician, had an initial self-centered reaction to not being able to perform. Then considers that there are other spiritual factors involved. Difficulties with his children.
5. Got the heretic label for speaking out. Then upon vaccine roll-out "smelled a rat" and its the "same old schit"
6. Explains rational for getting the vax despite not knowing anyone who had been ill with Covid, doing it for his children.
7. Took the vax (presumably for reasons evolving from spiritual considerations, to be able to continue to perform for the benefit of others)
8. Had severe negative reactions to vax - no informed consent - was told it was safe.
9. Has autumn gig, but will not take booster, has exemption card.
10. Catching it from both sides in the polarization crossfire, sees a need for unity and believes music can help.
11. Discusses Van Morrison fearless speaking out but he has anxiety syndrome (associates to it devoutly following media, news, talk radio, etc)
12. Does not like coercion, asks his doctor (who gave him vax) do you think it will be mandatory- doc says no way
13. Speaks about the dark victimization of people by the media campaigns- quotes Orwell about how do you get full control of people via fear vs making them suffer.
14. Finds Covid gov app on phone, gets pissed "this has to stop" then asks "where is it coming from" -cites fear of reprisal as reason for more people not speaking out.
15. Laments situation with his children but allows their free will decisions after age 18, notes that they have immature views of the situation
16. Would love to be nuisance and annoyance to PTB but fears for his children, has been ostracized by many of his former friends and contacts for speaking out.
Laura may I ask your opinion on the historical content of this book "RULERS OF EVIL by F. Tupper Saussy
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