Session 29 November 2001


FOTCM Member
November 29, 2001
Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.
A: Hello beloved ones.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Mother Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Well, that was strange. {Laughter.} (L) My first question is: have we been dealing with the Vincent Bridges situation optimally?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What could we add to what we are doing, or stop doing, that would optimize the situation for us?
A: He wants your energy for his spells.
Q: (L) So, how do we cut off any energy?
A: First do not respond to his rants.
Q: (A) I have a practical question. You say "do not respond." Should we keep the report pages the way they are, or should we remove them to archives?
A: Keep and update as necessary but no response to him or anything he writes in any forum where a personal link can be established.
Q: (L) So, only address our responses to the public and never establish the dynamic link by addressing him directly.
A: Close.
Q: (L) What would make it more accurate?
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.
Q: (L) Does he have an attorney as he claims?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, he claims he is planning to sue us. Is he?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is he planning to escalate his attacks?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would it be better if we just allowed him to escalate with no response at all?
A: Mostly. If nothing works publishing comes out.
Q: (L) I would just like to know what will be the ultimate outcome of this whole situation because I am just tired of it; I am sick of it; I would just like for this guy to disappear from the face of the earth. I would like to know how to make him go away. Tell me how to make him just shut up and go away. Let him say and do what he wants all his life, but never speak our names again. We just want him to leave us alone. How can we do that?
A: He has his free will.
Q: (L) Well, I just want to know what is going to be the outcome. (A) Honey, you should not ask that. The outcome will depend on what we will do. It depends on us. (L) Look! {Cat suddenly jumps into the middle of the table, dog begins to bark.} (A) Cassiopaeans! He hears Cassiopaeans! (L) Does kitty want out?
A: Food.
Q: {Laughter. Stop to feed cat.} (L) My next question is, of course, what is wrong with Vincent? What is driving him?
A: He is a robotoid.
Q: (L) Who did his programming?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Doesn't that contradict him having his free will?
A: No. Even robots have minimal consciousness.
Q: (L) So, all his whining and all his "poor pitiful me" stuff is just a program?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That explains, I guess, why he doesn't seem to learn from anything. Even a dog would have figured it out by now.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Whine on no matter what! (L) That means that there is no hope of anything stopping his vicious, mindless lies and attacks. He will go on and on like a robot, right to his own destruction? (A) Yes, there is a hope of stopping him. (L) Yeah, when his circuits burn out. (A) No, no, no. You have a robot; it is working; robots work on a current. When it is working, it gets energy. If the program no longer works, the energy is stopped, then he must look for some other energy source. So, if nobody feeds him, sooner or later another program will switch on that says "look for new energy source." But looking for a new energy source implies being hungry for the period until you find another. So, its not so easy to switch that program. (L) Is there any trick to divert the intention of the robot?
A: Give it a little time.
Q: (A) I want to ask about this association with S** T** which I am not really supportive of. Should we continue giving S*** information about Vincent?
A: Probably he will help to stop Vincent.
Q: (A) Is there any danger in doing that?
A: Not as you are doing.
Q: (L) Anything else about this situation that we ought to know at the present moment?
A: He is loaded so let him sue!
Q: (L) Well, he says that he is losing his house...
A: Baloney.
Q: Well, you know they can't be on the verge of losing their house if they can afford to file more motions. Anything else about the situation?
A: Just be patient.
Q: As far as I have written it, the first half of Noah is pretty finished. Can you tell me if - as it is written - it presents an accurate set of options or perceptions of the subjects covered.
A: Yes.
Q: Are there any items I need to add that I haven't included? Any subjects?
A: Just finish.
Q: Alright already. Are we heading toward a macrocosmic quantum jump, including a collapse of the wave, and the dissolution of matter, even if only temporarily as I have proposed in Noah?
A: Close.
Q: What could get me closer to the exact idea?
A: Matter is, in macrocosmic terms, somewhat different than you suppose.
Q: What do you mean by that? Matter in terms of stars and solar systems? It is what?
A: How about "larger."
Q: So, when we think of matter as being atoms and molecules, solar system and cosmic matter is composed of larger units?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the smallest of these larger units?
A: Living things.
Q: (A) Living things extending through densities?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Wait. Are there beings composed of stars like we are composed of atoms?
A: In a certain sense, yes.
Q: (A) So, larger, we added living things as not just built of matter, but as units of matter.
A: Yes.
Q: In other words, when an event occurs, as in a "measurement," or a "change," in terms of macrocosmic quantum changes, it is like a phase transition of a certain collection of matter units in terms of living beings? Living beings as whole units, can "survive," so to say. I have in mind that it's almost like a decision in your life. When you make a decision, it's like a shift in your consciousness. And when you are looking at a macrocosmic quantum transition, it's almost like a decision, in a sense. And on one side of it, you come to that moment, and you make the decision, and on the other side of that moment - which, in a certain sense, the moment of measurement is immeasurable - and on the other side of it, everything is different. Not only is it so, that on the other side of the measurement is everything different, like with an atom, when an event occurs, something is gained or lost, or has moved its position or momentum or something, some significant difference exists in the state of the atom after this moment of measurement. And this significant difference is what I am trying to get at. (A) Probably what you have in mind is something like "transiting to 4th density, what really happens?" (L) Yeah.
A: "Happens" is not quite the proper term, more like "becomes."
Q: (A) Becoming is creating something completely new. "Happen" means that things change, move, regroup. But "become" means...
A: Yes.
Q: Is there anything that we are supposed to do regarding this upcoming transition?
A: Yes.
Q: Can we know what it is?
A: Not yet!
Q: Is there anything we ought to be doing to prepare ourselves that we are not doing?
A: A little more attention to physical energy levels would be helpful.
Q: Which of course, suggests that physical energy is important and will be needed in some way.
A: Remember to utilize alfalfa with spirulina.
Q: {tape ended, restarted}...B*** from the egroup wrote about an event where her son was in a near fatal accident and she had some kind of experience where she was interacting with a number of beings who were "clicking" or "cliqueing" or whatever. She wanted to know what this was. It happened just before the accident.
A: She was conferencing with alternate selves of herself and others including her son.
Q: Was it because of this impending event? Was it discussions and making of decisions?
A: Yes, it was a possible check-out point for the son but he decided to add other elements to his karmic shopping list so to speak.
Q: Gee. Is Karma like going to the store? "I'll have two lessons of those, and five of that one over there! I need a dozen of these!" What a thought! A "karmic shopping list?" Well, I would ask about the current situation, but then Vincent Bridges will go on another rant....
A: He is a robot.
Q: So, he says only what he is programmed to say and does only what he is programmed to do?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the purpose of his program? What is it designed to do?
A: Break your will to continue.
Q: Was this always his plan, or did something change when he was here in July? Did we select a different universe at that point? Or did he refuse to move out of the one he was in and merge with ours?
A: It was always the plan to either coopt you for the use of dark forces, or destroy your work and will.
Q: What happened in July? Everything changed then.
A: He was exposed by you/us.
Q: C** B** has been involved in a similar situation with J** M**. This guy is a psycho on the loose. She would like to know what to do in her particular situation.
A: She is exaggerating somewhat. Not a reliable source.
Q: So, I should avoid her too. I had that feeling. She's probably as guilty in that interaction as he was. She was as much a player as J** M**. Heck, she was playing with Montaukkees, Swerdlow, and the gang. (A) Well, throughout this Vincent Bridges business, I have been completely concentrated on doing many things that would strengthen our position. Essentially taking care of all the correspondence, and so on. It took a lot of time. The question is: what should I do now?
A: Get back on track with UFT.
Q: (A) Next year, there are two conferences to which I have been invited. Blanchard is organizing one in Bielefeld, and then there is this conference in Tennessee on Clifford Algebras. Should I be serious about going to these conferences?
A: Certainly you should go!
Q: If you go to Tennessee, we can all go. We can drive up and take the kids. I think they have mountains and stuff up there. What about Bielefeld? We can manage. {Laura begins to cry and Ark comforts her.} When is it? (A) I didn't even want to look. (L) We would like to have just one piece of good news to cheer us up. All it has been for a long time is work, work, work and being abused and defamed and dealing with horrible people. Work and abuse. I have gotten to the point a number of times where I have thought: "I don't want to do this anymore." Yes, I know that it is designed to do that to me and I fight it. But it would be so nice to disappear back into a normal life and forget about all these people like Bridges and Burns and Williams. The only thing that makes me able to go on is that I do what I do for the people who are asking.
A: Help is on the way.
Q: Well, if Vincent Bridges was sitting here asking you what you wanted to say to him, what would you say?
A: Get a life you robotoid sloozer.
Q: What is a "sloozer?"
A: Sloozer is a slow loser.
Q: Alright. Let's say good night.
A: Good night.

End of Session
Laura said:
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.

This is something I have not noticed before when I read the transcripts! Now I can understand it better.
istina said:
Laura said:
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.

This is something I have not noticed before when I read the transcripts! Now I can understand it better.

I think this session is just released. How do you understand it better? That particular line jolted something in me, I remember previous forums I frequented there was definitly psychic linking. Forum-members appearing in thougths and daydreams, in a not so constructive way. spiritual forums with unchecked spellbinders and psychos preying on the newly awakenening.

GAIA said:
Another confirmation on how important networking is!

yeah! both in the creative and detrimental sense. If it's constitution is muddy so will the participants dealings be, OSIT. This is what's so beautiful here, it's so well crafted. A foundation built on firm subtleties, towards objective Truth.

I can think of two forums I should retract my membership from, even though it's over a year since posting, those old posts probably still hold some psychic linkage though the feeding is probably only worth mentioning by continuous participation. One of them I have been thinking of just deleting my account, the other I had fantasies about going back and make a statement of my former delusions and comment to the guys who are really asking for a way out, but then again I don't feel I am ready to share information yet, seeing I am recovering from giving-without-asking syndrome and still need training in spotting an honest request.

and thankyou for releasing this work Laura
So far I have never participated in any forum, nor have I ever thought I participated in any forum. As much as it's difficult for me to participate in this forum, mainly due to insufficient knowledge of English, I realized how much I have changed in these last few months, just by reading the experiences of others. I read how much networking is important, but so far I have not seriously thought about it that it creates such a psychic linking. :)

Freyr said:
istina said:
Laura said:
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.

This is something I have not noticed before when I read the transcripts! Now I can understand it better.

I think this session is just released. How do you understand it better? That particular line jolted something in me, I remember previous forums I frequented there was definitly psychic linking. Forum-members appearing in thougths and daydreams, in a not so constructive way. spiritual forums with unchecked spellbinders and psychos preying on the newly awakenening.

GAIA said:
Another confirmation on how important networking is!

yeah! both in the creative and detrimental sense. If it's constitution is muddy so will the participants dealings be, OSIT. This is what's so beautiful here, it's so well crafted. A foundation built on firm subtleties, towards objective Truth.

I can think of two forums I should retract my membership from, even though it's over a year since posting, those old posts probably still hold some psychic linkage though the feeding is probably only worth mentioning by continuous participation. One of them I have been thinking of just deleting my account, the other I had fantasies about going back and make a statement of my former delusions and comment to the guys who are really asking for a way out, but then again I don't feel I am ready to share information yet, seeing I am recovering from giving-without-asking syndrome and still need training in spotting an honest request.

and thankyou for releasing this work Laura
Freyr said:
I think this session is just released. How do you understand it better?

Hello Freyr,

This session is from November 29, 2001, just as the subject line says. Laura has an ongoing project to transfer all the old sessions into this forum. Many of us have read the previous sessions via the Cass website and/or the self-contained .EXE program that was created years ago.

About psychic linking, I believe I've felt the draining effects of this way way back when I would foolishly and occasionally indulge in "debating" people in other forums. When I would engage certain individuals in a certain "dance", it was almost like I became hooked or obsessed with the exchange. So it seems to me there's both a hypnotic and a feeding mechanism at play. At least as I perceived it.
Hi Quinault
Thanks for setting me straigth, I knew it was an old one but it hasn't figured on this site version before in it's unpacked entirety, afaik. Clumsy formulation really.

As you put your view on psychic linkage, I am reminded of how ordinary the phenomena is (psychic linkage>feeding dynamics), in forum-life as in 3d life, just in a text to imagination form.

Istina said:
I realized how much I have changed in these last few months, just by reading the experiences of others.

yeah me too. On the other forums I was reserved as I am here to a degree, but slowly working myself out of hiding, because of this networks knowledge and sharing in what are the reasons we hide and don't share. Knowing that you are not alone by encountering similar peoples stories and their work in progress is very valuable. Btw your written english is good.
Quinault and Freyr, thank you both for clarifying.

And I understand to be just a lurker, just reading about others' experiences is not enough. This means taking, feeding and not giving. I know it's important to balance that and that means to participate in the sharing of experiences and knowledge, and it is not easy for me.
My written english is better thanks to google translate ;)
istina said:
[...] This means taking, feeding and not giving.[...]

Hi istina, I agree with what you said above, that is certainty true. But what are the mechanics of it? Are you taking something that was not wanted to be given? Certainly not, I'd say. You take something witch others are more than happy to give so you can give as well when your turn comes. I think there is a time when we take, and that may even take a long time, and a time when we give - so the balance is to be set when the balance is upset. I am not advocating in any way here that you should just lurk around, all I am saying is that words of wisdom should not be taken as black and white.

Just a thought. I hope I didn't say anything silly here...
I just wanted to politely ask how long to go for "Noah" book to be finished. Bit excited to get my hands on it, that's all! :D
Sid said:
I just wanted to politely ask how long to go for "Noah" book to be finished. Bit excited to get my hands on it, that's all! :D

Hi Sid. As far as I know, what was to be Noah eventually transformed into what is now Secret History.
andi said:
istina said:
[...] This means taking, feeding and not giving.[...]

Hi istina, I agree with what you said above, that is certainty true. But what are the mechanics of it? Are you taking something that was not wanted to be given? Certainly not, I'd say. You take something witch others are more than happy to give so you can give as well when your turn comes. I think there is a time when we take, and that may even take a long time, and a time when we give - so the balance is to be set when the balance is upset. I am not advocating in any way here that you should just lurk around, all I am saying is that words of wisdom should not be taken as black and white.

Just a thought. I hope I didn't say anything silly here...

Yes, I agree with you, I do not think it's a black and white, and there is the time for taking and for giving.
Who can actually know when the balance has been achieved?
The only thing I know is that I must strive to participate in the forum, to do EE, detox my body, to spread knowledge about that people around me (if asked).... and to hope the time will come when I'll be able to give back for everything I received.
Right on andi
Yes, I agree with you, I do not think it's a black and white, and there is the time for taking and for giving.
Who can actually know when the balance has been achieved?
The only thing I know is that I must strive to participate in the forum, to do EE, detox my body, to spread knowledge about that people around me (if asked).... and to hope the time will come when I'll be able to give back for everything I received.

It is in my mind that one gets to a stage where one radiates information. One cannot help but include the higher truth in all ones interactions and words. Waiting for someone to ask before radiating this knowledge can be like holding back an explosion with a sack - cannot be done. But that does not mean we are inconsiderate of others, it is just that we ARE and cannot 'not Be'. :lol: But by that stage of unified awareness, we are very careful of our companions. OSIT at the mo.
istina said:
Laura said:
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.

This is something I have not noticed before when I read the transcripts! Now I can understand it better.

Thank you istina for pointing this passage out. To me, it's like another veil being removed. It's like I knew it, but couldn't put my finger on it.

May I summarise what I learned:

You network, you take part, you put yourself out there. You make yourself available in an energetic, psychic exchange. The emphasis being on exchange, on network, involves only taking what has been given to you because you asked (not commanded in its various forms including begging) and giving to all those who ask, but not those who command.

In case of those who command, not giving in the STS sense might be giving in the STO sense. Giving energy to those who wish to drain you, who don't care how detrimental it is to you (either consciously or unconsciously) is becoming a link in the food chain. If you choose to drain and let others drain you, at some point there will be nothing left - I suppose that's the meaning of soul smashing and recycling into primal matter, that's why it's the ultimate and inevitable consequence of the STS path. I think if you've been drained long enough, there's the danger to retreat completely, which would be the exact wrong thing to do, at least if one doesn't wish to become merely a dream in the past like the C's said.

This is the literal meaning of Mme de Salzmann's "You will see that in life you receive exactly what you give.".

But as far as I'm concerned, it's also about keeping an open mind, about doing the work because I enjoy doing the work. I have learned that this is the only way to be satisfied with what I am doing, the moment anticipation or expectation comes into the equation, there's always disappointment and frustration. With less anticipation (and pressure), things tend to flow more naturally.

The part that hasn't sunken in yet I guess is that we are not alone. That the gathering of knowledge by every single member of the group will help acceleration in knowledge gathering for the other members of the group. If we are truly striving to return to an STO realm, we all have to assume responsibility towards the others. I suppose this is what the C's meant when they spoke about receivership capability. It also includes taking good care of ourselves for the sake of the others, like the detoxification, the breathing, the praying and so on. If we are acting self destructive, we are no use to anybody else.

Laura, I truly admire the way you dedicate yourself to others and the way you went through all the hardship in your life and still managed to stay on your path. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your life with the rest of us and for reminding us that the future is open.

I apologise if I am only repeating observations that are obvious to most people here, but I would like to ask if anybody has a comment, if I missed something. Am I going out on a limb here?

Kind regards,

PS: I'll post an introduction in the newbies forum soon, I know it is shamefully overdue. I started, then it became sort of lengthy, and I lost courage. I will try again, it's just that I'm still feeling shy in a room full of strangers (my program or at least one of them)... but I know it's common courtesy on this forum and also an example for giving to those who ask.
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