Session 30 December 2023

Thank you for the session. The most interesting part for me was the conversation with Pierre. The description of the 5D world also reminded me of this scene from Star Trek Generations:

Some time after my grandma, who had Parkinson's disease, died, I had dreams of her being alive and healthy. After I would wake up, I thought that those dreams were stupid since my grandma died, and she will never get healthy again. But reading now about Pierre, I think that perhaps I had a contact with my grandma from 5D, and that she became healthy and "alive" again there. I never thought about that possibility before, because down here in 3D we don't know how things function up there in 5D, but it seems that there is some kind of healing process in the beginning of the 5D life, and it takes some time for people to rejuvenate their minds. But after that process ends, I think that the connection with 5D would depend on us here in 3D. I think that we are the ones who need to improve our minds if we want to make a contact with higher worlds.

I am sad that Pierre died, but having someone of Pierre's rank up there could be very interesting, since he is willing to communicate with us. And we surely need any help that we can get.
Thank you to Laura, the Chateau crew, the C's and Pierre. I am always grateful to read a new session as a way of connecting to all of you and reminding me to stay focused on gaining knowledge and forgiveness. It is so wonderful to actually hear from Pierre.
I have been hearing ringing in my ears for months. It's good to know I'm not alone.
Blessings to you all!
Idem pour moi aussi ! J'ai en fait 2 symptômes ; une tonalité aiguë semi-régulière et un grondement grave également. Je l'ai beaucoup remarqué pendant la période des vacances. Je dois être honnête, je fais régulièrement une auto-évaluation de mon être tout entier ces jours-ci. Je me suis récemment excusé auprès de certaines parties de moi pour avoir été trop en colère et trop intense ces derniers mois. Arrêter de boire de l'alcool s'avère également plus difficile que je ne le pensais. Je suis tombé du wagon hier après une semaine de sobriété, j'ai bu une bouteille de Malbek que je dois dire avec un sentiment de culpabilité que j'ai apprécié. J'ai entendu à la fois la sonnerie et le grondement en même temps la nuit dernière, et j'ai le grondement dans mes deux oreilles en ce moment pendant que j'écris ceci. Difficile de déterminer réellement ce que tout cela signifie, qu'il s'agisse de surveillance, de réflexion ou d'un vague développement en cours ? Difficile de se prononcer à ce stade.

Je n'ai pas vu de trucs bizarres depuis un moment, donc je suppose qu'il vaut mieux ne pas devenir obsédé par les choses hors de mon contrôle. Dans cette nouvelle session, les C disent que nous sommes surveillés et peut-être pire encore, nous devons donc rester attentifs à toute activité néfaste et surveiller toute activité qui semblerait être contre nous. Observez ces déclencheurs émotionnels et essayez de maintenir un sentiment de calme et de sérénité alors que nous faisons face à la force ineffable qu’est l’Union d’Orion. L’heure n’est pas à la complaisance ou à « détourner les yeux du ballon », pour reprendre une métaphore sportive. Nous savons que les sombres Nordiques seront révélés en temps voulu, des gens avec qui nous vivons effectivement une époque extraordinaire ! C'est littéralement comme une réédition de l'Atlantide, avec l'Occident comme l'empire en ruine du chaos STS, et la technologie informatique/IA comme notre équivalent des grands cristaux. Pour nous, c'est de l'argent, pour eux, c'était de l'énergie brute, mais il n'est pas nécessaire qu'il en soit ainsi pour nous tous. J'ai décidé de rationaliser ma vie à Noël et de tenter d'imposer un nouveau régime plus discipliné, dans lequel je me concentre sur des sujets que j'aime, comme l'occultisme (j'ai pris une anthologie sur le sujet par Colin Wilson et elle a été publiée). bon au début) et les ovnis, ainsi qu'un peu de religion aussi. Fondamentalement, j’ai l’impression que le moment est venu de prendre la vie un peu plus au sérieux que je ne l’ai été. Beaucoup de belles paroles ont été prononcées, mais peu d'actions ont été réalisées après coup. J'ai tendance à être un peu maussade, ce qui peut faire de moi un outil émotionnel d'intrigue ou de problème. Je surveille très attentivement mon humeur maintenant.

Ma question pour les C serait la suivante : quelle est la cause réelle de ces sonneries et grondements, et dans

Ditto for me too! I've actually got 2 symptoms; a semi regular high pitched tone, and a low end rumbling noise as well. Noticed it a lot over the holiday period. I've got to be honest I'm giving my whole being a regular self-assessment these days. I apologised to parts of me recently for being too angry and intense these last few months.

My question for the C's would be what actually is causing these ringing and rumble sounds, and to what purpose? Seems like a no-brainer to at least make an enquiry....
I also had buzzes first in the right ear and then a little later, both. It started shortly after my registration on the forum, is it a coincidence... impossible to be sure! I admit that it drove me crazy at night, so I tried different things. First put colloidal silver but impossible to make both ears, I felt the water vibrated in my ear then I tried a small ultrasound device for teeth, the sound was atrocious but calmed the buzzing for a limited time then I had the idea to put a personal crystal on the ear and miracle it passed so that I could fall asleep. Afterwards I tried concentrating on this problem and there I was really relieved. My buzzes are spaced out then almost disappeared, it came back in the night of January 1 to 2 and I was able to manage the problem... I hope it can help other people 🤔.
On the topic of electric-type ringing in the ear, I generally stop it as soon as I start hearing it.

It's hard to explain how, but let's say that I mentally try to close my ears. I concentrate like a muscle and try to stop the noise. It's like I'm using force with my ears, I don't know how to explain it better.

In any case, after a few seconds I manage to stop the noise, which by the way, is almost always in the right ear, although sometimes also in the left ear.

This is my experience, in case it helps anyone as a guide.
In any case, after a few seconds I manage to stop the noise, which by the way, is almost always in the right ear, although sometimes also in the left ear.
The right ear also for you and Cassis? Wow... Same for me.
At first, I dismissed it as me starting to have Tinnitus for unknown reasons since I never listened to loud music. But with all of you having the same thing, it's clear it's not a coincidence.
Thanks for the tips on how to fix it. It's worth a try.
Thank you for another great session. And the divine inspiration of Pierre's Legacy that he is alive and well.
A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven. Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.
Amen to that!
What a truly lovely session for the end of the year. It gives us hope for the future even through all the awfulness that has happened in 2023. How wonderful to know that Pierre is safe and is going to be standing with us even from 5D. His descriptions of his new environment were fascinating It almost makes one want to be there but perhaps not for a little while yet. There is still much work to be done here to keep the beacon shining. Huge thanks to the C's, Laura and the team for bringing us this session. I continue to have comfort in the thought that despite the horrors of what 2024 will bring, we are all here at this time, at this place, because we chose to be....
I totally agree 100% and am very very grateful to everyone. Few people are fortunate enough to have such safe and beneficial advice to help us navigate these extremely emotional and rocky times. Without heeding this truly loving guidance we can be those lemmings that are stampeded to their slaughter.
Like others I too get the more frequent times when I feel/hear the STS 'connecting' sounds in my ears - even above my very loud tinnitis, because they give off a totally different sound. So I attempt to note what I have been thinking/concentrating on at the time, for further clues of any 'influence' I may have unconsciously been under prior/after.
Was wondering if the difference in 'tone' was a 'free-will' thing, giving us the chance to note or ignore it. But hey, when do they ever bother about free will !!

Pierre so deserves his Sainthood! It will be interesting to find out what the 'distortions' are, and how to circumnavigate them when communicating to/from higher spheres.
I pray he is able to be with our members soon in 5D - a mirrow forum lol.
There is someone else who is always in my heart and throughts - another huge hero of ours!
Caesar :-)
I would so love to know his thoughts on how things are unfurling on our/his planet. What advice, and plans will come to pass, whether there have been any changes to his 'coming/teachings'? The Wave had to have its effects first I think?
Yes, he too had everyone turn against him - as so many assassinations here atm.
Loyalty and Love - in the true senses - seem even rarer in our world now - real STO glue IMO. xxxx
Thank you Laura, Pierre and Cassiopаean from the bottom of my heart for this historic session. I learned many new things, with much joy and tears while reading this wonderful session. I am infinitely grateful. I don't know how else to express it. I wish you all Love, Love and only Love.
Many thanks to everyone involved for this wonderful and very inspiring session. I care for my seriously ill mom and together we share the knowledge that death is not the end but a transition to another world. On better days we often pray together and I tell her stories of the wonderful world that awaits her soon. Some time ago I recorded 2 more prayers: Psalm 23 from the Good Shepherd and St. Paul's letter about love. Although mom doesn't react much, she smiles as if her subconscious understands my voice. @Jacques I often have a memory in my head of the movie "What Dreams May Come", which was the only movie I ever actually bought on DVD.
Pierre also has a big place in my thoughts and I am very confident that he will be very helpful to our cause. :hug2:
No one is lost; there is no lost soul. God cannot lose Himself; neither can He destroy Himself. "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain." Hope springs eternal in the breast of the truth student, but this hope is an abiding faith in an omnipresent and ultimate good.

This seems to resonate in my mind when C's said "All that exists are lessons" I totally agree, not single soul is lost and for the sincere truth students to find truth knowledge is a never ending quest, a quest to find your purpose, knowing your stance here on earth is just a flitting moment compare with the all the eternity, to find strength to continue when all strength has left you, to find Joy even when darkness descends and just in that fleeting moment Light Everlasting.
That was fkn amazing...I barely knew Pierre in my time here, but had tears in my eyes as he talked to us. Mind blowing, I'm sure it touched you all even deeper. Thank you Pierre, will see you sometime in the future.

So November is a big month for us...elections...if we can get there...can they have any integrity or is the cheating system wide and outcome predetermined?
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