Session 30 January 2010

Interesting info about those cells and schizophrenics.

I remember hearing a radio show last week speaking of a psychiatrist who had no luck with stopping the voices of a woman. This is the old style of psychotherapy before the tons of drugs. She would get better for an hour or maybe a day, and then start hearing the voices again. She went to someone else who gave her B vitamins to take and in a week the voices went away and never came back!

The B vitamins are key in creating neurotransmitters, so perhaps with an imbalance, those cells don't get used and die off? Perhaps the cells come back in her case when there is time for the body to see the need for them?
Another happy Session :3

By the way I wonder what it means when the cs said "5D is watching closely" :)
Gaolea said:
Another happy Session :3

By the way I wonder what it means when the cs said "5D is watching closely" :)

Have you read the entire thread, or just the session? Because Laura explains it here:

Laura said:
I'll have to go back to listen to the tape to see what we were talking about. My general impression was that there was intense interest in our activities in 5 D for a variety of reasons even including just "dead relatives" of all those attending being present to cheer us on. But, after reading some of these comments and questions I started to mull the thing over and went to bed last night thinking about it. During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

Yes, the sessions are very interesting, but the discussions that ensue from them are even more interesting! ;)
Well, that's synchronicity for you: Today I was wondering about a dream I had over a year ago.
My mother died just after I left school. I haven't had many dreams of her since then, nor of my grandmother who has also been dead several years.
In my dream I was seated at a table, treated to a wonderful meal (my mother was a terrific cook) with both of them. It was a reunion
and you can imagine how overjoyed I felt. I don't recall the conversation we had, but at the end my mother said something to me.
I remember the expression she had on her face , as if I was in grave trouble, or my life was going terribly wrong. I don't know, but it was very serious. I've never seen her look that way before. She was also somehow more spiritually evolved than I remember her in life.
I really think the dream was a warning, and possibly it was a kind of visit from my beloved mother and grandmother. It felt very, very real. I woke up in tears.
Yes, 5D taking an interest would be my take on that dream and it galvanised me into getting my act together.
Gaolea said:
Another happy Session :3

By the way I wonder what it means when the cs said "5D is watching closely" :)

Sounded a little ominous to me, like they are wondering who will be joining them. Maybe they will place bets? lol.
Alana said:
Gaolea said:
Another happy Session :3

By the way I wonder what it means when the cs said "5D is watching closely" :)

Have you read the entire thread, or just the session? Because Laura explains it here:

Laura said:
I'll have to go back to listen to the tape to see what we were talking about. My general impression was that there was intense interest in our activities in 5 D for a variety of reasons even including just "dead relatives" of all those attending being present to cheer us on. But, after reading some of these comments and questions I started to mull the thing over and went to bed last night thinking about it. During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

Yes, the sessions are very interesting, but the discussions that ensue from them are even more interesting! ;)

Ahw Thank u very much dear, Im very grateful that you provided me the quote of Laura Knight is a nice info I never would have imagined

From now on im going to try to read all the threads

gam gam:3
I haven't read this whole thread, but After reading Laura's quotation of Lobaczewski (talking about Obama) on page 9 I was curious and did an internet search. Since Lobaczewski says schizoidal psychopaths are often misdiagnosed as schizophrenic, I was curious if anyone has called Obama such. I got the following result.

I don't know if the report is true or what parts are true, but it seemed to match up pretty nicely with Lobaczewski's description. This is from October 2010, btw.

Here's and opening quote, after which he quotes the supposed "insider" who's "leaking information":
Recently, someone who claims s/he’s a White House insider has been talking to blogger Ulsterman about what’s happening behind-the-scenes in the Obama administration. Fellowship of the Minds has dubbed this anonymous White House insider ”DeepThroat2″ (DT2) – after the famous anonymous source for Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein on Nixon’s Watergate scandal. [See my posts on this HERE and HERE.]

According to the most recent communication from DT2, Obama is battling severe depression and is on anti-depressant meds. He is also very angry and smoking more than a pack of ciggies a day — all signs of a man who’s very stressed but who remains in denial that he himself is the source of the problem.

Now, DT2′s testimony is not just confirmed by an exclusive-to-subscribers Wayne Madsen Report (WMR), but Obama’s condition is even worse. WMR adds paranoia and schizophrenia to Obama’s depression.

It is one thing for Obama to be depressed; schizophrenia is another matter altogether. Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking and of emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. [See my post on what Obama's "schizophrenia" means.]
HowToBe said:
I haven't read this whole thread, but After reading Laura's quotation of Lobaczewski (talking about Obama) on page 9 I was curious and did an internet search. Since Lobaczewski says schizoidal psychopaths are often misdiagnosed as schizophrenic, I was curious if anyone has called Obama such. I got the following result.

Wayne Madsen isn't really a source to be trusted - he's pretty insane himself. I'd take this one with an enormous grain of salt.
HowToBe said:
Fellowship of the Minds has dubbed this anonymous White House insider ”DeepThroat2″ (DT2) – after the famous anonymous source for Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein on Nixon’s Watergate scandal.
Wayne Madsen, sketchy, yeah. But, this line referring to a new Deep Throat, is a bit dramatic and automatically turns on my suspicions.
bonjour laura
je suis français et je ne sais pas ercire anglais.
j'ai lu vos 4 livres sur l'onde. tres interressant
je lis vos transcription et je peux dire avec ce que je sais que beaucoup de chose sont juste.

J'aimerais que vous posiez quelques questions aux Cassiopaean:

Avant je vais repondre a l'une de vos questions sur la fabrication de l'or.Il vous a été répondu cherché.
voici la reponse :

la base du probleme est de considerer que les metaux ne sont pas des corps simples mais des corps composés.Mes decouvertes a partir de platon m'ont permis de dire ceci:
le symbole de l'eau est l'oxygene et son symbole est le O.
le symbole de l'air est l'azoth ou azote, et son symbole est le N
le symbole de la terre est le carbone et son symbole est le C
le symbole du feu est l'hydrogene et son symbole est le H

Comme le dit le chimiste tiffireau, a partir de ces 4 elements on doit pouvoir fabriquer tous les autres elements de la table .
Et comme en peinture, il faut un médium pour lier ces molecues, ce medium est l'ether et son symbole est le E.

En associant ces 5 elements nous avons le mot ENOCH ou ce que j'apperais le livre de la creation par les esprits.

voici le debut du livre que je detiens:

L'or et la transmutation des métaux
Paris 1889
Lu à l'Académie des Sciences dans la Séance du 17 octobre 1853.
Les métaux sont des corps composés.
Afin de faire disparaître les doutes qui peuvent rester dans tes esprits au sujet de la découverte que
j'ai faite, de l'or artificiel, je vais entrer dans quelques détails dû mes expériences, CE prouver que,
dans les circonstances où j'ai opéré, je n'ai pu prendre des illusions pour des réalités.
Messieurs, le métal que j'ai choisi pour base de mes expériences est l'argent, métal parfaitement
distinct des autres par ses propriétés chimiques, qui sont tout à fait caractéristiques, comme on sait,
et qui, par conséquent ne permettent pas de le confondre avec aucun autre ; par cette raison même,
il est facile de l'obtenir chimiquement pur ; de sorte qu'agissant sur ce métal, je pouvais me rendre
parfaitement compte des changements partiels ou entiers que pouvaient opérer les agents chimiques
que j'employais.
Dans mes premiers essais, je pus ma convaincre qu'une très minime quantité d'argent passait à Fêtât
d'or, mais en si petite quantité que je doutai d'abord de la réussite du fait quoique cependant je fusse
bien convaincu que l'argent que j'employais ne contenait pas la moindre quantité d'or.
Si je n'avais que ce résultat à montrer, on pourrait douter et dire que l'argent employé n'était pas
chimiquement pur : que d'ailleurs l'argent renferme toujours de l'or et qu'il n'y a donc rien
d'étonnant à ce que j'en aie trouvé j'admettrais encore que l'argent pouvait contenir des traces d'or ;
mais ce que je ne puis admettre, c'est qu'il puisse y avoir illusion de ma part. lorsque, dans plusieurs
autres expériences capitales que j'ai faites, j'ai vu tout l'argent employé changer d'aspect et de
propriétés ; le métal qui, avant l'expérience, était en entier soluble dans l'acide azotique, est devenu
complètement insoluble dans ce réactif ; il est devenu au contraire soluble en entier dans l'eau
régale et tes sulfures alcalins ; en un mot il a acquis toutes tes propriétés chimiques et physiques de
l'or ; l'argent tout entier s'est changé en or. J'ajouterai que j'ai opéré sur d'assez grandes quantités,
comme je l'ai dit dans mon précédent mémoire, pour qu'il ne puisse me rester aucun doute sur le
fait accompli ; j'ai suivi avec attention toutes les phases de ces expériences qui ont été fort longues,
et si je ne puis pas toujours les répéter avec le môme succès, le fait capital de la, transformation de
l'argent en or n'en existe pas moins.
J'ai l'honneur de mettre sous les yeux de l'Académie une faible partie de ce premier or tel que je l'ai
; il est facile de se convaincre que ce produit a son cachet particulier qui le distingue de l'or
de mine, de celui de placer et de celui des sables aurifères : lorsqu'il est fondu, il est impossible de.
Le distinguer de l'or naturel, parfaitement identique avec lui.


voici le lien d'un FM haut gradé qui a mal protégé ses secrets:

questions aux cassiopeens:

1/Demander aux cassiopeans si ma decouverte est juste pour enoch et la formule de l'or qui est la suivante:
acide nitrique ionisé par rayon gamma selon le procéde de marcel violet de 1962( livre le secret des patriarches) + acide sulfurique+ argent+fer+cuivre+eau, le tout a faire chauffer a 600°. Et comme la symbolique de l'alchimie on va passer du noir au rouge.
2/ pourquoi la terre vue de l'espace ressemble a un puzzle de têtes de dinosaures ,de singes et d'animaux marins qui tous s'imbriquent admirablement?
3/ la chine, l'europe represente un caimen avec ses 4 pattes sa tete et sa queue. quelle relation y a t(il entre ce territoire et les lezards?
4/ En afrique le lac victoria forme l'oeil d'un dinosaure , est ce vrai?
5/ qui est la femme lionne que j'ai trouvée sur MARs sous forme de tete geante?
6/ pourquoi les images de hubbles ne montrent t-elles pas la constellation du lion? Qu'ai je trouvé et que suis arrivé a dessiner avec les images de google earth?

Laura j'ai essayé de vous montrer que je suis sérieux en vous devoilant la formule de l'or. Je vous autorise a leur demandé quis suis je.
j'attends les reponses a mes questions
Laura said:
I've introduced a new "style" in this session: giving some of those present their forum names for familiarity.

Session Date: January 30th 2010

(L) I have a question. I've been waiting for somebody to ask it, but since nobody is going to ask it, I want to ask it: Was the Haiti earthquake an induced earthquake, or was it totally natural?

A: (Planchette swirls on board) INDUCED! Bet you didn't expect that, did you?!

Q: (L) Frankly, I didn't. Because I've already gone on record saying it wasn't. I just poo-pooed the whole idea as too far out there. (laughter) So now I've gotta...

(Joe) Well, it was the Russians who said that, wasn't it?

A: No!

Q: (Joe) Didn't you tell us the Russians reported that?

(L) The question I want to ask is, how do they induce earthquakes? (To Ark) How do you think they induce earthquakes? (Joe) Space-based satellite

(Ark) Well, just search the internet! (laughter) Yeah, it's on the internet. You create special waves that go into the earth and propagate in the right direction...

(L) I don't believe it. They don't have enough power to do that.

(Joe) I want to know who induced it?

A: U.S.

Q: (Joe) At the government level, or super-secret nonsense?

A: Secret gov.

Q: (L) And how did they do this? Was this from some kind of waves that Ark is talking about?

A: Close. And notice that no one is arguing with them right now!

Q: (L) In other words, you've got something that can do that, nobody's gonna mess with you.

(Ark) But the main question is, did they really want to induce it in the neighborhood of Haiti, or it was a mistake?

A: Yes, the prep was done.

Q: (Andromeda) So they intentionally did it to Haiti.

(Ark) What I would do, I would use a submarine and go near the fault, and do the job using these submarines as a so to say amplifiers for something. There are these faults under the ocean. It's enough to move this fault in the right direction with the right frequency, and you get it.

A: Too dangerous that way because the pulses would also destroy the sub. Better to use triangulated space-based weapons.

I am shocked, specially with existence of "triangulated space-based weapons" - so that means actually that we are all trapped physically on earth and depending on the will of psychopaths?!? :huh: :cry: :(
solarmind said:
I am shocked, specially with existence of "triangulated space-based weapons" - so that means actually that we are all trapped physically on earth and depending on the will of psychopaths?!? :huh: :cry: :(
If the space-based weapons can be used to cause an earthquake, maybe they're only be able to cause one, especially a big one enough to cause a lot of damage, in an area where such earthquakes could have occurred naturally. Sort of like, they can't cause a big one anywhere they want to, like the middle of Moscow for instance, because the necessary local conditions aren't right?
Peam said:
solarmind said:
I am shocked, specially with existence of "triangulated space-based weapons" - so that means actually that we are all trapped physically on earth and depending on the will of psychopaths?!? :huh: :cry: :(
If the space-based weapons can be used to cause an earthquake, maybe they're only be able to cause one, especially a big one enough to cause a lot of damage, in an area where such earthquakes could have occurred naturally. Sort of like, they can't cause a big one anywhere they want to, like the middle of Moscow for instance, because the necessary local conditions aren't right?

here is kind of a thought from this session that can follow and partly maybe answer your comment Peam:

Laura said:
Q: (Andromeda) Was it like a test?

A: No.

Q: (Burma Jones) Not a test, so they've used this thing a lot before?

(Joe) They used it on the Columbia.

A: Once or twice.

Q: (Joe) Used on the space shuttle.

(Psyche) That's why Chavez was so sure.

(Ark) It's probably much easier for the island than on the mainland...

(L) Yeah, because you've got separation with the ocean bed and different strata. It would be too uncontrollable if you started zapping a fault on a large land body.

(Andromeda) Like California?

(Joe) When they said, "notice how no one is arguing with them now", does that mean that most major nations in the world are aware that this was a...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Good way to shut people up.

A: Spy vs. Spy

so according to this I understand it - that THE ALL MAJOR GOVERMENTS KNOW much much more than we can imagine, and now after knowing this I can better understand Putin and his peaceful tactics in order not to provoke anything "otherworldly" what will look like earthquake.

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