Session 30 January 2021

Thank you for this session. Re-reading it has helped in gaining perspective again. Been feeling overwhelmed lately, so to view it all as an unfolding show brings a needed distance from the more horrifying parts. Lock down was just extended again where I am. It's so frustrating but at least today there is space to get clear about what's important and do stuff.
Against my wishes, my grandson was given vaccines by his father, who gets final medical say, according to custody agreement.
This is a hard thing, to watch family members inflict damage on their own children, against your stated preferences. So the vaccine decision is out of your control, and you can only do damage control.

Maybe the DMSO thread and book might be helpful for your grandson?
The book DMSO by Morton Walker is free in audiobook format on hoopla if your library participates.
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Thank you, Chateau Crew! This session was posted at quite a turbulent time for me as it seems it was for so many others. Needed some extra space to get grounded. Starting to peek out from SETTMX :knitting:

There’s a lot of great insights here from the group. I could pull quotes from just about the whole session and comments that resonated with me, but this one stood out as the main theme unfolding around me:

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.

To start, things got a little “high strange” after smudging our property with sage. Whatever settled in wasn’t happy about leaving. I do believe we arm wrestled it on its way - quite the exercise in hindsight 😅 I believe the crystals had a hand in maintaining the proper FRV - thank you to those keeping the charge. Breathing right also helped.

Plus this mercury/aquarian retrograde seemed extra intense in my area - pretty sure the wave passed through and a new timeline (or program?) settled in around here sometime around 2/7/21. Life felt uncannily quantized at times.

It was right around some of the earth quake swarms (gravity waves?) in early February which I’d been monitoring through Dutchsinse lately.

So, I’m getting the strong sense that the west coast is gonna buckle soon and the cause has something to do with the ideological possession that has a hold on people’s minds — a post-Trump reconciliation meets karmic retribution with a Wetiko manifestation that very well could scare “the living day lights” out of people. All that energy’s gotta go somewhere or attract something...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also had quite a few premonitions about how the “show” will unfold plus much more (mostly personal timeline and past lives pavilion stuff). Plenty terrifying but also bouts of cry laughing - it really may be the best medicine. Still working through all the “channel static” and brain storming or “vision questing” as I sometimes refer to it. Timelines, souls groups and possible futures all seem to coalescing though.

Just doing my best to keep the lighthouse attenuated to the right tune - keeping the signal slow and steady while shining a light on evil.

hlat said:
This is a hard thing, to watch family members inflict damage on their own children, against your stated preferences. So the vaccine decision is out of your control, and you can only do damage control.

Maybe the DMSO thread and book might be helpful for your grandson?
I don't know anything about this supplement. I will definitely begin reading about it. Thank you so much!
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Thank you, Chateau Crew! This session was posted at quite a turbulent time for me as it seems it was for so many others. Needed some extra space to get grounded. Starting to peek out from SETTMX :knitting:

There’s a lot of great insights here from the group. I could pull quotes from just about the whole session and comments that resonated with me, but this one stood out as the main theme unfolding around me:

To start, things got a little “high strange” after smudging our property with sage. Whatever settled in wasn’t happy about leaving. I do believe we arm wrestled it on its way - quite the exercise in hindsight 😅 I believe the crystals had a hand in maintaining the proper FRV - thank you to those keeping the charge. Breathing right also helped.

Plus this mercury/aquarian retrograde seemed extra intense in my area - pretty sure the wave passed through and a new timeline (or program?) settled in around here sometime around 2/7/21. Life felt uncannily quantized at times.

It was right around some of the earth quake swarms (gravity waves?) in early February which I’d been monitoring through Dutchsinse lately.

So, I’m getting the strong sense that the west coast is gonna buckle soon and the cause has something to do with the ideological possession that has a hold on people’s minds — a post-Trump reconciliation meets karmic retribution with a Wetiko manifestation that very well could scare “the living day lights” out of people. All that energy’s gotta go somewhere or attract something...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also had quite a few premonitions about how the “show” will unfold plus much more (mostly personal timeline and past lives pavilion stuff). Plenty terrifying but also bouts of cry laughing - it really may be the best medicine. Still working through all the “channel static” and brain storming or “vision questing” as I sometimes refer to it. Timelines, souls groups and possible futures all seem to coalescing though.

Just doing my best to keep the lighthouse attenuated to the right tune - keeping the signal slow and steady while shining a light on evil.

Maxwell, with reference to your quote about the West Coast buckling, by coincidence I came across an article on the Truthseeker website recently, which relates to a vision a young Californian man, Joe Brandt, had in 1938 after falling from his horse and being taken to hospital with serious head injuries. I know the C's have said previously that you should not necessarily take 'California collapsing' to literally mean falling in to the sea but to Brandt his vision was very real and he saw a world wide disaster, not just something affecting California. I hope your premonitions were not as grim as this.

Rixon Stewart who runs the Truthseeker website added these additonal comments to the posting: "lF the events described here happen it will be seen as a karmic response to the Covid scam. God’s answer to man’s arrogance. Atlantis Part II".

This website is a useful source of articles on the Covid pandemic and the planned global economic reset for those who are interested.


Thanks for this session Chateau Crew! Most interesting.
I think it's fair to assume that pretty much everyone on this planet has some sort of karmic reckoning to experience, as the C's, Ra, and other sources have alluded. At some point, most genetic lineages must have risen big enough to be an empire, commit attrocities, fall, and be the "victims" of the next empire. In this sense, truly there are no victims, and everyone is learning (or not) from their past actions.
Thanks for this session Chateau Crew! Most interesting.
I think it's fair to assume that pretty much everyone on this planet has some sort of karmic reckoning to experience, as the C's, Ra, and other sources have alluded. At some point, most genetic lineages must have risen big enough to be an empire, commit attrocities, fall, and be the "victims" of the next empire. In this sense, truly there are no victims, and everyone is learning (or not) from their past actions.
The subject of genetic lines is fascinating. Kay kim can you see yourself in the work of C's and Laura? They seem to be quite discreet on the subject ?:lkj:
A: Chaos.

Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?

A: Fear of losing control.

Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?

(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.

(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.

A: Greed is a sickness.

Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?

A: Yes

Indeed, and more recently this can be seen over and over again in the series Resurrection Ertugrul: An epic with heart and values in pathological personal and state actions. It has been interesting to watch the mirrors to our times.

Regarding the disintegration of Kantek:

A: It was also directional due to velocity and direction of planet's orbit and rotation.

Q: (L) So you can't just calculate something for an object that's sitting still. There also had to have been effects caused by the other planets like the gas giants. They would have had gravitational effects on whatever was going on. It's such a complex system that it's hard to do any calculations for it.
Ignatius Donnelly, roughly speaking, made comments of the earth punching a hole through a comets tail wherein the debris would focus on the planets facing intersection. Donnelly's book, Ragnarok, provides a look at this, geographically, with the sudden buildup of gravels on top of other dated earth substructures. Wherever that intersection was when the earth (and the other planets) was suddenly broadsided by the Kantek explosion (don't really know), yet one can imagine the planet's face being hit with a massive sandblast of high velocity, possibly even ripping the atmospheric sheath away, temporarily, in not dissimilar ways to what Pierre Lescaudron discusses in this article.


(Joe) There's not much to enjoy. It's painful.

(Chu) The problem is that shows are short. You watch for an hour or two, turn the TV off, and it's over. This show is going to go on for YEARS!

(Pierre) And there are Dukes and Duchesses in those shows. More entertaining. The real show doesn’t seem to have any Dukes…

(L) The only thing I can say about it is that we learn from it. At a certain point, you get to where... I dunno, you get more detached because you can only endure so much pain. It's like physical pain: at a certain point, something shuts down when you're having physical pain, and it stops. Either you stop feeling it because your brain stops carrying the signals, or you pass out, or SOMETHING happens. [laughter]

(Joe) It's like watching a slow train wreck. For a long time, you might think you'll sound the alarm and prevent the worst that's going to happen. But at some point you realize nobody's listening and it'll happen anyway. At that point, you have to realize it's simply out of your hands. And you see it happening over a long period of time, so you do get a bit anesthetized against it in a certain sense. You can't keep being stressed about it and survive.

(Andromeda) Or even shocked about it.

(L) When you take it all in perspective, all the pain and suffering on each and every side of all the different groups of people throughout history, and then about recompense coming to this or that group... And of course the average person would think, "Well, those people that committed those acts are not the ones who are suffering because they died and it's their children that are suffering." Well, that completely leaves out the idea of reincarnation, that people come back again and pay. I remember when we asked something about Atlantis and the C's said the Atlanteans were doing a replay of their attempt to control the whole world.

(Pierre) The motive is similar. The last destruction of Atlantis was...

(L) It was about power. We asked once about if black people in Africa ever had a high civilization. They said yes. I asked what happened to it, and they said they were cruel overlords and their civilization was destroyed and they were reduced to bare survival in the jungles or savanna or whatever as a result. So... Power comes to one and then it's taken away. It goes to another, and it's taken away. Over and over again. We just happen to be here in a place and time where a whole lot of things are culminating in one point in our history. And the C's have said that this is because it's the closing of a Grand Cycle of 309,000 years or something like that. So ALL the little threads that were left dangling and all the different groups that are deserving of punishment... And I guess the Brits are REALLY going to get it because of their whole empire thing... oh my god. And I should talk about it! My DNA says I'm 85% British, Scottish, and Irish. So... How do I know that I wasn't one of those empire-building nabobs over in India or Malaysia or the colonies in America. And of course you can't even really get all soft and syrupy about the Native Americans. What did they do? They were probably the Atlanteans. That's what their punishment was: to be overwhelmed by the European invaders.

(Niall) What did the Irish ever do to anyone? [laughter]

(L) We don't know.

(Joe) The current ones have been infiltrated. They're all half-castes in power. Laura, you were the Duke or Duchess of Tinklebottom... The Duke of Whibblesworth... Some funny English name. You will pay!

(Pierre) Taking this historic distance, you don't identify as much.

(Joe) You should take that French flag down in the workshop, then. [laughter]

(L) Well, all joking aside, I think the bottom line is that we're being challenged to take a more cosmic perspective on the whole thing. What did the Cs say once? No body-centric persons need apply. If you're body-centric, that means you're stuck in your 3D thinking. We're being invited to rise above that and basically enjoy the show because we're seeing a BIG historical set of events transpiring right before our eyes.

(PoB) Can we change the channel?

(Niall) Only if you change your proteins!

(Joe) A very good way to stop identifying with 3d reality is for it ALL to go to hell! Who wants to identify with something that's a clown show, ya know?

(Andromeda) Which it is!

(L) It IS fascinating, I gotta admit!

Yes, painfully it is fascinating when looked at as a whole, when the threads of history are laid out that mark its progression - while the reincarnated being learns anew and must pay. And yes, the ancestors of our reincarnated roots: The British empire that never sleeps. The Spanish Conquistadors rape and pillage. Religious holly wars. The French wars. The Dutch wars. The German wars - laying havoc to the Russians and the ideological purges. The American wars of control for the last few hundred years at home and abroad. The Roman wars and Khan to Constantinople. The Chinese, from dynastic cycles to Mao, and the Japanese and what we don't know of our deep historical times, like Atlantis and others. This is just a slice of it all.

The suffering, good God.

Thanks for the discussion from the End of Session, appreciated.
Strategically enclose, allow DNA to percolate and then become that legend that lives in all of us.

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Those are some moves, haha! Plus, I actually did buy a new broom today. :thup:

I know the C's have said previously that you should not necessarily take 'California collapsing' to literally mean falling in to the sea but to Brandt his vision was very real and he saw a world wide disaster, not just something affecting California. I hope your premonitions were not as grim as this.

Thanks for the article - that's a pretty grim account and seems plausible. Although my impressions aren't as vividly grim, they go into the formation of California islands territory after a single quake ruptures from the Cascadia sub-duction zone all the way through the Hayward and San Andreas fault line (there's quite a few articles on SOTT posted regarding this scenario although had trouble finding what I was looking for) while most of inland and Southern California are toast - hope it's all just a story waiting to be written. 😔
It seems to me that the majority of people in the group are people with no kids or kids that are grown. Very rarely do I see advice toward people who have other humans literally depending on them with the vaccination situation. All the advice is wonderful for taking care of yourself. You can tell the children your advice I have read, but how would you know if they understand all the info regarding how to keep implants from activating. It seems unrealistic for children. You can say you won't take the vaccine, but this will not work for school. So does anyone have any advice that have kids, on what we should do? I know the School is going to force it eventually. I hardly think sitting back and eating popcorn is the answer for those of us in the middle of it with our kids. Yes if I didn't have kids, maybe it would be amusing to watch the show. Having to watch them scream and cry and suffer doesn't seem so amusing to me! Especially when they look to me with trust that I will protect them or try! The one child that is oldest doesn't comprehend how to keep an implant from activating, he is confused! Is there some advice for the ones who have kids or are taking care of someone disabled. I know you can take supplements that help. But that might slap of torture by a non-custodial parent that wants custody if your kids are fighting you on supplements. Also if there is something in vaccine to exterminate people they don't want in gene pool. Will any of these supplements help anyway? Is there any point in me trying to skip vaccine if my kids have to take it.? It somehow seems wrong! Did I miss something? We're you pointing out earlier that we are the expendable crew members. I really wasn't going to say anything. Had a feeling that's the situation. Thought I would ask just in case for my children's sake. Thank you
Granted that you are not in an easy position. And you are correct, most have no kids or older kids (or so it seems). I have six daughters in their 30's. No grandchildren for whatever reason. On the other hand, I have over 60 nephews and nieces who have children and no, it is not easy with what is going on and there aren't many solutions in the society that you are going to raise them in. There are other ways to view this, but they are not easy.
The subject of genetic lines is fascinating. Kay kim can you see yourself in the work of C's and Laura? They seem to be quite discreet on the subject ?:lkj:
I meant cosmic genetic lines:read:

seve, is there a specific reason you asked Kay Kim whether she sees herself in the work of the C’s and Laura?

I’m not too sure what made you ask her specifically, what exactly you mean by Kay Kim “seeing herself” in the C’s and Laura’s work, and how this relates to genetic lines. Could you please elaborate on those points a little?
You are right, the problem of children is real. There are 2 possibilities: your child is vaccinated in spite of you and then there are possibilities to reduce the impact of the vaccine on him (see corona thread) or your spiritual resonance will manage to protect him from the vaccine and in one way or another he will not be vaccinated. In either case you will have done your best according to your deepest convictions.

I’m not sure I understand how exactly our spiritual resonance with others can protect them from being vaccinated. Or from anything else. Could you describe how you think such protection would work?

Also, what gave you the idea that spiritual resonance with others can protect those others?
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Yes, I am not sure if there was a term spiritual resonance, either. Someone said it above and it sounded similar to what I remembered. It was so hard to recall where, and if my memory was correct on Laura's writings. It wasn't specifically on vaccinations, but in general on the special relationship between parents and their children. I asked because I looked in a few places and could not find it. Maybe it was never there, this is true. However, I very rarely forget her writings. I just have trouble remembering where I read them and the exact wording. It revolved around her relationship with her kids in the early days and all her suffering, and theirs. I am going back and rereading the early days again. I would have just assumed I must have been mistaken if a previous post had not said it. That may have been just out of the blue and their hopeful opinion. They never said Laura said that. Anyway, I will begin researching it.

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