Session 31 December 2020

Thank you for sharing another illuminating session and for your tireless efforts.

He is almost damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
I only noticed the 'almost' on the third read! Made me feel a bit more hopeful. A previous post also picked up on this.

Someone commented that Trump is only a businessman. I remember reading somewhere that Trump attended military academy. One of his heroes is General George Patton. Whether or not you take the Q phenomenon seriously it is military intel. I think Trump is more military moulded than his public persona would indicate. His concern for the treatment of military veterans and what he has done for them is another indicator of this.
Thank you very much for the session. It is great to know that Ark is doing well!
As many others, I have been struggling to make ends meet, it’s been a very tough year money wise but I hope I can contribute now on regularly even If with a just small donation like the one I just made. Thank you very much for sharing your work and knowledge so generously and for being truly a Light in the darkness🙂🌹
Thank you for the session. I like the fact the C's leave it to the individual to work out what's going on with their own hints. They've always helped but left the real work to Laura and crew.
The forum has being there for many years now assisting the group and individuals with advice and perspectives that would be very hard to find anywhere.
I am truly humbled by your work and will work out a way to increase my contribution. Thanks for the session it is appreciated by all. I've had a crazy year personally and it appears things will intensify. Couldn't get through this without you guys. Love the team and virtual hugs to all.
I, and probably others, are thumping ourselves on the head for not realizing that the financial effects of the scamdemic have resulted in a significant decrease in donations. I suppose since every alternative site I visit is requesting donations, along with any number of worthy charitable causes, one becomes inured to them as it's not possible to contribute to them all unless it's just a pittance. Of course, I always think of the trillions going to the MIC which in turn is going to means and measures to destroy populations, and I really get steamed! So, to my mind, the very best use of my ability to donate is to continue to support FOTCM in that it will also benefit all of humanity.
Perlou, please understand that we very much appreciate the thought but your situation is such that perhaps someone else can contribute in your name?
Perlou, my next donation will be in your name and for all others who are financially unable to contribute at this time. One for All and All for One!
We are actually already in the middle of a "Zombie Apocalypse" with all the Leftist/Libtards in the role of the zombies.
Yes, I've been thinking that's the case as well and it went from minimum to maximum in 2020! I mentioned before that it's like an evil spell has been cast upon humanity! Now more than ever - Crystal Power!!! That truly conjures up an image of Laura and Ark as caped superheroes, because they are super and heroes!! Feel free to explore any merchandising/revenue possibilities this may inspire!
Energy waves abound in your realm. Strange phenomena increasing.
Reading this made me wonder about the blue ufo seen in Hawaii - ufo or energy blob? I guess I'm not aware of any previous ufos having that appearance although I guess they can appear any way they want. Just another aspect of "the show" becoming even more interesting.

Fasten your safety belts riders - the roller coaster is picking up speed!
Thank you for this session! Although it was dire, I needed to hear it. I hope Trump can pull through and do the best for all.

Seems to me it was always the eagles bailing their butts out of the fire.

Yes, that's been a joke about LOTR. I had wondered sometime during lockdown, when things were really emotional and slow, if we had a sort of "big red button" that could only be used once in a lifetime, lifetimes, or Grand Cycle. But that was calling it early and the show is intensifying. So who knows if there is such an option, but it might be savior-like thinking.

I had a feeling these last months that I had to be the best person I could be to my family, colleagues, my friends... because I could very well die in the turmoil that's coming, and I kind of came to make peace with that.

I've thought about this some too, and I had the idea that 2019 was our last "normal" year. But it really matters now to be good to people you are close to, because if we are getting a real pandemic with a large death rate, it will be best have our interactions with others on good terms.

I, and probably others, are thumping ourselves on the head for not realizing that the financial effects of the scamdemic have resulted in a significant decrease in donations.

I didn't realize it either despite obviously a large number of layoffs, closings, furloughs, etc. Most of the pandemic's effects were emotional for me. I recall people saying they had trouble in their jobs in the corona thread, and recently there was a thread about jobs and unemployment.

I just went out for a supply run yesterday in anticipation of any election chaos this coming week. Not sure what to do really regarding avoiding people. I mean, I still have to go to work, occasionally a brick and mortar store, and visit family sometimes. How can you know who is vaccinated? For now mostly it's elderly, healthcare workers and military, right?

And even N95 masks won't work if the zombie coronavirus is a virus. So I guess we are just taking our chances, fortifying our immune systems, and hoping for the best?

I still have the message for Ark under my home crystal. Should we put the message for Trump (and Melania) under Ark's or over it, or doesn't matter?
A: Good question. He is almost damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. One thing is certain, the Biden presidency represents an almost immediate slide into totalitarianism.

Let's hope that Trump has the boldness to do what needs to be done. A Biden presidency will give the Great Reset a full green light. A Trump presidency is the favorable timeline.

Thanks for the session!
Thanks for the session!
A: Those who can give more should do so now more than ever. As we have said before, money equals energy. That energy helps all of you to carry on and strengthen the center. If the center holds, so will the spokes and satellites. The PTB are trying to make it difficult or impossible. But the center must hold for all. We here urge all your members to do all they can. There is much more turmoil to come. The hope of your realm rests on your network. It would be a shame to waste that hope. Goodbye.
Donation on the way,

Perhaps, however, once a dangerous pandemic is unleashed upon the world, it has to run its course. Clues as to how it might unfold can be found in history, i.e. the Black Death. Diet and other measures we discussed in the Health and Wellness forum should definitely help.
Hm Black death has developed over several years. Although in those days there was no such globalisation, no such communication as today.

Looking at Black Death, I have always wondered why there were few reports from that period, or possibly death cases, in Poland. There were, but little is known about them.
Plague did not appear in Douai in Flanders until the turn of the 15th century, and the impact was less severe on the populations of Hainaut, Finland, northern Germany, and areas of Poland. Source:wiki
Spring 2015 The medical response to the Black Death Joseph A. Legan James Madison University
Poland is traditionally thought to have escaped the Plague; however this theory is
possibly untrue. Areas that are in present day Poland, such as Prussia and Pomerania were
certainly struck by the Plague, and it is possible that the Plague was able to spread down the
Vistula River to infect the rest of Poland
. (50 Benedictow, 218-223.
Likewise, there has also been a consensus that the
Black Death left the Kingdom of Bohemia unscathed, but there have been several challenges to
that claim, most notably by the Czech historian Frantisek Graus. Graus has argued that although

46 Benedictow, 216-218.
47 Benedictow, 186.
48 G. H. Pertz, ed. Monumenta Germaniae Historica –scriptorum IX, in Rosemary Horrox, The Black Death (New
York: Manchester University Press, 1994), 61, accessed September 4, 2014, Manchester Medieval Sources Online.
49 Gottfried, The Black Death, 68-69.
the Pestilence was not as severe in Bohemia during the 1348-1350 pandemic, it was still present.
He also argued that by 1380, the Plague had hit Bohemia with full intensity.51
Little is known about the spread of the Plague through the Baltic States other than the fact
that it did not appear in modern day Latvia until 1351. From there, it continued its eastward trek
into Russia. Religious tension between the Muslim Golden Horde and Christian northern Russia
resulted in a temporary reduction in trade between the two. Because the Plague followed
established trade routes, the rest of Russia was temporarily spared until 1352, roughly five years
after it initially appeared in the Crimea. Again, records are not very clear about the pattern of
spread, but it is likely that the Plague entered Pskov from Latvia and then spread to Novgorod by
1352. There are no direct mentions of the Plague in Moscow, but the leader of the Russian
Orthodox Church and the Grand Duke Simeon Gordiy of Muscovy and his seven children all
died in 1353, leading historians to assume the cause of death was Plague.52
Source: book
Poland free of the Plague.png

I found some interesting items on JAMA Network on Black Death - I will read and let you know in a separate thread if I find something interesting that has not been published on the forum.

What an accurate analogy! And interestingly enough, in zombie movies zombies cannot be cured or helped. They're a lost cause. Their soul is gone and they are the 'walking dead'. Only the ones who haven't yet been infected can hope to survive the apocalypse.
To make it more funny (I have a black sense of humour), I always said, "What the end of the world is supposed to be, it could be the apocalypse of a zoombie".

It's "amusing" how disease vaccines will create disease again
wishful thinking
6 feb 2016
Hm PTB rather knows that there is no real Covid-19 pandemic at present, and also knows that the vaccine is unlikely to treat the 'current pandemic'. - The side effect will be a real pandemic - that is also not what PTBs expect.
Bon vous savez tous que je suis avec des revenus très modestes... je me suis endettée (800 euros) pendant 8 mois en frais vétérinaire pour ma ma petite chatonne GABY (seule Maat m'a proposé son aide financière... Merci à Elle cela m'a réchauffé le coeur) que j'aime tant je vais faire un don de 5 euros par mois en attendant de faire mieux en sachant que je ne perçois qu'une pension de 900 euros par mois et 500 euros de loyer... Je sais c'est très peu Laura, mais si je pouvais faire plus, je le ferai... je pense que vous le savez... De tout coeur avec Vous...

Well you all know that I'm on a very modest income... I went into debt (800 euros) for 8 months in veterinary fees for my little kitten GABY (only Maat offered me her financial help...). Thanks to her it warmed my heart) that I love so much I'm going to make a donation of 5 euros per month while waiting to do better knowing that I only receive a pension of 900 euros per month and 500 euros of rent ... I know it's very little Laura, but if I could do more, I would... I think you know that... With all my heart with you...

Translated with (free version)
I have cried with emotion when reading your message.

How beautiful, how beautiful your gesture.

You're wonderful.:hug:
My lawyer was pointing to this:

and this:

She did tell me that if my union would stand up for us we could have a potential legal means to avoid them; but I already tried that angle, and the union sides with management on the vaccination angle. My lawyer is conversant with employment law in this state, and commiserates with my position. I have yet to find anyone else in CA that would represent me, but I'm open to it if someone can be found. In any case, I am doing what I can to remove myself from this place anyway, as I don't think California is going to be hospitable to even alien life before too long.
Your lawyer doesn't sound very good. Don't rely on MSM headlines. While I would not rely on MSM as to my rights, even they explain in the article that you will not necessarily be fired for refusing the vaccine.
In essence, the EEOC said employers can require that employees get inoculated as a condition of going to work, unless an employee declines because of a disability or a sincerely held religious belief.

In such cases, the employer must offer a reasonable accommodation to the employee, such as working remotely, as long as the accommodation doesn’t cause “undue hardship” for the employer. If there is no accommodation possible, then an employer may prohibit the employee from entering the premises but not necessarily fire the worker.
In past cases, all sorts of accommodations were offered, like transferring to another job with lower pay.
Thank you very much for the session! :flowers:

It was extremely interesting but also left a little bit sad impression on me. I will do my best to earn more money so to be able to donate more.

The Pierre's notes reminded me of Ra talking about catalysts. Especially this fragment:

I perceive the whole COVID scam as a catalyst for mankind. If people would see thru the lies, refuse the lockdowns, vaccines, etc they would use the catalyst at the mind level and learned their lessons without much pain. But because of believing the lies and accepting the vaccine, the need to experience the catalyst on the physical level is rising.

I mean, isn't it probable that if someone believes that COVID is a pandemic, he may need to experience the real pandemic to have a comparison? To be able to discern and understand what the pandemic really is.

It's so interesting how all seems to be interconnected: believing in fake pandemic can open individual to acceptance of the vaccine which, in effect, can be a direct cause of the real pandemic.

There is also this excerpt from Ra that, if truth, can give some hope:

Maybe the real pandemic will not have an effect on those who have learned the lesson on the mind level by refusing to believe in COVID lies, taking care of their immune system, diet, mental hygiene etc. At least I hope so.
Excellent input

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