Session 31 December 2020

Thanks for everything you do.
Good that Ark is well.
Thanks for sharing your situation with us. Keep us posted that all comes good.
I have made S100.0 donation.
I have an interview for a good job this week if successful I will share monthly donation, will share anyway, just not so much.
Out of something bad usually something good comes.
A few years back I only found out had serious heart infection when doing cycle race at altitude, all ok now. Without trying to do the race I would not have known.
So far this year I have kept telling everyone not to worry and have positive mindset, will just carry on.:-)
Now is not the time to give in, I will say a prayer for President Trump, the good people in USA, and the our 4th density friends.
Thank you for keeping the light of knowledge burning, I have made a donation subscription. I have to admit that I am afraid of what is to come but like Putin has said "there is always hope." Faith of Jesus to help us through these times. I wrote down on the piece of paper under my house crystal the message for Donald Trump.
Bon vous savez tous que je suis avec des revenus très modestes... je me suis endettée (800 euros) pendant 8 mois en frais vétérinaire pour ma ma petite chatonne GABY (seule Maat m'a proposé son aide financière... Merci à Elle cela m'a réchauffé le coeur) que j'aime tant je vais faire un don de 5 euros par mois en attendant de faire mieux en sachant que je ne perçois qu'une pension de 900 euros par mois et 500 euros de loyer... Je sais c'est très peu Laura, mais si je pouvais faire plus, je le ferai... je pense que vous le savez... De tout coeur avec Vous...

Well you all know that I'm on a very modest income... I went into debt (800 euros) for 8 months in veterinary fees for my little kitten GABY (only Maat offered me her financial help...). Thanks to her it warmed my heart) that I love so much I'm going to make a donation of 5 euros per month while waiting to do better knowing that I only receive a pension of 900 euros per month and 500 euros of rent ... I know it's very little Laura, but if I could do more, I would... I think you know that... With all my heart with you...

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Thank you all for the new session! :knitting: The roughly 50/50 chance that Trump will be bold enough to follow through with the election battle and arrest the criminals, is good enough reason to place the home crystal on a paper with Donald J. Trump and Malania's names. And a picture for good measure, if it adds energy to this struggle! Probably wouldn't hurt to add Sydney Powell and Michael Flynn's names as well! It's an epic battle.

I was hoping to see Michael Flynn reappointed as National Security Advisor in the new Trump administration. I listened to a Flynn interview recently, and he succinctly stated that this comes down to a choice between good and evil. Let's pray people can still recognize good and truth. Pretty tough with media's constant barrage of lies and the Covid.

I'll send a donation to NC. Thanks for keeping the lighthouse burning! :cool2:
Considering the relation between the centre and the spokes, here is an image one may contemplate:
View attachment 41265

I am re-reading The Wave and in Chapter 5 "Perpedicular Realitities, etc..." the C's were speaking of a circle inside a circle and seven spokes so I was thinking more in an image like this:


Searching for that session's comments I've found this elaboration by @whitecoast which I deem impressive, although I can not understand half or less of it but it can help to visualise it easily. Just in case somebody like me has not read the comment, here it goes:

During the Reading Workshop for the Wave Volume 1 this session came up in the workshop about Chapter 5: Perpendicular Realities, or Tesseracts and Other Odd Phenomena. While discussing this session among other things a light bulb went off for me, so I wanted to connect a few dots to present and ask if there could be something to this.

That to an extent describes this object (as created by TranscendEverything) in the 29 April 1995 thread.

But "an inlaid wheel formed by a circle within a circle, and adjoining partitions in a perfect balance" also, like John G said,🤯 perfectly describes a torus (plural: tori):

A torus can be described in two ways:
  • is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis that is coplanar with the circle. (from wikipedia)
  • a plane (grid) which is wrapped around a circle in one dimension, and then that shape is again wrapped around a circle in another dimension. The two radii are perpendicular to one another.

Each of these circles has a radius; in the diagram above the first circle the plane is wrapped around is the polar radius (little r) and the second circle the wrapped plane is wrapped around is the toroidal radius (big R). You can visualize this here:
View attachment 35989

Back to the session:

For the torus, the outer circle is the plane defined by the polar radius. The inner circle is the toroidal radius. Seen from above, a torus is seen 2 dimensionally as a flat doughnut containing two circles.

Changing the size of the polar radius relative to the toroidal radius alters the whole shape of the torus.
If the polar radius shrinks, the doughnut becomes thinner and thinner until it vanishes or flips inside out and starts to increase again.
If the polar radius is ever-expanding (the movement the C's request we visualize), the torus fattens.

Below are horizontal cross-sections of 3 types of tori: ring torus, horn torus, and spindle torus. They are defined by the size of the toroidal (R) and polar (r) radii.

Ring Torus or Anchor Ring (R > r)
View attachment 35993
Horn Torus (R = r)
View attachment 35992
Spindle Torus (R < r)
View attachment 35990

Watching this process of r increasing relative to R (i.e. outer circle expands continuously) we see that eventually....
View attachment 35994

The answer to the question "where does it disappear to" is that different things happen depending on your perspective. If you look at it from above (i.e. 2D), the circle doesn't disappear but flips inside out. The toroidal radius doesn't disappear but merely approaches a point (as the C's said this fact is beside the point they're trying to get the team to reach). And holistically gives the appearance of a sphere.

Studying toroidal geometry we can see it resolves itself into a sphere.

I notice that when Laura insists looking at it from a 2D perspective, the C's say "well" and then try and reframe the answers in the context of a flat plane (which leads to the flatworld comparisons).

Particular emphasis is placed on the number 7 as it relates to persons and perpendicular realities which may merge.

While reading the wiki article about tori I also found that the torus has a relationship with the number seven. I quote directly:

So what happens when these seven planes, each in contact with the other, expand along with the polar radius ("outer circle") up to the point that the torus itself resolves into a sphere?

They contact and merge with one another!!! 🤯

In the torus itself each person is a puzzle piece on the surface. When each are in contact and growing in knowledge and awareness (perhaps this is analogous to increased surface area occupied) they eventually begin to merge. In the diagram above you can see this with the yellow rectangle. It contacts all, but is most distant from the juncture between green and dark blue, and to a lesser extent purple and light blue. Resolving into a sphere, the yellow rectangle with its plane surface makes full-body contact with this junction. This a contact that is completely different type of contact, and who knows what else can become possible?

Tori also have been observed as descriptors of the phase space of a particular state of consciousness in the brain, at least in the book Consciousness: Anatomy of the Soul. The brainwaves can be resolved and described mathematically using phase space and attractors. Electrical activity of different complexity produces different types of attractors.

Attractors have dimensionality, which in fractal geometry can be integer instead of a whole number (so it's possible in phase space to have objects of 0.4 or 2.5 dimensions, instead of 0,1,2,3+, etc).

When patients are anesthetized, their brainwave patterns have a dimensionality of ~1.5. While being brought out of anesthesis, their pattern changes to 2.5, which is a toroidal attractor. This is a state of delirium in which a person is not conscious but who can be argued to have scattered, unintegrated perceptions. Eventually dimensionality increases to at least 3, where the patient fully regains consciousness.

If the sessions above are indeed talking about toroidal geometry (and I believe they may be) it is interesting that the torus is an intermediary state between unconsciousness and consciousness. The sessions relating to this topic seem to be saying that gathering in a group of seven and networking produces an explosion of awareness and knowledge and achieve a new plateau of awareness.

That perpendicular realities intersect with realm borders is interesting also, if each chromatic section of the torus plane is representative of a person or perpendicular reality. Intersection geometrically would be the equivalent of the torus resolving into a sphere, thereby causing each person to meet at the realm border and merge.

Once the polar radius matches the size of the toroidal radius and continues to increase, that's when the merging begins: first merely as intersecting at certain points (perhaps these could be described as bleedthroughs?) and then fully merging once the sphere is attained.

Just an interesting idea I had. I wonder if it's factual.

Edited: The copy-paste of whitecoast comment did not work as I would have liked so to better read it click on here.
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I was so eager to read the latest news from the C's, every day I looked at the site.
I must tell that the reading chilled me a little, a shiver ran through me. Even if the glimmer of hope continues to shine in each of us, we can hardly imagine that things can change radically without a general revolt.
But are we capable of leading a revolt on a global scale to put a big kick in this bag of lies?
I keep hoping for it even if I sometimes doubt it.
In any case a big thank you to Laura and all her team who have continued to feed this network despite the financial difficulties.
I will also contribute by making a donation to keep the glimmer of hope that is to see that light can triumph over darkness.

Keep strong🤩
Thank you for everything 💐

I sent a small donation a few days ago, and my hope for 2021 is that I can be a lot more consistent with my donations. Financially things have been tumultuous, to say the least! If I can only do one thing for the group, let it be this!

Thanks again 🌟
Donation will go out this week.

Dreams of cataclysms and incursions of not nice entities. Check

A decade ago, as I was reading, I came across and point that said, you will never make it without a network! Bummer I thought, I don’t even know of anyone who thinks even ½ way like I do on spiritual subjects. Well, I’ll just have to prove them wrong, and I continued on. In the last year it dawned on me. This is the network, and what have I gained from it? Everyone here knows the answer to that, and thank you all.

A week before this session, I was writing something quite similar to Pierre’s note. Which I hope is revealing a syncing with this network. I wasn’t sure if I should make it a post or just leave it in my notes. Posting it here seems a bit off topic to me, so I will post it on the “what’s on your mind thread” under “The Great Harvest”

Thanks for the session, and thank you for all the responses.
Bon vous savez tous que je suis avec des revenus très modestes... je me suis endettée (800 euros) pendant 8 mois en frais vétérinaire pour ma ma petite chatonne GABY (seule Maat m'a proposé son aide financière... Merci à Elle cela m'a réchauffé le coeur) que j'aime tant je vais faire un don de 5 euros par mois en attendant de faire mieux en sachant que je ne perçois qu'une pension de 900 euros par mois et 500 euros de loyer... Je sais c'est très peu Laura, mais si je pouvais faire plus, je le ferai... je pense que vous le savez... De tout coeur avec Vous...

Well you all know that I'm on a very modest income... I went into debt (800 euros) for 8 months in veterinary fees for my little kitten GABY (only Maat offered me her financial help...). Thanks to her it warmed my heart) that I love so much I'm going to make a donation of 5 euros per month while waiting to do better knowing that I only receive a pension of 900 euros per month and 500 euros of rent ... I know it's very little Laura, but if I could do more, I would... I think you know that... With all my heart with you...

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Perlou, please understand that we very much appreciate the thought but your situation is such that perhaps someone else can contribute in your name? It is for beautiful members such as yourself that we like to have a little surplus so we are able to help YOU when you are in need.
What would Gandhi do in this situation?
The Salt March (Salt Satyagraha) started in March 1930. The following is from his autobiography which was written a few years before-

The further conviction has been growing upon me that whatever is possible for me is possible even for a child, and I have sound reasons for saying so. The instruments for the quest of truth are as simple as they are difficult. They may appear quite impossible to an arrogant person, and quite impossible to an innocent child. The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him. Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth.

M. K. Gandhi. An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth (p. 5). Blurb. Kindle Edition.
Perhaps, however, once a dangerous pandemic is unleashed upon the world, it has to run its course. Clues as to how it might unfold can be found in history, i.e. the Black Death. Diet and other measures we discussed in the Health and Wellness forum should definitely help.
I tried to find the Health and Wellness Forum but was not successful:shock::shock:! Please can someone post the link here? Thank you very much!:-[🥰
Q: (Joe) Dangerous in terms of increasing the chances that people will get sick, or have some kind of... What's the danger from that kind of vaccine?

A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique. The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than Covid.

Q: (Joe) So is that the best bet then for a real plague? A real pandemic might come from the vaccine for Covid...

(L) A real, horrible pandemic might come from this vaccine interacting with the DNA of specific individuals. There may be a small percentage of them, but all it takes is one.

I was doing some research yesterday and found this article which correspond to the above information from this session. This is an insert from the article.

Coronaviruses Produce Two Types of Antibodies​

Coronaviruses produce more than neutralizing antibodies. Instead, they trigger two antibody responses in your body. This difference may be at the heart of why vaccines to prevent coronavirus infections have thus far been ineffective, and sometimes dangerous:
  • Neutralizing antibodies bind to the virus in a way that blocks the ability of the pathogen to infect your cells.15
  • Binding antibodies (also known as nonneutralizing antibodies) are produced during an infection but are unable to prevent a viral infection.16
Binding antibodies can also trigger an abnormal immune response.17 Another way to look at this is, instead of protecting you, the vaccine triggers an abnormal response, which causes your immune system to backfire so you develop a severe disease from the infection.
Many of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in development are using mRNA to trigger an immune response by instructing cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.18 The idea is to create the spike protein so your body produces antibodies, without making you sick in the process. The key question is: Which of the two types of antibodies are being produced through this process?
I tried to find the Health and Wellness Forum but was not successful
More info here:

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