Session 31 December 2020

Perlou, please understand that we very much appreciate the thought but your situation is such that perhaps someone else can contribute in your name? It is for beautiful members such as yourself that we like to have a little surplus so we are able to help YOU when you are in need.
Hello Perlou, on monday I would like to do one more little donation, I think that this donation could be made in your name so don't worry for this money thing ;-) When situtation would be desperatly for Laura and others I'm sure that they will give us a sign so please keep those money for very dark hour :-)

Bonjour Perlou, lundi je voudrais faire un autre petit don lundi, je pense que nous pouvons faire un accord pour que ce soit un don de votre part alors ne vous inquiétez pas pour cet argent ;-) Quand les choses seraient désespérées pour Laura et d'autres, je suis sûr qu'ils nous donneront un signe, alors gardez cet argent pendant une heure très sombre :-)
More info here:

Thank you very much!!!!
LAURA, vos mots me touchent tellement je suis si désolée ne ne pas pouvoir faire davantage pour les dons pour vous...
Mais soyez certaine que même s'ils sont petits ils sont du fond du mon coeur... Je vous aime comme vous me l'avez dit en français...
Et jusqu'à la fin de mes jours, je m'en souviendrai... I LOVE YOU...

LAURA, your words touch me so much I'm so sorry I can't do more for the donations for you...
But be sure that even though they are small they are from the bottom of my heart... I love you as you told me in French...
And for the rest of my life, I will remember that... I LOVE YOU...
Will it help that the media all see Biden as President?

We would be in for a contest of wishful thinking...
No it's not the point here, it's not wishful thinking from our part, it's simply what has to be, Trump is legitimate to be president, so, asking it to be is not wishfull thinking from us, it's just kind of "applying" what is.

He's a business man first and foremost and businessmen are risk averse by nature.I'll be glad to be proven wrong,but I don't think there's a precedent for merchants to suddenly become great warriors and kings throughout history
On the 3D side he's a businessman, but what about his higher motivations ? On the contrary, I think he's much more than just a businessman + read my comment just below

Thank you all for the new session! :knitting: The roughly 50/50 chance that Trump will be bold enough to follow through with the election battle and arrest the criminals, is good enough reason to place the home crystal on a paper with Donald J. Trump and Malania's names. And a picture for good measure, if it adds energy to this struggle! Probably wouldn't hurt to add Sydney Powell and Michael Flynn's names as well! It's an epic battle.
Definitively they need our support, our positive thoughts or prayers. Reason I quoted this sentence from Lilou is about Trump's wife, Melania : I have deep in me the feeling that she plays a really big role in all of this, she completes her husband and she has a strong positive effect on him. So yes, i would say that do not forget his wife in your prayers, both of them, I wouldn't be astonished that Trump & Melania are soul mates, but I have nothing to prove it.
Thank you to Laura and all as well as the C’s for the recent transcript. Me and my husband Transient have donated and set up monthly. We hope our contribution will help keep the beacon of light going. We have enjoyed and learned so much from this site. I am glad to hear that Ark is better.

I was recently speaking with a lady that informed me that her son is a frontline doctor practicing in Florida and he is concerned that if Biden does become president he may have to move out of this country in order to be able to actually honor his medical oath to help people. Although I had no intention of ever taking the COVID vaccine it was really interesting that she was very much against it as well. This lady is a lifelong Democrat and it interested me that she actually voted for Trump this year. I think that people are waking up and it was great to speak with such a sweet person. There are common ground learning lessons to be had still. I’m hopeful that Trump pulls the rabbit out of the bag though because it is so hard to find a good doctor and we don’t need the good ones moving out of the country.

Thank you again and may everyone be safe and healthy this year.
Kmicic et Dredger, merci pour votre soutien et ne croyez pas que je ne sois pas reconnaissante mais s'il vous plait faites votre don à LAURA qui en a bien plus besoin que moi car c'est Elle La Reine des Abeilles qui nous conduira là où nous devons aller ...
Merci, je pleure car je suis tellement touchée par vos gestes d'une grande générosité qui comblent mon coeur et mon amour pour vous ...

Kmicic et Dredger, merci pour votre soutien et ne pensez pas que je ne suis pas reconnaissant mais faites votre don à LAURA qui en a plus besoin que moi parce qu'elle est la reine des abeilles qui nous mènera là où nous devons aller ...
Merci, je pleure car je suis tellement touché par tes gestes généreux qui remplissent mon cœur et mon amour pour toi ...
Just read the session thanks guys.

(L) And that is basically the opposition between those who believe the truth and those who buy into the lies. So, is something like this scam pandemic - this scamdemic, this faux pandemic - where it is SO clear to such a large number of people that it IS a scam and a complete fraud, is this something like an act of mercy where people are actually being given one last chance to really make a choice between believing the lies or standing up for the truth? Is it something like that?
The bolded bit have been my thoughts/feeling on this whole thing. Its gonna get rough, our will is being tested to the max, those who see this to the end without getting sucked in to lies, as the Cs say, will be the future. Interesting crazy times. Donation coming your way guys. I'm in work now, will read again and the comments later. Good luck everyone, keep on keeping on.

Edit, forgot to mention, glad to hear the news about Ark. 👍
Thank you so much for the session! I really was incredibly packed with information and, as usual, it give us a lot of guidance.

Q: (L) Is that also related to the dream he had last night which was the dream of the zombie coming and pounding on our house and coming in? He was shouting and woke me up.

A: Yes
Q: (L) So, is there any protection that a person can engineer against that sort of thing invading their minds?

A: Diet helps. Also strong mental and psychic hygiene. A "cleansing" is in order due to time spent in places where such energies collect.

I had a dream on Christmas Eve where some sort of Zombies came to our yard and where trying to get in the house. We fought back, but then they threw some sort of tiny bomb that detonated and after that there was a image of humanity being turned into pets. I know, it's like a bad science-fiction movie and I didn't think it was particularly important at the time, but I thought I'd mention it because it seems a bit similar to the dream mentioned in the session.

And thanks for the advice regarding the cleansing and all the others who posted about it afterwards. I will do it at home too.

A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique. The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than Covid.

Q: (Joe) So is that the best bet then for a real plague? A real pandemic might come from the vaccine for Covid...

(L) A real, horrible pandemic might come from this vaccine interacting with the DNA of specific individuals. There may be a small percentage of them, but all it takes is one.

(Gaby) Or could it be more like... Ya know, it's the spike protein that is produced that is like HIV and also endogenous retroviruses that are already resident in our DNA that could be activated and behave like a Black Death. Or could it be something more like we'll be seeing a lot more cancer, for example?

A: Think something more like Black Death.
Perhaps, however, once a dangerous pandemic is unleashed upon the world, it has to run its course. Clues as to how it might unfold can be found in history, i.e. the Black Death. Diet and other measures we discussed in the Health and Wellness forum should definitely help.

As horrifying as this Black Death type epidemic may be, I think that over the years (and thanks to this forum and researchers such as Gaby, Laura, et all) we have so many tools that can help us navigate something of that sort. There's the information about how diet can make a real difference when facing these pathogens, and how tobacco can also help some people, also, the research on cold water therapy and sauna and also how to strengthen the immune system in general. I suppose that the ongoing thread regarding the protocol for mandatory vaccinations will be useful even for people who are able to avoid being vaccinated, as it will help detoxify and strengthen our defenses.

All in all, we are all very fortunate to have had the guidance of this network to prepare in such a way, and not only in physical terms, but also psychologically and mentally (learning to think and discern truth from lies, for instance) and even spiritually. It's just amazing to see the amount of work that has been done in retrospect! That's why, for me, what struck me the most was to know of the dire financial situation you're facing. You are really such a light in our lives that it would be devastating to see this light even dim a little. So I too will set up a monthly donation now that I have some stability. Of course, it won't be much because of the currency exchange rate, but I hope it helps!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The session chilled me a little, I thought we had more time... but I guess too many people and living creatures are suffering and it's time it ends. I was also sad that the Cs said the the hope of our realm rested on this network. I had hoped that there would be other groups across the globe, even if it was a few people lost in remote places where technology hasn't reached them.

I am grateful to have been spared most of the suffering people went throught this year and all in all, I had a good and meaningful life. I had a feeling these last months that I had to be the best person I could be to my family, colleagues, my friends... because I could very well die in the turmoil that's coming, and I kind of came to make peace with that. I've started to look for an flat within my means for the last months to no avail, and I am beginning to think that my place is with my parents, so I could care for them.
It's going to hit home because many of my family members and friends are going to take the vaccine asap. Some of them are ready to have a green passeport implemented, so that they can have a normal life again.

But I also see a lot of people who refuse to serve as guinea pigs and refuse the totalitarian push, even if they are powerless to stop it. I hope and will pray for humanity to choose justice, love and truth, especially the American people as they are the ones who are standing at a crossroad. Even if the USA goes to hell, I would be glad if the light of justice, decency and goodness could shine one last time in this country.

I also had dreams of zombies trying to break in in Autumn, two night in a row. I will look at the material we have on health so I can see if I am up to date. The tought of starting smoking as been bugging me for a while, I will also have a look at the threads on tobacco.

I have to take my darling pet to the doctor this month, but I will start making a monthly donation next month. Time to get rid of Netflix...

Thank you again to you the crew and to all the members of this network!
I’m wondering if a thread would help, to discuss how to present a simple argument of truth to people. In a way that can be memorised and presents the greatest opportunity for people to question their reality.

A lot of it seems to be about dealing with cognitive dissonance in people. In other words, the tendency to always try to explain away something that contradicts one's beliefs.

One of the ways to overcome that is through presenting verifiable data to people and then asking questions instead of trying to convince them.

This way, those who may want to question their beliefs are more likely to do so on their own - instead of forcing them to “defend“ their beliefs.
I discovered this shop today on Revolt! – Wear it Loud Wooow, cool... I ordered a couple of hoodies right away. (I'm curious if they will arrive and when, because I think they come from the USA).
Does this also benefit you all? did I understand that correctly? Maybe you could generate a bit more income through this?
I'm happy to offer my free help for the design / creation of templates for all kinds of "merchandise" - my original profession is graphic design specialising in printing.

And one more small but important addition:
I was also so excited about the session that I forgot to write that I was really happy to read that Ark is doing so well. I thought about you a lot and of course had a note under my home crystal. :hug2:

Once again, a huge thank you to all of you and the Cs :flowers:
Well, things can and very often happen as the Cs predicted, just that we may miss the symbolism at first, and expect things to happen in a more literal way. So, I don't find your theory too crazy, as long as you keep in mind that it could be symbolic and manifest itself in different ways. For example, a "zombie" could also be a person who has bought into so many lies, he/she has stopped thinking and feeling, and basically disintegrates, body, heart and mind. There could be physical, yet subtle mutations (on the surface at least), but a deeper "mutation" brewing not just a physical "plague", but also like a contagious mindset and worldview characteristic of a type of "walking dead". Many scenarios are still possible.

Thank you ALL of you for the extra donations, the increased monthly donations (which really help on a regular basis), and just your desire to give!!! United we stand. :flowers:

Pretty sure that you first have to cancel your current one, then create a new one with the amount you want to start donating. Either that, or you leave the old one as it was, and add another one.

Paypal has been refusing countries left and right. You can also try Stripe, second option for donations on SOTT:
Donation made. By that means it has been easy and without problem.

I encourage the team.:-D
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