Session 4 April 1998

[quote author=obyvatel]
Here the phrase indicates that if one understands something, then he would be able to explain it in simple terms.

Exactly, if a person has a knowledge of something and understands it, they would be able to explain the one idea simply to others and, in many different ways if necessary.

Gonzo said:
Since I seem to have to invest large amounts of energy just trying to wrap my head around where you are going with all of this, I thought it might be better to first ask you why you think this is important. How will it serve us, or humanity at large? Does it merely help us understand the past or is this something that can be used as a tool to help us with the present?

You see, like many here, my energy is limited and I need to be economical with where I direct it. I would like to direct it in areas that have the biggest bang for the buck as it relates to helping myself help others. Anything that helps explain our current reality could be valuable if it helps us better understand our obstacles or limitations and provides a means of overcoming them, or at least some clues. But, if someone finds a novel or clever way of saying the sky is blue, that has little value, except for the person who has made such a discovery.

I agree with Gonzo, time and energy are valuable to us here. Can you explain simply to others, what is the benefit to them of your words?
Palinurus said:
Q: You once mentioned 'Greek Enforcers' who wrote the New Testament. Where did these Greek Enforcers come from?

A: Order of Thelon.

Q: Never heard of it. On another occasion you called the Nephilim 'enforcers.' Is there any relation between this order of Thelon and the Nephilim?

A: Maybe...

Q: Where is the headquarters of this group?

A: Sicinthos.

Q: Is that a place? Never heard of it.

A: Yes.

After googling around a bit I came up with the following: Zakynthos, a Greek island. See:
Might well be it...

This is related to my name via etymology which I have done a lot of research on in the last month. May I suggest that it is in some way related to Mount Delos?

My name is Cynthia, which is related to Kynthia, which is related to Delos, which is the birthplace of Aretmis and Apollo, and prior to that was sacred to the goddess.

The island ofDelos(Greek:Δήλος,[ˈðilos]; AtticΔῆλος, DoricΔᾶλος), isolated in the centre of the roughly circular ring of islands called theCyclades, nearMykonos, is one of the most important mythological, historical and archaeological sites inGreece. The excavations in the island are among the most extensive in theMediterranean; ongoing work takes place under the direction of theFrench School at Athensand many of the artifacts found are on display at theArchaeological Museum of Delosand theNational Archaeological Museum of Athens.Delos had a position as a holy sanctuary for a millennium before Olympian Greek mythology made it the birthplace of Apollo andArtemis. From its Sacred Harbour, the horizon shows the two conical mounds (image below) that have identified landscapes sacred to a goddess in other sites: one, retaining its pre-Greek name Mount Kynthos,[1] is crowned with a sanctuary of Zeus.
Established as a culture center, Delos had an importance that its natural resources could never have offered. In this vein Leto, searching for a birthing-place for Artemis and Apollo, addressed the island:
Delos, if you would be willing to be the abode of my son Phoebus Apollo and make him a rich temple –; for no other will touch you, as you will find: and I think you will never be rich in oxen and sheep, nor bear vintage nor yet produce plants abundantly. But if you have the temple of far-shooting Apollo, all men will bring you
hecatombs and gather here, and incessant savour of rich sacrifice will always arise, and you will feed those who dwell in you from the hand of strangers; for truly your own soil is not rich.
Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo

Added: I also find it amusing that Scythia is not a far stretch of Cynthia either. So "Greek Enforcers" may make sense here so as to keep the focus in Greece?
Hi Daenerys,

Interesting new take on the possible meanings around the Sicinthos riddle (Order of Thelon, Greek Enforcers). I very much liked your outlook on this and did some complementary research of my own.

Reading around what you provided, I especially was struck by this tidbit: said:
After the Persian Wars the island became the natural meeting-ground for the Delian League, founded in 478 BC, the congresses being held in the temple (a separate quarter was reserved for foreigners and the sanctuaries of foreign deities.) The League's common treasury was kept here as well until 454 BC when Pericles removed it to Athens
and also:
idem said:
The island had no productive capacity for food, fiber, or timber, with such being imported. Limited water was exploited with an extensive cistern and aqueduct system, wells, and sanitary drains. Various regions operated agoras (markets). The largest slave market in the larger region was also maintained here.

So I first went to look for the Delian League [] but found nothing conclusive in relation to our problem.

Further research revealed that Delos has been home to an ancient cult spanning more than 3000 years continually:


Then I remembered that Laura and the C's also spoke of "Stalinization" in this same context.

Searching the forum for clues, I ended up with this topic:,26685.0.html
with special interest from Reply #8 [,26685.msg321778.html#msg321778] all the way through till the end of the thread.

Main point there in Reply # 12:
Laura said:
This book is particularly interesting because he goes into the evolution of ideas about comets, and compares it with the evidence, in some detail.

As you can see, the many astrologers who claim that astrology was being practiced by the Babylonians and Chaldeans have it all wrong. It wasn't about the "influence of the stars" in the sense they think it is, but rather a very practical and reality based concern with fireballs and comets because the sky WAS different. And that is pretty much what the Cs had said about it. They also mentioned the "Greek enforcers" idea and, until I started this book, that had made no sense at all. Now it does. Also, when you put this information together with what Russell Gmirkin wrote in "Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus", about the composing of the Septuagint in Alexandria under Hellenic influence, you get the idea that a whole lot of "Stalinization" activity was going on. Things that were known about and understood as cometary events were recast as ancient acts of Jehovah. The migrations of peoples in response to this cataclysmic destruction was recast as "The Exodus of the Jews." And, of course, the activities in the skies were recast as "horoscopic astrology".

Also keep this in mind (from Reply #8):
Q: (L) What are Greek enforcers?
A: Like your FBI.

All in all I concluded, rather than about militairy enforcers in this instance we have to think about some kind of Thought Police or Enforcers of Ideologically Sanitized Content -- aka Priests, Philosophers, Ideologues, or as the French are want to say "Maîtres Penseurs" (Master Thinkers).

From what I've gathered so far, Delos indeed could have been one of the centres for those type of activities big time for a very long time.
Palinarus said:
All in all I concluded, rather than about militairy enforcers in this instance we have to think about some kind of Thought Police or Enforcers of Ideologically Sanitized Content -- aka Priests, Philosophers, Ideologues, or as the French are want to say "Maîtres Penseurs" (Master Thinkers). From what I've gathered so far, Delos indeed could have been one of the centres for those type of activities big time for a very long time.

That is what I gathered also. What is interesting to me here, and I am going off of intuition more than anything, is Cynthia is greek for the goddess Artemis, Artemis is connected to the bear, then we have Scythia which goes back to the grail and the asiatic shamans possibly which connects back to the bear and the bear constellation as well. It feels like a diversion to me. From what I understand the god Apollo was imported from them as well. Laura wrote about it somewhere, but I cannot remember where, and I cannot go look it up as I am at work.
Here is the reference from Laura's writing:,2299.msg14187.html#msg14187

Laura said:
Geoffrey Ashe writes in The Ancient Wisdom:

QuoteFrom Greece to the Indus Valley, we find people holding Ursa Major in reverence almost as far back as we can document... In various ways they introduce the Bear into beliefs that connect the centers Above and Below. [...] We have enough to reconstruct a common myth that might underlie all primary versions of the seven-mystique [...] from which the rest follow.

In the far north there is a high and paradisal place, peopled by an assembly of beings of superhuman longevity and wisdom. They have associates and contacts at lower levels. [...]

Biblical editing never quite censored out the northern mountain and Zion's mystical identity with it. [...] The prophet's imagery is baffling, and rabbis in later ages claimed that it concealed a great secret, an occult wisdom. Only the wisest and holiest could expound the Work of the Chariot. Robert Graves has maintained that the God of the Chariot actually is Apollo.[...]

Is there reason to believe that the northern Something was literally there [...] that a cosmic system was actually taught by the Rishis on a real Meru, and carried south and west along several routes? [...] The inquiry has [...] led to what no one ever identified before - an arguable locale, to which the search can be narrowed down.

[W]e are justified in reverting to Guthrie's theory of Apollo. If this god was brought to Asia Minor and thence to Greece from a Siberian birthplace, a real Land of the Hyperboreans, then he implies a northern Something which actually was there: a center of an influential species of shamanism, with Hyperborean Apollo as one of its gods. [...] If Apollo did make this journey from Siberia, the bear-goddess Artemis was probably paired with him at an early stage.

The story of Apollo and his twin sister Artemis is interesting and connects us back to Orion. Some sources say that Artemis fell in love with Orion and was going to give up her avowed virginity to marry him. Apollo, her brother, did not approve and tricked Artemis into shooting Orion who was swimming in the sea. In her grief, Artemis placed Orion in the sky to honor him.Other sources say that Orion had raped one of Artemis' female followers, and so Artemis killed him as punishment. She sent a scorpion after him, which stung him and poisoned him. When Orion and the scorpion were placed among the stars, they were given places opposite each other, so that Orion would be out of danger. When Scorpius is just rising, chasing after Orion, the hunter is just starting to disappear behind the western horizon. The veneration of the bear is so ancient that we even find it in the French cave remains of almost unspeakable antiquity. The symbolism is deep here. A bear is supposedly born as a tiny shapeless lump and "licked into shape". His winter sleep symbolizes death-and-rebirth - or, more significantly, "survival in an Ark". The bear stands on his legs and is an omnivore, like humans.The point is that the bear, Arca, Arthur, takes us back to his origins in Northern and Western Europe and Siberia. The Siberian shamans tell that in former ages all men had access to the gods, whereas now, only shamans have it and that Shamanism itself has been degraded. Shamanism presents itself as the remnant of an Ancient Wisdom teaching which once flourished across the Northern Hemisphere. The main feature of the Shaman's universe is the cosmic center, an axis connecting earth with both heaven and hell. It is often represented as a tree, a ladder, or a pole. The shaman can utilize this tree to travel upward to commune with the gods, or downward to battle demons. Numbers are important: there are a fixed number of steps, or celestial stages. The cosmic tree can also be represented as a mountain with seven stories. The mountain is made of gold and the name "Altai" itself actually means "gold." We note that the Scythians were famous goldsmiths. What is more, even the most untrained eye can see that the art of the Scythians is identical to the art of the French caves and the art of the Celts of Europe.It is clear that shamanism, as it is known, has declined from its original unified and coherent system. One reason for thinking so is that, while there are many local terms for a male shaman, there is only one for a female shaman. Shamanism, it seems, was formerly a woman's activity. In one Tartar dialect, utygan, the word for a woman-shaman, also means "bear."
There is a place called Mal'ta, fifty-five miles north-west of Irkutsk, in country where the remnants of Altaic shamanism are still active. Carvings have been discovered there which include an oblong panel of mammoth ivory with designs on it. The dominant design is a spiral of dots which goes around seven times, and winds into or out of a central hole - a spiral maze. This is the oldest known heptad in the world - almost 30,000 years old.

Added: also note Thelon Delos similarity
Thank you for the quote and the referenced topic, Daenerys. It's one of many I haven't read yet but I bookmarked it now.
This quote certainly supports your approach even deeper than I already realized. Great! Indeed, learning is fun. Thanks again for sharing.
1EF0BF27-3BF1-43AF-ACF5-D5AD6293B7D6.pngThis is the session that I was reminded of when I found this delightful photo of Matriarchal meerkats.
The suggestion the C’s give, is very similar to the quote on the bottom of my Avatar picture!

A: That was not the change we were speaking of... We suggest you direct your gaze ahead and a little to the left!”
This is the session that I was reminded of when I found this delightful photo of Matriarchal meerkats.
The suggestion the C’s give, is very similar to the quote on the bottom of my Avatar picture!
The mystery has finally been solved!
Who knows what Session 6 April 2030 will remind you of. I guess we'll have to wait and C... a little to the right. :lol:
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