Session 4 July 2015

Laura said:
Prometeo said:
Yeah, I don't deny the evidence. Maybe you didn't read my post carefully, I mentioned Andrew who focus on the pathologization of society. Indeed I know how psychopaths are, and how they function. So I see part of the process of domination, through violence and such, which points then to the authoritarian personality who can't question authorities. But still, I think there's more to it than that, there must be a process needed to be described so that we get, why societies always fall for a psychopath.

Interestingly, the topic came up around here recently since we are digging into the new germ theory of disease as is in the book by Paul W. Ewald, "Plague Time". It seems that when the Cs made the remark about parasitical infestation, it may very well have had something to do with this problem you are considering.

A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically
infected, harrassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum
leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...

A: Such as "now."

Consider what we have learned about toxoplasmosis gondii and how it makes mice vulnerable to cats and changes the personalities of humans as well?

What about all these other pathogens that we are now learning about that obviously must be increasing terrifically in the global population right along with the increasing epidemics of cancer, autoimmune disorders, obesity, etc?

Well, what if these pathogens also make individuals weak and susceptible to psychopaths? Like "induced submission and niceness"?? That is to say, we ought to be studying physical pathology right alongside psychopathology. "As above, so below" at all scales. Different types of pathogens at the micro scale could help us understand pathways of societal infection, some pathogens analogically representing different types of psychopaths.

For example: there are some infectious agents that jump on you, make you very sick, and kill you, but you don't infect many people because you die first. That's like the murdering psychopath. They're the unsuccessful kind because they get caught and stopped. Then there are other types of pathogens that invade your body and find places to hide. They linger and do incremental damage, little by little. They break you down and destroy your body. Those are the ones that spread like a psychopath or spellbinder that spreads ideas.

There's a virus that gets inside, has itself reproduce like a leader would do converting his minions with paramoralisms... But there are others that hide inside other cells and they go unnoticed. They give their thoughts, their DNA, to the cell and they can go for years without doing anything. But whenever the system is weak, BOOM! Rather similar to being infected by a pathogen that changes your thinking thus making you submissive to psychopathy, even almost to the extent of being one by proxy.

In a sense, Lobaczewski talked about this a bit when he described the family in Austria consisting of the two brothers and an evil sister who pathologized their minds from early childhood. That happens to most of us by exposure to our social "norms" which, when you really think about some of them, are purely pathological.

Damn, which still makes things even more complicated. So indeed the battle goes to the soul of humanity, their genes. Gotta read that book. Hah, I get the idea comets will be in the picture also. Recently one university found one sort of shell with a supposed "alien" virus which was released into the environment, they detected this with some microscopes or something.

If the idea of the germ is true, that answers many questions, the DNA gets coded to be submitted by this new germ through bloodlines, complete generations of people which maybe in a cyclical form close the transmision of such bloodlines. So... maybe the Holy Grail (book in the "to read" list) is a bloodline completely invulnerable to that germ? that influence?

Man, this still looks ugly lol we get bombarded from everywhere.
Aquilla said:
BHelmet said:
I view it as a kind of Catch 22: You can not limit or stop or reign in the psychopaths without abridging their free will; which in turn would dampen your own FRV if you are leaning toward STO alignment: Part of the lesson of STO candidates in a 3D STS environment. Also dovetails nicely with all the 'be not of this world' / 'their reward is in this world' type of wisdom teachings. i.e. You can't 'win' without becoming like 'them'.

If you can educate people about the toxic mental effect of psychopaths, the people can use their free will to choose to not to associate with them and not to spread their twisted ideas.

Certainly that can be done and is done here and I choose to avoid psychopaths whenever possible, but how do you stop them from taking over governments and corporations, school boards and religions, etc? They have already proven to be adept at manipulation and lying and disguise. What do you do? Put a scarlet letter on them? Bottom line: you can't control them without abridging their free will. Their modus operandi: to exercise their free will to control and manipulate others through any means.
BHelmet said:
Aquilla said:
BHelmet said:
I view it as a kind of Catch 22: You can not limit or stop or reign in the psychopaths without abridging their free will; which in turn would dampen your own FRV if you are leaning toward STO alignment: Part of the lesson of STO candidates in a 3D STS environment. Also dovetails nicely with all the 'be not of this world' / 'their reward is in this world' type of wisdom teachings. i.e. You can't 'win' without becoming like 'them'.

If you can educate people about the toxic mental effect of psychopaths, the people can use their free will to choose to not to associate with them and not to spread their twisted ideas.

Certainly that can be done and is done here and I choose to avoid psychopaths whenever possible, but how do you stop them from taking over governments and corporations, school boards and religions, etc? They have already proven to be adept at manipulation and lying and disguise. What do you do? Put a scarlet letter on them? Bottom line: you can't control them without abridging their free will. Their modus operandi: to exercise their free will to control and manipulate others through any means.

Spreading knowledge and awareness helps to disarm the psychopaths. If people would know what they're against, they would be able to see through the lies and manipulations. It's not a violation of free will to see lies and not get yourself manipulated. Just like it's not violation of free will to dodge aside, when someone throws you with a rock.
Laura said:
Consider what we have learned about toxoplasmosis gondii and how it makes mice vulnerable to cats and changes the personalities of humans as well?

What about all these other pathogens that we are now learning about that obviously must be increasing terrifically in the global population right along with the increasing epidemics of cancer, autoimmune disorders, obesity, etc?

This could well be on the right track, did you ever see this fascinating clip on the Cordyceps fungi in insects? Its the behavior of the ant once infected which is particularly unnerving.

Seppo Ilmarinen said:
BHelmet said:
Aquilla said:
BHelmet said:
I view it as a kind of Catch 22: You can not limit or stop or reign in the psychopaths without abridging their free will; which in turn would dampen your own FRV if you are leaning toward STO alignment: Part of the lesson of STO candidates in a 3D STS environment. Also dovetails nicely with all the 'be not of this world' / 'their reward is in this world' type of wisdom teachings. i.e. You can't 'win' without becoming like 'them'.

If you can educate people about the toxic mental effect of psychopaths, the people can use their free will to choose to not to associate with them and not to spread their twisted ideas.

Certainly that can be done and is done here and I choose to avoid psychopaths whenever possible, but how do you stop them from taking over governments and corporations, school boards and religions, etc? They have already proven to be adept at manipulation and lying and disguise. What do you do? Put a scarlet letter on them? Bottom line: you can't control them without abridging their free will. Their modus operandi: to exercise their free will to control and manipulate others through any means.

Spreading knowledge and awareness helps to disarm the psychopaths. If people would know what they're against, they would be able to see through the lies and manipulations. It's not a violation of free will to see lies and not get yourself manipulated. Just like it's not violation of free will to dodge aside, when someone throws you with a rock.

Yes, on an individual basis you can dodge rocks but the psychopaths can fool most of the people most of the time if they are good enough at it. In 3D STS we are just stuck with it. It strikes me as overly optimistic to think this world can be cleansed or somehow made immune from psychopaths. After all, 3D STS is where they fit, is it not?
BHelmet said:
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
BHelmet said:
Aquilla said:
BHelmet said:
I view it as a kind of Catch 22: You can not limit or stop or reign in the psychopaths without abridging their free will; which in turn would dampen your own FRV if you are leaning toward STO alignment: Part of the lesson of STO candidates in a 3D STS environment. Also dovetails nicely with all the 'be not of this world' / 'their reward is in this world' type of wisdom teachings. i.e. You can't 'win' without becoming like 'them'.

If you can educate people about the toxic mental effect of psychopaths, the people can use their free will to choose to not to associate with them and not to spread their twisted ideas.

Certainly that can be done and is done here and I choose to avoid psychopaths whenever possible, but how do you stop them from taking over governments and corporations, school boards and religions, etc? They have already proven to be adept at manipulation and lying and disguise. What do you do? Put a scarlet letter on them? Bottom line: you can't control them without abridging their free will. Their modus operandi: to exercise their free will to control and manipulate others through any means.

Spreading knowledge and awareness helps to disarm the psychopaths. If people would know what they're against, they would be able to see through the lies and manipulations. It's not a violation of free will to see lies and not get yourself manipulated. Just like it's not violation of free will to dodge aside, when someone throws you with a rock.

Yes, on an individual basis you can dodge rocks but the psychopaths can fool most of the people most of the time if they are good enough at it. In 3D STS we are just stuck with it. It strikes me as overly optimistic to think this world can be cleansed or somehow made immune from psychopaths. After all, 3D STS is where they fit, is it not?

On higher level perspective it doesn't matter whether or not spreading knowledge and awareness will lead to getting rid of psychopaths, though it would be nice. There's still value in itself of doing the right thing, working on yourself and giving to those who ask. Maybe that way we don't at some point of "time" fit into this STS reality anymore. That's all we can really do, not to anticipate too much of the outcome, but try to learn and live by making ourselves as an example of the change we want to see in the world.
Yeah, as Seppo Ilmarinen said, you have to do what needs to be done in each situation, regardless of some bigger future outcomes. Plus, if there's any reason for optimism, the psychopaths end up destroying themselves at some point. If they and their influences are avoided by a certain amount of groups, it's like building up pockets of immunity and resistance. And whatever we are able to do as human groups to balance things on Earth a bit, the less the Universe has to do in the balancing. There's always the much more dramatic and violent re-balancing of a cosmic nature that can wipe the slate clean so that the Living System remains viable for the purposes of incarnation into 3rd Density for lessons. Either way, things will eventually come back into balance. We may as well play our role....
"All you can do" well we are 3rd densite after all i think there is not much we can do against 4 density sts

I know the Cs are helping us and thats georgous!! and im very apreciate to master Laura but the real question here is were is the good guys of 4 density the STO???

where are the 4thD STO?..some one ask....and I 4D just for the STS beings? or maybe we are missing here something and I don't remember reading in session's (transcripts) something specific..about these theme......:)
Where is 4d STO? Think about the problem for a minute and maybe we get a clue, we ought not to think of it in terms of ‘here come the cavalry’ to get a better idea, or so I think.

The difference between 4d STS and STO is that STO is necessarily constrained by certain laws, primarily that free will always be honored. So if we’re looking for some kind of direct mass intervention down here, I don’t think it’s gonna happen like that, or even individual interventions on the whole.

In terms of ‘help’, and given the above, what IS actually a help in terms of learning / growth / evolution, quite often does not feel like its helping at the time! ‘He who learns must suffer’, seems we need the lessons that can come with suffering for our inner growth – if we chose to make consciously make use of it – as opposed to useless suffering which serve a different purpose.

So, we may already be receiving lots of help in potential, but for one reason or another we don’t yet recongnise it, or are still too lost in magical, wishful thinking, or still hoping that someone or something else is going to come along to fix us (without our having to do much about it ourselves), so in the end that we can’t make use of the help that is there. And there’s only so much STO can do about that, given that free will has to be taken into account.

If we want to find the ‘good guys’ we have to learn how to be more ourselves, learn how to make the most of what we’ve got. Then perhaps things can change, and perhaps we find that ‘help is on the way’ refers to us in the ‘future’.

Time to get busy I think. If we want to do ‘all we can do’, then we first we have to learn how best to do it, improve what “all” means to each one of us. Nothing worth having ever just ‘happens’ on its own I think.
Prometeo said:
Man, this still looks ugly lol we get bombarded from everywhere.

Was thinking about this too - it seems we are "attacked" from all angles by pathogens. In our body, we have behavioural, physiological, physical and emotional changing viruses that are lurking; in our mind we have programs or "matrix viruses"/ detrimental memes that are planted by the PTB to corrupt our natural thoughts, behaviours and quest for knowledge; and if we overcome all these, we then have the varities of psychopaths in our physical and social environment that inflict more emotional and even physical harm on us. Hence i think it is becoming clearer that a large part of the Work; is to first understand the scale of the situation and then to maintain a battle on all fronts and keep these pathogens at, a task i think that could take few lifetimes...
Thanks Alada! your answer was very accurate....but still, I think that they I mean STO 4D, beings, can comunicate, just to say ! hey dudes! know? not helping directly, but there's a lot of contactees,,etc..maybe that is the point,,that with just certain people they
manifest.....or the et's maybe,,, some races are from 4D....,
piliangie said:
Thanks Alada! your answer was very accurate....but still, I think that they I mean STO 4D, beings, can comunicate, just to say ! hey dudes! know? not helping directly, but there's a lot of contactees,,etc..maybe that is the point,,that with just certain people they
manifest.....or the et's maybe,,, some races are from 4D....,

C's once said to keep awareness sharp and carry on, as there are STO forces in the corner.

And that the STO acting through us.

And, such conventional approach to the idea of "contact" may be uneven with how 4D beings perceive "contact" and what the "contact" is from points of view of higher densities.
hi, thank you for the session.
Honestly I feel I am feeding pathogenes and I want to run away from everything sick and heartless in my life.
Love, come and fill our hearts. :-)
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