Session 4 July 2015

Thank you so much for sharing this session! The bits about Prague and Vinnie were interesting, but creepy - dark energy, which is there to weaken the defenses while accumulating, and then can break through :O But thank DCM, it didn't work out as planned. And great to hear, you returned back home safely :hug2:

But thanks at most for the encouraging message at the end. It inspires me also to keep going - working on SOTT and on myself (which should go hand in hand) :flowers:

PS: To keep going helps me keep learning. And trying to share what I can, helps digesting the information better for myself and helps me gaining a better idea, how to apply it (which may also go for others). It also is a great opportunity to practice strategic enclosure and external consideration, because I have to ask myself: What can I share with a specific person and how can I phrase it best, so that it can be obtained by the other person? When can it be shared? Is the situation adequate?
It also needs flexibility - depending on the reaction of the other person, when one starts sharing information, and depending on the flow of the conversation. (This is, how I try it at least.)

And sharing on the internet, as on SOTT or social networks, helps reaching a greater audience - and it may happen often, that a post will get through to someone, who then decides to dig deeper. FWIW :)

Edit: sentence added
(L) We get tired of saying the same things over and over again, but there's always someone new who hasn't heard it. There's always a reason to be active with new members on the forum, to write things in the same way, or to rephrase things, commentary on SOTT, etc.

(Perceval) Even the people who do know it, they need reinforcing of the message because they're out there in the world surrounded by A influences, let's say.

I agree!
Thank you for another amazing session! The C's last comment keeps me optimistic :)
Thank You for outdoing yourselves once again, wow!!! A heartfelt apreciation for everything that this group has revealed as objective information, and has reshaped our image of the world, it is so perfectly necessary, this work that you have made yours! Thank you!... One can but feel humbled at each new session!
Thank you all for another fantastic session!

I know what you mean of how hopeless things are. How no one seems to want to "see" what is really going on. So the encouragement of the Cs is very much appreciated. And things are becoming more and more insane. I am to the point where I become nauseated reading the disgusting lies being put out there by the US and its vassals.

And sooooo interesting about Vinnie. You all did good! Glad you are back safe and sound.


Q: (L) So it's like one of those pathogens that has mutated where they - OW! That hurt my toe!

(Galatea) You scratched my bare skin!

(L) You tore my toenail off! [laughter]

(Pierre) You cut my leg off!

(Andromeda) Where's my foot?! [laughter]

:lol: I really needed that - thank you.
A: It is always darkest before dawn.

Q: (Perceval) Would it be true to say that it hasn't yet gotten as dark as it's going to get?

A: Probably. Recall that this is necessary to awaken those who are still dreaming. Those of you who see and know must be ready to guide those who stumble into the light with blinded eyes. Thus it is necessary for all who do see to remain steadfast and continue allowing their awareness to transmit cosmic energy. Think of it as similar to your activities in Praha, though on a grander scale.

Q: (L) So, working on oneself as Gurdjieff formulated it, more or less, is the means to become transmitters of cosmic forces - even if you're not fully conscious that you're doing it?

A: Yes

A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

Very uplifting, thank you!
Thanks everyone again for this session -- lots to think about as usual, and the message at the end was indeed very hopeful :)

Laura said:
Q: (L) So it was like some kind of psychic capacitor action?

(Pierre) Loading, loading, loading until it could break through our defenses [...] They said that this energy was building up even though he was dead or in another plane. So, he managed after his death to keep on building it up?

A: Part of the "frozen status".

Q: (L) So, he himself in this frozen state became like a generator?

(Galatea) He turned into a battery of evil.

(L) Yeah, like a battery of evil.

Q: (Scottie) [...] And with the energy, I don't think it was like Vincent was really doing anything himself to gather that level of energy...

(L) He was just a tool!

(Scottie) He was just being used.

8/20/01 said:
A: Hot popper.


Laura said:
(L) [...] Okay, the kids want me to ask about the amoebas. Is my anti-amoeba protocol working?

A: Yes but needs continuance.


Q: (Perceval) More importantly, what do they mean by, "needs continuance"?

A: Repeat at intervals as you are.


Q: (L) They wanted me to ask how many of these critters I had before I started the protocol? You wanna give me a number there?

A: Silly! Billions!

I don't know enough about the subject to be sure, but the given population density and length of continued treatment recommended by the Cs may suggest biofilm formation, which would make the microorganisms in the colonies more resistant to that treatment. There's a book on this that might provide some further insights:

Combating Biofilms

The feedback on this is ultimately hopeful, and I'm glad to hear that the current protocol is making a dent in it :)
Thankfully VB, didn’t get, to hypnotise Laura, probably leave his imprint/intent... though some other guys really have induction - mesmerising down to a fine art.

I’m wondering, if this had taken place, i.e. fast induction hypnosis, maybe in Prague, or earlier... maybe not to Laura.

Just saying - Maybe next time it could be asked. If your interested in finding out, if such a thing had happened. It might be related to ‘sapped.’

Or nothing of the sort... just my imagination getting away from me - I do worry unduly sometimes, then again it is a crazy world, out there.
Really fascinating session--thanks for sharing and posting it so quickly! I thought it was really interesting that the Cs had to pause when trying to access and assess the circumstances of VB's death--I'm imagining that it was particularly nasty. And their comments about awareness being able to release focused negative energy were also fascinating.

The amoeba questions were quite interesting too--the complexity of the body and all that goes on in it, how challenging it can be to diagnose it, and how much we still don't know is incredible. I'm glad to hear that the protocol is working!!

A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

A very inspiring message in sad and dark times. Whenever I think about losing hope though, I just remember where I was some 5 years or so ago, where I am now, and where I would be now (totally lost) if you all hadn't been keeping the lighthouse going. You just never know and that beacon of truth can make a world of difference to someone. Maybe it won't be enough to stop this ship from going under (which looks pretty much certain to me at this point), but maybe it is enough to prevent it from happening all over again in the future. And maybe it was never meant to turn the ocean liner of this collapsing, diseased society around, but to help those who are asking get to some life boats.
Nienna said:
Thank you all for another fantastic session!

I know what you mean of how hopeless things are. How no one seems to want to "see" what is really going on. So the encouragement of the Cs is very much appreciated. And things are becoming more and more insane. I am to the point where I become nauseated reading the disgusting lies being put out there by the US and its vassals.

And sooooo interesting about Vinnie. You all did good! Glad you are back safe and sound.

Same here! Thank you for sharing another great session, and for having it up so quickly :flowers:
Reading the C's message at the end gives me hope in these times. Thanks again!
Thanks to Laura & Ark The Chateau Crew and to the C's for that encouragement!!!...

As a Captain just keep going with your vessel... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Laura said:
A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

Very helpful and encouraging and much appreciated.

Thank you for the session!
Moonbird said:
Laura said:
A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

Very helpful and encouraging and much appreciated.

Thank you for the session!

Ditto thank you for this session. It has been a huge relief.
Thank you for this session, very much appreciated

The final words are enormously encouraging. It is quite possible that lately had installed a general atmosphere of hopelessness, or at least I did notice so.

A influences, of course: :cool2: :read:

A influences are influences or force vectors created within life itself. Influences such as race, nation, country, family, profession, entertainment, current ideas, customs and so on create A influences. These are the first variety of influences by which man is surrounded. These influences are distributed almost equally over all the surface of the cycle of life. Their effects are radiated outwardly and these effects are inversely proportional to the square of the distance, much like the way in which radiant energy is propagated. Any man is influenced by those influences that directly surround him. He is pulled every instant in this way or that way depending on the way they act on him at any moment within his spatial region. These A influences that surround him, all point in different directions creating a force vector nullification that is comparable to the electrical neutrality of large bodies, whereby no matter how intense the local electrostatic fields surrounding the atoms may be, there is always a space-distributed compensation that makes the whole body perfectly neutral. Those who live strictly by A influences are what Gurdjieff refers to as "nullities.' This is your "average man" in life.


From Mouravieff's Gnosis Vol I pp. 78-80

Let us, however, be very careful not to give the distinction between 'A' and 'B' influences too narrow an interpretation. "A' influences act through the General Law, and therefore conform to the Divine Will. We already know one reason for their being: to serve the interests of the Ensemble.Yet let us not forget that everything is relative. He who studies esoteric science must not naively oppose 'A' influences. That would only succeed in bringing catastrophe. This was Don Quixote's instructive experience--so wrongly understood. 'A' influences play a positive role in the economy of the Universe. They combine with devastating force to oppose anyone who tries to attack them directly in their ensemble. The task of the seeker is different. Instead of trying to annihilate the 'A' influences, or to carve out a path between them for himself by his exploits, while continuing his esoteric education, he should instead escape their grasp.

It is important to understand that we can never attain this goal by our own forces. It is by absorbing 'B' influences--divine influences from a higher level, which are consequently more powerful--and by putting full trust in them, as well as by giving proofs of capacity and devotion, that we shall be liberated from the dominion of these 'A' influences--which are ruled by the General Law, assisted by the Law Of Accident.

He whose efforts are crowned with success--who attains higher levels of being--is immediately utilized to share in management and growth of a given level of the lower forces of the Cosmos.

In general he will have to accomplish--as a mission--a task in the domain of the 'A' influences. Above all, this work will require study of the bipolar world. Intelligence is the only tool we posses with which to achieve this end. This is its real reason for being, as well as the reason why its structure exactly reflects the world of the 'A' influences. This instrument thus allows man in accordance with Plato's principle. to grasp and know the similar by the similar. [...]
Laura said:
Session Date: July 4th 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Perceval, Chu, Data, Niall, Scottie

Q: (L) This is the 4th of July, 2015.

(Galatea) I have a quick question. Do you talk to 4D STO people?

A: "Talk"?

Q: (Galatea) Communicate with?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Okay. Say hi for us!

(L) Okay, um...

A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.


Wow great ending mesage! Thank you for the session, and thank to C's for this encouraging finale! :cool2:

Lot of stunning information on energy connection and influence and implication of Work, and yes I do think that sharing insights of craziness with those who are just taping into all of this, and sharing it on more kind and gentle way, giving more understanding perspective to all who are coming in light. I can see from mine "development" since March, when I start to speed up with readings and research and getting to know more, how it is within me progressing rapidly, and how sharing information from SOTT, and not really getting into preaching mode, just giving it out on and on and on, repeating as much as it is needed, I can see more and more people start to read and understand the mecanich behind current political and economical situation, and starting to think more realistically of their lives.

Still so impressed with this energy boost and terrorist attacks! That was strong! For a long time I felt on certain occasions, that things changed on more broader level affected with some "release" from me, and "attacking" or ignoring of positive and honest impute, was diverted like boomerang towards the one who decided to doom me. Or also what was weird is to see how with some minor acctions is possible to boost some positive things just if we give them "silent" confirmation and support. It was fascinating, to see it happening, as the events that has been kind of reflection on attacks or neglacy towards positive ideas from me, were of bigger significance for the society, as actualy attmepts to colaborate on better thngs for the society was coming form me, due to my professional work and some how respected position in it, among normal people, but apparently, even silently some how respected, but not accepted by the system. Difficult for me to explain it now, but definitely needs more research on that side.

Thank you one more time!

:flowers: :hug2: :lkj:
Laura said:
Session Date: July 4th 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Perceval, Chu, Data, Niall, Scottie

Q: (L) This is the 4th of July, 2015

A: That is materially efficacious, but the most important aspects were the full awareness and concentration, plus most important, channeling cosmic forces of positive protection.

Q: (L) So that makes me think that awareness itself is part of contact potential difference. It's like when you have a current flow, you have a whole bunch of electrons over here, and they flow to over there because of a difference in charge. This is funny, because it's kind of in my head: it's like a full field of awareness becomes an attractor in the material world for ethereal world or cosmic energy.

(Pierre) Yeah, and they say some kind of resonance. Vinnie was resonating with 4D STS, and we're resonating with positive forces.

(Perceval) In a practical sense, the awareness was the fact that you were there with the idea that Vinnie had left something there that needed to be dealt with. Some negative energy or whatever...

(L) I didn't have any idea of what it might be.

(Perceval) But it was an awareness that there was something and that it needed to be "cleaned". So that in some energetic way clashed with the negative energy. It's like two opposite poles. Like positive charge and negative charge.

(L) It's like turning on a light. The flow of electrons goes and illuminates the bulb.

(Perceval) Or lightning hitting the ground. It creates a boom.

(L) Yeah, so it was kind of like a psychic lightning bolt.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we became the transmitters of this psychic lightning bolt?

A: Yes. Amazing what a few aware people can do?!

Q: (L) Well, the thing is, it's not like we planned to do things. We're just trying to defend ourselves or do a little cleansing of the energy. We were flying by the seat of our pants. We were just following our instincts so to say.

(Pierre) When they say it's amazing what a few aware people can do, does it mean that there are a lot of positive forces around here, but there's not enough connectors? See what I mean? What is lacking is not higher positive forces, but aware people who can transduce them if it is awareness that makes the difference...

(L) Is that the case? There is plenty of positive force in the cosmos, but there just aren't enough people working on being awake and aware and following their instincts and letting the universe guide and drive and develop for all this to manifest?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I remember once you said something about programs and program writers that we would do what we would do. It was ourselves in the future that were the programmers that were directing us so to speak? Something along that line...

A: Yes. Good reference!


The "things" are in "our" hands !
Thank you to keep on sharing your experience all the time.

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