Session 4 July 2020

A made a simple animation to illustrate what it looks like, and how the double tetrahedron turns into a hexagon with the "fourth dimension", i.e. spinning: <removed image>
From the Dec 26, 1998 session:
Q: Okay, I am done. (A) I was trying to put together things related to research on UFT, and the questions I have asked recently. After a time of being quite desperate, because I could not put these things together, I could finally see some dim light. So, I would like to ask. But, please do not reassure me if what I think is wrong... just tell me it is wrong, and I will look for something else. I came up with the idea that we should model our space time on a kind of a surface embedded in a higher dimensional flat space. This would account for several things that you have told us. At some point you said the following: 'Old makes new again,' which suggested that we should come back to what Einstein was thinking, and then you said 'equilateral versus hypotenuse.' I didn't have a clue, but then I got an idea that it is related to different kinds of tensors with three indices, rather than to geometrical features. Is this guess correct?

A: Partly, but geometric figures provide a third density guide for visualizations of field concepts.

Q: (A) Hmmm....

A: Pyramids inverted upon one another.

Q: (A) Where to put these pyramids?

A: Hexagonal representation of flat plane...

Q: (A) What is hexagonal representation?

A: What does a hexagon look like when converted to three dimensional representation?

Q: (L) Well, a 'flat pyramid' is a triangle, and a triangle has three points, and two triangles inverted becomes a sort of Star of David, and that has six points and is a sort of hexagon... (L) Well, this hexagon business... two dimensional inverted pyramids make a Star of David. But, what if these pyramids were really tetrahedrons? They LOOK like a hexagon in a plane, but in 3 dimensions... (A) They are octohedrons... Octonions... hmmmm....
Pyramids inverted upon one another. Double tetrahedron. Hexagonal representation of a flat plane. Do you See it yet?
Thank you all for the session, they never ceases to amaze!

(L) Oh yeah! We finished charging a whole new batch of crystals. When we started out, we were all in a very bad voice. Andromeda and I were still recovering from all that virus business that affected our lungs and throats, and it took us a number of days to even start to be able to breathe properly and sound normal. But then at certain points once we had gotten our mojo back, there were times when we were singing and I would hear other voices joining in. Was I actually hearing other voices?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What were those voices?

A: 4D STO support for charging magnification.

Q: (L) Were those voices that I was hearing coming from our throats, or from the air around us?

A: Your voices enhanced.
A: If you would go about karaoke in the proper manner, you would indeed have connections forming and "celestial" voices would join in!!

Q: (Joe) What is the proper manner?

A: Right music, warm up, leave aside ego and sing for unification and simple beauty and emotion.

Beautiful!!! :love:

Artemis) How is Penelope doing? [Penelope the cat passed away last month]

A: Still around and playing. She communicates with Pikabu.

Q: (Artemis) So it's true that cats see ghosts and spirits and otherworldly things?

A: Yes

(Joe) And what about Elvis? [Elvis the dog also passed away last month]

A: Elvis will soon return as he feels it is his job to guard his flock.


(Andromeda) And I think this is part of the reason that I had this major gardening bug recently. The focus is on this kind of... creating good impressions.

(L) What's an apocalypse without flowers?!

(Andromeda) Exactly! It's focusing a little bit on the BEAUTY of something instead of just all of the darker stuff.

(L) Gardening is a very cleansing activity. Bringing order and beauty to the Earth is really just... it's extremely satisfying.

(Andromeda) It's kinda making that more the focus than the chaos.

(Ark) I think that Pierre's engineering is as important as gardening.

(L) Engineering, yes. Building things. Renovating that room and making a beautiful place. All the mowing and trimming and borders around trees and border around the parking area, straightening things out, fixing little things that have been hanging around bugging everybody for a long time, and so on. It's like creating by...

(Andromeda) It's helping to manifest goodness, I suppose.

Here, too, everything is in full 🌼, with many wildflowers of different varieties.

(L) Balance, like the C's said... You give it the attention it needs and the amount of behavior modification it needs. Whatever you need to do to deal with it. I get up and read the news every morning and go through all of that, and then I close the door. I know what's going on. Even if I don't see something today that I need to react to, I know what's going on. Now let me turn my attention to what is beautiful... And then I turn my attention to it. And for the most part, it's Ark and you kids. So, that's what I wanted to say.

(Pierre) Lately, when I've been reading the news, I feel more distant... not dissociation, but...

(L) I feel more distant from it too.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Pierre) More accuracy, but more distance. It's almost paradoxical, but...

(L) The splitting of realities. That's the reality they have created, and I do NOT wish to participate in it! Or at least participate as little as possible. I can move through it carefully if I must, but then, my mind is focused on love and beauty.

Words to remember.
Skipped ahead from pg 11 before this thread surges even further. Definitely thanks to Laura and crew for this newest session. I was hoping one was in the offing to bring in some insight and words of wisdom to counter the current madness affecting us all. I am amazed at the seeming consensus of this group in that we are all pretty much having the same feelings and responses to the crazy that's been happening since March. That it's not winding down, but increasing despite virus-killing sunshine and temps just proves that the agenda isn't about facts in any shape or form. We're all having to come to grips with this contrived reality and that our efforts to inform or otherwise push back are not producing the results we thought they could other than to make us potential targets ourselves. And so, we're realizing to continue flogging a dead horse will only serve to further frustrate and exhaust ourselves. I've been wrestling with that all along wondering if I should continue sharing or not. My last missive was June 25. I figure I've provided more than enough accurate info to challenge the narrative for those willing to question its validity.

I have spent considerable time working on my yard and have stopped numerous times just to sit and soak in the general beauty of it all - the grass seemed really intensely green and lovely this year and I truly enjoyed sprucing things up again after having let it all slide the past few years (health reasons). Unfortunately, gardening doesn't always go the way one wants either and frustration has been encountered with that as well. I took a short break and was back at it again today - it's been super hot for days with no rain so I do have to force myself to get out and make sure things stay adequately watered and continue with the projects I want to get done. Rain is forecast for tomorrow afternoon, Friday and Saturday, so that should help despite the continued high temps.

I suppose by now we shouldn't be shocked by anything the evildoers do, but the elephant space kill was shocking and that an African leader was taken out the same way just adds to the horror of what is being inflicted on the world. And I think those five stages of grief are in play in that disbelief, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are what I've felt as this Covid crazy has continued on.

Which brings us to the musical portion of this post. Gardening and music are very much antidotes to the stress of daily gaslighting that one must endure to keep adequately informed. I do read the newspaper and watch TV which subjects me to the ongoing lies and propaganda. However, I verbally contradict the lies out loud every time - I want the Universe to know that I'm not buying the BS and I'm not going to let it go unchallenged. I do turn to music for relief and enjoyed the PBS series on country music where I encountered Vince Gill and Will the Circle be Unbroken, a great song. PBS did recent fundraising that showcased the BeeGees' One for All Tour, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and others. I continue to be amazed by people who can not only sing beautifully, but play instruments at the same time! A meal at a pizza place had an Eric Clapton concert in Australia on the flatscreen - it was great too! But a music vid I posted in the Coronavirus thread really reflects what's being brought up here and by the Cs - Why Worry:

Baby, I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
But baby, I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
That turn your blue skies into gray

Why worry, there should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why worry now

Baby, when I get down I turn to you
And you make sense of what I do
And though it isn't hard to say
But baby, just when this world seems mean and cold
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way

Why worry, there should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now?
Why worry now?

And doesn't that song reflect the kind of love expressed in the books Laura referenced. More than ever, we need to hold onto the good, the beautiful, the wonderful - the love we feel to our soul.

Likes to all who've posted in this thread - you lift me up with your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. ❤

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Thank you so much for the session, each one a pearl, especially now. I've also not posted on social media in several weeks. I looked at my feed one day and thought, if it had sound it would be a cacophony and I no longer wanted to add to that. I received many private messages thanking me for the information I'd posted (much of which I took from the great stuff going around here), but most would not engage publicly for fear of the covitarian police just waiting to pounce. One friend recently called and told me she can't understand what's happening, she feels like she's floating in another dimension and asked "tell me about that stuff you used to talk about that I was never interested in". lol So I did, and this time she was all ears. I guess some people have have wake up buttons that just need something like this to give it an extra push.

How sad and ghastly about the elephants. Thankfully, according to the previous session in May, the satellites will fry and fail them. Hopefully this happens before they are able to reach human targets en masse.

I'm so sorry about the loss of the beloved pets. Even with knowing they are around, it's still so hard, I know it well. How heartwarming that Elvis will come have another round with you this lifetime. No purer love and devotion.
(Artemis) You shouldn't bring what's outside inside...

(Andromeda) It's not about blocking anything out, but choosing what to focus on.

(L) In other words, you can pay enough attention to the outside world to know what's going on and to know if you need to do something, make a maneuver, or whatever... But as Artemis just said, don't bring the outside inside. In a funny way, it's one of the reasons that I was drawn to read this series of novels was that it elicits ideas of a different world. It wasn't conscious, but it elicits ideas of romance, harmony between men and women, and so on. You guys laugh at me about them, but they really depict relationships in a most interesting way. They're just... And yeah, they talk about physical relationships, but they also talk about mental and emotional relationships. Very often, it's expressed in a physical way. Back me up here, Gaby!

(Gaby) It's true.

(Andromeda) And I think this is part of the reason that I had this major gardening bug recently. The focus is on this kind of... creating good impressions.

(L) What's an apocalypse without flowers?!

(Andromeda) Exactly! It's focusing a little bit on the BEAUTY of something instead of just all of the darker stuff.

(L) Gardening is a very cleansing activity. Bringing order and beauty to the Earth is really just... it's extremely satisfying.

(Andromeda) It's kinda making that more the focus than the chaos.

(Ark) I think that Pierre's engineering is as important as gardening.

(L) Engineering, yes. Building things. Renovating that room and making a beautiful place. All the mowing and trimming and borders around trees and border around the parking area, straightening things out, fixing little things that have been hanging around bugging everybody for a long time, and so on. It's like creating by...

(Andromeda) It's helping to manifest goodness, I suppose.

(L) And we created and added a prayer to our crystal charging this time that is basically an effort to help to manifest or to draw ourselves into a reality that's more peaceful, beautiful, or whatever. So if you're going to have a hyperkinetic sensate, if your emotions are going to be amplified by the very nature of the environment and the frequencies of the Earth or solar system or cosmos, be DAMN careful as to what you focus on or think about!!!

Thank you for this session. all of it.

I quoted this section above, because it's funny how things work out. I have wanted to get my backyard under control, things grow SO fast, and I've let it go for so long. didn't have the heart to stop the growing, but knew I would have to, eventually.

Gardening is a meditation of what can be, what you wish, what you kill (weed) for your vision plan, and ultimately what grows.

I guess it's like killing mice that invade your house: interact with nature but draw a co-operative line.
LAURA, comme je comprends votre peine, j'ai les larmes aux yeux quand je lis votre commentaire sur Elvis et Penelope, depuis que vous nous aviez parlé de leur état de santé dans une session, je les ai incorporés dans mes prières, matin et soir, et comme je ne savais pas qu'ils nous avaient quittés j'ai continué de prier pour eux comme s'ils étaient toujours parmi nous... Depuis que je le sais, je les garde encore un peu dans mes prières et encore ce matin ils y étaient... Ils sont un peu les miens aussi car je me suis aperçue que lorsque j'ai prié pour des gens ou des animaux, des liens nous unissent... Merci encore pour tout ce que vous FAITES et ETES... Je vous aime et vous suis infiniment reconnaissante pour TOUT...

LAURA, as I understand your sorrow, I have tears in my eyes when I read your comment about Elvis and Penelope, since you had told us about their health in a session, I have incorporated them in my prayers, morning and evening, and as I did not know that they had left us I continued to pray for them as if they were still with us... Since I know this, I keep them in my prayers a little longer and even this morning they were there... They are a bit mine too because I realized that when I prayed for people or animals, we are linked by bonds... Thank you again for all that you DO and ARE... I love you and I am infinitely grateful for EVERYTHING...

Translated with (free version)
(L) The splitting of realities. That's the reality they have created, and I do NOT wish to participate in it! Or at least participate as little as possible. I can move through it carefully if I must, but then, my mind is focused on love and beauty.
Thanks Laura and the C's for another wonderful session!

It's funny, I've been starting to think about 'winding down' my political commentary on Twitter etc, as well. People these days seem so determined to "make up their mind" about anything political based on the programming they've received, that it's not really worth trying to do anything other than plant the occasional "seed" that might be pondered upon should they receive the necessary 'shock' from the universe that might cause them to become contemplative enough to ponder it. No matter how logically you might present the facts and reasoning in any straight-up discussion, if the conclusions cause them to question the legitimacy of the "authorities", they just can't seem to 'go there'.

What the C's have said feels like a massive relief. It feels like putting down some sort of huge 'activist' burden and focusing on the things that truly matter and make a difference to others. Building things. Creativity. Sharing. Love. Beauty. There's so much that can and needs to be done that has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Kind of looking forward to a phase of my life where I can focus on building and creativity and providing what is really needed, to those that need what is real.
Q: (Artemis) Do things calmly, serenely, or just walk away. Be very gentle, because crazy forces are acting through people.

A: Reduce agitation. It is mostly useless at this point.

Q: (Andromeda) So, they're talking about... our political activism?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like, uh, Twitter?

(Chu) Facebook.

A: Yes
I think, in particular, because of the context we are aware - context of the Earth Changes and all that is associated with this. The Virus is real; however, it can also be interpreted as the distractions before the idea of Earth Changes. So, considering the thrust from their side, the best way to do not fight with it too much. Treat it as something that needs to withstand and think about the future and toward the future take action. The Virus and everything around it are from "the past."
thank you for this new session
concerning social media on our skype group we kinda felt this way for some weeks now , a few of us were quite active on sm but now we post memes instead
personally I decided to ease my way out of fecesbook ,not just stop as that would look suspicious IMO and post more on ice ages ,cropcircles , electric universe stuff and leave the political stuff alone and weed out the ''friends'' that drank the cool=aid on warming, CO2 and covid 1984
I also washed my car today and erased the covid 1984 I had written in the dirt on the bonnet... non of the millennials got the reference anyway,so sad

on a side note while the session before this one was happening in real time I had a bad migraine and during this one I came down with a two day head cold and a twisted back...all good now but weird non the less
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