Very interesting indeed. This brought me back a number of years to a small study I made of a rather controversial book called "the Mystery of Bellicena Bilca" (a true hornet's nest!). If I recall correctly, it was Laura herself who asked me to translate some excerpts from the original Spanish into English. It is a work clearly inspired in Gnostic teachings and the session bit quoted above reminded me specifically of the point the book made about what it claims was an ancient Hyperborean strategy for liberation. I thought I'd share this little bit that follows, though I know that it should be put into a wider context in order to be truly understood, but that would be way beyond the scope of this scant comment here, and I only felt I'd share this bit because I think it may apply to Laura and Ark's creation of what may indeed be dubbed a "strategic enclosure" in France. These were some of my comments derived from the reading of the book:
"It was always claimed that the state of absolute freedom could only be accomplished in the Origin, that is, in the “un-created” world of which the material universe is but a sort of downgraded reflection: a copycat creation. In the present world, elsewhere called the Valplads, there could only be war for the awakened spirit, and the so-called Hyperborean Wisdom could only oppose any Cult which forced men to kneel before anyone of the Gods. This Wisdom was a manual to wage a strategic opposition against the designs of the Demiurge and was bequeathed by the Gods to all those peoples that They established a blood covenant with, which basically bounded them to the mission of awakening the spirit to the true nature of Reality and manifested as a resolution to fight to return to the Origin.
The Liberating Gods taught the peoples under Their auspices to always remain in a state of alert and, more specifically, they taught them a strategic way of life that would best prepare them to fulfil their mission, a special way of life that would allow them to live as foreigners on the Earth. There were three basic principles that supported this way of life: the principle of Occupation, the Principle of Enclosure, and the principle of the Strategic Wall. In the first place, the allies of the white Atlanteans should never forget that they only temporarily occupied a territory in the domain of the Demiurge. This would set them apart from all the peoples allied to the dark Atlanteans who embraced the concept of ownership of the land. So they would always be aware that the land they inhabited was not their own, but instead a territory occupied from the Enemy, that is, the Powers of the Material World. This realisation alone would also serve to maintain the state of alert, since the occupying force would be aware that the Enemy would always try to reclaim their territory; belief in the ownership of the land, on the other hand, would give the people a false sense of security leading them to lower the guard before the Enemy and succumb to His Power of Illusion.
With this in mind, the peoples should then create an Enclosure around the occupied territory. We could presume here that the author intents this as an allegory to refer to an ontological state where the individual basically claims independence from the Law of Entropy that seems to govern the Material Universe. Using the concepts explained by Mouravieff, this state could also be described as a manifestation of a resolution to shut oneself away from the “A” influences and instead open up to the “B” influences. The Hyperborean wisdom claimed that once having enclosed the land occupied, the people then could cultivate it and make it produce fruits, which of course could be interpreted literally as well as allegorically. The literal interpretation derives from the fact that the white Atlanteans were very rigorous about the correct way to approach the task of cultivating the land: they thought that if man deemed himself owner of the land, the Powers of Matter would emerge from the land and engulf him, “integrating him to the context and turning him into an object of the Gods”. This would make the spirit fall even further down since attachment to the land and the misguided belief of “freedom” and “peace” within the limits of his property would render man defenceless against the Power of Illusion of the Enemy. In such a state he would no longer conceive of the necessity to escape from the material prison for he would instead always long to preserve those feelings of “freedom” and “peace”.
The principle of the Strategic Wall is, in its more immediate meaning, the practical application of the principle of Enclosure, however the fact that there are different manifestations of this strategic wall depending on the realm to which it is applied is made clear by the author when he states that: “there are many worlds where the Spirit remains captive and in each one of them the principle of the Strategic Wall supposes a different manifestation: in the physical world the correct application led to construction of the Stone Wall”. A reference is also made to the fact that the definition of the Stone Wall, as manifested in the physical realm, should not be constricted to the idea of a spatially closed wall, since in the process of its construction intervened many secret principles that belonged to what the author calls “Lithic Wisdom”, as well as the principles of the “Strategy for the Essential War”. This suggests that the reference to the stone wall may also be related to the secrets governing the emplacement of megaliths in very specific layouts to possibly create a grid that may have served, as one of its purposes, to protect the enclosed space from the influence of the Powers of the Material World.]"