Session 4 July 2020

My crystals arrived yesterday too! So grateful! This is a bit personal but I'll share in case this has happened to anyone else. I know that when Laura started the crystal project it sounds as if she may have endured extra attack. I can't find the post(s) on the forum, put pretty sure I do remember reading it. Anyway, it was almost as if 4D STS knew the crystals were coming to me and staged an least that it what it felt like. I recently lost another pregnancy (very early on) earlier last week and was feeling pretty down but did not have suicidal thoughts. A few days before the crystals arrived, the suicidal thoughts and depression just seemed to rip through me.

So grateful.

@candasiri I am sorry to hear about your lost, I can only imagine how awful it must have been. Take good care of yourself.
I received my crystals a few days ago, thank you Laura and the crew for your hard work, I hope it didn't tax too much energy! I can't described the joy I felt when I received the enveloppe, I waited to be alone to open it. I can't believe we have a connexion to the 6th floor thanks to these crystals. Thank you.🙏

So if I understood well:
- no direct exposition to sunlight for too long.
- exposition to moonlight is a no-no.
- Crystals in water, near plants or others stones is not problematic.
- Give them love by reciting prayers to them.
So if I understood well:
- no direct exposition to sunlight for too long.
- exposition to moonlight is a no-no.
- Crystals in water, near plants or others stones is not problematic.
- Give them love by reciting prayers to them.
When you said "Cristals in water", do you mean ryu all the cristals, or just the snorky/scuby one.
According to Laura:
No. The water and sunlight clear the charge. Those who are doing this are de-activating their crystals and they will become just ordinary crystals with no connection.
Incidental exposure to water and/or sunlight will not discharge the crystals if there is no intent to do so; but obviously, intending to "charge" them on your own will do exactly that: they will no longer be Cass. Connection Crystals.
Session 7 May 2016

Officials initially ruled out toxins being the cause of the deaths, as elephants were the only species to have been affected, and other animals would have presumably suffered the same consequences. However it’s now thought the large animals may have been particularly susceptible to the toxic blooms due to elephants bathing in the waters and ingesting a lot more of it than other animals will have.


Reuben added: ‘We have many questions still to be answered such as why the elephants only and why that area only. We have a number of hypotheses we are investigating.’
The first point doesn't make sense to me, but I'm no expert at toxicology. Doesn't each animal drink according to its size/weight? And the amount of toxin needed to kill/affect an animal is also proportional to its size? Isn't that why they have "horse tranquilizer" because a human dose wouldn't impact a larger animal? And when anesthesiologists put people to sleep, they have to cater the amount of drugs very precisely to the size of the person. So smaller animals would've drank in proportion to their size, and should've been proportionally impacted, so I'm not following their logic there.

So it's not solved, it's a hypothesis which does not even explain the available data, leaving many unanswered questions.
So it's not solved, it's a hypothesis which does not even explain the available data, leaving many unanswered questions.

Yes, not solved at all. SoTT carried the original Reuters article (with the cyanobacteria angle) and added comments and an update:

Joe) There's a particularly evil clique in the UK.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They like to persecute people. They're a bunch of sadists, basically. When mostly everybody else in Europe has kinda let it go to a large extent, somebody in the UK is really...

(L) They're just hammering it!

(Joe) Pin those people down. Stick the knife in. They're desperate to keep control.

And under cover of convid and brexit this evil bunch now sneakily passed the controversial Overseas Operations Bill through the House of Commons, which will make it virtually impossible to prosecute soldiers for murder or torture while at the same time allowing veterans a window of only six years after developing symptoms as PTSD etc. to apply for compensation.

The proposed presumption against prosecution applies to offences such as war crimes and torture and critics say it breaches international humanitarian law, although the government says it is designed to end vexatious litigation against the armed forces.

So on one hand, it tells the global community that Britain will judge its own conduct but will maintain a mindset that its troops are perennially upstanding. And on the other, it’s saying to the souls stationed on the frontline that they have a window to mention any injuries and, after that, they are on their own.The bill will appeal to trigger-happy adrenaline junkies, the type who go to gun ranges and unload a barrage of bullets from a rifle with glee.

The government knows what it’s doing, this is the first step in refashioning the armed forces into a rabble-rousing pack of jackals with Union Jacks tattooed on their arms. It’s also a free pass to allow Boris and his cabal of advisers to enter into conflicts with limited blowback domestically.

Members of Parliament (MPs) debated the bill in the House of Commons on Wednesday and a majority of MPs voted it through to its next stage. The bill will move through a number of stages next, be debated by the UK parliament’s House of Lords, and then return to MPs before it can become law.

There is quite some opposition against this bill, domestically as well as internationally, we'll have to wait and see if this bill really becomes law. Scary stuff.

My crystals arrived yesterday too! So grateful! This is a bit personal but I'll share in case this has happened to anyone else. I know that when Laura started the crystal project it sounds as if she may have endured extra attack. I can't find the post(s) on the forum, put pretty sure I do remember reading it. Anyway, it was almost as if 4D STS knew the crystals were coming to me and staged an least that it what it felt like. I recently lost another pregnancy (very early on) earlier last week and was feeling pretty down but did not have suicidal thoughts. A few days before the crystals arrived, the suicidal thoughts and depression just seemed to rip through me. When my husband announced: "what the hell did you order from France?" yesterday I ripped opened the package and secured the protection crystal next to my heart center and immediately felt the suicidal thoughts dissipate. I've been using my water crystal as well.

So grateful.

So sorry for your loss Candasiri 💐
Session 4 July (in German)

Thank you for your work.

There is some wording I have to disagree with.

(Artemis) Macht ihr Jungs etwas, das sie dazu bringt, die Tür aufzubrechen und dann zu sagen, dass ihr das Coronavirus habt?

(Artemis) Are you guys doing something that's gonna make them break down the door and [ .... ]

'You guys' cannot meaningfully be translated to 'Jungs' since Artemis was referring to males and females at the table. It is generally not gender-related. That leaves us with 'ihr'...

A: Erinnert euch an den geheimen Briefwechsel zwischen Kennedy und Kruschev.
(L) Mit anderen Worten, der Führer Russlands und der Führer der USA haben in ihren eigenen Ländern immer noch eine Menge Kräfte gegen sie aufgestellt.

A: Remember the secret correspondence between Kennedy and Kruschev. (*)
Q: (L) So in other words, the leader of Russia and the leader of the USA still have a lot of forces arrayed against them within their own countries. [* Official English transcription would be Khrushchev]

Хрущёв is transcripted to Chrustschow in German. (For anyone trying to search for his biography).

Reading the term 'Führer' would make German readers feel somewhat uneasy or break out into laughter.
Though inconvenient we have to put up with something like 'Spitzenpolitiker'.

Instead of 'haben (..) immer noch eine Menge Kräfte gegen sie aufgestellt' I would recommend
'es sind immer noch eine Menge Kräfte gegen sie aufgestellt. (aufgereiht)'

(L) Und ihre Blindheit, die Realität anderer Welten oder anderer Reiche nicht zu verstehen... Sie sind so sehr auf ihren darwinistischen Materialismus fixiert, dass sie eine Momentaufnahme bekommen, die sie, fürchte ich, einfach zerstören wird. Wir können also anders sein! Wir können anders TUN, und wir können WÄHLEN.* Wir haben ein gewisses Maß an Wahlmöglichkeiten, also lasst sie uns nutzen!

(L) And their blindness in not understanding the reality of other worlds or other realms... They're so focused on their Darwinian materialism, they're going to get a snapback that's going to just destroy them, I'm afraid. So, we can BE different! We can DO different, and we can CHOOSE. We have a certain level of choice left to us, so let's use it!

'Momentaufnahme' is a snapshot which is not going to destroy them, I think.
Snapback (when you let loose a stretched rubber band) would literally mean 'Zurückschnappen'.

* I would propose 'wir können anders handeln und haben die Wahl'.

(Artemis) Didn't you want to ask about the elephants, Joe?

(L) What happened to the dead elephants in Botswana?

A: Target practice by dark forces.

Q: (Pierre) 3D or 4D?

A: 3D satellites. Induced heart attacks.

Q: (Niall) From space!

(Joe) Was that practicing for humans?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I guess they start on elephants using the satellites and then they refine their system.

(Artemis) That was making me think about all those spontaneous death stories that I was reading about in the news. They don't know what the cause is, but all these people just die.

(Niall) Around the same time as these elephants, the prime minister of Burundi dropped dead of a heart attack. It was very suspicious...

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) An induced heart attack?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) By this satellite technology?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Was that the same attack?

(L) Was that the same source, but maybe not intentional?

A: Yes

Some people count elephants from space, others....

A: They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down.
I still have a next-to-impossible time seeing how all-things-COVID finally end. This just lumbers on and on and on and on...

It comes down to the fact that people are being vocal and endlessly complaining, but at the end of the day that's ALL the majority ever does, never anything concrete or otherwise meaningful. Here and there there are tiny pockets of resistance, but never even close enough whatsoever to making a difference. And governments...the tyrant psychopath governors and the do-nothing/worthless legislatures...don't care. 🤷‍♂️

Add to that that roughly 30-60% of the population is completely lost ('unreachable' lost causes), and will wear masks literally for the rest of their lives.
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