What an amazing session, thank you all so much!
A: Remember the secret correspondence between Kennedy and Kruschev.
Q: (L) So in other words, the leader of Russia and the leader of the USA still have a lot of forces arrayed against them within their own countries.
(Niall) They have to act a certain strategic way.
I just read RFK Jr.'s book "American Values" and the whole Kennedy saga is really quite something. The correspondence between Kennedy and Kruschev was fascinating, they were super careful, and they both had such powerful internal enemies. And look at what happened to them despite their carefulness, and now imagine that since then the dark forces had decades of strengthening their power...
A: Keep eyes and ears open so that you can enjoy the show. But also pay close and careful attention to those around you in love and harmony. Balance is key. Goodbye.
Wow, I can so relate to a lot of what has been said. I went on a Social Media hiatus lately, keeping myself informed, but also keeping my distance. There really is a feeling of "disconnect" between realities, and I kind of have given up convincing people. And I'm less emotionally invested in whether people "get it", or the craziness around. There is much love, and positive things seem strengthened. I'm doing things like playing piano, gardening, beautifying the house, calling relatives... There needs to be balance. Also, I'm tired of staring at all the craziness around all the time, I want to focus more on what's in me - reading, learning about things I'm interested in, moving in a positive direction, getting into the "cosmic groove". Let the crazies be crazies and move away from them kinda thing.
However, I also have bouts of depression from out of nowhere, everything is amplified. It seems more crucial than ever to keep it together, even slight "slips" in awareness seem to do lots of harm. I feel like I need to constantly up my game mentally, to keep my thoughts and emotions pure and balanced, and do some mind-ninja tricks to stay on track.
For example, just yesterday I decided to get Spotify and was listening to some nice songs. But then I saw that in the German version, they use gendered language everywhere! Like "Artist*X" and things like that. I suddenly got terribly mad, enraged!! The feeling was so strong that I had violent fantasies! So I stopped myself, and asked my wife, "what can you do if you have feelings like that?", and we talked a bit, and suddenly those bad vibes just vanished, and I was calm and centered again.
I think it is very important to maintain a spirit of curiosity these days - curiosity about our own feelings and reactions, about what we can learn from all the challenges, internal and external, facing us. It boils down to the question of how badly we want to learn? How badly do we want to grow? How badly do we want to
know? This kind of spirit will transcend our challenges, and even turn errors into valuable lessons. Otherwise, because of all the "intensifying" going on, we can be violently thrown off-track very quickly.
Thanks again everyone, and much love