Session 4 March 2012

Ask_a_debtor said:
Out of curiosity, is the paper Ark refers to here this one?

Maximal Localizability of Photons, A. Jadczyk, B. Jancewicz, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 21 (1973) p. 477-483

Very interesting session, thanks for sharing :) It would be nice to get a good theory for the planetary rotation speed and effects on one another, as well as the sun/brown dwarf. Looks like a science in its infancy, although not exactly since we already know the various components of it (like how electricity, engines, plasma, etc work pretty well). Just need more data regarding the cosmic effects of these forces, and the nature of the cosmic bodies in question.
There was... (Ailen) The whole Elenin thing. (L) Oh, Elenin! (Perceval) That was a bust, though. (L) That depends on what you call a "bust". (Ailen) It depends on what it did in space. (L) Because if there's electrical activity as a result of Elenin, discharging or whatever little-understood phenomenon goes on between bodies in the solar system... (Perceval) Well, they said it disappeared. Which means it could have... (L) They said it disappeared? It could have just gone dark. (Perceval) Their interpretation was that it broke up.

The Thunderbolts folks just released a recent video on this topic here:
Thanks so much for the new and so interesting session and for the great picture of you all! :love: :flowers:

RedFox, the connections to other sessions that came to your mind, are very interesting and appreciated. Lots to reflect upon.

One thing I must say is that whenever I read about the theories put forth as to the electrical universe, I tend to see it like processes in a body, processes between cells... as above so below. I still need to understand these things in detail though. It's all so fascinating!

Armando and Arianna´s mother: My condolences to the both of you, and I hope that the explanation from the C's will help you find peace despite your loss. Take care! :hug2:
hello everybody

Thank you for sharing this interesting session and for the picture. The idea that 2012 is a revolution year isn't so pretty for me . we'll see

Q: (Ark) Well, once we are on this subject, I want to ask about these mathematicians. Yesterday I learned that from my mathematician friend in Poland about the death of - in our Kairos club - a young mathematician Branson. And apparently he was quite young and for no reason suddenly he died driving a car. (L) In an accident? (Ark) No, while he was driving. Now, he was a friend of the German mathematician who worked with Irving Segal, the young guy that drowned in Clausthal in the lake. There was a conference, and they went for a swim in the lake. People were on the shore watching, and he just sank in seconds and that was all. He was also like 20-some years old. Then we had this Pertti Lounesto, the same club, related to the same area of mathematics, who drowned in the sea a few months after we saw him at the conference {in Cookville, Tennessee}. Okay, and then we had the Russian mathematician who was doing also similar work, and he went to the Black sea for vacation and he drowned. All these young people died, and they are all mathematicians doing very abstract work. It's too many of them to have drowned just by accident. I mean, what kind of coincidence is it? Any comment?

A: It is not a coincidence. It is too bad that so many who are on the right track in so many ways do not have the advantage of knowing about those things that would shield them from frequency driven attacks; such things as diet changes that would protect them from direct manipulation; things such as awareness of other densities. But, of course this last item would have come to their notice.

The diet seems to be very important
Thank you for a very interesting session. The last bit about everything not going the way of the controllers gives hope.
Laura said:
Ellipse said:
Q: (L) Why did his son make that choice?

A: He knew what was coming and chose to prepare for the next level of service.

Thanks to the crew for the session and the C's for the answers.

I note the past was used in this answer (what was coming) not the present so the answer allude to the accident I guess, not to future events on the planet as I first read.

No, in the context it is obvious that the "he knew what was coming" refers to him knowing what is in our collective future.

Thanks for the clarification Laura.

So this is perhaps the most important sentence of the session. Now each session have this reminder it seem to me. What are you doing with your life? What is really important?
Thank you for sharing, very interesting session, I enjoyed the electric universe part. And great to see you guys!
Looking back at the July 4, 98 sessions, I cant help but feeling a little apprehension about what will take place very rapidly. It seems like Laura and Ark felt the same way back then. If you remember the Cs answered a question about thinking in 3D and told us that we should know better after all the lessons learned up to that point. There words "Better to have a front row seat, and enjoy", comes to mind. Since there is not much we can do to prevent this comet cluster from doing its designated damage and the clue given by the Cs "That help is on the way" I feel that perhaps our frequency's due to the teachings, posts and sessions of Forum group, might be of sufficient amplitude to reach and coinside with the "Realm" frequency, and possibly 4D/5D STO status. Even if a soul does not make it to 4D level - the lessons learned in this lifetime will be of extreme help in the next incarnation. Perhaps if the soul in the contemplation level (5D) does not wish to return to 3D level, but they chose to stay in a 4D STO functioning level, there to help others not so fortunate. Meeting, listening, and reading the comments of other members of this Forum, makes me believe humanity does have a chance again. Many thanks to Laura, Ark ,and the crew et. all. The picture is gratefully appreciated....on another subject, Mando and Ariannas Mom...I know how it feels when I almost lost my eldest son to Non-Hodgekins Lymphoma (a form of Cancer) and for a whole year things were very hectic...Stem cell programs saved his life, but it was a long grueling process. I hope as time goes by, your feeling of loss will diminish, but the good memories will remain. As the Cs have taught "They made this choice" so we must believe that if this is the way, we must honor their wishes. I believe that you will meet again someday under much better circumstances. Lets hope that all the "Lesson learned" come to fruition. Again thanks for posting , Laura and crew..
Thanks for sharing the session! I found this part especially fascinating:

(L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?

A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.

Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a virus? Materialization?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close in location to those of stem cells, and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?

A: More or less!

Q: (Perceval) Except when we do the thinking, we mess it up. So we should stop thinking and interfering with the manifestation of our DNA! (laughter)

And all that made me think of this, interestingly almost exactly 10 years ago:

Session 30 March 2002

A: Viruses make inroads only when there exists gaps
in consciousness. A full field of awareness closes the
gaps. Heal the soul by means of increased knowledge
which leads to DNA modification which closes
...To do it otherwise amounts to self violation of
lesson profiles elected by the self.

I also find interesting how the idea of 'memes' was inspired by 'genes' (hence the name), and they spread like viruses. Things 'go viral' on the web nowadays... If you accept the wrong ideas because of lack of awareness (weak immune system), your soul gets ill. As above, so below!

Also, the idea that at the molecular level, where things turn mysterious at the quantum level, and where the regular laws of physics seem to stop, or work differently, thoughts/information can organize matter into the building blocks of life! It's as if that is the borderline between matter and consciousness. Hmm...

All very stimulating food for thought; makes me wonder. :)
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