Thanks Laura & Co (including C's:),
First about Éiriú Eolas it's probably more important than I could actually realize it but I had serious of funny interuptions during breathing yoga like door bell ringing at 3:15 am, people asking me to open main door because they forgot the key (between 7 other bells), and that at the point of time when finally in right rhythm, coincidence??? Or after meditations, having weird and vivid dreams filled with numbers or melodies, is it another program pop up or something else?? I must say in last couple of weeks could meditate without problem and wake up with sudden understanding of problems that seems to big to solve night before but than having headaches for days and feeling like a crash test dummy?? So, thanks for cheering up:) this will really take lot of timeeeeee and patience for sure.
Related to the Kanthekkian (Nostratic) paleo language and Kanthekkian culture, could we trace it perhaps via ancient alphabets??? It is pretty funny to have 2 old branches of basic alphabets: one mostly found around Mediterranean area (Hieratic, Orkhon, Demotic, Etruscan, Phoenician, Vinča alphabets with presence of phonetic letters like: "DZ", "CH", "NJ", "SH", "SCH" but same could be found in Sanskrit, Chinese and Tibetan and another one branch: Eld Futhark (oldest known version of runes alphabet), Faliscian (pre Latin) and Carian up to: Danish, Scandinavian, British, Irish and Hungarian futhark and old Greek and early Mayan without complicated phonetic letters, same two branches could be found between Arabian and Indo Asian alphabets actually in their phonetic approach to the alphabet and it's pronunciation, it seems that going more and more to the past more and more these two branches become obvious, no matter on their versatility of the written modus or style it self, I was thinking about this for weeks and made comparations between historical alphabets (please compare mentioned alphabets and use Wikipedia because I can not download high resolution picture with 24 different alphabets from all around the world) , but than what is genuine Kanthekkian approach to the pronunciation of the alphabet and it's written modus?? Futhark family is generally oldest on the N or NW of the Europe and younger on S and SE of Europe. Hieratic-Vinča-Etrusca-Indo Asian and European is pretty hard to trace due to the fact of long history of some alphabets in one space like: 50000 years of Sanskrit tradition and lot of variables of different local styles of Asian alphabets, but similarities are obvious in Mediterranean circle and middle east. At first I was sure to vote for futhark as written mode of Kanthekkian due to the fact that pale and blond people in last 2000 years of written history actually used it (based on description of C's how Kanthekkian actually looked like) but than remember Maya do not fit in the picture of pale people:) or some funny blending happened in there.....,... Could we please have assistance with this????
Second what comes to my mind are most common ways of bodily disposals with their variants that comes hand in hand with different religious options: Monotheistic religions are concentrated on earth burial with variations: naked, wrapped, boxed, embalmed is pretty anomaly for elite or "sons of god-usually son of sun god" in polytheistic religions like: Pharaohs, Inca kings, Mayan kings and it's far east counterparts like Chinese emperors or Vietnam kings or other far east dragon kings, other variations are predominant for polytheistic religions like: disposal through fire: like prechristian, Vikings, Slavic tribes or Germanic tribes..... or Hindus, natural mummification is pretty interesting anomaly because used in diffrent ways: Siberian tribes had ice mummification, South & North American tribes had air mummification, Guanche and Tibetans had mostly cave mummification and Egyptian had mostly sand mummification. I will not continue with all kind of differences and variations of burial customs around the globe but there is something with rise of monotheism and sudden earth burial break trough actually like someone programmed ancient populus to embrace new restrictions (how other to call monotheism and all package that comes with it, please read C's transcripts related to monotheism especially Judaism for more understanding) and organized will to pile up bodies and hide them on one place under the soil, basically no more open spaces like caves and top of the mountains, perhaps it was much easily for body snatchers from 4D STS to get them for their needs if quickly disposed under ground, excuse me for this digression it is indirectly related to our Kanthekkian friends and its phylosophical-religious traditions and with it BURIAL tradition as one of most important traditions for any culture, for sure it is not earth burial but than what is it, where could we trace it directly, could it be fire disposal & cave disposal, there are so many differences what could be original one??? What do you think???
Last but not the least about Bosnian Pyramids, thanks for solving that, Semir Osmanagić invest most of his time and money on excavations and majority of people in Balkan area had pretty nasty opinion about his hard work I guess there are more of pyramids to be found across the globe just waiting for enthusiast and people with a vision.
Good Night to whole C's club:))))