Session 6 August 2005


FOTCM Member
Session 6th August 2005
Laura, Ark, Mr. Scott, Perceval, Galahad, Andromeda, IR, D, J.

Q: (L) Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Lonomiah

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea, Long time no Cs

Q: (L) Are you sure this isn't Galahad in the future?

A: Maybe!

Q: (L) Yes we know long time no Cs, but we have been busy!

A: All work and no play makes Laura a dull girl

Q: (L) alright, I'll try not to be so dull

A: Don't try, Do.

Q: (L) Are you sure your name isn't master Yoda?

A: No, master Yoda is not "here"

Q: (A) Ok, we have a question from our Russian friends, and I would like to know are they really our friends?

A: Trying to be.

Q: (A) They say they are trying to actively do something in 4D. IS this possible?

A: When it is, it is. But there is a catch: you generally don't get to come back unless you are of the manipulative ilk, i.e. STS

Q: (A) In the history we know, how many people managed to escape from 3D?

A: Vanishingly rare Night!!!

Q: (L) What does night mean?

A: Henry's jokes.

Q: (A) I really want to know an approximate number

A: Less than 3,000 in this cycle.

Q: (L) That's pretty depressing.

A: Remember the wave. Networking works.

Q: (A) I want to ask about our friend A**** (French DST guy who is interested in the Cs). Was he sent here on a special mission? We were discussing Desarab Nicolescu, Jakob Bohm etc

A: Of course. They are interested.

Q: (H) Are they friends?

A: More so than not.

Q: (Perceval) Was the cutting of the fence a 3rd warning following the guy with the camera in the market and then the nuts on the wheel of the car?

A: Likely. But there are others watching them. France is very interested in what scared the USA.

Q: (L) So we scare the USA?

A: Not exactly "scare", lets just say disturb the forces, Galahad!

Q: (A) So are the people who are watching the watchers related to A***?

A: Most probable.

Q: (Perceval) How many troops have actually been killed since the beginning of the Iraq war?

A: 7,500

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually supports Bush?

A: 36%

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population thinks there was complicity on the part of the US government in 9/11?

A: 47%

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually thinks at all?

A: 12% if you define it rigidly. (group amazement at this figure)

A: What do you expect with HAARP turning brains to tapioca?

(Perceval) So it's a Zombie nation then?

A: You took the words right out of 6th density.

Q: (Perceval) so does HAARP only affect the US population?

A: Mostly.

Q: (Perceval) In terms of our group members, the only solution would be to get out of the US then? Is that true?

A: Or be aware and network.

Q: (Mr. Scott) I have to ask; how many have seen the Pentagon Flash now?

A: Going on 500 million.

Q: (Perceval) Who carried out the Madrid train bombing?

A: Our favourite false flag gang.

Q: (Galahad) And were they also behind the London train bombings?

A: MI5 involvement there. Lack of professionalism shows.

Q: (Galahad) Is there a real danger if John Kaminski were to come to France as he thinks?

A: No

Q: (Galahad) So someone is trying to keep him from coming?

A: US CoIntelPro etc.

Q: (JM-guest) Did members of the Romanian securitate go to the US and offer their expertise?

A: Not likely.

Q: (Perceval) Are the world's oil resources dangerously depleted?

A: Not even close.

Q: (Galahad) So, as we suspected, the whole peak oil thing is a political manipulation to get people behind the Reich?

A: Distract and conquer.

Q: (JM) Is Tony Blair acting on his beliefs or is he being blackmailed?

A: He has been promised a place on the "rapture special."

Q: (IR) Why are the French putting so much energy into the Int. Thermo-Nuclear Experimental Reactor? Supposedly because we are going to be short of oil...

A: It keeps people busy and it keeps the Bush gang happy. You don't think France "buys" all that nonsense do you? It has to buy time and space to maneuver.

Q: (Perceval) So they are playing dumb in terms of the "end of the world"?

A: Dumb like a fox!

Q: (IR) So are there two groups, one in France and one in the US and they are not allies?

A: Not at present. But everyone has to consider that fun gang of stooges for Yahweh. They don't play nice.

Q: (Perceval) Is there any update on the possibility of some form of germ disbursement and is something like that imminent?

A: Expect a good round this fall.

Q: (Perceval) Is there anything we should be doing to prepare?

A: Stay healthy.

Q: (JM) Is this germ warfare going to be strictly in the US?

A: It's already starting.

Q: (Perceval) Is it going to be worldwide?

A: Spottily

Q: (Perceval) Are we talking about a deadly form of flu?

A: It will be eventually.

Q: (Perceval) What was the cause of crash 587?

A: Covered up. Can you spell MOSSAD? Just call it a "reminder."

Q: (Perceval) They seem to have monopolised the market on false flag terror attacks.

A: That is their speciality.

Q: (IR) What was the influence behind the French "No" vote?

A: Mostly free thinking.

Q: (Perceval) So what percentage of people in France can really think?

A: 59%

Q: (IR) Is Sarkozy associated with any occult group?

A: Absolutely.

Q: (IR) Can you specify?

A: Let's just say that he is very much influenced by Kabballah.

Q: (Perceval) Did anyone else other than Barabara Olsen survive Flight 77?

A: 2

Q: Was one of them the ex- IDF guy who had made a website for Rummy's department in the Pentagon?

A: Good possibility.

Q: (Galahad) There have been rumors on various web sites that the special prosecutor - Fitzgerald - is going to bring down charges against the Bush gang. Is this just more disinfo?

A: Lots of negotiation going on at present. Most likely that Bush will prevail.

Q: (Perceval) Were there really explosions at the WTC as reported by firefighters on the 24th Floor and in the basement by civilians?

A: Yes, but not necessary to plant charges. Only necessary to plant "conductors" for "shaped" EMP.

(Discussion about what these might be and of previous session where they mention that towers were felled by natural wave that was "contoured.").

Q: (A) I asked a question long ago about mathematically modelling consciousness, and the answer was "visualise the inverted representation of the gravity geometric model" and that this would lead me to the geometric model of consciousness. But I couldn't find what inverted representation means. So what is it?

A: Do you have an equation for that model for gravity?

Q: (A) No. I don't have any equation. The model is a model and can have many different equations. Equation is something additional that makes the model work one way or another.

A: Find the equation, and then "invert."

Q: (A) Okay, so say I found the equation; I still don't know how to invert the equation. Read it backward? Upside down?

A: Gravity is consciousness "expressed."

(Ark is not happy with answer as it is not helping. Group discussion of what "expressed" might mean)

Q: (A) What should I "extract" from Dan Winter? Long ago you guys told us that I had to "extract", from Dan Winter.

A: A wisdom tooth (group laughter) Dan is over the edge, expect him and his gang to start spouting twists on Laura's work.

Q: (IR) What kind of effect, if any, is the group, the work from the group, having on the state of the world?

A: If you can see, you will notice "responses."

Q (IR) So we do have an affect but we may not see the effects?

A: Absolutely, and some effects you can see.

Q: (L) Well, the way I see it, the more we do...(Perceval) the worse it gets! (laughter) we might even bring on Armageddon! They're going to wreck the place because of us! (Laughter) Well it seems to me that every time we come out with something that is positive or of a beneficial nature they just ramp up the lies and get more ugly and violent...I mean, that's like playing chicken!

Q: (Galahad) Am I going to be able to get in and out of Canada without any problem?

A: Probably, but don't push your luck?

Q: Okay. So is there anything I shouldn't do?

A: Never assume safety, but don't be paranoid either.

Q: (A) My Russian friends asked during the year 1998-2001 we had particular troublesome communicating with you guys, and of course once in a while the communication gets spoiled, but they mean that there were periods in time, particularly, that we were having trouble, of course we can look into our sessions, but it is not clear what we were looking for. (L), well, there was a lot of interference from Frank, and it is also very likely that they were beaming something from outside...

Q: (Perceval) Is John K leaning at this point in time towards coming or not coming?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What's the deal with this Kathy O in the group?

A: Some people are born to serve, others are born to be served...

Q: (Laura to ark) do you want to ask anything else, do you want to be fussy? (Ark) Yes I want to be fussy...

A: Tonight you will have a dream!!! Open the circuits!!! You know the answer!!!

Q: Ark: Yes I am going to do that. I need a key

A: 1969

Q: (Ark) First it was 1967, now we have moved to 1969.

Q: (Laura) Okay, I want to say goodnight. Say goodnight everyone. (All) Goodnight!

End of Session
Q: (L) What's the deal with this Kathy O in the group?

A: Some people are born to serve, others are born to be served...

Is there some place on the forum that is non puplic?
I have some things that have been bothing me for some time, but I would not discuss any of it here.
Q: (Mr. Scott) I have to ask; how many have seen the Pentagon Flash now?

A: Going on 500 million.
that are a hole lot people !? (hard to believe)

in the Session 9th January 2005 the answer to the same question was:
A: 300 million.

In 7 months 200 million people have watched it?!

So that was in 2005 ,what would be the number today ?
Thank you for the session!

Laura said:
Q: (A) In the history we know, how many people managed to escape from 3D?


A: Less than 3,000 in this cycle.

Q: (L) That's pretty depressing.

A: Remember the wave. Networking works.

I had missed this the first time I read this transcript. That's about one person every thousand years. But perhaps when the Wave comes, we'll have a large graduating class.
I sure hope so! the internet and all of it''s 'ills' are worth it? I remember this session and wondered the following:

Does anyone wonder if the internet was sort of made for all that we are doing?

I'm projecting 100% here, but without the internet being possible, I would have not learned what I've learned!

In otherwords, Thanks. (for these sessions)

3D Student said:
Thank you for the session!

Laura said:
Q: (A) In the history we know, how many people managed to escape from 3D?


A: Less than 3,000 in this cycle.

Q: (L) That's pretty depressing.

A: Remember the wave. Networking works.

I had missed this the first time I read this transcript. That's about one person every thousand years. But perhaps when the Wave comes, we'll have a large graduating class.
Thanks for sharing!.. Inverted gravity sounds rather interesting.. I can see why Ark would be frustrated. I'm even more perplexed by such a thing. :umm:
Q: (Perceval) What was the cause of crash 587?

A: Covered up. Can you spell MOSSAD? Just call it a "reminder."

Q: (Perceval) They seem to have monopolised the market on false flag terror attacks.

A: That is their speciality.

Judy wood on Flight 587.

Dr. Judy Wood discusses evidence relating to the 9/11 airplanes.
I added video to the segment including: Mayday (Air Crash Investigation, Air Emergency, Air Disasters) for the video clips of the tail separation, crash, and aftermath. I also added some other footage of Flight 587 taking off on the runway as well as the crash aftermath, some music and valuable links.

Pointing out impossible physics, considering the evidence of what happened to American Airlines Flight 587. Audio excerpts on "Conspiracy Unlimited: Following The Truth Wherever It Leads" hosted by Richard Syrett. Source Link: See my latest documentary regarding this area of research - DVD Gift: The film is available through RICHPLANET TV - Exposing Media Lies as well.
I noticed that the two questions about the thinking abilities of the French and the US population are not quite equal.
The question about the US population is about how many of them actually think, the one about the French population is about how many of them *can* think. It's not quite an apple to apple comparison. Since, it is possible that more than 12% of the US population *can* think, but only 12% actually do it. Just like that 59% of the French can think, but that much less actually apply this ability.
Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually thinks at all?

A: 12% if you define it rigidly. (group amazement at this figure)
Q: (Perceval) So what percentage of people in France can really think?

A: 59%

It would be interesting to know how many of the French actually think, just like the US, and whether the % of the US population has changed since ....

Also: What is the rigid definition of thinking?
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