Shared Joy
Jedi Council Member
Elohir said:sitting said:I'm no physicist, so this may be so wrong "it's not even wrong."
But I do think "sound" is a lot more critical to our existence & well being, than we presently realize. (Perhaps even as simple as the music we listen to.)
I'm no physicist either but we can read, hear, feel that beyond the material concept all is energy but more important, everything seems to vibe at a certain vibration level. In fact, from our point of view (3rd density), we live in the illusion wich makes us think that imobility exists whereas everything is always in movement.
I read a very interesting book a few weeks ago, the key of Salomon, (I made a topic about it in french section but i think about translating it in english). It's a thriller but the real thema is quantum physic and especially what can unify it with general physic. At a moment, the main character who does like quantum physic, asks to his friend a question as simple as difficult to answer : "when a tree falls in a forest, does it make sound ?"
The answer is that it depends if there's someone to hear it. When the tree falls, many atoms and moleculs hit each other at a very high speed making a lot of vibrations. Human type ears receive these vibrations as informations that are decoded by the brain. Finally, it decides to put it as "sound" but it could be a smell, an image etc... By the way, sometimes we use to associate some "sounds" that we hear with other things as thoughts, feelings,...
As I understand it, quantum physic tells us a wonderfull story wich implies that at the end, we are all the same thing and that we are all connected and from the same origin or source. Then, our consciousness level and density of existence should bringt us closer and closer to that concept with experience.
So, finally, we could ask ourselves what is the difference between a sound, music, a chair, humans... ?
Here's my favorite quote from session of June 15, 1996:
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.
Some of the answers I found in Session May 27, 1995 (my opinion is that the whole session is worth reading first)
Q: (RS) From the third level there cannot be a unification of electromagnetism and gravitation because they are identical. There is an identity between electromagnetism and gravitation. So, there is no need of the unification because they are identical. Is this view correct?
A: Yes. What about fourth level?
Q: (RS) The question is how to represent mathematically the transition to the fourth level. I think that this can be done by the isogeometries, the geometry which we discussed earlier, which is generalization of the unit of space and time...
A: Geometry is one key, but there is another.
A: Merge geometry with optics.
Q: (RS) What?! It is the science of light. (L) Geometric light?
A: Matrix.
Q: (RS) That is precisely what I have done. I've done a representation of light represented by a unit which is a matrix. I have already done this! Years ago!
A: But you left out one important factor, remember, hypothesis does not theory make!
A: Light waves... gravity... electromagnetism...
Q: (L) They are toying with you. [Laughter] (J) What is this, multiple choice? (RS) I have to think it over. In isogeometry...
A: What role do waves play in third level understanding of physics?
Q: (RS) Transverse oscillation of the ether... the medium that fills up the entire universe. No wave can exist unless there is a medium to propagate it. Transverse oscillations fill up the entire universe.
A: Light, gravity, optics, atomic particles, matter, anti- matter... unify, please.
Q: (RS) That lists everything...
(J) What do they all have in common?
(RS) Oh! All of them are vibrations of the medium that fills up the universe! We perceive things, everything, even spaces between things. Reality is the opposite of this. Because light is a wave, like sound. If you remove the air, sound cannot propagate. Light is the same thing. Light is a wave and cannot propagate unless there is a medium that fills up the entire universe. So what we perceive as being solid and empty is not true perception. The whole universe is filled with the vibration of this medium. So, without the medium, there would be darkness. So, light is an oscillation of this medium. A particle is also an oscillation only the wave propagates and the oscillation stays there. So when I move my hand from here to here, I have just moved the oscillation. The space is oscillating. We are completely empty, but space is filled up. So, the answer is that what they have in common is that they are all oscillations of this medium that fills up the entire universe as perceived from third level and I think from fourth. (L) Maybe they are talking about it in a spectral sense? (RS) They could be...
A: Now, what relation between gravity and light?
[Laura's Note: What about time? Since, at the speed of light there is no matter and no gravity and no time, maybe the three are different ways of describing the same thing? Maybe time is an electromagnetic, gravity producing phenomenon or vice versa which has a byproduct: matter???]
A: What is the missing link between matter and consciousness?
Q: (RS) Ah! (L) If we knew these things we wouldn't be here! [Laughter] (RS) It is supposed to be a field. (J) Is it EM? (RS) No, a bioenergetic field. (L) What if consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Gravity is created by matter. (L) But isn't matter created by consciousness? Don't we collapse the wave by observing it? (RS) Yes, the mind can create matter...
A: There are no "gravitons."
Q: (RS) Not to my knowledge. They do not exist. They are in Einstein's theory, but I will never believe it... Does our consciousness create gravity?
A: Getting "warmer." Not "our."
Q: (L) Somebody else's consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Fourth level.
A: Level Seven.
Q: (RS) Oh yes! That I can understand! The ultimate level. Is it true that the universe, as perceived from level three, which is expected to be made up of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, is, in actuality, open? That is, is matter continuously created somewhere in the universe? Matter and anti-matter?
A: Better word would be: Recycled.
Q: (RS) Is it true that the same recycling occurs in the center of the earth. There is a theory that the earth is expanding. I heard this at a congress, that the earth is expanding in diameter precisely because the center of the earth is in process of the creation of matter. Is this correct?
A: Off base, but all concepts are valid within unified dimensionality.
Q: (L) I guess that in some alternate universe that may be happening, it just doesn't happen to be here.
(RS) My biggest problem has never been new knowledge, but politics, particularly the politics on Einstein. Is the can of worms mentioned before, can you give me anything on this? As soon as you go beyond Einstein, there are all sorts of problems, political problems in our contemporary society. Any suggestions?
A: Political problems have root in effort to suppress knowledge already gained in limited quarters for purposes of control of civilization.
(L) Well, the relationship is there. We were told we were getting close when we said "consciousness" but that it was not our consciousness, but that of level seven. [Laura's note: Could electromagnetism be the "field" of the consciousness of "God" or level seven that crosses all densities? Cayce once remarked that "God is electricity." Is there some range of electromagnetism in the human consciousness that can be detected, amplified, augmented by controlled electromagnetic waves?]
(J) They said that "creation" was a recycling.
A: Variable physicality is the key.
Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable?
A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter.
Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?
A: Illusion.
Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion? (T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...
A: No. Illusion is that there is not.
Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density... (L) I got it! (T) Don't disappear on me now! [Laughter] The relationship is that consciousness is matter.
A: Close. What about vice versa?
Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter... just reverse everything to understand the next level... it can't be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.
A: And zero is infinity.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that it is not that there is a link, the illusion is that there is separation. There is no difference, they are the same?
A: Yes.
Our perception shapes the reality we experience here. Higher understanding of phenomena sees no separation between consciousness and it's manifestations. All is about balance and it's recycled in various ways.
also, from Session February 6, 2016 we have reference to EM gravity and ether:
(Arky) Now, I would like to know because there are many different approaches. Sheldrake we know, but he's not a physicist; he's just talking fields, fields, fields, blah blah blah. I mean, what would be the best entry point in physics to this information field? Electromagnetics? Gravity? Quantum theory?
(Pierre) Light?
A: EM gravity.
Q: (Pierre) Electromagnetic gravity! [laughter]
(Scottie) No problem.
A: Make it your goal to make this hold in math.
Q: (Arky) Let me continue. [laughter] I was reading some words by this Russian-Israeli physicist. He was claiming that what was wrong with physics actually began with Maxwell because Maxwell introduces this concept of an abstract field, and electromagnetic field, to get rid of the concept of the ether. From Maxwell, it ALL went wrong! Even if Maxwell made the EM theory, it was already on the wrong way.
A: Just so! Ether is the interface between information and manifestation.
Q: (Arky) OH!
(Pierre) Because there's still a link between information on one side, and matter and energy on the other side. And once I asked this question. They mentioned "sphere arranged leptons", but I don't know what it means. It was way beyond my knowledge.
A: Gravity "travels" on ether.
The illusion is that there is separation. When we are at one (first thing within ourselves) and open to see reality without assumptions and biases, we can (at least spontaneously) access the "miracle realm" when there is no separation so manifestation can take unusual, unexpected forms.
Well, ideas are welcome, just put my dime here.