Session 6 February 2016

Elohir said:
sitting said:
I'm no physicist, so this may be so wrong "it's not even wrong."
But I do think "sound" is a lot more critical to our existence & well being, than we presently realize. (Perhaps even as simple as the music we listen to.)


I'm no physicist either but we can read, hear, feel that beyond the material concept all is energy but more important, everything seems to vibe at a certain vibration level. In fact, from our point of view (3rd density), we live in the illusion wich makes us think that imobility exists whereas everything is always in movement.
I read a very interesting book a few weeks ago, the key of Salomon, (I made a topic about it in french section but i think about translating it in english). It's a thriller but the real thema is quantum physic and especially what can unify it with general physic. At a moment, the main character who does like quantum physic, asks to his friend a question as simple as difficult to answer : "when a tree falls in a forest, does it make sound ?"

The answer is that it depends if there's someone to hear it. When the tree falls, many atoms and moleculs hit each other at a very high speed making a lot of vibrations. Human type ears receive these vibrations as informations that are decoded by the brain. Finally, it decides to put it as "sound" but it could be a smell, an image etc... By the way, sometimes we use to associate some "sounds" that we hear with other things as thoughts, feelings,...

As I understand it, quantum physic tells us a wonderfull story wich implies that at the end, we are all the same thing and that we are all connected and from the same origin or source. Then, our consciousness level and density of existence should bringt us closer and closer to that concept with experience.

So, finally, we could ask ourselves what is the difference between a sound, music, a chair, humans... ?

Here's my favorite quote from session of June 15, 1996:

A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.

Some of the answers I found in Session May 27, 1995 (my opinion is that the whole session is worth reading first)

Q: (RS) From the third level there cannot be a unification of electromagnetism and gravitation because they are identical. There is an identity between electromagnetism and gravitation. So, there is no need of the unification because they are identical. Is this view correct?

A: Yes. What about fourth level?

Q: (RS) The question is how to represent mathematically the transition to the fourth level. I think that this can be done by the isogeometries, the geometry which we discussed earlier, which is generalization of the unit of space and time...

A: Geometry is one key, but there is another.
A: Merge geometry with optics.
Q: (RS) What?! It is the science of light. (L) Geometric light?

A: Matrix.

Q: (RS) That is precisely what I have done. I've done a representation of light represented by a unit which is a matrix. I have already done this! Years ago!

A: But you left out one important factor, remember, hypothesis does not theory make!
A: Light waves... gravity... electromagnetism...

Q: (L) They are toying with you. [Laughter] (J) What is this, multiple choice? (RS) I have to think it over. In isogeometry...

A: What role do waves play in third level understanding of physics?

Q: (RS) Transverse oscillation of the ether... the medium that fills up the entire universe. No wave can exist unless there is a medium to propagate it. Transverse oscillations fill up the entire universe.

A: Light, gravity, optics, atomic particles, matter, anti- matter... unify, please.

Q: (RS) That lists everything...

(J) What do they all have in common?

(RS) Oh! All of them are vibrations of the medium that fills up the universe! We perceive things, everything, even spaces between things. Reality is the opposite of this. Because light is a wave, like sound. If you remove the air, sound cannot propagate. Light is the same thing. Light is a wave and cannot propagate unless there is a medium that fills up the entire universe. So what we perceive as being solid and empty is not true perception. The whole universe is filled with the vibration of this medium. So, without the medium, there would be darkness. So, light is an oscillation of this medium. A particle is also an oscillation only the wave propagates and the oscillation stays there. So when I move my hand from here to here, I have just moved the oscillation. The space is oscillating. We are completely empty, but space is filled up. So, the answer is that what they have in common is that they are all oscillations of this medium that fills up the entire universe as perceived from third level and I think from fourth. (L) Maybe they are talking about it in a spectral sense? (RS) They could be...

A: Now, what relation between gravity and light?
[Laura's Note: What about time? Since, at the speed of light there is no matter and no gravity and no time, maybe the three are different ways of describing the same thing? Maybe time is an electromagnetic, gravity producing phenomenon or vice versa which has a byproduct: matter???]
A: What is the missing link between matter and consciousness?
Q: (RS) Ah! (L) If we knew these things we wouldn't be here! [Laughter] (RS) It is supposed to be a field. (J) Is it EM? (RS) No, a bioenergetic field. (L) What if consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Gravity is created by matter. (L) But isn't matter created by consciousness? Don't we collapse the wave by observing it? (RS) Yes, the mind can create matter...

A: There are no "gravitons."

Q: (RS) Not to my knowledge. They do not exist. They are in Einstein's theory, but I will never believe it... Does our consciousness create gravity?

A: Getting "warmer." Not "our."

Q: (L) Somebody else's consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Fourth level.

A: Level Seven.

Q: (RS) Oh yes! That I can understand! The ultimate level. Is it true that the universe, as perceived from level three, which is expected to be made up of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, is, in actuality, open? That is, is matter continuously created somewhere in the universe? Matter and anti-matter?

A: Better word would be: Recycled.

Q: (RS) Is it true that the same recycling occurs in the center of the earth. There is a theory that the earth is expanding. I heard this at a congress, that the earth is expanding in diameter precisely because the center of the earth is in process of the creation of matter. Is this correct?

A: Off base, but all concepts are valid within unified dimensionality.

Q: (L) I guess that in some alternate universe that may be happening, it just doesn't happen to be here.

(RS) My biggest problem has never been new knowledge, but politics, particularly the politics on Einstein. Is the can of worms mentioned before, can you give me anything on this? As soon as you go beyond Einstein, there are all sorts of problems, political problems in our contemporary society. Any suggestions?

A: Political problems have root in effort to suppress knowledge already gained in limited quarters for purposes of control of civilization.
(L) Well, the relationship is there. We were told we were getting close when we said "consciousness" but that it was not our consciousness, but that of level seven. [Laura's note: Could electromagnetism be the "field" of the consciousness of "God" or level seven that crosses all densities? Cayce once remarked that "God is electricity." Is there some range of electromagnetism in the human consciousness that can be detected, amplified, augmented by controlled electromagnetic waves?]

(J) They said that "creation" was a recycling.
A: Variable physicality is the key.

Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable?

A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter.

Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?

A: Illusion.

Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion? (T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...

A: No. Illusion is that there is not.

Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density... (L) I got it! (T) Don't disappear on me now! [Laughter] The relationship is that consciousness is matter.

A: Close. What about vice versa?

Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter... just reverse everything to understand the next level... it can't be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.

A: And zero is infinity.

Q: (L) So, you are saying that it is not that there is a link, the illusion is that there is separation. There is no difference, they are the same?

A: Yes.

Our perception shapes the reality we experience here. Higher understanding of phenomena sees no separation between consciousness and it's manifestations. All is about balance and it's recycled in various ways.

also, from Session February 6, 2016 we have reference to EM gravity and ether:

(Arky) Now, I would like to know because there are many different approaches. Sheldrake we know, but he's not a physicist; he's just talking fields, fields, fields, blah blah blah. I mean, what would be the best entry point in physics to this information field? Electromagnetics? Gravity? Quantum theory?

(Pierre) Light?

A: EM gravity.

Q: (Pierre) Electromagnetic gravity! [laughter]

(Scottie) No problem.

A: Make it your goal to make this hold in math.

Q: (Arky) Let me continue. [laughter] I was reading some words by this Russian-Israeli physicist. He was claiming that what was wrong with physics actually began with Maxwell because Maxwell introduces this concept of an abstract field, and electromagnetic field, to get rid of the concept of the ether. From Maxwell, it ALL went wrong! Even if Maxwell made the EM theory, it was already on the wrong way.

A: Just so! Ether is the interface between information and manifestation.

Q: (Arky) OH!

(Pierre) Because there's still a link between information on one side, and matter and energy on the other side. And once I asked this question. They mentioned "sphere arranged leptons", but I don't know what it means. It was way beyond my knowledge.

A: Gravity "travels" on ether.

The illusion is that there is separation. When we are at one (first thing within ourselves) and open to see reality without assumptions and biases, we can (at least spontaneously) access the "miracle realm" when there is no separation so manifestation can take unusual, unexpected forms.

Well, ideas are welcome, just put my dime here.
Shared Joy said:
Well, ideas are welcome, just put my dime here.

Your "dime" is worth it's weight in gold. Especially in this passage you brought up:

A: Gravity is manipulated by sound ... when thought manipulated by gravity ...
chooses to produce sound ... which (then) manipulates gravity."

I've broken up (and added the word 'then') to the C's reply, into what I think are 4 relevant segments. For greater clarity I hope.

Each segment pure dynamite -- in terms of its ramifications.

What I sense from it, is a kind of miraculous continuous & iterative LOOP. Creator and its creation intertwined. Sort of like:

We are "it" ... and "it" is we. Sort of.
(Vastly confusing yet profound at the same time.)

I could be wrong.

sitting said:
I've broken up (and added the word 'then') to the C's reply, ...

This additional word ('then') might be a mistake.

It injects a time (sequential) element into their remark. Best to take out. (Even though I still think the framework is iterative.)

It always scares me to post because I don't have time (I am a bit slow) to read everything in the thread prior to what I am about to say, so apologies if its already mentioned. Thanks for the session, really burns me up to think about those children and the horror they have to go through. A lot of good information to follow up on though. It made me think of the "fountain of youth" or "fountain of knowledge" in a whole different way!

I also thought I would add this link for anyone that wants to convert a message into a numerical sequence easily so it can be printed onto paper and place in or on a water vessel;


Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

Also the mention of space being water... perhaps the great floods that washed the world as mentioned in ancient history was just a leaky atmosphere ;)
Thanks, koin. That's a lucid idea of yours. I just checked the website and it works in reverse perfectly -- but you already knew that, I suppose.

Just keep on posting whenever you find yourself able to contribute anything fitting the context of the moment, and overcome your fears by repeatedly doing. You already have 'the knack' for it, you just need more practice. ;)

Many of us started with the same or similar difficulties, I know I certainly did. Now just see my number of posts and you'll understand there sure is a way to master the habit. :thup:
Thank you Palinurus, for the support and suggestions. I will continue to develop 'the knack' when possible :)

Also about the ancient floods, I thought of it last night but only found it today where this deluge was mentioned;

dougquaid said:
12,656 y/ago: NOAH AND THE FLOOD

Was the last of 3 major cataclysms which brought Atlantis down; Occurred approx 12,656 yrs ago. Q: (L) Was Noah the same person described in the Babylonian texts as Utnapishtim? A: Close.

Noah flood story was symbolic of the breaking up of Atlantis. Out of 6 billion terrans, only 119 million survived. Was caused by the close passage of Martek/Mars(see Sol System Hx) which overloaded the earth’s atmosphere and caused the water vapor canopy to fall as a deluge, the destabilization of Mars’ orbit in turn was caused by the arrival of Venus in the Sol System; After this canopy was gone, Sunlight’s effects became degenerative to humans, hence shorter lifespans; Q: (L) What land did Noah/Utnapishtim live in, what continent? A: Atlantis. Q: (L) Where did the ark land after the receding of the waters? A: Egypt. Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm? A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see? Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right? A: Close, You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

However from the Oct 22, 1994 session, we find out that:
A: First of all, there was no Noah. Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event. Q: (L) What did actually occur and what does the symbolism have to tell us? A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event. Q: (L) At that time was Martek drawn close to the earth and did it have water on its surface which the earth then robbed or borrowed? A: That is very close to being the case. It is far more complicated than that so we will leave that at this time.

Q: (L) After the “flood of Noah” approximately how many people survived that cataclysm on the whole earth? A: Approximately 19 million. Q: (L) Why did the population of the earth continue to decline from that point? A: Because of disease and inability to adjust due to artificial manipulations of the genetic pool.

(12,000 y/ago) Kantekkians/ Celts arrive on British Isles and Canary Islands from Atlantis and some from underground hiding (but not part of the underground Nordic race- see UNDERGROUND BASES section), confused by trauma of the comet cluster and consequent “flood of Noah”.

The main thing I take from the above is in bold italics and even though I struggle not to feel fear about the coming "cleansing" events for this world which are so desperately needed, then if those who are at the correct stage of their soul development to make the transition without exiting the body are guided by faith to gain knowledge can be at the right place at the right time, then all we have to do is focus with intent on the work and wait for the show to start.

Maybe I will learn to enjoy building underground dwellings or feel the need to move to Coober Pedy; :P
About Sound, I stumbled on this session and it seems really relevant in the context. Maybe singing, not just talking to our inner/outer water might be something worth considering?

Session 13 September 2009 said:
Q: (L) Now, Allen acquired some interesting software. (Allen) The choir software. (L) Yes. And we had the idea of making some just regular meditation audios where I could recite the prayer and maybe sing it, or even sing some other songs and he could manipulate them with this software to make it melodic and meditation-worthy type music. So, we were wondering if this was something that was a good idea?

A: Oh definitely!!! In fact, that is a superb way for truly cosmic frequencies to be transmitted via your/our voice!!

Q: (DD) So long as it's not Patsy Kline tunes! (laughter) (L) But I wanted to channel Patsy Kline!!! (Allen) I was actually wondering if my multiplying your voice several times would actual multiply whatever it was they were putting through your voice that many times?

A: Not only that, it will enable us to insert frequency modulation directly between the layers of sound. Why don't you play a sample now?

Q: (Allen) Play a sample of the chorus, or of the music I've been working on?

A: Our voice!

Q: (Allen) How can I play a sample of your voice? I've got some music that I've been working on, but it doesn't have any choral stuff in it yet? Is that the music that you're talking about, or is there something that I'm missing?

A: What did you record today?

Q: (Allen) Ah! So, any particular song?

A: U pick!

Q: (Allen) Okay. So right now, all I have is me playing guitar, and Laura singing with a little reverb sweetening it. Would that do?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I had the idea to take ordinary songs and sing them and then for Allen to take say one ordinary song that was like a familiar melody to people, and then stretch it out to an hour CD. A song that would take 4 or 5 minutes to sing, make it stretched to one hour. And then put a musical track in the background that's more in time. So anyhow, is this a good idea?

A: Very! Try it!

Q: (L) Well, that wasn't very informative. I could have answered that, Jesus. (DD) Hang up on them! (laughter) (Keit) So which song would you choose? (L) Well, just a whole bunch of them.

[Pause while Allen tries to burn music to disc. Everyone then ends up listening to music in the office.]

Q: (Keit) On an emotional level, Amazing Grace had the most effect on me. (Allen) We can have you sing solo and then a choir of us come in and back you up. That's a thought.

A: Many possibilities, eh? Notice the "effect?"

Q: (Joe) Music to soothe the savage the beast!

A: Music to communicate to the soul.

Q: (L) Well, I really don't understand.

A: There are frequencies in your/our voice that are inaudible to the physical ear but affect the spirit.

Q: (Joe) True. (Scott) I wonder if that's why there are certain bands where the people totally can't sing, but everyone thinks they're great - I mean, above and beyond marketing and all that kind of stuff?

A: Yes! And some of them activate "interesting" frequencies!

Q: (L) When you say "interesting", what does that mean?

A: Shall we say that it is planned and deliberate for nefarious purposes.

Q: (Joe) What music were you thinking about, Scottie? (Scottie) I was just thinking after our talk the other day about objectively and subjectively good music and everything. I was thinking about some of the popular music, like pretty much everything... Like my workout music, grunge music, electric guitar music, rap music - all these different types of popular music. And some of it is actually done by somebody who can't even sing at all and people just absolutely love it. So there are all these different genres where some bands become popular, whereas you can go to a bar and here's somebody singing a song and they're ten times better, but... (L) But they're not famous. (Scottie) So why do these people who have absolutely no talent become famous, beyond the fact that they were "discovered", or advertising, etc...

A: Laurel Canyon anyone?

Q: (laughter) (Keit) We were just talking about it today! (Joe) Yeah, they were all picked. (C**) So would Laura's voice be kind of what Gurdjieff called "objective music"?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I've got a great name for your album: Laura Canyon! (laughter) (L) I think I'll pass on that one. Unless you want to put an echo in so it sounds like I'm singing across the canyon. (PL) So, those bands in Laurel Canyon, those singers like the Mamas and the Papas, those bands that were obviously sponsored, because, through their music, they could put a kind of spell on some listeners, manipulate them, generate some negative emotions...?

A: "Spellbinders."
koin said:
It always scares me to post because I don't have time (I am a bit slow) to read everything in the thread prior to what I am about to say, so apologies if its already mentioned. Thanks for the session, really burns me up to think about those children and the horror they have to go through. A lot of good information to follow up on though. It made me think of the "fountain of youth" or "fountain of knowledge" in a whole different way!

I also thought I would add this link for anyone that wants to convert a message into a numerical sequence easily so it can be printed onto paper and place in or on a water vessel;


Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

Also the mention of space being water... perhaps the great floods that washed the world as mentioned in ancient history was just a leaky atmosphere ;)

Oh, this is terrific! Exactly what is needed.

I think I'll ask some more questions about water and "programming" it next session.
Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

In my language, it is this:

01100010 01101111 11000101 10111110 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101011 01101001 00100000 01101011 01101111 01111010 01101101 01101001 11000100 10001101 01101011 01101001 00100000 01110101 01101101


01000010 01101111 11000101 10111110 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101011 01101001 00100000 01101011 01101111 01111010 01101101 01101001 11000100 10001101 01101011 01101001 00100000 01110101 01101101

What to do now?
What if I do not know how to spell a word?
Does it make a difference between intention and realization?
I wonder what that binary website is using? It is 8-bit, so it can store the values of 256 characters. So maybe some form of ASCII? It looks like it has different values for capitals and spaces. A table with the corresponding letters and 1's and 0's might be helpful.
koin said:
Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

Michael Martin said:
Regarding converting your talk into a number via computer, in the "tech" world, confirmation of the integrity of a binary file is usually done with a MD5 SHA checksum.

Yeah, I understood from what Arky said that it can be any kind of algorithm -- which one doesn't matter. Preferably it's an algorithm that can produce a short result out of a long text -- for practical reasons only. One could stick the original text on a bottle, but for long texts, this would be impractical, and water seems to 'know' what is meant anyway. Like MM said above, it could be MD5 or any other of the hashing functions. These hashing functions have the property that if only one single letter is changed, the result is completely different.

So if we take the Prayer of the Soul,

Oh Divine Cosmic Mind; Holy awareness in all Creation; Carried in the heart; Ruler of the mind; Saviour of the soul; Live in my today; Be my daily bread; As I give bread to others; Help me grow in knowledge of all Creation; Clear my eyes, that I may see; Clear my ears, that I may hear; Cleanse my heart; that I may know and love the holiness of true existence; Divine Cosmic Mind.

we get an MD5 hash of 61EF2921321566599C3D97817213AEF3.

Or we can get a SHA1 hash of 8D2AA2D30E59CC27A0E8FA84A54D47A9D374211F.

One could simply take a subset of these results (e.g. the first few letters), stick it on a bottle, and water would 'know' what was meant. At least, that's how I understand it.
koin said:
It always scares me to post because I don't have time (I am a bit slow) to read everything in the thread prior to what I am about to say, so apologies if its already mentioned. Thanks for the session, really burns me up to think about those children and the horror they have to go through. A lot of good information to follow up on though. It made me think of the "fountain of youth" or "fountain of knowledge" in a whole different way!

I also thought I would add this link for anyone that wants to convert a message into a numerical sequence easily so it can be printed onto paper and place in or on a water vessel;


Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

Also the mention of space being water... perhaps the great floods that washed the world as mentioned in ancient history was just a leaky atmosphere ;)

My own personal theory is that the water vapour canopy was supersaturated with 'superheated steam' which is transparent, this would also fit in with the idea that Noah/Utnapishtim had never seen a rainbow before, the Earth was watered by condensation up to this point. The shock (wave) of an object hitting the atmosphere of the Earth would cause the whole lot to precipitate. I'm guessing that this would have been quite a violent Global event.
koin said:
It always scares me to post because I don't have time (I am a bit slow) to read everything in the thread prior to what I am about to say, so apologies if its already mentioned. Thanks for the session, really burns me up to think about those children and the horror they have to go through. A lot of good information to follow up on though. It made me think of the "fountain of youth" or "fountain of knowledge" in a whole different way!

I also thought I would add this link for anyone that wants to convert a message into a numerical sequence easily so it can be printed onto paper and place in or on a water vessel;


Just for fun I have provided a message for you to "test" on the converter :)

01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110011 01101101 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100

Also the mention of space being water... perhaps the great floods that washed the world as mentioned in ancient history was just a leaky atmosphere ;)

I would think that consciousness doesn't speak in any specific language or code. A symbol works as well as letters, or a number, etc. The idea is what matters, like Data mentioning a hash- as a unique signature to a message would give the same effect.

Leaky atmosphere reminds me of a C's session, where they mention the water canopy:
Q: (L) The remark was made that the planet earth, prior to its interaction with Martek, had a water vapor canopy. How was this water vapor canopy suspended?

A: The water vapor canopy was a natural element of the particular composition of your atmosphere at that particular measure point in space/time.

Q: (L) Was the gravity level the same as what it is now?

A: It was somewhat different. But not perceptible to you. That difference is part of the explanation of why that vapor canopy remained suspended.

Q: (L) Did that condition prior to the flood of Noah, the altered gravitational state as well as the water vapor canopy, was that condition more conducive to extended life spans than the conditions that exist on the planet now?

A: Not only those things but all the other conditions that existed on the planet at that particular point in space/time were more conducive to longer life spans. And, by the way, Noah is a symbolic message rather than an historical event.
Data said:
So if we take the Prayer of the Soul,

Oh Divine Cosmic Mind; Holy awareness in all Creation; Carried in the heart; Ruler of the mind; Saviour of the soul; Live in my today; Be my daily bread; As I give bread to others; Help me grow in knowledge of all Creation; Clear my eyes, that I may see; Clear my ears, that I may hear; Cleanse my heart; that I may know and love the holiness of true existence; Divine Cosmic Mind.

we get an MD5 hash of 61EF2921321566599C3D97817213AEF3.

Or we can get a SHA1 hash of 8D2AA2D30E59CC27A0E8FA84A54D47A9D374211F.

One could simply take a subset of these results (e.g. the first few letters), stick it on a bottle, and water would 'know' what was meant. At least, that's how I understand it.

That conversion seems infinitely more practical than the bands of paper I currently have wrapped around my water bottles :-[ I guess my converter is ok for things like putting a label on my fish tank to try and assist with their health but I did find a converter for MD5 online so I will use it from now on, Thanks Data.


Divide By Zero said:
I would think that consciousness doesn't speak in any specific language or code. A symbol works as well as letters, or a number, etc. The idea is what matters, like Data mentioning a hash- as a unique signature to a message would give the same effect.

So if this is true, what quantity of knowledge or aspect of information can be concentrated into a symbol for water programming? For example I have "STO" in binary on my glass of water next to the bed (just because I can :P) and for me at least the acronym STO encompasses the positive side of the duality of the lower levels/densities, but what aspect of service to others is being transferred into the water? Is it too broad a program to be effective? If we were to design a symbol that represents the knowledge contained in this forum or the wave series, what effect would that have on the water?

If a proven way is developed from programming water with symbols then perhaps we could formulate the design of said symbols to assist with specific problems FOTCM members encounter? They could be made available as a kind of merchandise (not the snake oil kind!) which not only raises the profile of this work, but has real benefits/effects.

As an example, I would buy a water bottle (or sticker for one) with a symbol that represented the knowledge in the forum relating to improving concentration, providing it did in fact have an effect on the water which then increased my concentration... if that is in fact how it works. Seems a bit too easy, there must be more too it. Some more investigation is key... But I guess I don't have to try hard to argue for that here.

There was a discussion a while ago on the forum about changing the word "bread" in the POTS with all kinds of nice examples, I guess we can add water to that list now! :)
I want to report some experiment I have done with distilled water inspired by what I read in this session and from an experience of my childhood.
I remember that when I was a child I expent some time in holidays in my grandparent's house . They lived in another country so we went there once a year. One of those holidays, just the last day before I returned home, I watered a fern, similar to carrot (Protasparagus setaceus). I take a plastic container with water and just made some scrawls with the running water while it fell to the pot. I made circles, like those Palmer calligraphy method. Well, the next year when I got to my gradparents house and play in the yard I started to look at the plants. To my surprise the fern was tall and the stems drew the exact scrawls that I have done on the air the last year! the plant didn't have any support to do this and it don't grow in that way naturally. I remember this like it was yesterday. I was very relaxed while I did those circles in the air but I was very concentrated in it. So it seems that the water take my thoughts and made it real. :) I remember that I commented this to my grandfather that like esoteric topics and told me "those things happens" what exactly did you do? That's why I remember this episode.

So I have done some experiments. I have used tridistilled water from a laboratory at the university where I work and I think I had good results.

I take the water and put it in a bottle, while I have it in my hand I put it at the level of my eyes. I did so because it is natural to me, and I relax with no rituals here. The whole procedure take one minute at most. I remember myself and to the water that it is space and that it is able to accept suggestions. So if I wanted to relax my muscles or fight some pain for example, I vividly imagine how I would feel to have relaxed my muscles, or not to have the pain, and physically and mental feeling it real, while the water do a tornado because I move the bottle in circles. This last just 10-20 seconds. Making those circles is my way to imitate the fall of the water, I think it is important to give movement to the water.

Sometimes I just shake the bottle beating with the other hand while I project the thoughts in it.

I take that water along day, and making some auto observation I found myself feeling exactly as I imagine! But I have found some variations. It is not always as effective and I don't know why. It works like 65-70% of the times.
I have did this with the salted water for the iodine protocol and with salt it is definitely more effective.

The taste of the water changes also with the procedure, it gets sweeter, but I can attribute this to the aeration that happens when you shake the bottle.

Oh! I remember also that I give salted water to a friend with a diarrhea from the night before that didn't stop, he didn't feel anything good. While I dissolve the salt I imagine him telling me " I am just fine" I imagine him smiling while telling me this and I felt the emotion of it. As I said this was just seconds. I give the salted water (not so salted like the iodine protocol). In fact, He didn't wanted the water salted but he takes like a remedy. It passed two hours when he told me I feel fine! the water you give me made me good ( of course I didn't told him anything about the procedure).The diarrhea stopped and he start to feel fine.

So this is fun! I will continue experiment with it since I found a real effect.

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