Bruce said:Thank you for the session. FWIW, a thought came to me while reading about speaking to water. If you quietly spoke to water while using it to clean (shower/bath), could that enhance the cleansing/healing/energetic effect of water as well? Just curious.
I reckon it doesn't hurt to try. After Ark spoke about that experiment with water that was mentioned in the session, I started experimenting a bit with it, in the shower, bath, when washing dishes, when doing cold therapy, etc. I focused on all areas of my body where I know I have issues (nothing huge, but it's there). I repeat some sentences, and ask and thank the water for acting as a cleansing energy, for allowing life, health and strength to flow, etc. I thank the issue for being there as a reminder of blockages and things to work on, but I tell it that water is now going to help us develop new ways to live, or something along those lines. You can make your own "mantra", I suppose. Maybe the combination of intent and sound (saying it out loud) could be important? I don't know.
Well, it might have nothing to do with the water, but I can tell you that some issues have gotten better! I was told I had arthritis starting in the knees, and they had been painful for months. Now, no pain. My blood circulation is improving. Etc. Etc.
There is also an example of a woman who had cancer, mentioned by Dr. Siegel in his book Life, Medicine and Miracles, which I found to be excellent. That woman wanted so badly to live, that she started using this type of mantras in her everyday activities. When washing dishes, she would imagine her immune system washing away her cancerous cells, for example. And she got better. So, the mind and water together might have a very powerful combination. I think that it also allows for some positive reinforcements and new synapses and cleansing, while not denying reality. It's not just saying "peace and love"; it's having the water help manifest certain names of God, while still being aware of the others. Dr Siegel for example also talks about seeing disease as a challenge, something that has a purpose, as a reminder of the need for change. So, instead of denying it, one has to find the root of it while working on manifesting something different thanks to that knowledge.
It doesn't have any side effects, so why not try? :D Maybe in the end, it's about remembering to be more in the present, and to actively work toward improving ourselves as human beings. If water can help with that, all the better. Maybe being a conductor, it picks up on and amplifies the information we decide to focus on and be receptive to, like a better antenna or something like that.