Majisyen said:Maybe Laura will see a person from 4D after four months.Can not it be?
goyacobol said:Majisyen said:Maybe Laura will see a person from 4D after four months.Can not it be?
May I ask what prompted your question? 4D meet-ups just seems to be something not mentioned by the C's in this specific session. I am just curious.![]()
Yes.There was a session about meeting with 4D STO.But I can not rememeber also date.Leonarda said:goyacobol said:Majisyen said:Maybe Laura will see a person from 4D after four months.Can not it be?
May I ask what prompted your question? 4D meet-ups just seems to be something not mentioned by the C's in this specific session. I am just curious.![]()
Majisyen may refer to a session where the C's said that Laura would meet a 4D STO being, at least That's what I remember as I can't find the specific session.
Shared Joy said:could you please post the interview you are talking about ?
goyacobol said:A Jay and Shared Joy,
While I have tried to second guess many of the tactics being used by the STS/PTB planners I think as the C's say in Session 19 July 2014 "The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily.".
Although we should "observe reality left and right" I don't think it is so easily determined just what the reality/truth is these days.
While John Charalamkis may be sincere in his dialectic view of the banking situation I doubt that his step by step recovery plan would be adopted much less be accepted by the PTB. He still says there is no need to do away with the FED. In his view the central banking system just went astray by going away from the Gold standard and we should just gradually go back to real assets over a 3 year time period. He seems to think that the private banks should have been left to die:
While I might agree with not doing the bail-outs for the "private" banks holding onto the Federal Reserve still doesn't correct the basic problem of the fiat money.
If we are just second guessing my take on the financial situation is based on not just looking at what the tactics may be but trying to determine the overall agenda. I doubt that John Caralamkis has heard of the C's or has any interest in what they would have to say about the banking systems. I have tried to research the various aspects of what the heck are the PTB are doing but it seems like trying to nail down jello sometimes. I find myself going back to the sessions with the C's for clues about what to expect as I try to observe the events. I don't think the details/tactics are very predictable but the agenda (Agenda 21? anyone?) is more unswerving, although even the agenda may change as well I suspect.
Grail Keeper said:If i may interject regarding the recent suggestion that Laura may meet a 4D STO representative i would rather assume that this could be possible only if something really big happens.
As for me my friend and informer said almost the same thing to me every time i asked him if i would see anyone of his kind eye to eye. He said that only when and if the whole chaos and turmoil thing starts only then some people of the like mind would be ready to accept him and his kind with all of their knowledge and powers.As the C's said it is either work or shock and something tells me that it is the second option that will awaken many and many. He also said that this whole thing would start when it is warm and the trees start blooming so it sounded to me like mid April or May;)
What do you think?![]()
A Jay said:Grail Keeper said:If i may interject regarding the recent suggestion that Laura may meet a 4D STO representative i would rather assume that this could be possible only if something really big happens.
As for me my friend and informer said almost the same thing to me every time i asked him if i would see anyone of his kind eye to eye. He said that only when and if the whole chaos and turmoil thing starts only then some people of the like mind would be ready to accept him and his kind with all of their knowledge and powers.As the C's said it is either work or shock and something tells me that it is the second option that will awaken many and many. He also said that this whole thing would start when it is warm and the trees start blooming so it sounded to me like mid April or May;)
What do you think?![]()
It sounds to me like your "informer" is on a bit of a power trip with a major Messiah complex. Lol.
P.S. - Thank you for not using a smiley to end your sentences. :)
Grail Keeper said:If i may interject regarding the recent suggestion that Laura may meet a 4D STO representative i would rather assume that this could be possible only if something really big happens. At least even though i dont seem to recall the exact session either i can recall when the C's mentioned on several occasions that this kind of meeting would be possible only when things get really interesting.They asked if Laura was getting impatient and she said yes and they said the above stated line. So when and if we see something really BIG and earthshaking (pun intended) in next 4-6 months only then we get to see those guys.
As for me my friend and informer said almost the same thing to me every time i asked him if i would see anyone of his kind eye to eye. He said that only when and if the whole chaos and turmoil thing starts only then some people of the like mind would be ready to accept him and his kind with all of their knowledge and powers.As the C's said it is either work or shock and something tells me that it is the second option that will awaken many and many. He also said that this whole thing would start when it is warm and the trees start blooming so it sounded to me like mid April or May;)
What do you think?![]()
A Jay said:Shared Joy said:could you please post the interview you are talking about ?
It's here:
goyacobol said:A Jay and Shared Joy,
While I have tried to second guess many of the tactics being used by the STS/PTB planners I think as the C's say in Session 19 July 2014 "The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily.".
Although we should "observe reality left and right" I don't think it is so easily determined just what the reality/truth is these days.
While John Charalamkis may be sincere in his dialectic view of the banking situation I doubt that his step by step recovery plan would be adopted much less be accepted by the PTB. He still says there is no need to do away with the FED. In his view the central banking system just went astray by going away from the Gold standard and we should just gradually go back to real assets over a 3 year time period. He seems to think that the private banks should have been left to die:
While I might agree with not doing the bail-outs for the "private" banks holding onto the Federal Reserve still doesn't correct the basic problem of the fiat money.
If we are just second guessing my take on the financial situation is based on not just looking at what the tactics may be but trying to determine the overall agenda. I doubt that John Caralamkis has heard of the C's or has any interest in what they would have to say about the banking systems. I have tried to research the various aspects of what the heck are the PTB are doing but it seems like trying to nail down jello sometimes. I find myself going back to the sessions with the C's for clues about what to expect as I try to observe the events. I don't think the details/tactics are very predictable but the agenda (Agenda 21? anyone?) is more unswerving, although even the agenda may change as well I suspect.
I agree with the above. I think John is right that sound money should be used as the medium for exchange (i.e. gold and silver coins, not bank notes allegedly backed by gold and silver), but I don't agree with his means of dealing with the Fed. Man seems to have no idea about psychopathy, and to me it seems like he's blaming some kind of mystical 'market mechanism' for the evil committed by those psychos running the Fed. As if taking the dollar off the gold standard in and of itself somehow forced the bankers to print inflationary money, and somehow the all-powerful market could phase out the Fed all on its own and all will be right with the world if we just go back to the gold standard. Not sure he really understands what he's talking about, though I may not understand what he's exactly saying.
Going back to my original idea of perceptions, what if the C's "dramatic change" is describing something in the solar system that we won't be able to perceive and they gave us this 'clue' just to mess with our heads and make sure we stay paying attention? :P
Grail Keeper said:If i may interject regarding the recent suggestion that Laura may meet a 4D STO representative i would rather assume that this could be possible only if something really big happens.
As for me my friend and informer said almost the same thing to me every time i asked him if i would see anyone of his kind eye to eye. He said that only when and if the whole chaos and turmoil thing starts only then some people of the like mind would be ready to accept him and his kind with all of their knowledge and powers.As the C's said it is either work or shock and something tells me that it is the second option that will awaken many and many. He also said that this whole thing would start when it is warm and the trees start blooming so it sounded to me like mid April or May;)
What do you think?![]()
It sounds to me like your "informer" is on a bit of a power trip with a major Messiah complex. Lol.
P.S. - Thank you for not using a smiley to end your sentences. :)
SeekinTruth said:The problem with the Federal Reserve and other Central Banks (privately owned, by the way, which is totally insane) is that when they create money out of thin air, mostly to give out loans, they only "create" the principle amount of the loan. So there's never enough money in circulation to pay off the dept in the country of the central bank, because the borrowers have to pay back the principle AND the interest (which was NOT created/put into circulation at the time of the loan). Money as debt just can't work, it's simple math - it's a scam that's designed to perpetuate debt into eternity. The profits from the interest payments go to the private share holders of the largest banks that are the owners of the central bank.
Grail Keeper said:If i may interject regarding the recent suggestion that Laura may meet a 4D STO representative i would rather assume that this could be possible only if something really big happens. At least even though i dont seem to recall the exact session either i can recall when the C's mentioned on several occasions that this kind of meeting would be possible only when things get really interesting.They asked if Laura was getting impatient and she said yes and they said the above stated line. So when and if we see something really BIG and earthshaking (pun intended) in next 4-6 months only then we get to see those guys.
As for me my friend and informer said almost the same thing to me every time i asked him if i would see anyone of his kind eye to eye. He said that only when and if the whole chaos and turmoil thing starts only then some people of the like mind would be ready to accept him and his kind with all of their knowledge and powers.As the C's said it is either work or shock and something tells me that it is the second option that will awaken many and many. He also said that this whole thing would start when it is warm and the trees start blooming so it sounded to me like mid April or May;)
What do you think?![]()
From Army Intel Analyst Don Buswell:
About 6 weeks ago I was (and remain) impressed with Putin. I've admired him since he came on the scene in 2000 or so...remember when Bush had him at his Ranch before 9-11 and gave the "I looked into his eyes and soul, and he's a good man" speech...found the website where one can send Mr. Putin a message, which I promptly did!
I introduced myself, career US Army soldier, former USSR Order of Battle, Intel Analyst, and of course my 9-11 views in which the cowardly entire US military either attacked me, or, did nothing to assist me in my defense. I have not heard from his office - nor do I expect to. However, your messages, stuff I've read, and the West's attacking Putin makes me think Putin may indeed do this - release of information to further his brilliant BRICS system and which will undoubtedly foster a Western collapse, which I hope cool head won't resort to nuclear weapons.
Putin far exceeds Obama on many levels of skill and intellect, mainly experience. I hope my letter is answered, and I am a modern day 'Samantha Smith'.