Jedi Master
Thank you for sharing another amazing session! Laura and crew you are the light in this world!
Buy the transcripts in the paperback version! That's my plan! And of course enjoy the showSkyalmian said:(I forgot to mention: any significant damage to infrastructure, depending on the where and what, may cut off access to this forum, SOTT, etc., and what then???)
SeekinTruth said:I saw on local news last night that Putin had spoken with Armenian President Serge Sarkisian on the phone during the day about Eurasian Union integration plans and technical aspects, the WWII ceremonies that they will both attend, and that President Putin will be coming to Yerevan for the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24th. So, I doubt there's anything wrong with Putin. There have been many rumors about his health - all just wishful thinking/disinfo, so far....
B588 said:BHelmet said:2 go'. And the C's will use slang and colloquialisms as well. I don't think this should be glossed over. So, possible meanings?
a. go as in travel or leave - 2 go - Ark and Laura go to 4th D? Ouch
b. 2 go as in FIGHT - to 'go' in american slang can mean to fight. So it could mean it is tee off time for Russia/USA - the heavyweights 'go' at it.
c. the 2 going could mean as in going-going-gone. No more facade of 2 battling sides - ie, the one world order comes out into the light (didn't the C's say - there already is a one world govt?)
d. and year zero - could refer to the inception date/calendar reset of the new order? the new order establishes itself and the new year is zero. No more BC or AD. Year 0 of the NWO.
I wanted to add, as an after thought, "2 go" , may also reference the "two witnesses", spoken of in Revelations.
From Wikipedia :
Two witnesses
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The two witnesses, as depicted in the Bamberg Apocalypse, an 11th-century illuminated manuscript.
The two witnesses are two of God's prophets who are seen in a vision by John of Patmos, who appear during the Second woe in the Book of Revelation 11:1-14.
The two witnesses have been identified by various theologians as real individuals, two groups of people, or as two concepts. Dispensationalist Christians believe that the events described in the Book of Revelation will occur before and during the Second Coming of Christ and attempt to associate references in the Book of Revelation with historical or current happenings and people.
just my 2 cents...
goyacobol said:Nuke,
I also think this is a somewhat disturbing thought that we maybe soon facing these challenging events. What if we would start to think about the 4D part of the playing field?![]()
Nuke said:goyacobol said:Nuke,
I also think this is a somewhat disturbing thought that we maybe soon facing these challenging events. What if we would start to think about the 4D part of the playing field?![]()
Hi goyacobol and thanks for your reply. It was interesting to read others' comments and the discussion as a whole as well.
I think not clinging to our 3D world is/will be important but I also think that can be misinterpreted easily if taken at face value. Meaning, we cannot escape our 3D lessons or escape the lessons that will be brought before us by simply saying 'it's 3D and I don't concern myself with 3D things anymore in order to be a 4D candidate'. It depends on the situation and the circumstances of a given situation/topic, I think. Sometimes, 3D thinking does and will hold us back (more times than not) but since I don't think I personally have enough information, nor knowledge, nor even a faint understanding of what 4D will be really like, I try not to imagine it or assume I have a grip on what that really means.
I think what's more important is decreasing the ratio of our orientation of STS in ourselves and increasing our STO orientation, while keeping an open mind about what is to come, what we'll have to face.
And the point of my previous post was simply to suggest that in certain situations, I don't think killing a psychopath would go against STO.
Especially if we're protecting or trying to serve others.
Having said that, I don't have a problem with dying, at least in theory. Of course, how it will actually play out will depend greatly on the situation and I can only hope that I will have the presence to face it with an open-mind, non-anticipation and love for my fellow men. And this is what I think is 'letting go of 3D thinking' means or will mean in the times to come when the SHTF. Hope that makes sense.
My 2 kopeks
goyacobol said:Nuke said:Richard S said:The C's have told us that the only possibly way left to unite humanity is through "suffering"! That doesn't sound like very appealing thing to us 3D Humans, but they also tell us that when viewed from a 4D perspective it would be different. Things are going downhill really fast these days and we should all be doing the best we can to prepare for the future physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so as to meet whatever challenges and situations which may occur in the best way we can.
I think we can all agree on preparation.
As well as on suffering, we know there is no free lunch and the picture the C's have painted, I think drives home the message that it's gonna get way worse before it gets better and the house will actually be clean, that is what personally motivates me to look forward to whatever I or we have to go through because the collective result for humanity will have been worth it. Suffering is necessary and whatever each and every one our fates might hold in store, on some level, we probably chose that path.
On what we might have to do, I can't help but think of what the C's said about JC.
Laura said:Session Date: July 12th 2014
(Perceval) Did Caesar himself ever kill anyone?
A: Many, certainly.
Q: (Perceval) So, given the times around then being very war-like, with a lot of fighting and death going on in general... and with some kind of a Great Soul at the time coming down and... it doesn't necessarily have to be a peacemaker kissing people's feet like Jesus... But is there some thing like what we would understand as a prohibition against killing other people as a requirement for being "spiritually evolved"
A: That idea is for the most part an exaggerated human philosophical construct.
Q: (L) So the idea that...
(Perceval) That to be good, thou shalt not kill...
(Atriedes) But which religion does that come from? The most killingest religion on the planet!
(Perceval) It does seem to... Killing another human being for a normal human being does seem to be quite a traumatic thing.
(Atriedes) It's socially inculcated.
(Perceval) I doubt it. I mean, for soldiers, they come back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, they're trained to kill, and they want to kill themselves afterwards, ya know? They can't handle the fact that they...
(Pierre) Maybe the difference is that Caesar was aware of the very fundamental reason why he was killing...
A: Caesar intended to eliminate or vastly reduce killing. He knew what he was up against.
I think this goes without saying, that in any SHTF scenario, psychopaths will be the first ones to try and take control of survival groups. If push comes to shove and there's no other way to protect others, I don't think I'd have a problem with 'taking care' of a psychopath (if multiple sources can agree that the individual in question is indeed a psychopath).
"To eliminate or vastly reduce killing" was Caesar's goal and "he knew what he was up against". Do we know? Well, yeah, I think we have a pretty good idea via tons of research done on psychopathy. So if we're aware of the fundamental reason why we'd do such a thing and know what we're up against, perhaps the psychological ramifications won't be as strong? Question is, would "taking care" of psychopaths would be the right thing to do? That is what I have been thinking since the session - which gave justification to the feeling I've had previously on the topic - but now I'm asking if anyone else feels/thinks that way about it because I'm still uncertain. After all, how do I know I'm not just another angry young man who has fallen to confirmation bias? I don't. That is why I'm posting.
And to reduce killing? Whatever percentage of psychopaths would be killed in necessary situations, I don't think that's anything compared to the lives that were - and could in the future be - lost because of them. Thoughts?
This quote also keeps coming back to my mind:
Laura said:Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?
A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.
For the record, it's somewhat disturbing to read what I just wrote - even if we're talking about dealing with psychopaths in a SHTF scenario - but I do think it's because of the subjective morals we were taught.
I also think this is a somewhat disturbing thought that we maybe soon facing these challenging events. What if we would start to think about the 4D part of the playing field?![]()
Q: (L) Well, is that what is wrong with me tonight. You aren't telling me much.
A: Biological, and we are telling plenty, you are not "hearing" because biological factors have
temporarily pushed you back more into 3D.
goyacobol said:Just as the Wave may not be that crashing one impact event, maybe the process of 4D thinking not a once and done event either.
sitting said:goyacobol said:Just as the Wave may not be that crashing one impact event, maybe the process of 4D thinking not a once and done event either.
Another possibility is gradual for some--instantaneous for others. Plus everything in between. C's have spoken of cases of instant knowing, instant illumination, though rare.
The transformation could precisely reflect one's quality of tuning--capacity for receiving--levels of imagination--and sincerity of faith.
It all seems to boil down to very spiritual matters.
(L) Anything further on that?
A: For some things may be more dramatic than others.
Q: (Galatea) Meaning what? More dramatic how?
A: Depending on karmic "weight".
Q: (Pierre) Didn't in one session the C's describe the Wave process
as what is called in the scriptures as the One Thousand Year period?
(L) No, I don't think so.
(Galatea) Are you saying that for some people this transition will be
A: Yes
(L) I think they said that after the Wave there would be a 1000 year
period as 3D transition into 4D.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So in other words, in a sense that is kind of like a 1000 year
process of the Wave. The creation of a totally new reality obviously,
in cosmic terms, takes that strange process that doesn't exist called
time to manifest. But obviously, they are now talking about the
breaking down process, the chaos.
A: Yes. Now you begin to see what "time" really is: cosmic processes
of almost infinite duration. But do not be complacent because some
of these processes can be rather "quick" and devastating from your
goyacobol said:Keep in mind also that those who do transition will change physically. The older you are, (50+ years) will become more youthful in appearance and the average life-span will increase to 400 years.:)
electrosonic said:goyacobol said:Keep in mind also that those who do transition will change physically. The older you are, (50+ years) will become more youthful in appearance and the average life-span will increase to 400 years.:)
Where does that information come from Goyacobol?
Q: (L) And will those who pass through this transition as, say, 50 year olds, will they have an equal
opportunity to live an additional 400 years?
A: Will regenerate in youthful appearance.
Q: (L) Now, when you say 400 years, will it be that the plane has a different orbit and that a year will
be different?
A: No.
Q: (L) Will the days be different as to length of time light and dark as they are now?
A: Not the point. Planet will be 4th density as well.
Q: (L) But will the days and nights be different and will the orbit be different? Will the axial angle be
A: You are thinking in terms of the 3rd level density. The rules will be so totally different that physical
inspired comparisons are moot.
Q: (L) But I like the sunshine and birds singing and breezes. I just want to know if those things will be
the same.
A: In some fashion.
goyacobol said:electrosonic said:goyacobol said:Keep in mind also that those who do transition will change physically. The older you are, (50+ years) will become more youthful in appearance and the average life-span will increase to 400 years.:)
Where does that information come from Goyacobol?
Here is the reference for the information:
Session 16 October 1994
Q: (L) And will those who pass through this transition as, say, 50 year olds, will they have an equal
opportunity to live an additional 400 years?
A: Will regenerate in youthful appearance.
Q: (L) Now, when you say 400 years, will it be that the plane has a different orbit and that a year will
be different?
A: No.
Q: (L) Will the days be different as to length of time light and dark as they are now?
A: Not the point. Planet will be 4th density as well.
Q: (L) But will the days and nights be different and will the orbit be different? Will the axial angle be
A: You are thinking in terms of the 3rd level density. The rules will be so totally different that physical
inspired comparisons are moot.
Q: (L) But I like the sunshine and birds singing and breezes. I just want to know if those things will be
the same.
A: In some fashion.
I hope the "information configuration" helps. :)