BHelmet said:
What do you mean when you say you have a feeling that 3D thinking will need to be let go of?
I am referring to the times the C's have chided Laura (and all of 'us') to stop thinking so much in 3D terms and start growing into 4D and try to embrace 4D concepts; that thinking in 3d terms is both limiting and, well, it isn't going to help if the goal is graduation to the coming opportunity to graduate into the new 4D life.
Let's not forget that our 3D bodies/existence/experience have been crippled/limited by 4D STS. So, if a persons chosen path is to move into this new realm; to be ready for this opportunity, we are going to have to let go of 3D and the inherent futility of the world we currently inhabit.
So, my thoughts of 'what should I do' and the natural survival instincts of my 3D body, while they are normal and need to be respected as long
as I am a creature 'here', well, these things are temporary and will be left behind. I want to be here. I chose to be here at this time to experience what happens and to play some part in it - to watch it unfold - to learn from it. But clinging to 3D life is ... counterproductive as far as the intention of 'graduation' / 'the harvest' is concerned.
bHelmet :
I just wanted to thank you ,as goyacobal did, for the insights on " 2 go".
Highlighted your words on 3D Life , as
this is my understanding, at this juncture , as well.
Now, having said that, let me say also, that I have had for the last 10 years , at least, a difficult time at 3D/physical level. All my physical survival buttons got "slammed dunked" , not pushed. Am recounting this, so others can benefit from my experiences, should they be fortunate enough to encounter them.
What happened to my mind during this period is amazing. Having been a life long "seeker" and metaphysician/healer/psychic, blah , blah get the pix..I did use the horrific events as an "adventure" when the worst of them were in full progress. I definitely
learned 1st hand how to deal with "petty tyrants" once and for all, without becoming one of them and without embedding bitterness within me. It is no small feat, because the mind is constantly afraid of being "hurt" or "killed" in the body...and I sure was afraid, my body and life were threatened and hurt many times. In fact, if I had known what the "adventure" entailed, I would have said "no thanks, i'll come back when things are working better for Beings like 4D or ??"..lafn. In other words, I would have "offed " myself like many of my acquaintances in the Biz world have done facing the prospect of "no money= no life, no fun".
I have come through it, not bitter, but BETTER. I have only "survived" however, not thriving, yet... the experience has taken some toll on me physically from the stress and poor nutrition. I have been a long distance runner/athlete for most of my life, only quitting due to chronic injury on ankle at 40 yrs of age, am muuuch older , The reason I loved running was that it allowed me to train my mind, meditate , be outdoors for hours, and stay very fit as well. And I can't physically do that anymore, get rid of the mental noise in that way, as I have
a different injury to my back as of 2010; no go on the running, or even golfing, ever again.
Here's the way this 3D "survival mode" has effected my mind, something I only recently noticed, BTW: I have become a "hoarder" of sorts. Not the filth, but the amassing of large amounts of "needful things" in duplicate/triplicate and more.. mostly from dumpsters and "gifts" left for me by strangers. I kept telling myself , "I need this, or someone else might in the fallout time", or "I will sell it, trade it" . Okay on some items , but I had to look and laugh at my LARGE collection of containers... that's right. All manner of containers , mostly for fluids, about 6 large trash bags full of them, taking up all of my shed space, 16 X 10 area..full.
It's that animal part of my mind , that part that did endure "going without" and still does, that is not willing to go through that again. It isnt "fun" when you are thirsty, hungry , hot , cold, dirty, sleepless, and poorly clothed/shoed. Hurt and sick from all of that, too. Try being a mature professional woman in the US doing this;there is a host of "self importance" that one can shed, if one can remember through all the physical pain and degradation , that that is the "goal".
Wheewww, one tall order there, Hoss.
Well, it can be done, but it is a path for "hind's feet"; at each turn one feels as if one cannot go on another step, yet if one does, there may be a small space to rest just around the corner...and then sometimes they aren't there , either, the rests , the spaces, just more rocks and gravel to traverse. But one must stay the course or perish on the mountain side. For me , that was really personal, because there was no way in he** that I was gonna die in such a reprehensible way, at the hands of liars, thieves , criminals, in the filth and degradation of their sickening and toxic in Hillbilly Hell.....lafn.
I don't recommend is no one that I personally know...professional athletes, billionaires, global leaders...other "world class peeps"..that would have been willing to go through what I have. They would have compromised themselves, or most likely compromised others, in order to avoid it... or they would commit "suicide" from the perceived loss of "position, power and profits" or of "the negative perception" of others. And , yet, it was this very experience that steeled me to the point where today " is a good day to die". And am Ok with that, but want to see how the "show" ends, and I must build the perch/nest for the 4D STO fledgelings that do survive.
No bird/reptile ref intended , Pick your metaphor, if this not the one for you.
The hoarding thing just blew me away when I realized what I was doing. Never had to do it, could always buy whatever I wanted, whenever, wherever..had no fear of "not having". So, am getting rid of my "containers"..well, most of them..lafn...and I am selling all of my excess in online yardsales. Yes, I do have excess objects in other areas; it's, again, the fear of not having something that I will need, b/c I have no currency to purchase items of
need, forgetting
want all together.. so I just kept gathering it for use "later".
I did not at any time realize that I was slipping into "hoarding" behavior, until I caught myself seriously perseverating on whether or not keep yet another "container".
Just wanted to put this connection to the physical brain of the reptile.. and the FEAR it runs in the body and MIND... into an example from "real life" as a long time student and candidate for 4D STO. I am probably just someone like you older members of this forum.
EE is helping me, I just started to do it regularly, again, after a terrible bronchitis at Christmas. And while not in Keto, working my way towards it from being a vegetarian for years. Having Bacon and Eggs every AM, gluten free for 3 months. Still like my green smoothies and carbs, am working towards it, Ketogenics..a mountain of meat and animal fat..yummm...lafn...
Thank you for the insights, all.