Session 7 February 2015

Heimdallr said:
PabloAngello said:
Timótheos said:
It already exists...,35661.msg535705.html#msg535705

When I try to open this link I see this message "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."

You should be able to access the above link now.

I can now, thank you very much :)
Alada said:
Mr.Cyan said:
In another situation, what if a person who understands objectively reality, and understands that his observations and location can have an effect on impending disasters; made a concious decision to spend time with his/her family and loved ones in a specific location before the coming disasters - would this mean that their location would be safe from harms way ? Or if a disaster did strike their area, would they be the survivors ?

I’m not sure that’s quite the way to look at it, too ‘3d thinking’ focused perhaps with a sense of anticipation thrown in which might negate any effect anyhow.

Maybe better to just do what we find before us to do and apply ourselves as best we can, try not to force it.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Thanks Alada for the insights, and reference to the C's replies about Noah's Ark, much appreciated.

Fully agree, and i think my initial view was too focussed in 3D, with a lot of anticipation thrown in. I think we just have to continue to do, what we do, and we will experience what should be experienced. Though we will have difficult choices to make in the coming months; i feel the universe will determine the circumstances, and location we find ourselves when the disasters happen. Definitely can't force things as the C's mentioned.

On a related note, the C's reply "Nothing, however, will stop the balancing" has been constantly on my mind the last few weeks since the session was published, especially when considering all the depressing current global events. Inevitably this also leads me to thoughts about the coming disasters, and the deaths of many humans on this planet.

Giving the issue of Death more thought : with the arrival of the Wave, and new reality in 4D, the prospect for a large portion of humanity (me included) will most probably be death in 3D, or survival in a post-apocalyptic 3D World. Hence i think its important as well that the issue of one's death should be pondered upon.

Just to share with the Forum a few points on death that i have internalised after much thought over the last few weeks:

1. Embrace death anytime, anywhere; as it is part of the cycle of life - and there is no such thing as "good timing".

2. Live everyday with the thought " it is a good day to die today" - like the Samurai code of honour or Bushido.

3. The Work must continue, and we must "fight" till the very end - never give in when facing death, even if all hope fails, and is lost and seems inevitable. Just because we are going to die, doesnt mean we have to easily. A survival story to illustrate this point is the survival of Nando Parrado and the 16 survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 that crashed in the Andes in 1972.


4. If the opportunity arises, choose the cause for your death, make sure it counts and makes a difference to the people around you - my inspiring example is King Leonidas in the Battle against Persians at Thermopylae.

5. When death happens, make sure we know & remember to go towards the light and to the 5D zone of contemplation before soul rebirth.

I really don't mean to be morbid, but i feel the topic of death, in the uncertain times ahead is an important one and should be contemplated, especially when considering that "Nothing, however will stop the balancing".
Mr.Cyan said:
Alada said:
Mr.Cyan said:
In another situation, what if a person who understands objectively reality, and understands that his observations and location can have an effect on impending disasters; made a concious decision to spend time with his/her family and loved ones in a specific location before the coming disasters - would this mean that their location would be safe from harms way ? Or if a disaster did strike their area, would they be the survivors ?

I’m not sure that’s quite the way to look at it, too ‘3d thinking’ focused perhaps with a sense of anticipation thrown in which might negate any effect anyhow.

Maybe better to just do what we find before us to do and apply ourselves as best we can, try not to force it.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Thanks Alada for the insights, and reference to the C's replies about Noah's Ark, much appreciated.

Fully agree, and i think my initial view was too focussed in 3D, with a lot of anticipation thrown in. I think we just have to continue to do, what we do, and we will experience what should be experienced. Though we will have difficult choices to make in the coming months; i feel the universe will determine the circumstances, and location we find ourselves when the disasters happen. Definitely can't force things as the C's mentioned.

On a related note, the C's reply "Nothing, however, will stop the balancing" has been constantly on my mind the last few weeks since the session was published, especially when considering all the depressing current global events. Inevitably this also leads me to thoughts about the coming disasters, and the deaths of many humans on this planet.

Giving the issue of Death more thought : with the arrival of the Wave, and new reality in 4D, the prospect for a large portion of humanity (me included) will most probably be death in 3D, or survival in a post-apocalyptic 3D World. Hence i think its important as well that the issue of one's death should be pondered upon.

Just to share with the Forum a few points on death that i have internalised after much thought over the last few weeks:

1. Embrace death anytime, anywhere; as it is part of the cycle of life - and there is no such thing as "good timing".

2. Live everyday with the thought " it is a good day to die today" - like the Samurai code of honour or Bushido.

3. The Work must continue, and we must "fight" till the very end - never give in when facing death, even if all hope fails, and is lost and seems inevitable. Just because we are going to die, doesnt mean we have to easily. A survival story to illustrate this point is the survival of Nando Parrado and the 16 survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 that crashed in the Andes in 1972.


4. If the opportunity arises, choose the cause for your death, make sure it counts and makes a difference to the people around you - my inspiring example is King Leonidas in the Battle against Persians at Thermopylae.

5. When death happens, make sure we know & remember to go towards the light and to the 5D zone of contemplation before soul rebirth.

I really don't mean to be morbid, but i feel the topic of death, in the uncertain times ahead is an important one and should be contemplated, especially when considering that "Nothing, however will stop the balancing".


I was just thinking about the " it is a good day to die today" quote this evening (I think of this more these days). I didn't know it was part of the Samurai code of honour or Bushido but I knew I read it somewhere.

Here is where I found it:

Session 19 July 2014
(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.

So maybe Black Elk was a Samurai too. Anyway it's the thought that counts they say. The surrounding questions and answers give a lot more to think about but I think that is up to those who want to read it.

I had saved the first page of the Death Guide topic but I think I'll continue to process that topic. Thank you for the summary above. I think it is a subject worth thinking about even though most of us probably would rather not. :cry:

I am still working on the battle cry “It’s a good day to die” and I think that until we actually see that it is a battle we will loose focus.

I truly believe as the C's have said "It is the soul that counts" and we have serious work to do on ourselves and hopefully for others.
goyacobol said:
I had saved the first page of the Death Guide topic but I think I'll continue to process that topic. Thank you for the summary above. I think it is a subject worth thinking about even though most of us probably would rather not. :cry:

I am still working on the battle cry “It’s a good day to die” and I think that until we actually see that it is a battle we will loose focus.

I truly believe as the C's have said "It is the soul that counts" and we have serious work to do on ourselves and hopefully for others.

Thanks to reminds us of this thread. Me too I have to read it. Maybe to tranquilize myself a little. I think it is a very important subject to face specifically because we have to think seriously of how are we "living"now? Are we useful to humanity? Are we doing something that has a certain sense? Are we scaping something in our present? Death is the other side of Life.

PabloAngello said:
When I try to open this link I see this message "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."

Pablo, I think you have to be member of the FOTCM to be able to read the thread.
miharo said:
Goyacobol, I can not open the Death Guide link. Is it missing or off limits to me?



loreta is correct. That topic is only available on the FOTCM area of the forum. Sorry, I didn't realize that when I posted. It is just a project in the making at this time. :(
Mr.Cyan said:
Alada said:
Mr.Cyan said:
In another situation, what if a person who understands objectively reality, and understands that his observations and location can have an effect on impending disasters; made a concious decision to spend time with his/her family and loved ones in a specific location before the coming disasters - would this mean that their location would be safe from harms way ? Or if a disaster did strike their area, would they be the survivors ?

I’m not sure that’s quite the way to look at it, too ‘3d thinking’ focused perhaps with a sense of anticipation thrown in which might negate any effect anyhow.

Maybe better to just do what we find before us to do and apply ourselves as best we can, try not to force it.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Thanks Alada for the insights, and reference to the C's replies about Noah's Ark, much appreciated.

Fully agree, and i think my initial view was too focussed in 3D, with a lot of anticipation thrown in. I think we just have to continue to do, what we do, and we will experience what should be experienced. Though we will have difficult choices to make in the coming months; i feel the universe will determine the circumstances, and location we find ourselves when the disasters happen. Definitely can't force things as the C's mentioned.

On a related note, the C's reply "Nothing, however, will stop the balancing" has been constantly on my mind the last few weeks since the session was published, especially when considering all the depressing current global events. Inevitably this also leads me to thoughts about the coming disasters, and the deaths of many humans on this planet.

Giving the issue of Death more thought : with the arrival of the Wave, and new reality in 4D, the prospect for a large portion of humanity (me included) will most probably be death in 3D, or survival in a post-apocalyptic 3D World. Hence i think its important as well that the issue of one's death should be pondered upon.

Just to share with the Forum a few points on death that i have internalised after much thought over the last few weeks:

1. Embrace death anytime, anywhere; as it is part of the cycle of life - and there is no such thing as "good timing".

2. Live everyday with the thought " it is a good day to die today" - like the Samurai code of honour or Bushido.

3. The Work must continue, and we must "fight" till the very end - never give in when facing death, even if all hope fails, and is lost and seems inevitable. Just because we are going to die, doesnt mean we have to easily. A survival story to illustrate this point is the survival of Nando Parrado and the 16 survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 that crashed in the Andes in 1972.


4. If the opportunity arises, choose the cause for your death, make sure it counts and makes a difference to the people around you - my inspiring example is King Leonidas in the Battle against Persians at Thermopylae.

5. When death happens, make sure we know & remember to go towards the light and to the 5D zone of contemplation before soul rebirth.

I really don't mean to be morbid, but i feel the topic of death, in the uncertain times ahead is an important one and should be contemplated, especially when considering that "Nothing, however will stop the balancing".

The synchronizations are high lately. Definitely. Thanks Mr Cyan, this sort of blew me away. Death has been a big theme in my thoughts lately as well. With April so close and now with the C's stating a relatively close time frame... (I mention April as it seems like a cursed month, or simply a time frame demanding payment in blood.)

The morning commute, I played this on my mp3 player on the train ("O, Death" and weighed my priorities and Bushido principles certainly played a huge part. It put me on the verge of tears, it's daunting and exhilarating and at the same time relieving because I know it's real and it has to happen. This method of human life in the modern world, all the needless over abundance of vehicles, the greed and laziness... it feels so toxic and it hurts my heart to have to behold. We need a kick to the ass.

It's hard to consider a strategy when you don't know what will happen and it puts me into a mode of hyper-vigilance as a result... Then of course there is a fear that nothing will happen which is completely unacceptable, it seems like no matter what occurs, it's not going to be pretty. However, seeing some posts here today about this certainly helps as I forget that I'm not alone most of the time. We are just so dispersed and indifferent when we aren't shielded by the glossy screens.

Again, thanks for the post Mr Cyan.
Goyacobol, I'm a new listener at the Church of Revived PaleoChristianity.
Is that an adequate requirement for reading? :whistle:
miharo said:
Goyacobol, I'm a new listener at the Church of Revived PaleoChristianity.
Is that an adequate requirement for reading? :whistle:


I was not aware that there is an audio program for FOTCM OR The Church of Revived PaleoChristianity but I think you might want to consider joining FOTCM.

Of course this is something one should take seriously and it may not be for everyone.

Here is a quote from Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind:

Membership in the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind is a commitment to Truth and all that such a commitment entails. As such, it should not be chosen lightly. Deep reflection should be given to the choice to devote oneself in service of the Cosmic Mind.

Commitment to FOTCM is taken into consideration and why there are private portions of the forum to provide a safe place to meet.
goyacobol said:
miharo said:
Goyacobol, I'm a new listener at the Church of Revived PaleoChristianity.
Is that an adequate requirement for reading? :whistle:


I was not aware that there is an audio program for FOTCM OR The Church of Revived PaleoChristianity but I think you might want to consider joining FOTCM.

Of course this is something one should take seriously and it may not be for everyone.

Here is a quote from Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind:

Membership in the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind is a commitment to Truth and all that such a commitment entails. As such, it should not be chosen lightly. Deep reflection should be given to the choice to devote oneself in service of the Cosmic Mind.

Commitment to FOTCM is taken into consideration and why there are private portions of the forum to provide a safe place to meet.
Listener status is a status of membership in FOTCM, it has nothing to do with an audio program. Miharo, joining FOTCM is a first step. Once people get to know you from your postings you may be admitted into the private boards, in which case you will be notified. Hope that clears this up.
Mr. Premise said:
goyacobol said:
miharo said:
Goyacobol, I'm a new listener at the Church of Revived PaleoChristianity.
Is that an adequate requirement for reading? :whistle:


I was not aware that there is an audio program for FOTCM OR The Church of Revived PaleoChristianity but I think you might want to consider joining FOTCM.

Of course this is something one should take seriously and it may not be for everyone.

Here is a quote from Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind:

Membership in the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind is a commitment to Truth and all that such a commitment entails. As such, it should not be chosen lightly. Deep reflection should be given to the choice to devote oneself in service of the Cosmic Mind.

Commitment to FOTCM is taken into consideration and why there are private portions of the forum to provide a safe place to meet.
Listener status is a status of membership in FOTCM, it has nothing to do with an audio program. Miharo, joining FOTCM is a first step. Once people get to know you from your postings you may be admitted into the private boards, in which case you will be notified. Hope that clears this up.

Mr. Premise,

Thanks for catching the "listener" status for miharo. I took listening the wrong way.

And miaro,

Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant by "listening". I hope this is all cleared up now. :)
Mr. Premise said:
Listener status is a status of membership in FOTCM, it has nothing to do with an audio program. Miharo, joining FOTCM is a first step. Once people get to know you from your postings you may be admitted into the private boards, in which case you will be notified. Hope that clears this up.
(I got the mail / packet today.) It did; thanks. :)
goyacobol said:
Mr.Cyan said:
Alada said:
Mr.Cyan said:
In another situation, what if a person who understands objectively reality, and understands that his observations and location can have an effect on impending disasters; made a concious decision to spend time with his/her family and loved ones in a specific location before the coming disasters - would this mean that their location would be safe from harms way ? Or if a disaster did strike their area, would they be the survivors ?

I’m not sure that’s quite the way to look at it, too ‘3d thinking’ focused perhaps with a sense of anticipation thrown in which might negate any effect anyhow.

Maybe better to just do what we find before us to do and apply ourselves as best we can, try not to force it.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Thanks Alada for the insights, and reference to the C's replies about Noah's Ark, much appreciated.

Fully agree, and i think my initial view was too focussed in 3D, with a lot of anticipation thrown in. I think we just have to continue to do, what we do, and we will experience what should be experienced. Though we will have difficult choices to make in the coming months; i feel the universe will determine the circumstances, and location we find ourselves when the disasters happen. Definitely can't force things as the C's mentioned.

On a related note, the C's reply "Nothing, however, will stop the balancing" has been constantly on my mind the last few weeks since the session was published, especially when considering all the depressing current global events. Inevitably this also leads me to thoughts about the coming disasters, and the deaths of many humans on this planet.

Giving the issue of Death more thought : with the arrival of the Wave, and new reality in 4D, the prospect for a large portion of humanity (me included) will most probably be death in 3D, or survival in a post-apocalyptic 3D World. Hence i think its important as well that the issue of one's death should be pondered upon.

Just to share with the Forum a few points on death that i have internalised after much thought over the last few weeks:

1. Embrace death anytime, anywhere; as it is part of the cycle of life - and there is no such thing as "good timing".

2. Live everyday with the thought " it is a good day to die today" - like the Samurai code of honour or Bushido.

3. The Work must continue, and we must "fight" till the very end - never give in when facing death, even if all hope fails, and is lost and seems inevitable. Just because we are going to die, doesnt mean we have to easily. A survival story to illustrate this point is the survival of Nando Parrado and the 16 survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 that crashed in the Andes in 1972.


4. If the opportunity arises, choose the cause for your death, make sure it counts and makes a difference to the people around you - my inspiring example is King Leonidas in the Battle against Persians at Thermopylae.

5. When death happens, make sure we know & remember to go towards the light and to the 5D zone of contemplation before soul rebirth.

I really don't mean to be morbid, but i feel the topic of death, in the uncertain times ahead is an important one and should be contemplated, especially when considering that "Nothing, however will stop the balancing".


I was just thinking about the " it is a good day to die today" quote this evening (I think of this more these days). I didn't know it was part of the Samurai code of honour or Bushido but I knew I read it somewhere.

Here is where I found it:

Session 19 July 2014
(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.

So maybe Black Elk was a Samurai too. Anyway it's the thought that counts they say. The surrounding questions and answers give a lot more to think about but I think that is up to those who want to read it.

I had saved the first page of the Death Guide topic but I think I'll continue to process that topic. Thank you for the summary above. I think it is a subject worth thinking about even though most of us probably would rather not. :cry:

I am still working on the battle cry “It’s a good day to die” and I think that until we actually see that it is a battle we will loose focus.

I truly believe as the C's have said "It is the soul that counts" and we have serious work to do on ourselves and hopefully for others.
I was thinking along similar lines this weekend about death and collapse in all it's forms and watched an interview about this concept;
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I hope this is of interest.
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