Session 7 May 2016


FOTCM Member
Session Date: May 7th 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Joe, Possibility of Being, Chu, Data, Arky, Scottie, Niall, Oxajil, Noko the Wonderdog

Q: (L) Today is May 7, 2016.

A: Hello children of Cassiopaea. Hieroklepsius here transmitting on the energy wave from the future.

Q: (Galatea) Hello Hieroklepsius!

(L) Well, that sounds like a serious intro... [laughter]

A: Things in your world are serious from your perspective.

Q: (L) Does that mean that they're not so serious from your perspective?

A: We are you in the future, so of course things have been serious.

Q: (L) I guess we have some questions. Let me get some of the smaller questions out of the way. First of all, we all kind of installed these grounding sheets under our mattresses, and some of us started having new and different problems than without the grounding sheet. Is that due to the grounding sheets?

A: As you know, that was a response to Ark for a specific problem. Grounding in nature takes place differently and on a different schedule. In your case, you live much of the time on the second floor. If you spend time outdoors more, grounding occurs naturally. If you then add artificial methods, you can overdo and reverse the effect. Take it easy.

Q: (L) Okay...

(Galatea) Let me rest my arm a second...

(L) I've been doing this for years! 20 years! And you thought it was just sitting at the table messing around! [laughter]

(Galatea) No I didn't!

(L) So, in other words, if we feel we need more grounding other than what we get from being outdoors, plug in the grounding sheet. But if we feel like our energy is being sucked out of us, then we should unplug it. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that what was causing my plantar fasciitis?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda,) And all of my achiness the last few mornings?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So once again, we have dived into experimentation full steam ahead, and learned something new and interesting! [laughter]

A: Repeating pattern!

Q: (L) I want to ask something about my reading. I've been reading a lot about the First Book of Enoch and the stories of the Watchers and various other interesting things about a form of Judaism - if you can call it that - that appears to have been... well, it appears to be quite a bit different than what we know as Judaism today. So, whether or not it was the original Judaism or what the deal was, I don't know. In any event, reading the book of the Watchers reminds a great deal of... and of course they talk about it in terms of fallen angels, and giants that came from unions from fallen angels and human women... but certain theological terms or expressions of how things work, how evil entered the world, and so forth, it actually seems a lot like some of the things we have received through this communication. Is that a generally correct assessment?

A: Yes, but with much glossing.

Q: (L) Well, all the ideas of hyperdimensional realities and the ideas about evil and STS and STO and all that sort of thing... but the character Enoch himself seems to be based on a Babylonian character. The fallen angels are presented with some kind of cometary imagery. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So these were stories that incorporated or combined or conflated times of cometary destruction with hyperdimensional understanding?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the giants seemed to be a variation on the Greek mythology of the Titans. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But still, I think it would be useful – this is not a very long book - I think it would be useful for everyone to read it just to understand that some of the ideas that have come through this communication have apparently been transmitted at other times and in other places. The ideas have become encoded into myths. So, my question is: Is it something that people could read to get additional understanding of hyperdimensional realities?

A: To some extent. But the problem is the manipulation of the text and many people do not have your ability to "see the unseen". Perhaps it would be useful for you to annotate it for others.

Q: (L) Well, swell! Just another project to add to my plate.

(Ark) But it's a great project!

(L) Fortunately, it's not very long. Alright, I'll put that on the list of projects.

(Galatea) The ability to think is a superpower.

(Ark) Yes!

(L) Some days, I really think that that's the case. [laughter] So now I have to finish annotating the sessions for 1996, I'm working on my historical events database, charging crystals for everybody, working on my other book, and...

(Galatea) We're gonna help you with the crystals though.

(L) Yes, which brings us to the crystals.

(Galatea) Segue! Nice dissolve! [laughter]

(L) Alright, the crystals. The crystals have been in the spring. We were going to bring them out today, but Andromeda pointed out that we have one more night of pretty much a dark moon, so we could leave them in tonight and bring them out tomorrow on the 8th, which she thinks is numerologically a better day. Is she correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Good job. 8 is a really good number. 8 is the first day of the next beginning if you have a cycle of 7. Okay, so... Anyhow, in amongst this marvelous collection of crystals, there are a lot of roundish or blobby-shaped polished multicolored stones. I'm not quite sure what to do with them. Are those kinds of stones useful for protection?

A: No

Q: (L) Are those kinds of stones useful at all?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What are they useful for?

A: As you received already in your uplink before this communication, those stones are perfect repositories for creative energies and dream guides.

Q: (Galatea) Dream guides? What do they mean?

(Andromeda,) To help with dream work, maybe?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda,) And are they different from the different kinds of natural stones?

A: Not really, but should be selected carefully for the specific individual.

Q: (Andromeda,) And why is it that they can't be charged in the moonlight?

A: Reverses the positive charge.

Q: (L) What kind of charge comes from the sun to the Earth? Is it like negative, or...

(Pierre) Positive overall.

(L) So the overall charge from the sun to the Earth is positive?

(Pierre) I'm not sure they're talking about electric charge here. Maybe we should ask.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So what would the reverse charge do, take everything out or what?

A: Counter to the living energy of the being.

Q: (Ark) But, but... What are we supposed to do? Take one stone or several and put under the pillow and have dreams, or what?

A: One

Q: (L) But that's the colored stones.

(Ark) Just one, but it has to be sorted, yeah?

(Chu) The girls will select them.

(Pierre) I have a question about the selection. What defines the match between a specific stone and a specific individual?

A: Frequency and need.

Q: (Ark) How can we measure this frequency?

A: Aural reading at locator.

Q: (Pierre) So aural means kind of another dimension or something. So the aural frequency or profile of the individual matches that of the stone.

(Joe) We don't see it.

(Pierre) Some people see it, or so they say.

(Galatea) Have you ever been able to train yourself to see auras?

(L) Sometimes.

(Galatea) Can we train ourselves to see auras?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Do we know how?

(L) Do we want to?

(Galatea) Yeah, it's kind of a useless skill.

(L) Coming down to the actual crystals. We have different colors of crystals. My idea was to both use my method of intentional implantation with energy behind it. Recently, I also thought that possibly another way to carry that energy would be singing to the stones. Is that possible?

A: Not only possible, but the preferred method for some purposes.

Q: (Galatea) Would we need to charge several stones with different intentions, or can we put multiple intentions into one?

A: Yes, Yes.

Q: (L) So you can do both. You can put multiple intentions in some stones, and some stones should be individual, I think.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Like for example, I think the stones that are used to charge water... This is how I have it. Once we take them out of the purifying bath, we sort them into types and sizes. The small ones we charge separately for putting in water. And then...

A: Sing to them.

Q: (L) So we sing to the ones that go in the water. Okay, then we'll take the ones that are for personal protection and...

A: Read to them!

Q: (L) In other words, speak to them. Talk to them about what they're supposed to be doing?

A: Yes. Modify the 91st Psalm. Provide a copy to the recipient as well so they are aware of the protective parameters and can augment them from time to time.

Q: (Joe) What is the 91st Psalm?

(L) Oh, something like [recites}... “He who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” And then something about .. “he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the pestilence.” And then more about ”you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day or afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that wastes at noon. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day…” blah blah blah. That’s all I can remember. It covers all kinds of stuff. So we can modify it with the Cosmic Mind and that kind of thing. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes!!! You speculate well!

Q: (Andromeda,) What about crystals for specific cases for healing?

A: Sing for healing.

Q: (L) Healing crystals will get sung to, the water crystals get sung to, the protection crystals get recited to, and maybe we could even sing a little bit of the Psalm or tone it or something while we're doing it. Like our brass bowls or something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Besides crystals and salt, what else could we add to our water to amplify the effects?

A: Nothing.

Q: (L) Oh, so for the house protection, that is also the 91st Psalm?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Read by each person, or just one person?

(L) We're supposed to sing/chant it, and repeat it I think; read in unison. How many times do we need to repeat it?

A: 8 times over three days.

Q: (L) 8 times per day?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that something that the person who receives it could do rather than us having to do it for each one?

A: You will do it. The recipient augments.

Q: (L) Is there any particular advantage to me doing any of this over and above somebody charging their own crystals?

A: Your life is an example of what it takes to receive our communications. You achieved frequency acceleration to do this. As we have told you, this communication is not unidirectional!

Q: (L) When you say that I achieved frequency acceleration, does that mean when I nearly died?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Swell! Anyway, what you're saying is that me doing it brings energy from you to the stone in the same way that you can communicate. Is that going in the right direction?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So it applies to all of us then.

A: We merge with you during communication.


Q: (L) Okay.

A: Individuals can be linked to knowledge/information via your efforts.

Q: (L) Well, somebody brought up the possibility that if I were to charge these crystals, and then some nefarious person got ahold of one, they could then send something back at me.

A: Not the way it works. The linkage is to 6th density thanks to your "installation of the software", but the mainframe is us in the future.

Q: (L) So in other words, I'm not putting myself into these crystals or creating a link between others and me, I'm putting some kind of frequency into them that links them to you/us in the future and then peeps are connected to you and through you to each other, possibly including me?

(Andromeda,) You're like the channel for the frequency.

(L) I'm channeling the frequency to the crystals, but I'm not connecting my personal energies to them?

A: Exactly. It would be "interesting" for some "nefarious" person to attempt such activity. We have a "firewall".

Q: (L) Somehow I get the feeling that when you say, "firewall", you mean that a little bit more than just symbolically...

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) I suspect that also means that those who don’t resonate to the frequency will know it pretty quick. Okay. What about the crystal business have we not covered? We now know more or less what we're doing, right?

(Pierre) Do you know what tune you're going to sing?

(L) Oh, do we know what songs we're going to sing?

A: Yes, you do!

Q: (L) I do...

A: You are also in the process of selecting songs for a meeting song book.

Q: (L) Yeah, I am. I'm in the process of looking at different songs. I can tell you right now, it ain't gonna be “Farther Along”.

(Andromeda,) Or “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”!

(L) Yeah, that's gonna be too freaking depressing!

(Galatea) Is Laura the only one with the special software?

A: Yours is downloading!

Q: (Galatea) As in Andromeda, and mine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Now you can wear one of those shirts that says, "Downloading... Cassiopaean Software"! We'll have to get LM to make us one!

(Galatea) Installation in progress. Loading...

(L) Then it will ask: “Do you wish to restart your computer”? AAAH! [laughter]

(Galatea) "To complete the installation, you must restart." DEATH! [laughter]

(L) Okay, so we've got some questions...

(Galatea) Can I ask my questions before you get to yours?

(L) Just a small list! Alright.

(Galatea) Is there a non-harmful substance or drug that can help me, Laura, and Andromeda, with our problem?

A: Need the hormone injections and must take special care with sleep cycles.

Q: (Galatea) Remember we were talking about that time when the radio turned on by itself? Why did it turn on by itself?

(L) What else happened that day?

(Andromeda,) A glass and a jar were broken that day, I think.

A: Arrival of potentially negative energies.

Q: (L) Did we turn that around by our actions?

A: Yes. Good job!

Q: (Galatea) Was the branch nearly falling on Data caused by evil energies, or was it just because it was rotten?

A: Needed to take that tree down to prevent future mishap.

Q: (L) So it was a warning?

A: Yes

Q: (Data) Was the warning specific to me?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) You were just there.

(Andromeda,) Did that have anything to do with your dream about Data being at risk?

(L) Oh wait a minute! Risk factor at the hospital... Yeah, I was at the hospital, and they were talking about Data. And I told them he's not at risk because he takes care.

(Data) And I wasn't hurt because I heard the noise.

(L) That's true. That's freaky. “Risk factor”.

(Data) But now it's done, and nothing bad happened.

(L) Did my dream have anything to do with that?

A: Yes. Notice this: Data, you ARE protected if you are paying attention!

Q: (Data) And I did because I heard it.

(L) And in the dream, I said that Data only goes to the doctor for preemptive medicine?

(Andromeda,) Yeah.

(L) And I was REALLY angry at these doctors.

(Data) You said there was no need for them to say, "risk factor".

(L) Yeah, I was REALLY upset with them.

A: That indicates your sharing of energy with all those around you.

Q: (L) So in the dream world, I defended Data against these evil people that were trying to do him dirty. That translated into sharing some energy with Data so that he was paying attention. Is that what we're talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So that's kinda like what I used to do with the kids. I used to have dreams about the kids and dangers and me fighting demons or dragons or blowing up balloons and having them erected shields around our house.

(Andromeda,) I have those too a lot.

(Galatea) I had a dream of you cutting me open and pulling out a huge tape worm from my body.

(L) I didn't do it with my bare hands, did I?

(Galatea) Yes. I guess you were protecting me from an evil parasite that was trying to get me or something.

(L) Oh, honey! Mommy will protect.

(Galatea) Thank you! Okay, I have another question: The other night, I saw like a shadowy silhouette outside the window. Was that an entity, or was my mind just playing tricks on me?

A: Replay brought on by construction changing EM field of location.

Q: (Data) The wall construction.

(Pierre) The wall changed our EM field?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, that's good.

(L) One hopes! Is it good?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Frankly, since we built the new front wall, it feels more like a sanctuary. It feels more protected.

(Andromeda,) I had this dream the other night about killing a dark man. Was that just a personal thing, or was there something more to it?

A: As usual, it is symbolic of actual energetic maneuvers at the soul level.

Q: (L) So there was an intruder, and you got rid of him symbolically, which actually happens in the psychic realms.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Good job!

(Galatea) One last crystal question. Can manmade or Swarovski crystals be charged?

A: Weakly.

Q: (Pierre) They're not real crystals. They're glass.

(Galatea) There was one night I think last year, I saw a shadow running across the front yard. Was that the same as the other shadow I saw out the window?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Is there anything we should be doing for our health that we aren't already doing and that we don't already know about?

A: If you need to know it, you will!

Q: (L) Okay, there is this thing we've found out about our pituitary thing. I'm really kind of curious about why are we afflicted with this pituitary problem?

A: Much of that "hormone producing energy" goes to the soul uplink.

Q: (Galatea) So our souls are taking all of our gas?

A: Sort of.

Q: (Galatea) So we need the injections.

(L) So in other words, energy that could be used to manufacture a hormone that...

(Andromeda,) Regulates certain things like metabolism...

(L) Well, that's really interesting! Maybe that goes along with the fact that many if not most people who have or have had some kind of strong psychic or communicating abilities are large people.

A: Yes but not all! Andromeda!

Q: (Andromeda,) I still have the low energy and stuff.

(L) Okay, but it's not any kind of brain tumor or anything like that that we have?

A: No. We told you that your thyroid was tampered with to stop your development. This was countered by utilizing energies of the higher system.

Q: (L) The higher system being the uplink to higher densities, i.e. the pituitary. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda,) What about this intermittent fasting? Will that help at all?

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) So, intermittent fasting, keeping close watch on the sleep cycles, probably getting the injections, being really good on the diet, iodine, fish oil, B vitamins, chromium piccolinate, and vitamin D... Several things that are very specific to this particular condition that we need to take care of.

(Galatea) Last question: Recently, I noticed that whenever I have raspberries, I feel really good. Would some of us taking raspberry oil be beneficial for decreasing inflammation?

A: Yes, some.

Q: (L) Okay, here we have a question from the forum. It says:

It has been proposed by Michael Crawford that DHA [the chief element in fish oil] may facilitate quantum tunneling of electrons, therefore would explain why dense concentrations can be found in the photoreceptor of the retina. However, it is only acknowledged as a proposed mechanism merely in the realm of speculation at this point.

"The extraordinary conservation and irreplaceable nature of DHA in neuronal signaling and its high concentration in the photoreceptor can be explained if it functions as an electron tunneling device providing quantised signals. Quantum mechanical treatment explains the absolute precision of the membrane depolarisation in phototransduction. This precision is essential to visual acuity and synaptic signalling. Quantum mechanics also explains the photoreceptor oriented counter-intuitively away from incoming light. We have established that energy minimised structures, molecular polarisation and moment of inertia allow for the theoretical possibility of DHA operating in the realm of supra-molecular chemistry with electron quantum coherence but we clearly acknowledge that further investigation is required."

There hasn't really been much research done on the potential quantum effects of DHA, and would be interesting if the C's could comment on this possibility.

(L) So can you comment on the possibility of potential quantum tunneling effects of DHA?

A: A mechanical description of a living process will not "hit the mark".

Q: (L) So you're saying that this is a mechanical...

(Pierre) They say something is missing. It's a mechanical description, and with living processes, there's more to it than that.

(L) So there's more to it than that, and quantum tunneling might be trying to explain an inexplicable living process? Is that it?

A: Yes. When all else fails, just mention "quantum tunneling" or "strings".

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) It's very true...

(L) In other words, this is a way to try to avoid having to acknowledge that there are living processes that are controlled by information or morphogenetic fields or something like that. They're just trying to avoid that. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) I will use this opportunity to ask this question because we are talking about this information and morphogenetic fields. The concept of information, there are many approaches and definitions. Usually it all starts with Mr. Shannon who invented the concept of information just for coding letters and transmitting through the telegraph. I don't think it's the right kind of information for description of life. And then there is quantum information nowadays which is used for building quantum computers, which is probably also away from the phenomenon of life. So, I would like to have some HINT of which kind of information - philosophically speaking, or mathematically speaking, or generally - that I should look at so that I don't spend unnecessary time learning things that are not useful for life. I want to understand life and organization.

(L) So what are the options? What's your question?

(Ark) Hints? Where to look for the literature because there was Mr. Shannon, there was these people linking information to probability, people linking information to entropy, and so on. What would be the first letter of the name of the author that I should search?

A: F

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...

A: I

Q: (Chu) Third?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda,) You only get 2! [laughter]

(L) I'm not terribly interested in this other bunch of questions... Lemme move to this one:

I found this article that sums up a widespread belief about digital vs analog audio, IE CD vs turntable.

I have tested many thousands of phonograph recordings made over a period of more than eighty years, and have found that almost most examples have been therapeutic, often highly so.[3] In 1979 this changed. I suddenly found that I was not achieving the same therapeutic results as before, that playing records of the same compositions to the same patients was producing a completely contrary effect! Instead of their stress being reduced and their Life Energy being actuated, the opposite was occurring! For instance, music that I had long used to promote sleep now seemed to be actually aggravating the insomnia. I found in one case that instead of the music helping a patient withdraw from tranquilizers, it seemed to increase his need for them. Special tapes for businesspeople to use during their rest periods seemed suddenly to increase rather than reduce their stress. These findings were very alarming.

When I investigated these and many other paradoxical phenomena, I found that in all cases they were related to the use of digital recordings. These were vinyl records (and later CDs) made from digital masters.[4] When I substituted analog versions of the same work, sometimes even with the same performers, the positive therapeutic effects were again obtained. There seemed to me little doubt that something was “wrong” with the digital process. Apparently the digital recording technique not only did not enhance Life Energy and reduce stress, but it was actually untherapeutic; that is, it imposed a stress and reduced Life Energy. Through some mechanism, some severely detrimental effect on the Acupuncture Emotional System, the digital process was somehow reversing the therapeutic effects of the music!


A: If one is depending on a 3rd density effect, analog is best. If one is attempting to tap higher or "other" realms, digital is more likely to capture the effect.

Q: (L) So if you just want a 3rd density thing like giving somebody drugs or something, you use something analog like records that deliver actual physical vibrations or whatever to the individual. But if you're trying to capture or transmit other realms or other-density effects and so forth, then digital is better. Let's face it, if you're trying to make a recording of ghosts for example, and you leave some kind of recording device in a haunted house and it is supposed to make a record, that would require a kind of cross-density type of energy that would be pretty momentous, I think. It's mechanical. So mechanical effects happen with analog. Digital can be very subtle, electromagnetic...

(Joe) It can be more easily used to convey non-3d stuff.

(L) Yeah. Okay, are there any other questions? This is going on for a long time now. We've got worn out arms, here!

(Pierre) Two quick questions about flash-frozen mammoths. [laughter] The cometary body that impacted Earth, I would like to know what was the location of the north geographic pole before and after the impact?

A: 7 degrees different.

Q: (Pierre) Well, 7 degrees... I was asking for the location of the north geographic pole before and after the impact.

A: Close to South Central Canada.

Q: (Pierre) That's before?

(L) Didn't you ask before?

(Pierre) I asked where was it before and after. I guess that's before.

(L) I think they're talking about the tilt of the axis with the 7 degrees.

(Pierre) Okay, relative to the ecliptic.

(L) And 7 degrees change in the tilt of the axis will certainly change climate conditions.

(Pierre) Of course.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So you're saying that the lithosphere slipped that much?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Not only did the axis change, but the lithosphere slid. That would explain why all those piles and piles and piles of bones were just... I mean, they had like practically islands of bones all jumbled together in the Arctic! Almost entire islands. Just crazy.

(Pierre) South Central Canada is before?

A: Before.

Q: (L) And that's it.

(Galatea) Pierre, do you want to ask about the UFO you saw?

(L) He was joking.

(Pierre) No, no, I was not joking. But I saw it quickly...

(L) Okay, c'mon, what's your last question?

(Pierre) I just wanted to know the size of the impacting body. The diameter.

(L) I think that's already discussed in Firestone.

(Pierre) Well, Firestone is not necessarily right.

(L) I think we asked if they were fairly accurate. And I think it was said they were.

(Pierre) Okay, perfect.

(Galatea) Wait, wait! One last: Did Pierre see a UFO, or no?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay, that's it.

A: Mind melding is possible for those who love. Goodbye.

(Andromeda,) That's totally Star Trek! It's what the Vulcans do when they share all their memories and stuff.

Re: Session 7 Many 2016

That was an extremely interesting end educational session! Thanks for all the work. This part got me laughing hilariously:
"Q: (L) Well, somebody brought up the possibility that if I were to charge these crystals, and then some nefarious person got ahold of one, they could then send something back at me.

A: Not the way it works. The linkage is to 6th density thanks to your "installation of the software", but the mainframe is us in the future.

Q: (L) So in other words, I'm not putting myself into these crystals or creating a link between others and me, I'm putting some kind of frequency into them that links them to you/us in the future and then peeps are connected to you and through you to each other, possibly including me?

(Andromeda,) You're like the channel for the frequency.

(L) I'm channeling the frequency to the crystals, but I'm not connecting my personal energies to them?

A: Exactly. It would be "interesting" for some "nefarious" person to attempt such activity. We have a "firewall".

Q: (L) Somehow I get the feeling that when you say, "firewall", you mean that a little bit more than just symbolically...

A: Indeed.
Wow ! Another great session.

Thanks so much for sharing with us. :hug2:

Q: (L) But still, I think it would be useful – this is not a very long book - I think it would be useful for everyone to read it just to understand that some of the ideas that have come through this communication have apparently been transmitted at other times and in other places. The ideas have become encoded into myths. So, my question is: Is it something that people could read to get additional understanding of hyperdimensional realities?

A: To some extent. But the problem is the manipulation of the text and many people do not have your ability to "see the unseen". Perhaps it would be useful for you to annotate it for others.

Q: (L) Well, swell! Just another project to add to my plate.

(Ark) But it's a great project!

Totally agree with Ark. :cool2:
Re: Session 7 Many 2016

Thanks so much for this wonderful session, packed with so much information!
The process with the crystals is fascinating, as is the discussion about all those energy interactions, and everything else... Thanks again! :cheer:
This is really very interesting - singing to some crystals, reading to others. It is an amazing Session to read. I'll need to read it again because I always read through quickly at first. The number 8 that cropped up a couple of times was interesting as well. That particular number stands out to me because I have a very young granddaughter who is always pointing out the number 8 to me wherever we go....on license plates, house numbers. She loves the #8.

Thank you all for the Session and great questions. :)
Thank you for the session :flowers:

Laura said:
Session Date: May 7th 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Joe, Possibility of Being, Chu, Data, Arky, Scottie, Niall, Oxajil, Noko the Wonderdog

Q: (L) Today is May 7, 2016.


Q: (Galatea) Would we need to charge several stones with different intentions, or can we put multiple intentions into one?

A: Yes, Yes.

Q: (L) So you can do both. You can put multiple intentions in some stones, and some stones should be individual, I think.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Like for example, I think the stones that are used to charge water... This is how I have it. Once we take them out of the purifying bath, we sort them into types and sizes. The small ones we charge separately for putting in water. And then...

A: Sing to them.

Q: (L) So we sing to the ones that go in the water. Okay, then we'll take the ones that are for personal protection and...

A: Read to them!

Q: (L) In other words, speak to them. Talk to them about what they're supposed to be doing?

A: Yes. Modify the 91st Psalm. Provide a copy to the recipient as well so they are aware of the protective parameters and can augment them from time to time.

Q: (Joe) What is the 91st Psalm?

(L) Oh, something like [recites}... “He who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” And then something about .. “he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the pestilence.” And then more about ”you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day or afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that wastes at noon. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day…” blah blah blah. That’s all I can remember. It covers all kinds of stuff. So we can modify it with the Cosmic Mind and that kind of thing. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes!!! You speculate well!

I'm not sure whether this is a decent version, but it was an interesting read! said:
Psalm 91

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”

Psalm 91:1 Hebrew Shaddai
Psalm 91:14 That is, probably the king

New International Version (NIV)
Laura said:
Q: (Galatea) Was the branch nearly falling on Data caused by evil energies, or was it just because it was rotten?

This was the 'little' branch that fell within 2 meters from where I was standing (I was about to put that little solar light down that you can see in the image on the left), had I not ran away because I had heard a faint crackling noise from directly above. It crackled for about 10 seconds before it started to fall. The branch flattened 2 cypress trees when it hit the ground (1 of them has meanwhile been erected again, see image). But by then, I was in safe distance. It was a surreal experience.


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