Session 7 May 2016

Thank you for this excellent new session. :clap:

For those of us who have not made yet a request of Crystals I would like to ask whether we are in time or there is a deadline.
Re: Session 7 May 2016

Thanks for another session and the progress on the crystals! Glad you weren't clobbered by that oak branch, Data! That was a close call.

I looked into the work of Mr Shannon and perhaps Fisher is the guy to look at?! Or not, but he was the only Fi I came across in the Google search. Best of luck in your research, Ark!
Thank you all for sharing and the interesting and delightful session. And also thanks again to you Laura and everybody else for continuing doing projects :flowers: and :hug2:

Data said:
Laura said:
Q: (Galatea) Was the branch nearly falling on Data caused by evil energies, or was it just because it was rotten?

This was the 'little' branch that fell within 2 meters from where I was standing (I was about to put that little solar light down that you can see in the image on the left), had I not ran away because I had heard a faint crackling noise from directly above. It crackled for about 10 seconds before it started to fall. The branch flattened 2 cypress trees when it hit the ground (1 of them has meanwhile been erected again, see image). But by then, I was in safe distance. It was a surreal experience.

Glad nothing bad happened to you or anybody else and you listened to the signs :D!
Thank you "Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Peter, Joe, Possibility of Being, Chu, Data, Arky, Scottie, Niall, Oxajil, the Noko Wonderdog ".

The C's are beginning to merge with Laura !!! :cool2:
Good news, new messages will apparaitres in our dreams. :D
Thank you all!
So, the individual members crstal will uplink to 6th density.
And no person can penetrate to use it in nefarious way!
Wow, I feel so relived.
Tristan said:
Thank you for this excellent new session. :clap:

For those of us who have not made yet a request of Crystals I would like to ask whether we are in time or there is a deadline.

I second that Tristan, that was my question as well. I hope I won't inconvenience the crew with my late response.

Thank you very much for this session. :flowers:
Hugs for your, Data, that branch looks massive. :O

Vitamin D appears to be essential for thyroid problems? As soon as the sun comes out and I have some work to do outdoors I will do it as I always feel better afterwards, even in winter. I had problems with my thyroid which may explain I always want to go outdoors when the sun is shining.
For these past few days I have also walked barefoot in the grass, doing some grounding and work at the same time. It really helps IMO and it is good for the feet as well.
Thank you for sharing this new very interesting session.

Thank you for all the work that go into your projects to help us, Laura. :flowers:

Data said:
Laura said:
Q: (Galatea) Was the branch nearly falling on Data caused by evil energies, or was it just because it was rotten?

This was the 'little' branch that fell within 2 meters from where I was standing (I was about to put that little solar light down that you can see in the image on the left), had I not ran away because I had heard a faint crackling noise from directly above. It crackled for about 10 seconds before it started to fall. The branch flattened 2 cypress trees when it hit the ground (1 of them has meanwhile been erected again, see image). But by then, I was in safe distance. It was a surreal experience.

The "little branch" looks quite massive. I am glad that nothing happend to you and those around you! Hopefully the tree could be removed uneventfully. Maybe checking the other trees if they may drop "branches" could be helpful? Take care of yourselves.
Thanks for the session.

Apologies if this is a silly question to ask

Q: (L) What are they useful for?

A: As you received already in your uplink before this communication, those stones are perfect repositories for creative energies and dream guides.

Q: (Galatea) Dream guides? What do they mean?

(Andromeda,) To help with dream work, maybe?

A: Yes

What is dream work?
Wow totally awesome and incredibly amazing questions and answers. The crystals singing, talking to etc and all the help. protection and 'firewalls' just totally blows me away! We had been taught to know that we are on our own here - which is a good thing for people to understand and work from - yet here they are saying that a certain protection is there including a firewall!

Again out of the blue I was sent girl to help (via a friend) to help and build up psychologically - nothing that I have not been and suffered through myself. So naturally I can empathize and help thankfully from the forum, all the psychology books, self work, together with the umbrella of my own therapist if needed. There are underlying personal signals here too which have not gone unnoticed and which I needed and am forever grateful for the universal reminders! So glad I didn't miss the subtle but significant universal prods we need!

I know I am so behind at reporting - but I WILL catch up - including a bizarre yet vital operation I now have to have asap.

What I am truly pleased about is that towards the end of our session - with NO LEADING from me - when I reiterated about Aim in life the answer came back as an amazing answer! So in tune with everything here. I had never considered even utilizing the psychological studies apart from self improvement and after getting the health side correct, combining them with hypnotherapy studies via my therapist. The other note is that I couldn't currently afford to continue my therapy - which we all need to have - and so here I get given the means to save for my own learning sessions! Without having the umbrella of such a brill therapist I could not have even considered this task. So I will be also sending him an update!! Even maybe a possible future student!

They do say to teach what you need to understand - but under such circumstances where a person's well-being is concerned, I would never do so without higher help both here and locally! Trauma is too tender to meddle with otherwise. Luckily she wants to read my psychology books and has now got the online version of EE!

Boy does the Universe hear and help! I asked to be of use to people(and they 'arrive'), and, help with my health and poof - a final unexpected operation, personal environment nearly sorted - including close relationships, then down to the health threads that require hours and hours of double attention! Forget meagre beliefs nobody can ever take this 'knowing' of the universe away from me. And yes - all prayers are heard - however where free will and our needed experience is concerned - we are only given what we need or what we can be useful for. Useful in ways we didn't even consider ourselves worthy of. It sure makes one 'grow' into responsibility - but infinite awe too. It sure has taught me to think between the 'cracks in the pavement' as to hints, meanings, love, others, sharing and giving etc. in everything that comes my way. But also strategic enclosure, self protection, vigilance and possible vectoring - both ways - cos we never know what 'synchronistic' events may actually bring, mean, or teach us. especially in the work now.

I am sharing this because i THINK all of us have learned things now that are useful and essential to use at this time and that we may be called on to be of use to the UNIVERSE when we least expect it. So with the above caveats no knowledge or experience is wasted and our particular knowledge - thanks to the dedication of Laura and everyone here - may well be needed, utilized, used as a signpost PRIOR to the SHTF not just afterwards. Every second counts - even if you - or someone you know -are on a ventilator or in a coma!ss

If something doesn't FEEL right then it certainly is NOT right. So remember to always check-in and share with wiser peeps here. I didn't have the opportunity as I had less than 24 hours on a changed appointment. However, I AM writing about it here now. because 'nobody is a nobody' and it is essential for my own protection and our 'ego's' can still lead us astray and down the rabbit hole! Thus no way will I meet anyone in my apartment but only in 'public'. So added protection of these incredible crystals are incredibly well timed!

BTW I am thankful that I was not so blind not to realize that this 'encounter' was also a subtle nudge and reminder/wake up call - for me too!!! So it works BOTH ways!! Now to definitely APPLY the reminder/nudge/warning!! :)
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