Session 9 June 2018


FOTCM Member
Session Date: June 9th 2018

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Mikey, Scottie, Niall, Possibility of Being, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia

Q: (L) Today is the 9th of June 2018. The usual suspects are present.

(Artemis) *Ring-ring, Ring-ring!*

A: Good evening!

(Artemis) Good evening to you, too.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Kolleiaea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) That's kinda like Kilauea.

A: Similar, yes.

Q: (Artemis) Their name last time was Klioppiaea, with a K. So, why K's?

A: Why not?

Q: (L) Alright. I guess I'll start off. I want to ask about this Carl Jung business. Well, Carl Jung thought he was the reincarnation of Goethe. Was he?

A: No. Fantasy.

Q: (L) Is this book that I just read about Carl Jung fairly accurate as to the historical details and some of the interpretations of those details?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) Was Gurdjieff influenced by Carl Jung?

A: Small bit.

Q: (L) Was Carl Jung possessed after his extensive therapeutic encounter with Otto Gross?

A: Not at that point, but later, yes.

Q: (L) Possessed by what?

A: 4D STS.

Q: (Pierre) How did he get possessed?

A: Asked for it.

Q: (Joe) Was he into some kind of mysticism or black magic or cultism as it was called?

A: Yes, though it was not called such.

Q: (L) Who was that guy that was hooked up with L. Ron Hubbard? He was kinda similar. He was involved in space projects. Does anybody remember his name?

(Niall) Parsons.

(L) Yeah, Parsons. So, was it similar to what Parsons and his bunch was doing? Sex magic and all that?

A: Yes, and there was Jungian influence there too.

Q: (L) Well, is it accurate or correct to derive from this Jungian business some of the philosophical or psychological foundations of the current American liberal postmodern movement?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) So some of Jung's ideas of the anima and animus and the hermaphroditic nature of the soul and so forth were foundational to the current liberal paradigm of sexual fluidity?

A: Yes. And notice well that this conflicts directly with objective reality.

Q: (L) Well, according to the postmodernists, there is no objective reality. They say that everything people think is completely culturally conditioned, and one truth is no more true than another truth or whatever.

A: That will backfire tragically. Think "Tower of Babel."

Q: (L) So, in other words, this whole postmodernist conception of there being no objective truth is similar to the attempt to build a Tower of Babel?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) The Tower of Babel was to be unable to speak the same language.

(Andromeda) It was to reach heaven.

(L) They were joining together to build this tower in order to reach heaven, and then God made them all speak different languages and scattered them all over. So the “unification of the masses” under the umbrella of Postmodernism has its own seeds of destruction of society contained within?

A: Right. Think of the strong fascist trend of the modern left.

Q: (L) Like the anti-smoking thing and trying to force vegetarianism, and “cultural diversity” and so forth. They have decided that they will arbitrate what people shall and shall not do under the guise of accepting all and anything that people might or might not do. It’s utterly bizarre. I'm trying to get through this Detmer book I'm reading about it but it’s difficult to imagine people coming up with things that are so retarded; I think it’s safe to say they are schizoid psychopaths because the thinking style is so characteristic. And they miss the big flaw: If everything is culturally conditioned or if there is no objective truth, then what a leftist says is equally culturally conditioned and as subject to the same conditions that what they say is not true either...

(Andromeda) Right. It should be...

(Pierre) The similarity with the Tower of Babel is that those people got together to become gods. It's the same as what the left is doing because they deny nature and the objective nature of the universe. And then they create “their” truth, and what they say is the truth, so they replace god.

(L) So in other words, this whole left attempt to take over our world is sort of what 2nd Thessalonians referred to as man attempting to take the seat of god in the temple, so to speak?

A: Yes. The Beast.

Q: (L) Okay, well that's pretty interesting; there’s a lot of beastliness in our world today. I was reminded when I was thinking about all of this postmodernism and this Jungian business about something that was said in a session back in 2002 or 2001 or whenever; it was about frequency resonance vibration. And then there were mentions in the transcripts about frequency resonance robots and frequency resonance pied pipers. Basically, then it was said that the plan was to get bodies to resonate in such a way that 4D STS could download directly - if only temporarily - into this reality. So, is that what is happening with a lot of these groups of leftists and postmodernists inspired by Jung and the postmodernist philosophers and sociologists?

A: Indeed. But do not get misled by labels because the right has similar tendencies.

Q: (Joe) In terms of downloading or getting possessed by something or other, you'd imagine that that would be facilitated by someone who willfully asserts or accepts that they have no fixed identity. You'd think an impediment to something taking you over would be a strong conviction that you have a strong identity from a sexual or cultural basis.

A: Recall the context of the "Pied Piper" remarks.

Q: (Joe) What were you saying about the Pied Piper?

(L) The Pied Piper remarks were made in the context of my kids specifically, if I remember correctly. Can we pause and you go find it?

[Break for session search...]

(L) The Pied Piper is the story where he makes a deal that he'll get rid of the rats if they pay him some money. After he got rid of the rats, they didn't pay him. So then he used his flute that he previously used to get rid of the mice or rats to lead all the children away. The mountain opened up and he took the kids into the mountain and they never came out again. I thought that was pretty creepy.

(Joe) Okay, there's only one.

(L) Okay, and it says...

Session May 21, 1997

A: [...] Always be aware of your significance as the possessor and potential purveyor of unusually high level knowledge store. And, what that means to those who would prefer that it not be.

Q: Is there more I could do in terms of protecting my children? That is where I am most vulnerable and I am not sure that they understand the seriousness of the situation.

A: What do signs keep telling you? Who took what positions and behaviors in the dream? Well?

Q: Yes... I realize that it was because of going out to do something ordinary... not thinking... while Ark and Tom and Frank were distracted... and I was just concerned about A***...

A: And what role did V__ play?

Q: I see. Like the Pied Piper?

A: Or maybe programmed decoy, due to FRV?

Q: What is FRV?

A: Frequency Resonance Vibration.

Q: Is there any danger to A*** and J*** with these kids and church people they have been around the past few weeks?

A: What do you think?!? It is a vulnerable age for anyone, much more so for the children of one on path to super consciousness, and in contact with those who provide advice and data...


(L) Okay, so that leads to the present.

(Pierre) People's lives are at stake in the sense that they can become possessed when they embrace this ideology. For awhile I've been thinking that there is more at stake, literally the souls of individuals. If you remember in Darkness Over Tibet, when the...

A: Smashing

Q: (Pierre) Yeah, they're right but they didn't let me finish the sentence. In Darkness Over Tibet, the wise man said there's not much that is a sin against the soul - except playing god. And this ideology when you embrace, you are playing god. You deny reality.

(L) We have our problems with organized religion, but it's better than thinking that you yourself are god! To understand that the cosmos out there is a bit bigger and smarter than you are...

(Andromeda) That there's something higher.

(Joe) Is it true that people who gravitate toward that idea of relativism and that there's no truth, and then they effectively put themselves in the place of god, is it because they have no real inner connection or appreciation of anything higher than themselves?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, so you were saying that people would try to attack me through my children. There was another occasion when you said that the attack would rotate from one kid to the next. Is that a correct assessment?

A: Time will tell. It is not over. But we also told you that you would be prepared and protected.

Q: (L) Well, I don't feel very protected quite frankly...

A: Just realize that forces have acted against you from your childhood. Do you think they would honor "family ties?"

Q: (L) So in other words... I always said that attacks on my kids or problems with my kids are the one thing that could take me out. My weakness, my vulnerability.

(Pierre) That's why they use it.

(L) And boy, do they use it!

A: You have other "true" children to create the defense. All should think of the "Queen Bee" and the goose and the golden egg. It is not over by a longshot.

Q: (L) So I'm just a mechanism for laying eggs. Is that it? [laughter]

(Artemis) I'M the golden one!

(L) Oh, you're the golden egg! I see. [laughter]

(Artemis) You're the goose, and we're the golden eggs.

(Joe) What did they mean? What is not over by a longshot?

A: The events in which you will play an important part.

Q: [Review of answers] (L) All the queen bee does is lay around in the middle of the nest and lay eggs.

(Artemis) You're up there reading all the time. [laughter]

(Joe) How is that relevant?

(Chu) Because they all protect her.

(Niall) The worker or soldier bees.

A: Defense is the key. Ark's impulse was exactly correct.

Q: (Joe) What impulse? What are we talking about here? I'm getting confused.

(L) What impulse?

A: His instant recognition.

Q: (Pierre) Okay, Arky. I think they're cryptic on purpose and they want you to talk.

(Joe) I'm assuming we're talking here in relation to kids?

A: No. Back to the beginning: First principles.

Q: (Chu) What was your instant recognition, Arky?

(L) Do you know what they're talking about honey?

(Ark) First principle?

(Chu) First principles.

(Ark) Defense is the key... Hmm. I dunno.

(Joe) Maybe it's something to do with when you first met Laura and your approach to all the attacks that came from Bridges and that kind of thing. Your attitude was defense, not attack. Right?

A: To serve and protect.

Q: (L) What, are we starting a police academy?? [laughter]

(Scottie) DCI Arky!

A: To be capable of great knowledge one must be open and vulnerable. This necessitates defense.

Q: (Pierre) The queen bee makes babies, and you bring knowledge babies. To get this knowledge, you have to be vulnerable and open. So you need to be surrounded by warrior bees, which is us, but particularly Arky.

(Ark) Maybe if I would ask here one question that is on my mind and that is related: My general idea or one of my first principles is whenever you are kind of being attacked or whenever you get depressed because of difficulties, then my idea is use it as an opportunity to EXPAND and to go beyond the present boundaries. Within present boundaries, the forces or whatever recognize how to push you. So you have to go beyond the boundaries to start something new so it will take time for the evil forces to say, "Oh, well, old method doesn't work anymore. We have to invent something new." So, I was thinking about how can we expand because we are kind of too long at the same place. So, I was thinking about asking are there any others similar groups or organizations in the universe that we can try kind of connecting with - not necessarily openly - but to join forces with so we are not alone? So we can grow in a sense like a tree with roots going in different directions. Should we do something active to find so to say "friendly" forces? And which way?

A: Be open to such activity but also realize that some things are already planned and awaiting execution.

Q: (L) Yeah. There are things I need to be doing. I just haven't been able to do them since I've been sick, injured, and so upset about so many things including the state of the world. So, getting ready and being able to do these things is probably part of the expansion because those were plans for expansion.

A: Also realize that others are aware of your group and work and will initiate contact when time is right.

Q: (Artemis) So what can we do to move that along?

A: Persist on current path somewhat and when disruptive elements are removed, things will move naturally.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "disruptive elements"?

A: Either physical or psychic.

[Short Break]

Q: (L) Alright. Where were we?

(Chu) Is there anything that us as worker bees should or could be doing better to serve this serving and protecting principle?

A: One thing would be to cease creating new burdens that are not necessary.

Q: (L) Creating burdens that are not necessary.

(Artemis) As in no drama. I have a question. Some weeks ago, I had a dream about [name deleted]. In that dream, he was trying to attack me and others/everyone here. I took a gun and I shot him in the head. Somehow that stopped him, but he wasn't dead. It just stopped him for some reason. What was that dream symbolic of?

A: Not symbolic; direct psychic defense.

Q: (Artemis) You see? You can't whine about feeling unprotected anymore. People protect you with their psychic defense.

(Pierre) Even when they're sleeping!

(Artemis) It's a full time job! That's why I'm tired all the time: I'm defending you! [laughter]

(L) Alright, I want to ask about my PMM2-CDG gene. Is there some advantage conferred by being a carrier of this gene?

A: Indeed! Your uniquely open nervous system.

Q: (Ark) By the way honey, let me make a remark. You are asking about a particular gene, right? And you are asking what advantage it has. However, the role that a particular gene has in your body depends not only on this gene, but on other genes that are unique to you. So the same gene may work differently in people that have other combinations...

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) So, well... It comes with a price.

A: Everything does.

Q: (Pierre) Nothing is free.

A: No free lunch!

Q: (L) Well, thanks for that. Is there going to be some way we're gonna find through research to help ameliorate this thing?

A: Probably to some extent. But remember all the advantages brought to you by suffering.

Q: (L) Could you name just two? [laughter]

A: Compassion and patience. Two most important qualities.

Q: (L) I guess it's like we were talking about the other day: with a house as big as this and impossible to keep clean the way you would like it, you sort of lose your OCD cleaning tendencies.

(Andromeda) It gets burned off! [laughter]

(L) Alright. Do we want to ask anything about Putin or...

Q: (Pierre) I have two questions. Me and others have noticed that the sun’s rays seem more aggressive over the past few years. Are the sun's rays becoming more aggressive?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Why?

A: Cosmic conditions. Breakdown of magnetic field, cosmic rays, and cosmic dust.

Q: (L) Are there any kinds of like cosmic rays or rays from the sun that are hitting us that wouldn't ordinarily be hitting us if our magnetic field was up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Are they good for us?

A: Not especially. Some withstand better than others the increase in mutations.

Q: (Andromeda) That was gonna be my next question: What about mutations?

(Joe) What happened to those people when Tunguska happened? What were the mutations that happened? A blood type change or something?

(Pierre) Animals mutations, plants... So we’re gonna have more and more cancers.

(L) Well, not necessarily. Mutations don't necessarily mean cancer. They mean weird things. [laughter]

(Chu) They could be good mutations, too.

(L) Usually cancer is the mutations that happen in the cellular machinery. But there are mutations in genes that are WEIRD. I mean, what if you grow a hand out of your head? Then you'd look like a rooster! [laughter]

(Artemis) Are any of these mutations particularly desirable?

A: Some!

Q: (Artemis) So we should all be getting more sun?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) How do you get the good ones?

(Pierre) 99% of mutations are random and detrimental. And you have 0.1% that hit the complex machinery of the human body and improves it.

(L) So we should really try to avoid the sun right now because it's weird?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it make some people crazy even?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it increase mental disorders?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) We'll all use umbrellas.

A: We told you that things would "open up".

Q: (L) So are you suggesting in terms of genetics - like genes can open up as a result of this opening up of things?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's not just the Earth that opens up and volcanoes and earthquakes that open up, but also people can open up and their genes can manifest?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Is being able to fly on the menu if you want to now?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) Not yet?! [laughter]

(Pierre) I have a last question if we're done with this topic. Putin mentioned that the euro will be under attack in the coming six months. We have a BIG bill to pay. So either we pay very quickly and maybe reduce the amount, or we try to wait as much as possible and the amount will be larger. But if the euro collapses, maybe the second solution is best. Which of the two options should we follow?

A: Try to drag it out if possible.

(L) Yeah, so that seems to be the thing to do. Oh, I told Beau I would ask a question about Renaissance and his hives. But I think he's already sorted it out because he started taking care of his intestines. Is the way Renaissance is going the right way to deal with his hives?

A: Yes. Psychically the colon takes out the trash. He needs to do that mentally and emotionally as well.

Q: (L) Clear enough.

(Artemis) Do you have anything you'd like to say to us? Any motivational speech?

A: Just remember that periods of apparent stasis are not necessarily bad. Sometimes Being needs to catch up with Doing. Patience and dedication are key. It is impossible for us to give predictions of exactly when dramatic changes will take place due to the many variables in an open universe. But be assured that things are definitely on the move in cosmic and psychic spheres. Keep your eyes open and be aware at all levels and don't be taken unawares.

(L) Okay, I'm gonna say goodnight. Thank you very much!

A: Goodbye.

Thanks so much for sharing that very interesting session. :hug2:

Q: (Artemis) Is being able to fly on the menu if you want to now?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) Not yet?! [laughter]

Too bad it is not on the menu. I have been dreaming about flying for so many years. It took me many years to be able to do it in my dreams. Now I can and the next step is to be able to do it in real.
Wow this session is just filled with useful information! Thank you!

(Ark) Maybe if I would ask here one question that is on my mind and that is related: My general idea or one of my first principles is whenever you are kind of being attacked or whenever you get depressed because of difficulties, then my idea is use it as an opportunity to EXPAND and to go beyond the present boundaries. Within present boundaries, the forces or whatever recognize how to push you. So you have to go beyond the boundaries to start something new so it will take time for the evil forces to say, "Oh, well, old method doesn't work anymore. We have to invent something new." So, I was thinking about how can we expand because we are kind of too long at the same place. So, I was thinking about asking are there any others similar groups or organizations in the universe that we can try kind of connecting with - not necessarily openly - but to join forces with so we are not alone? So we can grow in a sense like a tree with roots going in different directions. Should we do something active to find so to say "friendly" forces? And which way?

A: Be open to such activity but also realize that some things are already planned and awaiting execution.

Q: (L) Yeah. There are things I need to be doing. I just haven't been able to do them since I've been sick, injured, and so upset about so many things including the state of the world. So, getting ready and being able to do these things is probably part of the expansion because those were plans for expansion.

A: Also realize that others are aware of your group and work and will initiate contact when time is right.

Q: (Artemis) So what can we do to move that along?

A: Persist on current path somewhat and when disruptive elements are removed, things will move naturally.

Ark's question was a really great one and the C's response is very encouraging.
Ditto! Thank You One and All for all your efforts in keeping us safe and sane, within these ever fast and changing times. :flowers:
then you have to buy vitamin D and not exposed to the sun so much ... the suffering intrigues me, it occurs to me to try to accelerate and lengthen the energizing meditation of Eiriú Eolas which is somewhat annoying or the CS may refer to more concrete things.
Thank you so much for the new session.

A: Just remember that periods of apparent stasis are not necessarily bad. Sometimes Being needs to catch up with Doing. Patience and dedication are key. It is impossible for us to give predictions of exactly when dramatic changes will take place due to the many variables in an open universe. But be assured that things are definitely on the move in cosmic and psychic spheres. Keep your eyes open and be aware at all levels and don't be taken unawares.

After reading the book "Healing Developmental Trauma" I fell into a kind of stasis, it seems to me that my body needs time to digest the information contained in this book. "Being needs to catch up with Doing."
then you have to buy vitamin D and not exposed to the sun so much ... the suffering intrigues me, it occurs to me to try to accelerate and lengthen the energizing meditation of Eiriú Eolas which is somewhat annoying or the CS may refer to more concrete things.

Maybe a little exposure to the sun won't hurt, I mean sunlight is still crucial to our body. Of course one have to be carefull how much sunlight we get. OSIT
Q: (L) So are you suggesting in terms of genetics - like genes can open up as a result of this opening up of things?

A: Yes

"Genes opening up" meaning the genes will be more sensitive to outside influences or
genes bringing out and realizing some built in potentialities that laid dormant?
Or both?
Maybe a little exposure to the sun won't hurt, I mean sunlight is still crucial to our body. Of course one have to be carefull how much sunlight we get. OSIT
if somehow you have to produce cholesterol sulfate and also it has already been said long ago in another section that the sun had degenerative effects at the moment ... I just think you have to be aware that exposure to the sun implies positive and negative effects
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