Google translate. Спасибо за сеанс. Т.к. я живу в России, меня волнует возможная глобальная война. Я больше про отношение со стороны разума, эмоционально же я спокойный философ. Поэтому спасибо за предупреждения и ответы на некоторые вопросы. // И отдельное спасибо за то, что вспомнили об индейцах. Уточнение об изоляции наводит на определённые мысли. Возможно, многие действительно человеческие особенности древних народов связаны с тем, что их реже беспокоили "пришельцы".
(Joe) I have one more question, a follow up from the last one. They said abut Ivermectin... We asked why we were having the flashy eyes, the flashy vision from Ivermectin. And they said it was DNA changes. So what kind of DNA changes does it cause, and why does it have an effect on your eyes, making them more light sensitive? They didn't say whether they were good or bad, they just said DNA changes. So...
A: Beneficial. Stimulates the vision center. Expect better visualization!
My pupils were dilated. It lasted 4/5 days...Friday 26 01 24 Yesterday morning, I took, at breakfast, on an empty stomach, 10 mg of Ivermectin and 10 mq of hydrauxycloroquine in a glass of water, my day went as usual, I had lunch around 1 p.m. and took a nap, when I woke up, I couldn't see clearly, I went to my bathroom where I lost consciousness for I don't know how long, I woke up, quite surprised to find myself lying on the floor, I was cold and dragged myself to my room so I could sit down and get up... My vision was blurred dotted with very colorful blue polka dots then I vomited, I was very weak, I lay down and went back to sleep... Even with my eyes closed I could see, as in broad daylight, behind my eyelids piles of colors, a veil of light shadow but with fluorescent bands of white objects when I closed my eyes...
Rocky time ahead, let's see what the Universe has in store for us.Q: (Joe) So the program change then is something other than the work or the machinations of the overt political elite in the West?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it 4D STS?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What is it, Laura? What is it then?
(Niall) A space threat?
A: Watch the skies and land and oceans.
Now that's very intriguing!(M) Did anyone ever ask if in 4D, when a life span is over and then is recycled to 5D and then back to 4D, does the same thing happen where the past life is mostly forgotten like in 3D?
(L) Now that's an interesting question. If a person recycles from 4D to 5D to 4D again, do they forget their past lives?
A: No.
Q: (Andromeda) Hmm, never thought of that.
See Previous Answer, as @Abats shared above.The answer to the question about the cause of death of Byrd's son: "A: SPA. Link was established by his father." Forgive my ignorance, but what is a SPA?
That's interesting. Do 4D beings also remember their 3D, 2D and 1D lives, or just their 4D lives?(L) Now that's an interesting question. If a person recycles from 4D to 5D to 4D again, do they forget their past lives?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) What is it, Laura? What is it then?
(Niall) A space threat?
A: Watch the skies and land and oceans.
Q: (L) Well, that's everything.
(Andromeda) But mostly natural.
(Niall) Earth changes.
Q: (L) Is it 4D STS?
A: Yes
Whatever program change, it appears the most important symptoms will be visible via the natural world, and probably within months. The C’s previously mentioned that the “programming is complete”, and they used the phrase, “sequence of program change”. One possibility is that the “programming” that has been put in motion by 4D STS is about to reach a point where the influence and energy they are exerting will shift focus. Use of the plurals “skies” and “oceans” suggests that the change will be global, affecting many disparate places, and there’s also the probability that the phenomena will have significant bearing upon the situation in Ukraine.A: Watch the skies and land and oceans.
So in line with the programming being complete, perhaps 4D STS already feel they have a sufficient ‘undead army’ at this time?(Ennio) Are Ukrainian soldiers who were killed in action being reanimated and made to serve other forces at this time?
A: No.
This really highlights how incredibly short-sighted some of the elite are regarding these things. Lazy, least-effort strategies with no contingencies.A: The simplest of all: voters. The "PTB" do not realize that they have taken a tiger by the tail. Also recent plans to pack the military. Will not turn out well.
The Denver Airport murals come to mind here. Depopulation goals that could backfire massively.(Altair) Will virus X be designed to be ethno-specific?
A: They will try, but these things can get out of hand quickly.
This is really interesting. If 3D beings can survive in 4D, that suggests the presence of an atmosphere, so could it be that the atmospheric properties produce a qualitative difference in sound transmission? Do UFOs or multidensity bases ‘restructure’ the 3D atmosphere around them to have similar properties to 4D in these situations? The Petrozavodsk Phenomena also seems to demonstrate that strange things happen to the ‘material’ realm of 3D when 4D zones 'appear'.(Altair) Why do people often report the ceasing of all sounds from the environment when a UFO passes closely? It's like UFOs carry a zone of silence with them.
A: They carry a zone of 4D with them.
Q: (Andromeda) So 4D is quiet. [..]
Q: (Navigator) I'd like to ask about the Zone of Silence as referenced in its own thread. My speculation is that the area of the Chihuahuan Desert (of which the Zone of Silence is part of, see the thread for details), was a cometary bombardment hit zone at one point, and the materials deposited as a result of this could explain, at least partially, the reported physical anomalies. But, as this area is also geographically connected to New Mexico and Arizona, areas reported as being high in UFO/extraterrestrial activity, it could be the case that there is more than just magnetic aberrations to the Zone. I am thinking bases, portals or whatnot (Edgar Cayce also reported this). So, some open questions: What is it with the Zone of Silence that has been witness to physical anomalies and strange UFO encounters?
A: 4D bleedthrough.
This has fascinating implications, especially when considering fractality may be an additional aspect of this. Could it be that “space” only looks like “space” from a 3D perspective, and that from a 4D perspective, everything may look much more connected and 'closer together'? The C’s and Ra have mentioned that in 5D there’s an experience of omnipresence, so maybe 4D is like an ‘in between’ state which is not quite omnipresence, but when the universe is still more ‘easily accessible’?(L) Okay. So does the "Cosmic Web" reflect the way all these branes interact within an infinite dimensional space?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So a galaxy could actually be a brane?
A: Yes
What is the connection between 4D STS manoeuvres and cometary bombardments? Energy release? Much to ponder here.Q: (Ryan) In approximately 26.5K BCE, the Taupo supervolcano in New Zealand erupted, which is 'somewhat' close to the arrival of the STS Orion headquarters for the Sol system that you mentioned in 04/12/1999. Were both of these events related to any larger event, and if so, what was that event?
A: A cometary bombardment.
This makes a lot of sense. Hybrids could more easily exist within 3D for such purposes.Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the mythical white and bearded civilization teachers like Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl deep-level punctuators?
A: Yes.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about Oannes?
A: Lizzie.
This hints at the intergenerational high strangeness dynamics reported by some abductees and their children. It also adds to the hypothesis that DNA is not just some “blueprint”, but a state of information that is intrinsically connected to experience. Gives a whole new meaning to “in the family!”(Approaching Infinity) In 1988, Byrd's son Richard Byrd Jr. died mysteriously at the age of 68. He was found malnourished and dehydrated in a vacant warehouse after having been missing for three weeks. He had been en route to Washington for an event ceremony in honor of his father. What happened to him?
A: SPA. Link was established by his father.
Now the incomprehensible crusade against Ivermectin by the medical establishment during the coronavirus era starts to make much more sense. I wonder if Ivermectin has synergistic effects with tobacco?(Joe) I have one more question, a follow-up from the last one. They said about Ivermectin... We asked why we were having the flashy eyes, the flashy vision from Ivermectin. And they said it was DNA changes. So what kind of DNA changes does it cause, and why does it have an effect on your eyes, making them more light sensitive? They didn't say whether they were good or bad, they just said DNA changes. So...
A: Beneficial. Stimulates the vision center. Expect better visualization!
Q: (Niall) Awesome!
(L) As in...
(Gaby) Hyperdimensional space?
(L) Yeah. What do you call it, hallucinatory, even?
A: Yes.
Amen!!!(Joe) I have a question: Is stuff all connected?
A: Yes. [laughter]
I think if the Cs are "us in the future" they obviously remember all their aspects. Laura 3D is communicating with her 6D counterpart.That's interesting. Do 4D beings also remember their 3D, 2D and 1D lives, or just their 4D lives?
(Altair) Jacob Rothschild died recently. Where is his soul now and what is it doing?
A: Sleeping.
Q: (L) You said that about Adolf Hitler?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, okay, that's it.
(Adobe) In much of the NDE, and karmic studies, the STS path entities are under-represented. Can you help with understanding why?
(Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories. If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'. They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?
A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.
Q: (PoB) So why there are not less and less of them on the earth?
(L) Well, I think it's because the negativity draws from... I mean so many what we call negative individuals are like psychopaths, which is like a defective OP. They don't really have a reincarnating soul anyway. They're just a portal for negative 4D STS energies to enter into the world. And there's plenty of OPs. Plus the fact that the normal soul - and you use "normal" kind of loosely - is always subjected to the pool of STS by virtue of being in the body and being subjected to all of the temptations and the vicissitudes of life in a more-or-less unfriendly environment. Earth is really kind of not a really friendly place with all of its things that just happen, but naturally. So I think that there's plenty of opportunity for negativity. And I also think that sometimes what we might consider to be a negative individual or negative entity or negative events from a larger cosmic perspective may not be that at all.
(Joe) Well, there's the idea of 4th density STS and being able to graduate, so you assume it's someone who was incarnated in 3D repeatedly over and over again and entrench themselves in an STS way of being to the point that they are eligible to take a place.
(L) I think what happens is that there are just OPs and they get utilized, they get downloaded. Is that it? I mean, when we're thinking about really negative individuals on earth, are we talking about basically OPs that get downloaded by 4D STS, which can't go any higher than 4D?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it's a different economy altogether than that which operates for souls recycling and so forth?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So how are 4D STS beings... How do they get to be there then if they haven't gone through, you know what I mean? I mean the natural progression for non-STS or not fully STS beings?
A: Different process. And they must achieve a high percentage of negativity in a single lifetime. And, yes, some of the extremely negative types do go directly to 4D STS.
Q: (Andromeda) Maybe they don't go to the contemplation zone. Like if some soul has a destiny, they can pass that energy... just goes into another body, but they don't need to contemplate, do they?
(Joe) It just seems to be a lot of those types. They're quite negative and supposedly there's an equal number of 4D STS and 4D STO, right? I'm just wondering, where do they all come from? How do you get an equal number?
(PoB) And they are coming in, in bigger numbers because it seems that the percentage is kind of constant through generations, let's say this 6% or whatever...
(L) Well, if you think about it, when you read Lobaczewski and he talks about the influence of pathological types on the human population and the percentage of the really negative psychopathic types and then the larger percentage of the other different pathologies that surround them, and then the even larger circle of those who are wounded or damaged in some way, who then are attracted to that sort of pathology. You see, kind of a similar thing is what's going on in 5D? They're only a few really negative ones and they might go directly to 4D because they achieved that level in a lifetime. But the others go and they experience what's described in all of the literature and they reincarnate and they have another chance and another chance. And maybe it takes a number of lifetimes of them going through this and experiencing that to choose right. To really choose. And then they may choose to go totally negative and then finally just go to a 4D as an STS. Is that close to what we're talking about here?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So you may see on the surface there's an awful lot of negativity, but the core of it is a small number of essential psychopaths and then the ever widening circles of lesser and lesser pathologies and then out to normal people. How many normal people do and have done and will do and are driven to or inspired to, or drawn into doing very, very bad things even though they're maybe not essentially evil, right?
(Joe) They can go and make amends and they learn through a lot. They're just saying that most people aren't that way inclined. That's why, in answer to the question, that's why you don't, in the literarature, you don't see much in the way of negative entities or beings or demons, whatever, hanging out in 5D, cuz that's not what 5D is for essentially.
(L) The essential nature of the negative entity is not to be sharing, right? So they're having an experience, they would be in their own zone. And that zone is kind of...
(Joe) Closed off, segregated.
(L) Is that also close to the way it is?
A: Yes