(Ennio) You mentioned some months ago that there is a group of elites that was communicating with 4D STS about managing humanity's future. Have there been any developments in their discussions?
A: Not that you can know.
Q: (L) Next:
(Ennio) Anything new that the aliens are proposing the elite do that we haven't yet heard about from the likes of Gates and Schwab ?
A: No.
Q: (L) That was kind of a wasted question, but I just wanted to ask it just to demonstrate.
Yup, that second question was a bit redundant.
For context, this was the
session section being referred to:
A: Push to get a machine translator.
Q: (L) Um, okay we'll come back to that. Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?
A: Rilniaea of Cassiopaea and hello to all.
Q: (L) Back to what you said... Okay, who should push to get a machine translator?
A: What elite are doing in preparation. Part of AI initiative.
Q: (L) So they want AI to build a machine translator that can translate alien speech?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Where are they getting alien speech from?
A: Interactions with "aliens".
Q: (L) So they have interactions with aliens now?
A: Yes and are at disadvantage.
Q: (Joe) According to the C's and other sources, they've been talking to aliens for quite a long time. So...?
A: Yes but aliens can talk to each other and exclude humans thereby concealing intentions and plans.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah, they disclose only what they want, not the whole plan.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, humans are trying to get some kind of a... So, does that mean that some humans are suspicious of the aliens?
A: Oh yes. But clearly others are exactly as described: hosts of "walk-ins".
Q: (Joe) So it's like they go to meetings with aliens. The aliens talk to them in English or whatever human language, and then they break off and discuss in their alien language? It's like being at a meeting with people you don't understand.
A: Something like that.
Q: (L) But don't aliens have the ability to read minds? Suppose they had this AI translator.. Then they wouldn't be thinking about.. Oh, I just answered my own question - Somebody would still be thinking about it.
A: Some are trained to block thoughts.
Q: (Joe) So when we talk about aliens having discussions with humans, is that in a physical way in a room with humans and "aliens"?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And what form do the aliens take from the perspective of the humans?
A: Usually Nordic types.
Q: (Joe) Because alligators would be too scary.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We're beautiful long-haired Nordic people! Look at us shine! And high cheek bones. *Growls/hisses* [laughter]
(L) Creepy! Anything more we need to know on that topic?
A: Up to you.
Since the C's seemingly started the topic (without questions about it) of the human elite speaking with Aliens to hash out the global agenda, thought that a follow-up might prove informative...
(Joe) "Anything new." I mean, how general can you be?
(L) Yeah, garbage in, garbage out. And then you ask further questions about it:
(Ennio) Is this 4D STS group the same bunch
you once said, made an agreement they didn't keep to with President Eisenhower and his associates?
A: No.
Q: (L) Now this one is a little more interesting:
(Ennio) I
s the group of elites that are in discussions with these 4D STS ambassadors not aware of the aliens’ long history of abductions and hybridization of humans? Are they not aware?
A: No
Q: (L) So they are aware?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What does that get you?
(Joe) We already knew that. That's in the sessions as well.
If we're assuming that this particular group of human elites, who were trying to get a better grasp of the aliens' intentions were the "Consortium" that we've learned about then yeah, we'd know. The human part of the Consortium as we've come to understand is, after all, in deep cahootz with 4DSTS - and not only knows what they're doing here, but seems to enable their plans.
The session from Dec. '22 perhaps suggests something a little different though. At least to me. It seems like these elite in question are not completely on board with all the plans of 4DSTS. Or, at any rate, are not fully aware of what all the plans are and distrust their alien counterparts enough to want to take some better measures towards these "negotiations" - which is why I was going on the assumption that they may be a different faction of elite from the Consortium. And might therefore know less than they do.
Of course its possible that this elite group already know quite a lot relatively speaking (including about abductions/hybridization phenomena as the C's affirmed here) but have rationalized it away, and bought into it as a necessary "cost" somehow. If their consideration for humanity even goes that far.
So the thinking here is that there may be more than one group near the top of the human elite, some with various degrees of knowledge and intentions, and some who have different uses, given their positions, for the purposes of the "overlords".
I thought Ryan put it pretty well:
We know from previous sessions that the 'aliens' have been interfacing with western governments under the manufactured context of “humans are destroying the planet, so y’all better get your sh*t together.” Thus, any global program change is likely to enhance or work within that context, to lend further ‘credibility’ to the aliens’ statements. Note that this is the 'public facing' political agenda - there are likely circles within the Consortium - the Quorum etc - who are more aware of the aliens' real agenda and are working with Special Access Programs at multidensity bases, or similar. John Kerry and his fellow WEF’ers are probably slapping each other on the back thinking they’re part of the ‘insiders club’, while they’re almost certainly only the outermost skin of a layered ‘onion’ of useful idiots.