Shijing said:
Laura said:
Well, from the number and variety of dreams, it seems that the "wave beaming" activity may have been ramped up and having a slightly different effect on different people though there are similarities in the basic scenario. I think the best thing to do in such cases is to gird up our loins and get to work doing whatever we can to advance our particular mode of service. AND, at the same time, keeping eyes open and expecting attack!
Now we just need to print up a new line of T-shirts that read, "I joined the Cassiopaea forum and all I got was this lousy wave beaming" :P
Laura said:
Certainly, after every move we make that begins to go in a positive direction, helping people, recovering hope, etc, the attacks follow fast and furious. It's always interesting to see through whom those attacks come. More often than not it is through people very close to you.
This whole thread, and how to be of service and the above quote have been on my mind since reading them.....and my point of focus during the POTS last night.
It reminded me of something from my own past....10 or so years ago while I was at university I remember getting up one morning feeling particularly miserable and asking....."why is it every time my life seems to be moving forward something comes along to mess it up?'
For me it was more about my health and ability to think clearly....I'd had a few days of excellent clarity of thought, got some work done and even had some good social interactions....then I sort of 'crashed' again and ended up in a foggy headed depressive funk. This was a repeating pattern for years.
Didn't know about the evils of gluten back then....but even being gluten/dairy free it seems this pattern still repeats in some way.
Sometimes its myself that seems to fail...sometimes its others throwing a spanner in the works.
It dawned on me today that (perhaps this is over simplified) its like a universal game of dodgeball.
If you take your eyes off the ball to try and do something useful with your life, you get the ball thrown in your face or trying to focus elsewhere and keep an eye on that ball (knowing it may come from inside yourself, from others, or from just completely out of the blue) seems to be the trick to learn.
Knowing that it has a repeating pattern (i.e. it Always happens when things start to look positive) means you can start to work out what the reoccurring themes are and how to anticipate to dodge the ball.
The other metaphor that crossed my mind (and this is only theory for me) is that of martial arts.
I once saw (although it may be fiction as it was on a film) someone fight another person blindfolded by keeping touch on that person....they could feel what was coming before the person could perform the action against them, and would compensate accordingly.
Interestingly these concepts seems to be helping me hold my focus....distractions come up in my mind and I side step them. If I (metaphorically) fall off that cliff I will prepare for the landing and roll out of it like a ninja :P Or will get a bloody nose trying at least.
Personally I know that I still don't fully feel these things I can't even begin to conceive of how painful it must be to be in Laura's or her families shoes. Just saying thanks for doing what you do doesn't seem to be enough anymore. So am going to try and say thanks by being of service as best I can.