Shocking dream about Laura.

Approaching Infinity said:
Shijing said:
Now we just need to print up a new line of T-shirts that read, "I joined the Cassiopaea forum and all I got was this lousy wave beaming" :P


I have to second that laugh :lol2:
How interesting. For the last few days, my partner and I have had some very emotional conversations, bordering on arguments, resulting in hurt feelings.

External influences never occurred to us as the topic (her son) has always been a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss. But this time it was exaggerated and her reaction was extreme pain. As well, it took every ounce of my strength to get past the perceived hurts and drop the anger so I could console her.

She generally remembers every dream she has and they have all been terrifying for the last several years. But for the last few days she awakens upset but with no memory of the dream. That is quite unusual for her.

My thinking has been quite scattered lately,and I have been having great difficulty expressly myself effectively.

I would attribute these things on their own to stress and fatigue! But when I see so many people experiencing so much at the same time, I have to wonder.

mkrnhr said:
Possibly not related to the being careful aspect, but yesterday i almost got killed by a car while crossing a road. According to my perceptions at the moment the car looked like it came from nowhere (the road was empty and i didn't see it coming). In any case, one should be careful, especially the chateau crew, there is something in the air.

Your not alone with a car phobia. Over the last few months I too experience very often cars appearing out of nowhere. Luckily the town I live in isn't too big but still plenty of cars around. These days before crossing the road I look at least three times before getting anywhere near a road. It's a good practice in vigilance but sometimes borders on ridiculous if you stand at the side of the road looking back and forth again and again. And I won't even get into the topic of getting shouted at by random crazy people on the street.

RyanX said:
Laura said:
Then, it is also possible that when the program to "destroy Laura" or at least "wear her down" gets beamed out, SOME people are susceptible, lack insight, and activate the program in whatever way is available to them at the moment - i.e. vectors - and others who have insight just pick it up and it moves to consciousness via dreams.
I remember the main focus centered on this group and how some form of attack was in the works. The dream dialog gave little detail about what the vector would be. For some reason the letter 'M' was a reoccurring theme in the dream conversation as was the color red for some reason. I thought the 'M' might denote the constellation symbol for Cassiopeia, perhaps.

I just thought I'd throw this out there since it seems several other people are picking up strange things in their dreams.


As Laura mentioned beaming activity it looks like there's something in the air at the moment. We all have to stay vigilant and keep networking!

Edit: forgot to say that the last week or so has been tremendously stressful, as if some external force was bearing down on me, as if trying to see at what point I'll start to crack. This has to mostly do with interacting with people. At least I know who in my surrounding is the vector for this but still when they keep pressing the right buttons in you over and over it does really does get to you. The last two days have been better though and I'm actually getting back to doing meaningful work.
May you all find the time to rest and re-energize at the chateau. And again want to say here, thank you for the hard work.

No dreams of Laura, but having alligators in my dreams for the past month. Wrote about one here:

These dreams are really creepy and the gators are very ominous looking. I feel that I must walk my way carefully around the alligators to survive.

Another dream on the 10/28 was about a horse race and the horses being run into a fence. Getting injured and me crying for them, unable to believe that the people in charge would let this race take place. Me confronting them and just getting blank stares as an answer.

Laura said:
Well, from the number and variety of dreams, it seems that the "wave beaming" activity may have been ramped up and having a slightly different effect on different people though there are similarities in the basic scenario. I think the best thing to do in such cases is to gird up our loins and get to work doing whatever we can to advance our particular mode of service. AND, at the same time, keeping eyes open and expecting attack!

I get the same feeling.
Gonzo said:
How interesting. For the last few days, my partner and I have had some very emotional conversations, bordering on arguments, resulting in hurt feelings.

External influences never occurred to us as the topic (her son) has always been a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss. But this time it was exaggerated and her reaction was extreme pain. As well, it took every ounce of my strength to get past the perceived hurts and drop the anger so I could console her.

She generally remembers every dream she has and they have all been terrifying for the last several years. But for the last few days she awakens upset but with no memory of the dream. That is quite unusual for her.

My thinking has been quite scattered lately,and I have been having great difficulty expressly myself effectively.

I would attribute these things on their own to stress and fatigue! But when I see so many people experiencing so much at the same time, I have to wonder.



Your post reminded me of a local astrologer's weekly web site message. Although I try not to put too much stock into astrology, I hope I don't add too much noise by quoting the following:

"Hermes (Mercury), the messenger, sends information to humanity via the Sun. It’s a Scorpionic message, concerning Scorpio’s Nine Tests of the personality, given each year at this time, preparing us for discipleship (Scorpio & Sag), service (Capricorn & Aquarius) and saving the world (Pisces). Mars provides the tests as Pluto transforms us. With Mercury in Scorpio, communication (ours/others) can be unconsciously unkind, merciless and heartless, leading us to choose a formal study of Non-violent Communication or Compassionate Communication techniques. So we’re no longer unconsciously cruel.

The Nine Tests
The nine tests focus on the three aspects of the personality—the physical, emotional, and lower mental. How we respond is the tests. We can also ascertain what level we are on. And change that level.

1. The physical tests include: sexuality, physical comfort over service to others; and the appropriate use of money.

2. The emotional tests include: fear, which inhibits our activities; hate, which destroys relationships; and excessive and obsessive ambition and desire for power, which can destroy entire nations (Hitler was an example).

3. The mental tests of the lower mind are: pride, which creates a barrier to the finer elements of the Soul; belief in separateness and isolation, which create barriers to Right Human Relations; and cruelty, an outcome of inappropriate power.

These tests are for our own personal use and are not to be used to judge others. Neither are we (to be) judged. Discrimination and non-criticism must be learned. The purpose of this (and all esoteric) information is to go beyond the limits of exoteric astrology (superficial interpretations) and, by explaining inner causal spiritual realities affecting all of us, lift the mists of our illusions.

This information presents us with a true struggle (appropriate in Scorpio—Ray 4 Harmony Through Conflict) the results of which are strength, clarity, inner poise, self-knowledge, spiritual training, Soul contact, and the establishment of Goodwill leading to Right Human Relations. Then the Path of Discipleship, occurring in Scorpio, opens and expands for each of us. The tests will occur in different areas of each person’s life (based on where Scorpio falls in the natal chart). Knowing this about self and others we can then apply Right Relations in all our endeavors."

What I take from the above, is echoing right now in many of my dreams, my dealings with people, and the state of my emotions. Being a Scorpio, I might be more susceptible to this message. I'm curious to hear if others find some resonance in the quoted material. From the SOTT articles on the suns' activity, Forum members may be getting 'the message' a bit more intensely.

My prayers continue to wish all of you the best of health.

PS. The web site of the astrologer:
Last night I dreamt that forum member Ottershrew died. I don't remember the context but I woke up feeling devastated.
Gonzo said:
How interesting. For the last few days, my partner and I have had some very emotional conversations, bordering on arguments, resulting in hurt feelings.

External influences never occurred to us as the topic (her son) has always been a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss. But this time it was exaggerated and her reaction was extreme pain. As well, it took every ounce of my strength to get past the perceived hurts and drop the anger so I could console her.

She generally remembers every dream she has and they have all been terrifying for the last several years. But for the last few days she awakens upset but with no memory of the dream. That is quite unusual for her.

My thinking has been quite scattered lately,and I have been having great difficulty expressly myself effectively.

I would attribute these things on their own to stress and fatigue! But when I see so many people experiencing so much at the same time, I have to wonder.


In Astrological lingo, Venus is retrograde now in Scorpio--what that means is that relationships (especially intimate ones) are plunged into the darker, more repressed issues, and these patterns/passions/programs/repressions are coming up to be SEEN. And the Sun is in Scorpio, as well as Mercury along with Mars having been in Scorpio until the 28th--wellll...that's a whole lot of Scorpio isn't it? That sign always uncovers the deepest, darkest most hidden things, but that includes esoteric knowledge/inner and outer as well! Let's not forget that positive item!
Seems that the dreamworld is more the underworld too. We should all be especially vigilant at the New Moon in Scorpio this month!! My thinking has been scattered lately as well, Gonzo, and ominous feeling dreams as well...a feeling of 'things that go creepy, crawling in the night..'
For anyone watching the Moon and Venus, I should make a correction as the New Moon in Scorpio is NOT in October, but is 5 November at 9:52 PM, MDT.
And, Venus goes direct on 18 Nov, at 27 Libra, and back into Scorpio on 30 Nov.
Hey Gonzo --

Gonzo said:
How interesting. For the last few days, my partner and I have had some very emotional conversations, bordering on arguments, resulting in hurt feelings.

External influences never occurred to us as the topic (her son) has always been a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss. But this time it was exaggerated and her reaction was extreme pain. As well, it took every ounce of my strength to get past the perceived hurts and drop the anger so I could console her.

You strike me as a sensitive guy (in a good way), so I hope everything is smoothing over. External consideration is always one of the biggest considerations in situations like these, and that can take a lot of energy and patience -- the fact that you worked so hard to get past your feelings and show compassion to your partner sounds like you're going about things the right way.

Gonzo said:
My thinking has been quite scattered lately, and I have been having great difficulty expressly myself effectively.

I would attribute these things on their own to stress and fatigue! But when I see so many people experiencing so much at the same time, I have to wonder.

The period we're in right now is very reminiscent of the one we went through about 6 months ago, February and beginning of March, or roundabouts. Stress and fatigue are certainly part of it, but there's something more as well -- and they can be interrelated. Best thing to do is persevere and keep your eyes (and mind) open.
Just a quick update about a dream I had last night. It was not just about the Laura but the whole group.

Don't really remember that much but the dream took place in a village of some kind and this village seemed to be ours.
The overall feel of the dream was neutral, no threats or drama, just me pretty much running around the place and meeting various people, Laura and Ark were among them. Things were kind of hazy, like in a mist or fog with this overall rural feel to everything.

Not really sure what to make of it.
Kniall said:
Last night I dreamt that forum member Ottershrew died. I don't remember the context but I woke up feeling devastated.
Hope you are feeling ok Knaill. I had a dream about Truth Seeker in July with the same theme...the interpretation that she came up with really helped me....something for you to consider perhaps (what Ottershrew represents to you)?
Having said that, I hope Ottershrew is ok.

I don't know if its something that's changed internally or externally, but for me the 'pressure' of the last week or so seems to have gone. Either that or I've developed a bigger capacity to deal with it? Not sure
I'm still extra vigilant though.
Redfox said:
Hope you are feeling ok Knaill.

Thanks Redfox, I was fine within minutes because I put it into the context of the wild dreams that have been going around lately and Laura's reminder not to get distracted by the lights, so to speak.
Kniall said:
Last night I dreamt that forum member Ottershrew died. I don't remember the context but I woke up feeling devastated.

I'm not good at interpreting dreams, but I have experienced in the past having dreamt of my own death, and the dream being directly inked with some internal change, or a new rebirth of myself. Having read here and there about the symbolism of death in dream, seems to concur with my experience.

The last time I dreamt of death, and I think I've posted this at another thread, was when me and my partner got together. Within the space of a week, I dreamt that I died, then that he died. They were very hard dreams, I woke up in tears, and as yourself, feeling devastated. Truth is, in real life, we were kind of reborn in that period because our life changed.

A rebirth could also be another hypothesis for your dream, Kniall.
On the topic of being vigilant. This weekend I felt a sudden urge to attack the forum and in particular Laura. Some voice (who came out of nowhere) told me to write a book and expose the whole thing as a scam. This is not the first time this has occurred (I fell for it on the topic of MMS). I always had the desire to write a book (and become famous and rich) and so appealing to this is definitely a weak spot in my defense system. This time I told that voice to back off. I am not falling for this trick any longer. I recognised it for what it was: an attempt to vector me. It took three attempts to stop that voice from urging me to come back to the topic.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
On the topic of being vigilant. This weekend I felt a sudden urge to attack the forum and in particular Laura. Some voice (who came out of nowhere) told me to write a book and expose the whole thing as a scam. This is not the first time this has occurred (I fell for it on the topic of MMS). I always had the desire to write a book (and become famous and rich) and so appealing to this is definitely a weak spot in my defense system. This time I told that voice to back off. I am not falling for this trick any longer. I recognised it for what it was: an attempt to vector me. It took three attempts to stop that voice from urging me to come back to the topic.

Interesting, Jeremy - and impressive that you saw it for what it was!
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