Just for further account, I also had a couple of dreams of Laura last night, where also Ark occured. Those dreams were very vivid and I can remember, that the red colour also occured. Regarding Laura, maybe it was her dressed in the same red blouse she is wearing on her avatar photo. Ark however was shaking a tree full with red apples in the garden of my parents, and me and a couple of others (members of my family and probably also forum members, but I cannot remember this specifically) had to hold red buckets to catch the apples while coming down. Then I saw a big black UFO chasing a dog in the garden of our neighbours. My uncle was laughing about the scene, but I didn't find it that funny - I was rather scared.
In a following dream I had about childhood issues, about my parents and some class mates from basic school, some forum members occured. It was some kind of celebration that found place on an estate. The yard outside was surrounded by a fence. I noticed Ailen, Belibaste and several other members of the forum waiting somewhere behind that fence, but I actually couldn't see them. It was a sunny day, but I felt very sad while I was walking amidst all those people at the feast chatting with each other. I had a hard time not to start to cry, while I was passing them, going towards the fence. I didn't want them to notice me and just wanted to go out into the fields, where the forum members were waiting (can be me feeling more ready to open up here more and being part of the network).
I didn't make the full EE session yesterday, since I was too tired and it was already quite late when I went to bed. But I did PB and the POTS. During this, I had some images of fantastic realms, maybe inspired from some pictures I looked up at the internet a couple of days ago, as I am considering to change my avatar picture. I was quite amazed about the images my mind brought up, because it was quite intense, and the thought was in my head, that maybe it is 4D? But I dismissed it rather as the activity of my fantasizing imagination. The coming up of these pictures could also be related to the possible wave beaming - I don't know...
I hope, that it is just a symbolic meaning - a kind of warning to watch out and be vigilant. Maybe it means, that one who does not stay in touch with the network and/or doesn't open up on the network - standing on the edge, so to speak - can more easily fall off, that means being more vulnerable for attack? For me a definite warning call and also - in connection to the dream described above - an invitation to participate here more, as time allows. Thanks for sharing!
In a following dream I had about childhood issues, about my parents and some class mates from basic school, some forum members occured. It was some kind of celebration that found place on an estate. The yard outside was surrounded by a fence. I noticed Ailen, Belibaste and several other members of the forum waiting somewhere behind that fence, but I actually couldn't see them. It was a sunny day, but I felt very sad while I was walking amidst all those people at the feast chatting with each other. I had a hard time not to start to cry, while I was passing them, going towards the fence. I didn't want them to notice me and just wanted to go out into the fields, where the forum members were waiting (can be me feeling more ready to open up here more and being part of the network).
I didn't make the full EE session yesterday, since I was too tired and it was already quite late when I went to bed. But I did PB and the POTS. During this, I had some images of fantastic realms, maybe inspired from some pictures I looked up at the internet a couple of days ago, as I am considering to change my avatar picture. I was quite amazed about the images my mind brought up, because it was quite intense, and the thought was in my head, that maybe it is 4D? But I dismissed it rather as the activity of my fantasizing imagination. The coming up of these pictures could also be related to the possible wave beaming - I don't know...
Data said:I was standing on another mountain and someone of the group fell from a mountain edge into a not too deep lake. I was horrified watching this, thinkint that that person is now dead. And I was even more horrified when the pool turned red from the blood.
I hope, that it is just a symbolic meaning - a kind of warning to watch out and be vigilant. Maybe it means, that one who does not stay in touch with the network and/or doesn't open up on the network - standing on the edge, so to speak - can more easily fall off, that means being more vulnerable for attack? For me a definite warning call and also - in connection to the dream described above - an invitation to participate here more, as time allows. Thanks for sharing!