Shocking dream about Laura.

Just for further account, I also had a couple of dreams of Laura last night, where also Ark occured. Those dreams were very vivid and I can remember, that the red colour also occured. Regarding Laura, maybe it was her dressed in the same red blouse she is wearing on her avatar photo. Ark however was shaking a tree full with red apples in the garden of my parents, and me and a couple of others (members of my family and probably also forum members, but I cannot remember this specifically) had to hold red buckets to catch the apples while coming down. Then I saw a big black UFO chasing a dog in the garden of our neighbours. My uncle was laughing about the scene, but I didn't find it that funny - I was rather scared.

In a following dream I had about childhood issues, about my parents and some class mates from basic school, some forum members occured. It was some kind of celebration that found place on an estate. The yard outside was surrounded by a fence. I noticed Ailen, Belibaste and several other members of the forum waiting somewhere behind that fence, but I actually couldn't see them. It was a sunny day, but I felt very sad while I was walking amidst all those people at the feast chatting with each other. I had a hard time not to start to cry, while I was passing them, going towards the fence. I didn't want them to notice me and just wanted to go out into the fields, where the forum members were waiting (can be me feeling more ready to open up here more and being part of the network).

I didn't make the full EE session yesterday, since I was too tired and it was already quite late when I went to bed. But I did PB and the POTS. During this, I had some images of fantastic realms, maybe inspired from some pictures I looked up at the internet a couple of days ago, as I am considering to change my avatar picture. I was quite amazed about the images my mind brought up, because it was quite intense, and the thought was in my head, that maybe it is 4D? But I dismissed it rather as the activity of my fantasizing imagination. The coming up of these pictures could also be related to the possible wave beaming - I don't know...

Data said:
I was standing on another mountain and someone of the group fell from a mountain edge into a not too deep lake. I was horrified watching this, thinkint that that person is now dead. And I was even more horrified when the pool turned red from the blood.

I hope, that it is just a symbolic meaning - a kind of warning to watch out and be vigilant. Maybe it means, that one who does not stay in touch with the network and/or doesn't open up on the network - standing on the edge, so to speak - can more easily fall off, that means being more vulnerable for attack? For me a definite warning call and also - in connection to the dream described above - an invitation to participate here more, as time allows. Thanks for sharing!
No dreams about Laura here. But I did dream last night that I was in a hospital/institution-like setting populated by a variety of monsters. It wasn't scary, but I had to escape the building. I think I even had a shotgun to protect myself. Turns out I forgot something and had to re-enter the building to get it. That's when that particular dream stopped. The rest of my dreams that night were pretty surreal, including one very sexual dream, which is rare.
I had nightmarish dream on the night of the 27 as well and my wife too. I was stuck somewhere in the U.S., don't know how I got there but danger was present at all time. I got stolen, beaten up lost most of my teeth and couldn't find a way to return to Canada. At one moment there was the terrifying noise outside, there where hundreds of war plane flying over head and when I asked some peoples why they do not react to them, they said it happen all the time.

It's funny, every time I get some kind of invitation to visit the U.S., I get those dream that show me that it is the last place I want to go. Strange I found that so many have those dream at the same moment. Maybe it's as you say Laura and we get some beaming down on us and as you say keeping eyes open and expecting attack sound like the best advice.

Stay vigilant.
Kniall said:
I had a dream last night in which Ark was showing off his new red boots.

When I read this, I had an instant mental picture of Ark clicking his heels together and saying "There's no place like the Fellowship" three times :P
As far as other possibly symbolic strangeness this week, I had something weird happen on Monday.

I went out to start the car so I could take the kids to school and the garage smelled overwhelmingly of gasoline. I looked under the car, but didn't see any leak, so I pulled it out of the garage. I only have a 1-port garage, so it's pretty cramped when the car is parked there.

Then I looked around next to where I keep the gas cans, but still no leak. Then I noticed there was a huge puddle on the concrete over by the lawnmower. I hadn't used the lawnmower in a few weeks since the grass has slowed in growth. I hadn't even moved it during that time. Not only this, but the lawnmower is nearly new having been gifted it this past June for Father's Day. I'm still not sure how it happened. Right now I'm waiting for my Dad to send me the receipt so I can take it a mechanic and have it fixed under warranty.

Fuel (energy) leak, being drained, flammable liquid, lawnmower, being 'mowed' down... not sure if this means anything symbolically or not, but it sure threw my week off at the start.

I'll definitely be increasing my vigilance from now on after hearing all of these other accounts. Stay safe everyone!
For the past couple of days had several dreams with people who felt familiar, perhaps forum members. Right now remember only herondancer as we were sitting in the hall on the wooden stairs of some public building.

Perhaps it was the same night (between 27-28th) and the same dream where I saw a very strange bird. Although the name of the bird that popped into my mind was "a crow", she wasn't black but copper and with finer feathers. The bird then morphed into a slim woman with long wavy copper colored hair, clothes and skin. The feeling I had while observing her could be described as concentrated curiosity. I was completely fascinated by her, and at the same time observed every detail and noticed that there was nothing artificial about her (color of her hair or skin). It was so unusual on the one hand, and so natural on the other. Weird dream, since I don't remember seeing or feeling anything like this before. She didn't do anything, she was just standing there. Maybe there was more to the dream, but that's all I can remember.
Another strange happening since I came back from Françe is that twice I heard door creaking when nobody but me is awake. Last week was as I was in bed ready to fall asleep, the nose was so loud that I got up to check on my daughter as she sometime sleepwalk but no she was sound asleep. I checked all the doors and window to see that they were all close and the cat was outside and the dog in the garage. Nothing could have make a door open or close. Yesterday, again the creaking nose of a door I hear as I was doing my EE session. I checked every thing again, my daughter was in her bed and all window were close and the same with the cat and dog. My house was build in 2003, no ghost is haunting it but it felt strange both time. It 's not the first strangeness that happened in my house but so close together it got my attention. Do I have visitor in the night?

P.S. as for my daughter sleep walking, that started troubling me as they were more recurrent, I asked her a few months ago if she would like to learn the prayer of the soul and use it before going to bed. She accepted and since she had no episode.
Re: My First 'Laura Dream'

Hi Mods, could this thread be merged with the "shocking dream about Laura" thread (and this post can then be deleted of course)? Just to keep these all in one place as it seems it's all related. Amazing how one person's mention of something can spark a whole avalanche of similar experiences, networking is pretty awesome like that.
Re: My First 'Laura Dream'

SAO said:
Hi Mods, could this thread be merged with the "shocking dream about Laura" thread (and this post can then be deleted of course)? Just to keep these all in one place as it seems it's all related. Amazing how one person's mention of something can spark a whole avalanche of similar experiences, networking is pretty awesome like that.

I have not remembered my dreams well the past few nights as I have been so tired. But the past few days I have felt really "off". At first I thought it was just some leftover emotions from the weekend that my house was broken-in. However, that is mostly resolved and I don't really feel concerned about that anymore, other than a lingering feeling that it was highly symbolic and I have not figured that piece out yet.

But what really has bothered me is having such a deep feeling of oppression - it's not just a passing mood, but a sense of foreboding and deep sadness. That always bothers me, because I am a sort of "empath" where my family is concerned, but I have checked with friends/family members and don't think that anyone is in serious difficulty (unless someone is not saying). Apparently it seems that my empathic abilities are expanding to my greater FOTCM family!!

Last night as I was driving to a meet some friends, I felt so shaky and emotional that I really had to focus on my driving for fear i would miss something. A bit better today - but am glad people are discussing this. It helps as I was getting really worried - and to top it all off am suddenly so busy at work, I barely have time to think. I need my wits about me!

Bo said:
Last night I had a shocking dream about Laura, I was trying to figure out what it meant, but I hope you are doing okay.

I remember the shocking part the best, most of the other parts I have forgotten,

Laura started to walk towards an edge and she stood there, it was mountain like in a place somewhere on earth, and she suddenly jumped off the mountain edge and hit the ground very hard.

I was completely shocked asking why and how? Laura stood up and her face was bruised. She stood up and said ''it's OK.''

I have been worried and you have been in my thoughts.

Data said:
In the same night as you (from 27th to 28th of October) I dreamt about the group which was at a kind of a hiking day. It was a beautiful landscape with a big mountain. Group members were all over the place. I was standing on another mountain and observed one particlular member which shortly after that fell from the other mountain edge into a not too deep, rocky lake. I was horrified watching this, thinking that that person is now dead. And I was even more horrified when the lake turned red from the blood.

I was really shaken by this brutal dream imagery and I do hope Laura and the Chateau crew take good care of themselves, as well as everybody else!!

It has also reminded me of my own dream, though it was already on the 30th of Sept., so it could be that it's not related to this.
In the dream there's an attack on Laura, it's like there's this house in construction and we (the group) stand on those walls and the space in between is covered with some sort of metal plates and Laura gets on them, and there's an invisible creature from the 'other side', and Laura gets on the wrong plate, which is a pitfall and she falls down, hits the ground very hard and hurting herself. But in an instant she's up again, in wonder about the pitfall being there and then she's being attacked yet again and hits the ground yet again.

This all is extremely troubling, I'm having you in my thoughts and prayer! Stay safe!
I just wanna add that in addition to my dream, I had something like a 48-hour cold from monday to tuesday, which was pretty intense, and then it just left - and I think I had the dream on one of the nights while I was sick.
I haven't had any dreams that I remember, but there is a persisting feeling of danger these last days - darkness, my kids having nightmares, and a weird thing happening the other day.
I helped someone who was very afraid of a person from the past, and this person from the past is probably one of the most clear cut psychopaths I've encountered. Some nights after I helped, I felt his psycopaths presence in my home, and drove him mentally away by reflecting his evil intent back on himself.
The next day I had a spur-of-the-moment decision to check for winter tires on my car at a nearby garage, so I drove back from where I'd come just previously and into the garage.
As I walked in, the proprietor's cellphone rings. He picks it up, listens and repeats "yes a car like that just drove in here". He then hangs up, and says to me, "he hung up". "Who"? I ask. "Someone just called and asked if a car just like yours came here, and hung up when I said yes".

I waited around some minutes, but nobody showed up. I then started thinking about how it could be possible for someone to call the proprietor within seconds of my arrival. They must have had the cellphone number ready, and how is that possible when I didn't know I was going there until 2 minutes before I arrived? I didn't exceed the speed limit on the way there and was driving in a queue of cars.

Highly strange, I haven't found a good explanation for this yet. Any explanation will be appreciated.
I do remember a dream about Laura, Ark and the others. It was about some sort of leakage, some kind of explosive liquid in their house, but Laura managed to see it for what it was and they all escaped in time. The house then blew up, huge explosion. This was a few months ago.
In the past few nights, my dreams were pretty surreal and yet intense enough that I woke up several times during the night. Usually, I sleep fine without much trouble, but these recent nights, I woke up feeling shockingly alert and even got scared for a moment. I shook it off and walked around, but then I've forgotten what I was dreaming about. However, last night, I dreamt that I was in my old high school location (I've been there for seven years, so I was pretty much used to the area), with a number of people that I knew from that school. I walk around the back of the school and there's a big darked pool and I can see a huge creature (not sure what kind as I never saw it before - but huge as a sperm whale but wasn't a whale) swimming around in it. Then, I fell in behind into the water and begin to almost drown as I'm reaching for the edge to get out. Then, I woke up.

No dreams about Laura here, though.


I did had a dream about Laura/group to which I've neglected to add here (but it wasn't recent). It was the only dream (so far) that it has occurred with Laura in it. I wrote it down in my dream journal:

15 Oct 2010

Day. I'm walking down the sidewalk in a neighborhood with Laura and a large number of group members (some that I recognize, some I do not), then we reach to the point where we split off as most members went to one house (to my left) and I went with Laura and her crew (Psyche, Mr. Scott, Andromeda, Perceval, and a couple of others that I didn't recognize) to my right. Inside the house, Laura sits with Perceval, chatting while I sit across from them, trying to understand what they are saying. Then, I got up to walk to the kitchen, attempting to wash dishes...

Scene change - Day. I'm driving on the bridge, following the car with Laura and her crew inside. I look to both sides of the bridge, and it appears that the civilization was submerged underwater, with huge tides coming in violently strong. I becomes curious. Then, I drove towards the end of the road, which is also submerged, and my car turns quickly to the side without stopping, but it was too late as I hit the water. I then got out of the car, swimming towards back the road. Then, Laura herself was in the water lends her hand to me as I grabbed her hand, and we soon walk together back towards the dry road.

Then, on the same bridge, we all were helping other people and families (whom I don't recognize) off the big red van as it's in danger of being submerged.

Scene change - Day. I'm with Laura's group; we are walking along the road elsewhere as we all are chatting about this or that. We walk through the gas station and I walk to the bathroom. And, I look around the bathroom, thinking it was dirty. Then, Andromeda came to get me as Laura and others left the station, and we were off to meet them. We walk over a few of large rocks, and we see Laura's group across the street. I then look down and saw a red striped with gray snake by my right leg and bit me...

End of dream.
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