Shocking dream about Laura.

Sonrisa said:
Corto said:
Learner said:

What both of you have experienced, is indeed really weird and sounds scary. It is really good to see, that you all came out okay of this. Made me realize, that this can happen to us all, that suddenly something can appear out of seemingly nowhere. It reminds me of what Laura has described in Wave II, about the car accident she herself endured:

Wave said:
The accident itself was strange because I was hit from behind by a car that was not there. I was stopped, waiting to make a left turn, looking in my side view mirror, which gave me a broad view of what was behind me, and I am certain that no car was approaching. What is more, the driver of the car that hit me driving at full speed, claimed with great puzzlement that he did not see me at all. For him, I was not there!
Yes , and its also highly auspicious that similar accident happened recently to another forum member besides agni. Something is definitely up.

Are these possibly examples of people and cars going in and out of fourth density?

I'm glad you're okay, Corto.


I was talking to a friend in work today and she stated that she nearly got ran over by a car that just was not there a second ago when she had looked to cross the road.

Although not a direct experience , IMO it is intresting given what has been said in this thread regarding cars! :shock:
Laura said:
Sometimes I wonder if, when all that stuff goes on, we are not fighting some epic battle on some other level and the only awareness we have of it here is non-specific, floating emotionality and anxiety? If so, does that mean we won this round via networking?

I've only just managed to catch up with this thread and Laura's quote above really stood out for me.

I haven't been having bad dreams, although as I posted elsewhere on the forum energy levels for me are through the floor. Like others struggling with negative emotions, illness etc.

But and this is weird. I've been working with a workbook about the inner child. My inner child was a dreadfully thin sickly half starved child to start with when I began, but about 5 days ago I shed my skin and regrew as a healthy, chubby 3 year old.

This is the odd bit. I saw myself as I am and my child self in a cottage in some strange land/ countryside, beautiful like earth but not. Laura was resting in a bed in the only room in the cottage and I and my younger self were pottering around baking, checking Laura was OK as she slept. The atmosphere in the cottage was lovely all white walls, sparse furniture, simple, clean, homey and safe. And then Laura got up and her and I put on our armour, like chainmail, picked up our swords and walked out of the cottage. We ended up in a clearing in some woods next to a tomb which I knew we had both been to many times before. We were laughing and joking waiting for the rest of battalion (can't think of a better word for it) to arrive. When they did we all rode down into this valley and into the massive battle ahead of us. It reminded me of the epic Lord of the Rings type battles. What was strange was we had done it many times before it was kind of business as usual. Any way battle dealt with, we won, we rode back to the cottage bloody and bruised to rest until we had to go out again.

I was only thinking tonight that that's exactly how I feel everyday at the moment. Like some part of me is spending it's whole day out fighting some battle somewhere only the rest of me isn't consciously aware it's happening. Spooky!!!

Mind you, we were pretty handy with a broadsword I can tell you :)

Sonrisa said:
Corto said:
Learner said:

What both of you have experienced, is indeed really weird and sounds scary. It is really good to see, that you all came out okay of this. Made me realize, that this can happen to us all, that suddenly something can appear out of seemingly nowhere. It reminds me of what Laura has described in Wave II, about the car accident she herself endured:

Wave said:
The accident itself was strange because I was hit from behind by a car that was not there. I was stopped, waiting to make a left turn, looking in my side view mirror, which gave me a broad view of what was behind me, and I am certain that no car was approaching. What is more, the driver of the car that hit me driving at full speed, claimed with great puzzlement that he did not see me at all. For him, I was not there!
Yes , and its also highly auspicious that similar accident happened recently to another forum member besides agni. Something is definitely up.

Are these possibly examples of people and cars going in and out of fourth density?

I'm glad you're okay, Corto.


In Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel, he records incidents of people driving places suddenly to find themself in other places hundreds of miles away having had no time yes could well be, but it was probably engineered this way.
RedFox said:
In Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel, he records incidents of people driving places suddenly to find themself in other places hundreds of miles away having had no time yes could well be, but it was probably engineered this way.
The other possibility is that some focused beaming blinds the subjects in order to provoque a certain outcome?
Laura said:
So, I have thought about it for awhile and I think that we may need to turn our attention to dealing with this very soon, and I mean dealing with it legally: putting a stop to it and clearing everything ON THE RECORD. For many people it just wasn't enough that the judge in the Pepin case spent several months investigating us and found no merit to any of the HBI accusations which were basically just purloined from Bridges et al.

So, I'm thinking that it may be time to call in the legal eagles and just deal with it.

Then, of course, thinking about that, I start thinking about how difficult it is to keep anything clean and operatively pure in this reality. Can we do it? Are we smart enough? Especially when we see pretty clearly that much of the opposition comes from somewhere other than strictly human agency.


I've been thinking about you and everyone a lot during the past few days while reading this thread. I just wanted to say that I think if ANYONE can do anything about all these lies and slander these psychos have been throwing your way it is YOU and the Chateau crew. Yes it will be hard, but really I can't think of anyone more capable of handling it than you. You guys are excellent fact checkers/keepers and what holds mostly in a court of law is facts. And facts are your specialty. You proved it once in the Pepin case and you can do it again! I for one, am totally for this idea.

The other thought that came to me, is that Laura, you have what most of us don't! The guidance of yourself in the future! So why not ask the C's for guidance in this matter? Maybe they will tell you to hold off, but maybe they will tell you otherwise. I think it's something that you should ask if it's been something that's been occupying your mind.

In the end, you will do what you will do. But I just want you to know you have my full support and of course the support of everyone here if you do decide to go with this. You and everyone who's been wronged by these people deserve justice!

Laura said:
But then, yesterday, we got out of the house for a bit - took a drive to Andorra for cigarettes - and it really was a beautiful day; the leaves were turning and the colors were amazing. When we got up in the mountains, the snow was fresh and white and looked like powdered sugar. Driving home, I realized that, for some reason, hope had returned and some sort of corner had been turned and I was able to face it all again. I just have to do each minute what is before me to do and not work myself up about how impossible it is to deal with everything coming all together.

I'm happy to hear you're feeling better Laura! :flowers: You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura said:
So, I have thought about it for awhile and I think that we may need to turn our attention to dealing with this very soon, and I mean dealing with it legally: putting a stop to it and clearing everything ON THE RECORD. For many people it just wasn't enough that the judge in the Pepin case spent several months investigating us and found no merit to any of the HBI accusations which were basically just purloined from Bridges et al.

So, I'm thinking that it may be time to call in the legal eagles and just deal with it.

Then, of course, thinking about that, I start thinking about how difficult it is to keep anything clean and operatively pure in this reality. Can we do it? Are we smart enough? Especially when we see pretty clearly that much of the opposition comes from somewhere other than strictly human agency.

Perhaps this is our next step? To fight back the constant attacks and slanders, by legally enforcing things? IMO I think we are smart enough and are getting stronger every day as collectively , our knowledge is increasing and our ignorance decreasing, so that when it comes to 'crystallising' our position as a group within the world, it will have a positive effect on raising our FRV, thus possibly limiting the effects of STS attack on us? If this were to happen, then our message to the world could be communicated much clearer without as much attack as there is just now, from the PTB?

Maybe I'm just thinking wishfully?
Learner said:
For further account, during the last several days I also felt deeply depressed, and I was very low on energy, but this feeling has lifted somewhat today. What is of great help to me, is again the POTS, if I can focus enough. Right now it gives me the strenght I need for the next steps. I hope, it also does for all of you, who have been down lately or feeling depressed currently.

In my case, the low energy transformed into a nasty cold (my throat is on fire), but confusion and fogginess (well, except for the cold fogginess, but that's nothing vit C can't fix) are gone. The mood is focused and noiseless too, POTS was such a great help. :)
RedFox said:
Sonrisa said:
Corto said:
Learner said:

What both of you have experienced, is indeed really weird and sounds scary. It is really good to see, that you all came out okay of this. Made me realize, that this can happen to us all, that suddenly something can appear out of seemingly nowhere. It reminds me of what Laura has described in Wave II, about the car accident she herself endured:

Wave said:
The accident itself was strange because I was hit from behind by a car that was not there. I was stopped, waiting to make a left turn, looking in my side view mirror, which gave me a broad view of what was behind me, and I am certain that no car was approaching. What is more, the driver of the car that hit me driving at full speed, claimed with great puzzlement that he did not see me at all. For him, I was not there!
Yes , and its also highly auspicious that similar accident happened recently to another forum member besides agni. Something is definitely up.

Are these possibly examples of people and cars going in and out of fourth density?

I'm glad you're okay, Corto.


In Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel, he records incidents of people driving places suddenly to find themself in other places hundreds of miles away having had no time yes could well be, but it was probably engineered this way.

You can add me to that car list. Just Tuesday morning I was running an errand for my brother when up ahead at an intersection I saw the light was still green so I attempted to make it. I looked ahead at the intersection and it was clear so I kept rolling while glancing to my left (because I was turning that way) and as I looked straight again.. two vehicles were now in front of me coming from the opposite direction! One blocking my turning lane and one straight ahead so I had to lock up my brakes and thankfully stopped with plenty of room. I assume they were coming from the parking lot across the street and trying to make the light as well but they must have pulled out pretty quickly cause I only glanced to my left for a second and besides that one should have been behind the other because they were both coming from the same direction, not blocking two different lanes. :huh:
Laura said:
The predator sure did get a good beating lately. And yes not hard to doubt there must be resentment, self importance and self pity that can be tapped into. Exposing this to the forum is for the moment a very important weapon against the predator and I thank YOU and so many others here to cover my back while I take step by step forward.

Well, while programs are being challenged and predator mind structures are taking a beating, I pretty much take a beating myself though in a different way. From the beginning of this thread, I felt absolutely terrible. It wasn't a surprise for others to be dreaming and feeling strange since I, myself, had plunged into a pit as well. For about a week, I was feeling impending doom and had difficulty sleeping which only made matters worse. I was feeling pretty hopeless because the enormity of the task before us was really driven home. Actually, it is not the task itself, but rather the rolling of the boulder uphill every day in the face of constant defamation and obstruction in so many ways.

I long ago reconciled myself to the defamation and attacks - tends to keep a person constantly aware and cleansed of self-importance - and even welcomed it as one of the signs that I must be doing something right. There is also the very important factor that the attacks on me and other group members led us into the study of psychopathology and how much has that helped so many others?! It was a blessing in disguise!

But lately, while reading some posts from newbies on the forum here, and hearing some stories from other people about family members or friends who have only ever read the attacks against me, and are otherwise not ready to really read and understand who and what we are and what we are trying to do, I realized that these attacks are no longer serving a beneficial purpose. We've done the research, we have a pretty good handle on that aspect of things and darned if that research didn't lead to some pretty amazing explanations of the state of our world! So, basically, now, the attacks only serve as a stick to beat us with - and I say "us" collectively. And not just here in the forum, but in a wider sense. These attacks are also being used to hurt forum members and that is not good.

So, I have thought about it for awhile and I think that we may need to turn our attention to dealing with this very soon, and I mean dealing with it legally: putting a stop to it and clearing everything ON THE RECORD. For many people it just wasn't enough that the judge in the Pepin case spent several months investigating us and found no merit to any of the HBI accusations which were basically just purloined from Bridges et al.

So, I'm thinking that it may be time to call in the legal eagles and just deal with it.

Then, of course, thinking about that, I start thinking about how difficult it is to keep anything clean and operatively pure in this reality. Can we do it? Are we smart enough? Especially when we see pretty clearly that much of the opposition comes from somewhere other than strictly human agency.

Anyway, all of that was going on in my mind and it was looking pretty hopeless from where I sat. Having all the dreams and other things coming out only made me realize more acutely how vulnerable we all are. That's pretty depressing.

So, yeah, I was depressed. Deeply.

But then, yesterday, we got out of the house for a bit - took a drive to Andorra for cigarettes - and it really was a beautiful day; the leaves were turning and the colors were amazing. When we got up in the mountains, the snow was fresh and white and looked like powdered sugar. Driving home, I realized that, for some reason, hope had returned and some sort of corner had been turned and I was able to face it all again. I just have to do each minute what is before me to do and not work myself up about how impossible it is to deal with everything coming all together.

Sometimes I wonder if, when all that stuff goes on, we are not fighting some epic battle on some other level and the only awareness we have of it here is non-specific, floating emotionality and anxiety? If so, does that mean we won this round via networking?

I, too, have had this vague, low level depression for more than a week that I hadn't had in a long time, since starting EE in summer 2009, really. For the last 10 days or so, it would come suddenly and I would try to deal with it by focusing on the suddenness (that makes it easier to remember that it's not just from the amount of work to be done in front of us directly but can be attributed to beaming, etc. and other group members' issues being felt as we have become more and more connected). Another thing that helps me and has done in the past is to notice the patterns and cycles. These things always have a pattern to them for me, where similar things come together to make me feel this way. So focusing on these aspects helps me get through it when in the midst of it.

There's definitely something strange in the air the last couple of weeks, and as I said, similar dynamics repeat and take energy and time away from what I'd planned to do. Strangely enough, I also took a trip all through the mountains for a project, and although it was rather cold when the wind was blowing so made it more tiring, it kinda shook up the daily "battles" and routine of being in the city. And I finally got a few more steps further in the project.

As for taking legal steps to deal with the long ongoing defamation, it would be REALLY good to get to the end of the defamatory attacks via legal action. But it will take lots of time, money and energy. And there's no guarantee that these things will stop, as judgements -- even when you've got it in your favor -- need to be enforced. So I think that option should always be considered, I just wanted to remind and put into perspective the whole legal system thing and how it can be made to drag on and on.

Glad everybody dodged the strange accidents and near misses. Keep up the vigilance at all times.

If we all continue to take things step by step, keep networking and supporting each other, we can keep moving ahead without being overwhelmed. And remember the cycles and patterns, everything seems to always balance out. Whenever we make some important positive advances, before the next stage gets under way, the negative feelings and awareness of all the forces of opposition make themselves felt as well.

Take care, everyone and Together We Stand!
Well I can relate to the attacks! Two/three weeks ago my health problems started to intensify and I fell into depression. Then about a week ago I just gave up on myself, I basically dissociated myself big time! I started to watch television for hours, I started eating toxic/fast food, started gambling recklessly, and also got intoxicated. Living the entropy life, though I am not happy with what I did and regret it. I just had this overwhelming feeling of quitting and my programs were running rampantly. But there was a strong feeling inside of me, that what I was doing was going against my soul, my lessons (felt guilty of what I was doing). Many times when I(my programs) was trying to quit, I would think of the network, I would be thinking about the forum members. Three nights ago I was outside smoking and started to reflect on my past week, I felt disgusted with myself and knew that this was not me. I was going against what I believed in, against who I wanted to become, I let my false Is take over me. So I decided either I can go back to sleep or I can work on myself(and do it right this time, no taking short cuts!). After thinking and trying to dig deep, I realized that I wanted to be here, but was not giving it my all. Which was causing me to become disintegrated with the network. I suppose some of us have to learn the hard way. We keep falling back into the hole, until we learn.

Now to the dream I had about Laura, couple of nights ago. From what I remember is that me and Laura were sitting on the couch, her children were also present. But they left to do something, me and Laura were just sitting alone now. I wanted to tell Laura something, I wanted to talk about something, but I couldn't get myself to talk because of my self importance. Laura left do something and all I remember was a strong crippling feeling that took over because I didn't share what I wanted to with Laura. When I woke up I knew what the dream meant. I have to network about my health issues, that for the most part Ive been hiding from the forum. Ive been hiding this part of my life from the forum due to my self importance. I am writing that post and will have it up in the next couple of days.

Wish everyone the best in these hard times, hang in there.
Guardian said:
go2 said:
When we individually perceive manipulated EM impulses designed to distract and disturb centers of creativity, it is a responsibility to consider if speaking of these impulses serves a useful purpose beyond education.

What's a useful purpose beyond education?

Exactly, I couldn't think of a useful purpose beyond learning! So...maybe we should keep some experiences to ourselves to be externally considerate of others.

Guardian, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your participation on the forum. You are a sharp cookie! :cool2:
Infiniteness said:
After thinking and trying to dig deep, I realized that I wanted to be here, but was not giving it my all. Which was causing me to become disintegrated with the network. I suppose some of us have to learn the hard way. We keep falling back into the hole, until we learn.
I'm glad your still with us Infiniteness :)
I read something today that may be of help here

Atreides said:
So we read all these books and our conscious minds are like, oh yeah, that's right I understand. Our subconscious mind is like: Woh sucker, it don't work that way. And just does what it knows will work from experience. If all you experience is victimization, then all you know about success in life is how to victimize. If it worked for them, it'll work for you.

I think this goes for victimising the self too....

I also read a reminder about what was said in The Myth of Sanity.....that those that had a chance of healing themselves where those that took responsibility for themselves....and where they find themselves to be in life.
Making that decision is important it seems...because without deciding where you want to be, the default choice is STS and entropy. fwiw
Bud said:
Laura said:
But then, yesterday, we got out of the house for a bit - took a drive to Andorra for cigarettes - and it really was a beautiful day; the leaves were turning and the colors were amazing. When we got up in the mountains, the snow was fresh and white and looked like powdered sugar. Driving home, I realized that, for some reason, hope had returned and some sort of corner had been turned and I was able to face it all again.

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. As Guardian indicated, Nature's bounty is available in the Eternal Now, for life support in so many ways. :flowers:

Same here! It has inspired me to allow myself to feel better. Have been studying ISOTM's Laws of Three and Laws of Seven. The part about how organic life is a way for the Earth to receive influences from the higher realms I believe can work both ways. We ourselves are nourished and healed by the Earths beauty. Excuse me if I state the obvious, just wanted to reiterate the message here. :-[

Have been feeling very down & out for about 10 days. Could not put a finger on it. Maybe what people are indicating here, outside influences. A brief thought flew into my head. Maybe due to the elections here in the States, that they amped up HAARP or some other form of mood depressor? Who knows.

Glad all that have encountered some 3D attacks are doing ok. I think I preempted one. The brakes on my car were really needing a check up. On Wednesday of this week I finally called for an appointment to have them fixed. Needed new front end rotors and brakes, this I knew. What I did not expect was the mechanics finding that the rear left wheel had a bolt that was not secured and was rolling around back there waiting for the chance to reek havoc. Who knows when and where this could have decided to let loose. So I give thanks to the DCM that I finally had the motivation to get the brakes checked.

A big hug to all.
Corto said:
FWIW I had a strong feeling that our network has gained some strong impetus recently. In the same time last 10 days were weirdest ever, you summed it perfectly - floating emotionality and anxiety.
I did feel like we are all under some sort of attack and I had clear notion of some negativity coming our way mid last week.

Soon after I also kept getting these thoughts that something is going to happen to me on the road.
I was spared the Paleovirus, but those last weeks of October while everyone else was coping with it, I felt like I was having the emotional equivalent of it. Even after I adjusted from traveling 6 time zones back to the U.S., I felt more depressed and "floating emotionality and anxiety" than I have in many years, It was so bad that I was quite averse to even leaving my apartment, and whenever I did, upon returning, I'd nearly run in and lock the door behind me!

Cathryn said:
They howled again, this time I got up to check what was wrong; in a matter of seconds I became really angry as I was going downstairs, and when I got to them I was in a full blown rage, I shouted at them, to lie down and go to sleep, well its clear they are not going to lie down and go to sleep with me yelling, so they went under the kitchen table shivering, so I shouted more, yea it is really hard to understand..I have never ever done anything like this in my long life

That's exactly how I was the last 10 days with my much-loved cat that I've had 8 years. It's pretty bad feeling compelled to apologize to a cat 3 times in one day!

mkrnhr said:
Looks like the storm is calming down a little, but not completely. The battle seems to have been fought collectively (rather than the usual focused attacks) and now it is important to keep in mind that there will be other battles, because "they" will not stop and "they" will put some extra-energy into it the next time. We're still here, so even if we are vulnerable to attack (which is normal in any kind of battle), we're still here continuing what we started.

Your mention of the word storm reminds me of a dream I had about around October 28: Most of my dreams are fuzzy images and disjointed scenes, but this one was very real with a single plotline. I was in a house in a neighborhood which I'd never visited before, as if visiting new friend. It was a beautiful day outside, blue sky, green shrubbery, birds singing. Then I was startled greatly at the sight of a tall, powerful, tightly-formed, tornado looming behind a row of trees. There was no doubt it was going to hit the house in minutes, but it made no noise, stirred up no debris or dust, and the sun continued to shine. I proceeded very calmly (almost cheerfully) and systematically placing each occupant in a closet deep in the interior of the house to provide the maximum protection from the tornado. After all were secure, I found one for myself. But when I opened the door, I was shocked to see the closet was only 4 inches deep. The tornado was almost upon me. There was no where to go. There was nothing I could do. Then I just felt peace with a tinge of humor and smiled.
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