The predator sure did get a good beating lately. And yes not hard to doubt there must be resentment, self importance and self pity that can be tapped into. Exposing this to the forum is for the moment a very important weapon against the predator and I thank YOU and so many others here to cover my back while I take step by step forward.
Well, while programs are being challenged and predator mind structures are taking a beating, I pretty much take a beating myself though in a different way. From the beginning of this thread, I felt absolutely terrible. It wasn't a surprise for others to be dreaming and feeling strange since I, myself, had plunged into a pit as well. For about a week, I was feeling impending doom and had difficulty sleeping which only made matters worse. I was feeling pretty hopeless because the enormity of the task before us was really driven home. Actually, it is not the task itself, but rather the rolling of the boulder uphill every day in the face of constant defamation and obstruction in so many ways.
I long ago reconciled myself to the defamation and attacks - tends to keep a person constantly aware and cleansed of self-importance - and even welcomed it as one of the signs that I must be doing something right. There is also the very important factor that the attacks on me and other group members led us into the study of psychopathology and how much has that helped so many others?! It was a blessing in disguise!
But lately, while reading some posts from newbies on the forum here, and hearing some stories from other people about family members or friends who have only ever read the attacks against me, and are otherwise not ready to really read and understand who and what we are and what we are trying to do, I realized that these attacks are no longer serving a beneficial purpose. We've done the research, we have a pretty good handle on that aspect of things and darned if that research didn't lead to some pretty amazing explanations of the state of our world! So, basically, now, the attacks only serve as a stick to beat us with - and I say "us" collectively. And not just here in the forum, but in a wider sense. These attacks are also being used to hurt forum members and that is not good.
So, I have thought about it for awhile and I think that we may need to turn our attention to dealing with this very soon, and I mean dealing with it legally: putting a stop to it and clearing everything ON THE RECORD. For many people it just wasn't enough that the judge in the Pepin case spent several months investigating us and found no merit to any of the HBI accusations which were basically just purloined from Bridges et al.
So, I'm thinking that it may be time to call in the legal eagles and just deal with it.
Then, of course, thinking about that, I start thinking about how difficult it is to keep anything clean and operatively pure in this reality. Can we do it? Are we smart enough? Especially when we see pretty clearly that much of the opposition comes from somewhere other than strictly human agency.
Anyway, all of that was going on in my mind and it was looking pretty hopeless from where I sat. Having all the dreams and other things coming out only made me realize more acutely how vulnerable we all are. That's pretty depressing.
So, yeah, I was depressed. Deeply.
But then, yesterday, we got out of the house for a bit - took a drive to Andorra for cigarettes - and it really was a beautiful day; the leaves were turning and the colors were amazing. When we got up in the mountains, the snow was fresh and white and looked like powdered sugar. Driving home, I realized that, for some reason, hope had returned and some sort of corner had been turned and I was able to face it all again. I just have to do each minute what is before me to do and not work myself up about how impossible it is to deal with everything coming all together.
Sometimes I wonder if, when all that stuff goes on, we are not fighting some epic battle on some other level and the only awareness we have of it here is non-specific, floating emotionality and anxiety? If so, does that mean we won this round via networking?