Shouldn't we be fighting this?

I like what Gabbi said:
Aiming to alleviate suffering without making your life more difficult so that you can be there for those who really ask is what feels natural to me now. Some days is just a matter of seeing how you can make a person's life better, in order to not feed the chaos. Right now, I'm not even stressed despite having quite the front seat show. Grieved, yes, I often feel grieved. And some days I would rather be on the back seat instead of the front one, but I also can't help to feel amazed to realize that we live in such crucial times and that we have the front seat show. Other times I even feel surprised about a greater sense of inner peace that is growing within despite the madness out there.

I get a stoic sense that there's not a whole lot we can do about this current mess except try to understand the dynamics... and wait for a proper opportunity to do something, It's all very complicated isn't it? People have chosen this lesson for different reasons. I hope to at least learn something from all this, and maybe be wise enough to recognize forms of help when and if it arrives. The wave is coming, that's sure to throw a monkey wrench in our fearless leaders' plans, I have faith that they will fail in the end.

I feel like Bilbo Baggins sometimes, a little too old for a new adventure. So I guess I have to be like Pythagoras, who did a lot of his best work only after the age of 60.
All right, Aragorn, here's the plan. Saddle your horse, raise your sword, and ride to Gondor... I mean, Helsinki, I guess. (Also probably leave the sword raising until after you get off the horse.) Then go to your government, and ask them, "Where is this pathetic virus of yours? Show it to me! I will defeat it!" Wave the sword around a lot, so that they know you're serious about this. If they make some stupid excuses, tell them that if they don't bring the virus by evening, heads will roll.
Once you've defeated the virus, tell the government, "Stop all this lockdown bullshit immediately, or I'll be back!", and ride into the night.

This will make you feel much better about your contribution to the fight against COVID-19.

Alright! And once I've got the virus, I must take it to the nearest volcano, and throw it in. :lol: And maybe @Gandalf could help me with this mission?

Thanks for your sobering thoughts, once again. Made me smile. :-)
Ennio's post in the 21 March Session thread where he quotes Carlos Castenada could be a good reminder of what our being a warrior is about IMO. I go back to his post on a regular basis, whenever I feel the need to. :-D His entire post is worth rereading.

"Seers are divided into two categories. Those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general, and those who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. The latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance.

Self-importance is not something simple and naive. On the one hand, it is the core of everything that is good in us, and on the other hand, the core of everything that is rotten. To get rid of the self-importance that is rotten requires a masterpiece of strategy.

In order to follow the path of knowledge one has to be very imaginative. In the path of knowledge nothing is as clear as we'd like it to be. Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not principle.

Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy. My statements have no inkling of morality. I've saved energy and that makes me impeccable. To understand this, you have to save enough energy yourself.

Warriors take strategic inventories. They list everything they do. Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of expending their energy.

The strategic inventory covers only behavioral patterns that are not essential to our survival and well-being.

But certainly taking a material/resource inventory would seem to be part the equation as well.

In the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence, their effort to eradicate it.

One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with it. The action of rechanneling that energy is impeccability.

The most effective strategy for rechanneling that energy consists of six elements that interplay with one another. Five of them are called the attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, timing, and will. They pertain to the world of the warrior who is fighting to lose self-importance. The sixth element, which is perhaps the most important of all, pertains to the outside world and is called the petty tyrant.

And we will certainly have an abundance of those! From government to all the unhinged individuals who will basically be all around us.
Being a “Lord of the Rings” fan myself, I can relate to the spirit of fighting for a good cause, co-facilitating a neo-noble future, upholding the light…

I am also often antsy, want to get on a horse, take my sword and gallop bravely into a neo-noble future. Alas, I am not all that adventurous “out there” and the times I have been, I had to pay dearly for my - externally rather inconsiderate - moves. But as you know: “The Lord of the Rings” was a book written by the family guy Tolkien. He must also have felt an urge in him and it seems he channelled most of his “swashbuckle calls” into storytelling.

He didn’t have to drag his body into the battles and risk being annihilated and risk taking his family down with him: he used his mind, his words, his grand emotions to create and thereby indirectly reach so many of us knightly spirited ones. If I recall correctly you take to singing. Do you create your own texts? Could you reach/touch/shake others and meet some of you knightly calls via indirect means?
He didn’t have to drag his body into the battles and risk being annihilated and risk taking his family down with him: he used his mind, his words, his grand emotions to create and thereby indirectly reach so many of us knightly spirited ones. If I recall correctly you take to singing. Do you create your own texts? Could you reach/touch/shake others and meet some of you knightly calls via indirect means?

Great idea! I was just thinking of this yesterday, that I should channel my energy into recording songs, to cheer up others, or to convey a message. Unfortunately, I'm not gifted in writing lyrics, but together with @Seppo Ilmarinen we composed and recorded a song made to the wonderful poem Great Awakening by @FrankM4326754 (repost, but in case you missed it):

Two years ago I also composed a song to one of Frank's previous poems Path of The Fall:

Maybe Seppo and I will come with something new soon!
Thank you for sharing this, Aragorn. And for all the very insightful responses from everyone. I have to admit I, too, have been feeling a need to stand up and do something to stop all this madness, especially after reading Pyschegram and Mandatory Intellectomy's posts in the Coronavirus thread about basically feeling cucked for not taking action. But the consensus here is right. Continue to share where you can discreetly, because standing up against this behemoth will not end well at this time. I have direct experience with this. I tried to be you (Aragorn) once, and it ended badly. I'll share what I went through so you and others can fully appreciate what it is we are facing.

As I've shared before, I currently work as a Biologist at a wastewater treatment plant in California. My field is toxicology, and my main duty is to perform seven-day chronic bioassays using small fish (fathead minnows) to determine if the water (effluent) we are releasing to the river is safe for the fish. We test not only to see how many fish survive, but also to see if they grow during the test. I've been there since 2001.

Around 2006-7 we started seeing a lot of dead fish in our bioassays, which are carried out by using effluent combined with our river water, from 100% river water/zero percent effluent (a control) to zero percent river water/100% effluent and several mixed dilutions in between. We also noted that sometimes fish survived but did not grow during the test, even in the river water.

When we did further investigations to see what was causing these fish to fail to thrive and even to die, we noticed that most of them had massive accumulations of material on their gills, sometimes so much material that they couldn't eat and potentially even suffocated. There were streamers of material that, under the microscope, revealed many, many bacteria; including one species that we had never seen before in our primary or secondary effluents or the river.

We then looked at other data we had collected concerning the samples we used in those tests, which included metals analyses, and we saw a pattern: the highest numbers of dead fish correlated with high, and sometimes *very* high, levels of aluminum as determined by ICP (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) - sometimes as high as 4.0 milligrams per liter - which is at least a hundred times greater than average. All other metals were at normal levels, and the greater amounts did not correlate with increased river flow rates which sometimes does happen during the winter.

We then did some pathology studies, and we saw that the aluminum was scoring the fish's gills causing them to overproduce mucous, which served as a breeding ground for bacteria. Most of the fish were dying from septicemia. And most of the bacteria present on the gills that we saw were a species we had never seen before - a filamentous bacteria we saw in the water that, when attached to fish gills, took on a spirochete form. And after doing further analysis, we realized that that bacteria was present in the shipping water that came with the fathead minnows we were ordering from Oklahoma and using in the test - when before 2006, we had been getting those fish from Colorado.

So: now we had seen that fish were dying in my tests, and we had some smoking-gun evidence that aluminum in the river water was one of the primary causes, along with an invasive species of bacteria that we had unwittingly imported from another state. In addition, at that time there was a major kerfuffle regarding the dying off of a fish species in the Sacramento river that was homologous to the fathead minnows we used in our test: the Delta Smelt. Why did that matter? Because they had started dying out in the river since 2006:

An entire species of fish, a species that served as a primary source of food for many larger fish, has basically disappeared from the Sacramento River. And: that fish had been tagged for preservation by the state government, which mandated extra releases of water from reservoirs - even during drought - in order to try to save them from extinction.

We knew all of this by 2014. We had enough evidence to trigger an investigation to see where that aluminum was coming from, and if it was involved in killing not only the fish in my tests but also the Delta Smelt. That is, in fact, why I HAVE my job: when stuff like this happens, we do these bioassays so that we can find out what is going on and investigate it so we can solve the problems. And I told my supervisor at the time this, with all this background and data, and do you know what he said?

He turned beet-red and told me, "You need to find another reason why these fish are dying."

(In retrospect I don't think my boss was completely pathological; he was just two years from retirement and didn't want to rock the boat. But he KNEW, and thought he was the only one - and he kept it to himself.)

That pissed me off. Why do my job then?? So I decided to go over his head.

That's when the "High Strangeness" started.

I started doing searches on-line for "aluminum in river water", and it took me to the website of Dane Wigington, who has been posting information on "Geoengineering" for a long time.

(That was probably the stupidest thing I ever did. That guy definitely has a screw loose, and may in fact be a honey pot for people like me wanting to "do good" - but I didn't know this at that time.)

So I contacted him and started sharing data, and he got me in contact with a few other scientists. Things were going good, until I stopped hearing from anyone. I kept sending e-mails and didn't get responses. Eventually I decided to contact him through a portal on his website, and there I discovered that he apparently had that happen often with people who tried to contact him, so he sent me another e-mail address. So we started communicating again...but then things went to another level.

My mail was being delivered open, including packages. Within a half-hour of sharing information, I would hear helicopters hovering directly overhead so close that my rafters shook. And then, when our e-mails became blocked again, I decided to try to send him all my information through his portal - and my computer died. I had to buy a new one. Then I tried to call him directly, and my phone died.

At that point I gave up. I tried to do the right thing, and all it did was get me targeted and cost me $2000 to replace my computer and phone.

(BTW, as an aside - right after all of that happened, this article posted on Zero Hedge:

That happened in 2015. Before that, in 2014, Dane had referenced some of my data in videos saying that there was aluminum in the Sacramento River water. So I wonder: was that article a response to that information? Maybe they actually put aluminum in the drinking water, but even if so, it would not explain why the aluminum we found was present in the river *after* the water intake for the city, and *before* where we returned it to the river. And to top it all off? That year, we stopped doing metals testing in the river. The state took on those duties.)

And now? Here we are in the depths of the corona virus scam, and I am a microbiologist and molecular geneticist who earned a Master's degree in an anthrax lab via a CIA grant while working with the biowarfare department of Las Alamos National labs, and the subject of my thesis was a virus. I am also on this forum, which has a deep understanding of the greater reasons why all of this is occurring, which may make me one of the few around with a nearly complete picture of exactly what we are facing, and I feel completely powerless to do anything at all because I fully understand the forces arrayed against us and how futile it would prove to be.

And, get this: since I had an article published on SOTT, basically outing myself, I have had my e-mail accounts once again blocked; my MasterCard was cancelled; and again: my mail is being opened. (I've also been active on-line sharing info, so it's probably not just that article that did it.)

I don't think I could have ever contemplated such an exquisite torture scheme for myself. I am watching all of this happen, knowing why and how and who is involved at a level that few can understand, and I can do nothing. And trust me: I DO want to do something. In fact, where I work they are rolling out mandatory temperature check stations next Friday. Now I will no longer be able to determine my own fate, and I will register a complaint. And I have admittedly spent much time honing my sword of knowledge, wondering if I do know enough to personally stand up to this beast and expose them in court if I bring a lawsuit. I often visualize myself wielding that sword and removing the heads of those who are doing this to us all, and I think I can approach them directly and bury them with that knowledge and background using powerful strokes...

...and then Harrison Ford shrugs, pulls out his gun, and shoots me dead.
Thanks for all the replies, good pondering!

I guess what it comes down to is, that at this particular time and with all the things that are happening (and being propagated), 'all bets are off', so it's difficult to say what will be happening in the near future, but what we do know is that agitating the opponent (too much) will not be useful – we will be of no use for our family and near ones if we're dead or rot in a cell.

Still, that nagging voice keeps popping up in my mind, the old saying: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And, having read 'Defying Hitler' some years ago, I'm reminded of how 'people did nothing', and finally when they woke up to the reality, it was too late. Where do we draw the line? When they come knocking on your door with a syringe...would that bee too late to start protesting and to fight back? Would that be of any use?

The C's have indicated that the Covid/Corona PSYOP will fizzle out because of their 'overdoing' things and wishful thinking. I'm thinking: are all the Corbetts and Pollys needed for this to happen, or would the turn out be the same if no one would be purposefully exposing these things?

On a more humorous note, I'm waiting for @Mandatory Intellectomy to give his/her 'brutal' reply, to help me put things into the right perspective. :-D
Well I'm not really well known here so I'm a little shy to reply; but I sometimes have that nagging feeling of guilt too.
But all of the answers by members have explained things so well.
I don't know how old your children are but its clear you have great and legitimate concerns for their protection.
I don't have children so I can't just say: "You can't help people, but you can wish to help them."
Cultivating that wish, and making it stronger, can and in the right circumstances, be the difference maker.
Many people who help may be motivated for different reasons, and in some circumstances, like for example some in the time of Hitler, did the right thing.
I remember in my youth I would stand up against an injustice on my own and all alone. It would backfire and I'd get trounced.
I remember being on a bus in Seattle at twenty years old, and this fellow kept kept berating this kid, his son or a close relative.
Finally I just stood up and said, hey, leave him alone.
The jerk, thinking quickly started yelling at me that I was a pedephile. He yelled it and people were just in shock. He told the kids not to talk to me. The fear and confusion on the kids face was traumatic.
They got off the bus and no one spoke up or defended me.
But I wasn't standing up in free will, and I wasn't allowing the flow of the universe and circumstances to make a wish happen.
But reading your and others posts, like Gaby's helps me greatly.
Great idea! I was just thinking of this yesterday, that I should channel my energy into recording songs, to cheer up others, or to convey a message. Unfortunately, I'm not gifted in writing lyrics, but together with @Seppo Ilmarinen we composed and recorded a song made to the wonderful poem Great Awakening by @FrankM4326754 (repost, but in case you missed it):

Two years ago I also composed a song to one of Frank's previous poems Path of The Fall:

Maybe Seppo and I will come with something new soon!
Thank you for this ❤️ so good.
Thank you for sharing this, Aragorn. And for all the very insightful responses from everyone. I have to admit I, too, have been feeling a need to stand up and do something to stop all this madness, especially after reading Pyschegram and Mandatory Intellectomy's posts in the Coronavirus thread about basically feeling cucked for not taking action. But the consensus here is right. Continue to share where you can discreetly, because standing up against this behemoth will not end well at this time. I have direct experience with this. I tried to be you (Aragorn) once, and it ended badly. I'll share what I went through so you and others can fully appreciate what it is we are facing.

As I've shared before, I currently work as a Biologist at a wastewater treatment plant in California. My field is toxicology, and my main duty is to perform seven-day chronic bioassays using small fish (fathead minnows) to determine if the water (effluent) we are releasing to the river is safe for the fish. We test not only to see how many fish survive, but also to see if they grow during the test. I've been there since 2001.

Around 2006-7 we started seeing a lot of dead fish in our bioassays, which are carried out by using effluent combined with our river water, from 100% river water/zero percent effluent (a control) to zero percent river water/100% effluent and several mixed dilutions in between. We also noted that sometimes fish survived but did not grow during the test, even in the river water.

When we did further investigations to see what was causing these fish to fail to thrive and even to die, we noticed that most of them had massive accumulations of material on their gills, sometimes so much material that they couldn't eat and potentially even suffocated. There were streamers of material that, under the microscope, revealed many, many bacteria; including one species that we had never seen before in our primary or secondary effluents or the river.

We then looked at other data we had collected concerning the samples we used in those tests, which included metals analyses, and we saw a pattern: the highest numbers of dead fish correlated with high, and sometimes *very* high, levels of aluminum as determined by ICP (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) - sometimes as high as 4.0 milligrams per liter - which is at least a hundred times greater than average. All other metals were at normal levels, and the greater amounts did not correlate with increased river flow rates which sometimes does happen during the winter.

We then did some pathology studies, and we saw that the aluminum was scoring the fish's gills causing them to overproduce mucous, which served as a breeding ground for bacteria. Most of the fish were dying from septicemia. And most of the bacteria present on the gills that we saw were a species we had never seen before - a filamentous bacteria we saw in the water that, when attached to fish gills, took on a spirochete form. And after doing further analysis, we realized that that bacteria was present in the shipping water that came with the fathead minnows we were ordering from Oklahoma and using in the test - when before 2006, we had been getting those fish from Colorado.

So: now we had seen that fish were dying in my tests, and we had some smoking-gun evidence that aluminum in the river water was one of the primary causes, along with an invasive species of bacteria that we had unwittingly imported from another state. In addition, at that time there was a major kerfuffle regarding the dying off of a fish species in the Sacramento river that was homologous to the fathead minnows we used in our test: the Delta Smelt. Why did that matter? Because they had started dying out in the river since 2006:

An entire species of fish, a species that served as a primary source of food for many larger fish, has basically disappeared from the Sacramento River. And: that fish had been tagged for preservation by the state government, which mandated extra releases of water from reservoirs - even during drought - in order to try to save them from extinction.

We knew all of this by 2014. We had enough evidence to trigger an investigation to see where that aluminum was coming from, and if it was involved in killing not only the fish in my tests but also the Delta Smelt. That is, in fact, why I HAVE my job: when stuff like this happens, we do these bioassays so that we can find out what is going on and investigate it so we can solve the problems. And I told my supervisor at the time this, with all this background and data, and do you know what he said?

He turned beet-red and told me, "You need to find another reason why these fish are dying."

(In retrospect I don't think my boss was completely pathological; he was just two years from retirement and didn't want to rock the boat. But he KNEW, and thought he was the only one - and he kept it to himself.)

That pissed me off. Why do my job then?? So I decided to go over his head.

That's when the "High Strangeness" started.

I started doing searches on-line for "aluminum in river water", and it took me to the website of Dane Wigington, who has been posting information on "Geoengineering" for a long time.

(That was probably the stupidest thing I ever did. That guy definitely has a screw loose, and may in fact be a honey pot for people like me wanting to "do good" - but I didn't know this at that time.)

So I contacted him and started sharing data, and he got me in contact with a few other scientists. Things were going good, until I stopped hearing from anyone. I kept sending e-mails and didn't get responses. Eventually I decided to contact him through a portal on his website, and there I discovered that he apparently had that happen often with people who tried to contact him, so he sent me another e-mail address. So we started communicating again...but then things went to another level.

My mail was being delivered open, including packages. Within a half-hour of sharing information, I would hear helicopters hovering directly overhead so close that my rafters shook. And then, when our e-mails became blocked again, I decided to try to send him all my information through his portal - and my computer died. I had to buy a new one. Then I tried to call him directly, and my phone died.

At that point I gave up. I tried to do the right thing, and all it did was get me targeted and cost me $2000 to replace my computer and phone.

(BTW, as an aside - right after all of that happened, this article posted on Zero Hedge:

That happened in 2015. Before that, in 2014, Dane had referenced some of my data in videos saying that there was aluminum in the Sacramento River water. So I wonder: was that article a response to that information? Maybe they actually put aluminum in the drinking water, but even if so, it would not explain why the aluminum we found was present in the river *after* the water intake for the city, and *before* where we returned it to the river. And to top it all off? That year, we stopped doing metals testing in the river. The state took on those duties.)

And now? Here we are in the depths of the corona virus scam, and I am a microbiologist and molecular geneticist who earned a Master's degree in an anthrax lab via a CIA grant while working with the biowarfare department of Las Alamos National labs, and the subject of my thesis was a virus. I am also on this forum, which has a deep understanding of the greater reasons why all of this is occurring, which may make me one of the few around with a nearly complete picture of exactly what we are facing, and I feel completely powerless to do anything at all because I fully understand the forces arrayed against us and how futile it would prove to be.

And, get this: since I had an article published on SOTT, basically outing myself, I have had my e-mail accounts once again blocked; my MasterCard was cancelled; and again: my mail is being opened. (I've also been active on-line sharing info, so it's probably not just that article that did it.)

I don't think I could have ever contemplated such an exquisite torture scheme for myself. I am watching all of this happen, knowing why and how and who is involved at a level that few can understand, and I can do nothing. And trust me: I DO want to do something. In fact, where I work they are rolling out mandatory temperature check stations next Friday. Now I will no longer be able to determine my own fate, and I will register a complaint. And I have admittedly spent much time honing my sword of knowledge, wondering if I do know enough to personally stand up to this beast and expose them in court if I bring a lawsuit. I often visualize myself wielding that sword and removing the heads of those who are doing this to us all, and I think I can approach them directly and bury them with that knowledge and background using powerful strokes...

...and then Harrison Ford shrugs, pulls out his gun, and shoots me dead.
That's am incredible story and very apt.
My jaw dropped when reading it, I know that sounds like noise, but the battle between sto and sts is so there in what you write.
I'm pretty much in accordance with Joe's take on the situation. It almost seems to me that there might have been a short window of "time" again recently where humanity was confronted with a crucial crossroad point. A path to choose. Every soul had to choose a path to follow and now "It is mostly useless at this point " (to paragraph the C's). It seems to me, most if not all people have chosen how to move on further down the road now. In other words: People have chosen and it is none of my business to interfere in anyone's free will of choosing to learn in this or that way.

I'm also past the point of getting angry, frustrated or irritated about people "not getting it" but rather stay polite and play along, with as little bad and judgmental feelings toward them as possible. I accept and understand. Of course, I'm there to give food for thought, if there are real signs of asking and questioning, but other than that I just let people do what they want to do and let them hear what they want to hear.
That's am incredible story and very apt.
My jaw dropped when reading it, I know that sounds like noise, but the battle between sto and sts is so there in what you write.

Thanks, but what I did wasn't exactly STO. Sure, I did want to save the fish and try to expose what was going on, but the approach I took was almost 100% STS.

What I should have done was to quietly keep on accumulating data and sit on it until someone in an actual position to do something came forward and asked for help, such as perhaps one of the members of the Delta Smelt census crew looking for answers for their disappearance. I definitely should have taken the time to find out more about those people, and also those in charge at the water board who enforce the laws, to see if there were sympathetic ears who could make a real difference.

Instead, I went out on my own and trusted someone that turned out to be at least a narcissist and potentially worse: someone who most likely has an agenda to deceive the public about what is really going on in the world and attract people like me to bring us out for exposure and nullification. I did so because I thought Dane would give me a public forum to share information, and there was definitely a part of me that wanted to bask in the glory of "doing good" and "getting even".

But it was a very valuable lesson, one which guides me today re: the coronavirus scam, which is far greater in scope and importance. I am sharing information only with those who ask. I am accumulating data and integrating it, making it ready for sharing with those in positions to truly change things who can potentially use it for that purpose. And I am doing the same thing with my vaccine and GMO information, where I also have a lot of background and data accumulated.

I find it ironic that it is Aragorn who started this thread. It is the lessons of Aragorn in LOTR that we should be heeding. He stayed in the shadows for decades, taking on an alias and slowly building up allies and information over time. He never revealed himself until he had accumulated as many allies as he possibly could, and only in response to a grave threat to humanity. He maximized his chances for victory that way, and it ultimately paid off. And: he never did what he did for glory, only service. Definitely a character to emulate.
It seems to me, most if not all people have chosen how to move on further down the road now.

I am not sure that the 'final choice' already happened for most people. Yes, some are already awake at least to some degree, while some will not be awake in this lifetime.

But it seems like there is a third group that still has to experience more hardships to get to the point of starting to awaken. That would be the second 25% in Dr Tenpenny's rough grouping.

So other than our Work on ourselves, it seems that a very strategic 'information warfare' that does not put us in danger can still be useful. Things like using 'accepted' sources to question the narrative in comments on popular media websites or in private talks with people.

Kind of like a soft red pilling that stays below the radar of nefarious forces.
Thanks, but what I did wasn't exactly STO. Sure, I did want to save the fish and try to expose what was going on, but the approach I took was almost 100% STS.

What I should have done was to quietly keep on accumulating data and sit on it until someone in an actual position to do something came forward and asked for help, such as perhaps one of the members of the Delta Smelt census crew looking for answers for their disappearance. I definitely should have taken the time to find out more about those people, and also those in charge at the water board who enforce the laws, to see if there were sympathetic ears who could make a real difference.

Instead, I went out on my own and trusted someone that turned out to be at least a narcissist and potentially worse: someone who most likely has an agenda to deceive the public about what is really going on in the world and attract people like me to bring us out for exposure and nullification. I did so because I thought Dane would give me a public forum to share information, and there was definitely a part of me that wanted to bask in the glory of "doing good" and "getting even".

But it was a very valuable lesson, one which guides me today re: the coronavirus scam, which is far greater in scope and importance. I am sharing information only with those who ask. I am accumulating data and integrating it, making it ready for sharing with those in positions to truly change things who can potentially use it for that purpose. And I am doing the same thing with my vaccine and GMO information, where I also have a lot of background and data accumulated.

I find it ironic that it is Aragorn who started this thread. It is the lessons of Aragorn in LOTR that we should be heeding. He stayed in the shadows for decades, taking on an alias and slowly building up allies and information over time. He never revealed himself until he had accumulated as many allies as he possibly could, and only in response to a grave threat to humanity. He maximized his chances for victory that way, and it ultimately paid off. And: he never did what he did for glory, only service. Definitely a character to emulate.
I know what you mean and I was thinking of Aragon in LOTR today-the King stands alone--Gandolf: "Not alone"
I'm not sure how to frame this, but I wanted to start a discussion about how you guys feel with 'watching this from the side'? I know it isn't a black and white thing, where you either do nothing or 'go full battle mode'; there's the importance of being strategic, not doing foolish things that endanger yourself and your loved ones, and the "wise as serpents, gentle as doves"-thing.

Still, watching all kinds of people bravely 'coming out of the woods' speaking out against the tyranny, madness and ponerlogy in action, makes me feel like a coward for not doing more. Just as an example James Corbett and Amazing Polly are publicly exposing the agendas on a daily basis, and then there was e.g. the recent group of doctors in the US, and on a broader scale it looks like thousands of people have been protesting the Covid restrictions in Germany (if the information is correct). There are several examples like this, and probably more to come. If there would be a similar protest in your city, would you go? I'm not sure yet, but reading something like the following makes my blood boil:

If and when they start guilt-tripping and blaming my children for this madness, making them live in total fear, attending a dystopian school with crazy prison-like restrictions, I might very well hit the streets!

On the other hand, I'm not pretending, that I would dare or like to appear publicly in the media, knowing how easily my whole family could be targeted and blacklisted. So, I'm having mixed feelings about this, and wanted to network to see this situation more clearly. I believe many here have taken to heart the C's advice of 'scaling down' the activity on social media, and I've been doing that to some degree, too. I'm still retweeting quite 'dangerous' things on Twitter, but mainly posts that already have several retweets from before (as to not stand out too much). I'm posting some things on Parler, too. Facebook for me is almost totally out. I have too many colleagues from work there, that might become 'informants' at some point.

There's some consolation knowing that on our forum we are helping each other to cope with all this, raising each others awareness and knowledge, and 'keeping each other awake (as in Gurdjieff's alarm clock analogy). And on a more esoteric level, with our knowledge and awareness we might be 'sending a signal' out to the universe that balances things.

To summarize, the warrior in me would like to fight this, but my rational self is hitting the brakes. I know we can't save the world, but considering the 'butterfly effect', shouldn't we join the fight?

You *do* know this isn't new to anybody, just because you are *now* getting a clue, right?

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