Show #24: Who was Jesus?

Vulcan59 said:
XLV. It is said that he was tall, of a fair complexion, round limbed, rather full faced, with eyes black and piercing; and that he enjoyed excellent health, except towards the close of his life, when he was subject to sudden fainting-fits, and disturbance in his sleep.
Bold emphasis mine.

This above bit of info intrigued me. Further on down the same link:

(38) LVII. He was perfect in the use of arms, an accomplished rider, and able to endure fatigue beyond all belief.


LXXXI. Caesar had warning given him of his fate by indubitable (50) omens. ... On account of these omens, as well as his infirm health, he was in some doubt whether he should not remain at home, and defer to some other opportunity the business which he intended to propose to the senate; but Decimus Brutus advising him not to disappoint the senators, who were numerously assembled, and waited his coming, he was prevailed upon to go, and accordingly (51) set forward about the fifth hour.

I have a lot more reading to do, but I'll be keeping this in the back of my mind.

Was he being poisoned? Did his constitution slow the effect of the poison but gave him vivid dreams? Since he was not dying fast enough for the conspirators, did they feel the need to take direct action to keep him from addressing the senate?
I think Caesar was having mini-strokes and he knew it. I don't think he had epilepsy since, as far as I can determine, his "fainting fits" only began in 49 BC... five years before his assassination.
Laura said:
Did anybody really catch the significance of the prestidigitation of the data from the ancient historians in respect of environmental bits? It's like the smoking gun that history was deliberately re-written, particularly the history of the fall of the empire in the 6th century. There can be no other explanation for the gap of that kind of information that is EXACTLY filled by the history of Gregory of Tours in the West. Someone deliberately moved that specific kind of information from other histories and placed it in a Western context to make it seem authentic, wrote a history around it (mostly political and ecclesiastical) and then hunted down and destroyed the "endings" of every copy of the original histories in existence. There IS a record of a pope sending out emissaries to search for documents and buying them all up. Earlier popes could have done it and left no record. And then, they were busy re-copying/editing and suddenly "discovering" all kinds of things that produced the history they wanted for their political agenda.

I would say that some of the same stuff happened with the history of Caesar and many other histories that were "too hot" to be allowed to survive.

An incredible and miraculous find, purely through painstaking research for data and cleverly put into an excel spreadsheet. No other way would that have been so apparent IMHO. Without looking at the environmental factors it may NEVER have materialized – as was the intention to hide the truth. Superb sleuthing and inspiration combined.

Agree - Exciting times ahead...

Important to portray that ALL religions are based on similar lie otherwise they will rise up saying ‘our ‘God’ was right all along!!!
Brilliant show and reporting – the BEST yet – amazing how many threads Laura can weave together and keep uppermost and in sequence in her mind! Let Laura speak! What she has to say is paramount. If I was interrupted I would immediately forget just one thread!

I believe when a time has come for an idea/TRUTH, that it is imparted in various pockets around the world at a similar ‘time’. This is what I think is happening now regarding the myth that usurped Julius Caesar. I also am fighting within about the ‘outside consideration’ on promoting this truth wherever I can, such is the immensity of the lie for the last 2000 years.

Yes I agree that we are lucky that the true warrior was all-round wise and knowledgeable enough to write his own history for us to follow in posterity. The greatest ‘man’ in history – as far as we know.

Definitely warrants another book and video required for this alone to connect all the dots and great research together in one place that everyone discovered to date has done on this. Makes it more powerful – more irrefutable methinks (we for those with eyes to see and not so enraptured and wrapped up in the miraculous). Here in JC we have a far more realistic role model to follow in these decisive times.

With Turkey in bed with Israhell now and Russia conducting their biggest military ‘training’ ever, all hell is likely to break out in my neck of the woods anytime soon…..unless…..something happens sooner!

Roll out the new Statement of Principles!
Amazing I only got to Reply 49 when I posted last. I was writing notes of my own thoughts along the way. Then I find page 2 and great corroborations!

I was also thinking of Boris Mourrieffs Gnosis and that I found the religious parts a bit hard to stomach, yet felt the rest was important and rang true. Surprised about the end part about women and beauty – how we should design to look more feminine etc. Then it made sense. Now I also feel that the Roman ladies practised this and it went downhill ever since. I am sure they had ‘fashion’ in those time but …

The archeological museum in Istanbul is just chock full of statues of Bulls and Rams as well as many Sumarian tablets. (Re the discussion about precession). May also find Assyrian info too methinks. Again like the British museum not everything gets to be displayed.

I feel so lucky that all this is coming to light in our current lifetime – talk about false gods and prophets feeding the STS4D, including our ‘karma’. Biggest lie in ‘Christendom’.

I am glued to my seat for the next revelations. So much to catch up on for us FOTCM forumites - it appears not only is time speeding up but also the information is coming through exponentially as if time is not on our side? I do feel that in the 'history' of our planet that there has never been such a significant 'revelation' EVER. Though I may be wrong as noone can know everything at the present time.

Quote from: Laura

"Well, the difficult we do immediately, the impossible just takes awhile. I'd say that figuring out the Jesus question was a biggie

I couldn't agree more - noone could have put that better Laura!

:hug: :perfect: :clap: :dance:

Changed STO to STS!
A Great Thank you for the show!
Really because before beeing a Jesus freak in my 20's I've been a Caesar freak when I started high school at around 12 y.o, just when the first layer of propaganda is applied in the history schedule in french schools where we learn antiquity first. I don't yet understand the attraction for this character especially when we've been taugh Caesar slaughtered the druids among many dirty things. :-[

Back in 2011 when Odysseus was very famous around here I remenber so many synchronicities with Athena, Zeus and others in my daily life. Now the same happen with Caesar, last saturday I was invited at a party where a man advicedly declaimed several times Caesar sayings! My wife and I looked at each other totally exited! Of course later in the evening we had exchanges about the "news" shared here and surprisingly nobody seemed shocked as I've been!

And indeed it's high time to right the History ship as Newton once said and render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. One really wonder how high, how far Laura will bring us all !?
Bear said:
Laura said:
Did anybody really catch the significance of the prestidigitation of the data from the ancient historians in respect of environmental bits? It's like the smoking gun that history was deliberately re-written, particularly the history of the fall of the empire in the 6th century. There can be no other explanation for the gap of that kind of information that is EXACTLY filled by the history of Gregory of Tours in the West. Someone deliberately moved that specific kind of information from other histories and placed it in a Western context to make it seem authentic, wrote a history around it (mostly political and ecclesiastical) and then hunted down and destroyed the "endings" of every copy of the original histories in existence. There IS a record of a pope sending out emissaries to search for documents and buying them all up. Earlier popes could have done it and left no record. And then, they were busy re-copying/editing and suddenly "discovering" all kinds of things that produced the history they wanted for their political agenda.

I would say that some of the same stuff happened with the history of Caesar and many other histories that were "too hot" to be allowed to survive.

This was one of the most striking parts of the show for me after thinking about it. How much of history is not only distorted, but fabricated and made up to fit an agenda. Makes me think of current day events and as mentioned on the show about the equivalent of JFK and 9/11 alternative info being disappeared how history will be described and fabricated in 100 or 1000 years. I’ve been thinking off and on today that with internet records of who bought what books from where that it wouldn’t be that difficult with access to the records and a police state to track down most copies and disappear alternative ideas. I can’t think of one important book off hand that I bought at a regular book store that doesn’t have some kind of internet or electronic record. Kind of chilling.

I also found this very striking, and by the way, I found the way Laura has been building up the entire topic very well done: right from first telling the standard historical version around that British king, then exposing it to be falsified and then tying it up with JFK etc. Really, that's the way to teach history! I'd also really like it to have another show dedicated to that topic.

And looking at how this pathological process of creating a history narrative based on twisting facts to always serve an agenda, and how this history is controlling generations of people over thousands of years (thus, generations have been carrying completely false conceptions about the world within their minds and acting from that foundation) - well, while it is really mind-boggling in its implications, it does not surprise me, but it does seem to be one of the main pillars of 3D STS reality: it is indeed (and has apparently always been) about controlling people via false information in order to infuse belief systems contrary to objective reality with all the resultant consequences. No surprise then that this 3D reality has been ever repeating in cycles over cycles and within a time loop.
Just want to chime in and say it was a great show.

From my late childhood/early teens I've wondered what was the deal with Rome and Christianity, not only because I was raised a catholic but because of the great relevance of both to the world, and this research really connects some serious dots!

I did not have a strong emotional reaction to the idea that Jesus could be/was Caesar, I think because after a few years of learning about lies and the probable truth behind them I kind of got used to expecting more of it. Of course I had no idea about it, but found it very interesting. What kind of surprised me though was the amount of material already available once you are aware that such connection exists.

It was fortunate that this discussion arose just after I finished HoM, since I was particularly interested not only in the gods as comets theme but also in the connections that Laura made about Jesus and the stoics.

What did elicit some emotional response, of the positive kind, was thinking that now we can know the true history of Christ, and even read the words of Christ himself, even though the myth is most likely a syncretism, as Laura pointed out.

The potential implications of this cover up are astonishing, although I can barely imagine the deep repercussions. I mean, the modern western civilization was built having Christianity at its foundations, was it not? And I've read that about one third of the world population is christian, it is like taking away the religious cornerstone of more than two billion people!

While this research shows this most revered religious figure being a Roman general (although a remarkable one, it seems), I find it amusing when I think of the elders of my family that religiously - literally - pray to the idea of him as this poor sandal-wearing miracle man from the desert. Maybe if I begin by telling them that the part about the sandals is true I have some chance of getting through? Mirth intended, I would not try to burst their cozy bubble, external considering and all.

It will take some time for the books to arrive from amazon but I'm following what I can on the web, although I much prefer reading on paper. And many thanks Laura for recommending the books!

Edit: I forgot to say that it is a very new perspective, for me at least, to know that a man was considered sacred, divine, by his political actions. Very different from a king that says 'I'm divine and you shall obey me'. To consider that Caesar was made divine by the people, by his actions to benefit the people. And such was his following that it molds us to this day, two thousand years later. Truly impressive and eye opening.
Laura said:
I'll give you another clue: a question that occurred to me is "where did the Romans come from?" They were obviously different from the indigenous Latins and Etruscans. I found a number of clues to suggest that whoever they were, they were powerfully influenced by the Assyrian Empire traditions. The archaeology supports this. So their history of the first "kings of Rome" is probably a distortion of the last kings of Assyria. I have yet to do a comparison of those kings to see if it fits, that's just my conjecture at this point. What I will eventually do is create tables comparing what is written about the Roman kings with what is known about the Assyrian kings. In preparation for that, I've had to divert into a whole pile of Assyrian history - even to getting and reading the translated tablets from Assurbanipal's library. That was fun. The go-to book to get started on that is: Assur is king! Assur is King!

A preview here:

Jesus! :shock:

Moving towards the Ancient Middle East with that, I was just wondering if there could be a connection with that that massive piece of 'Roman Temple' at Baalbek when you say 'The archaeology supports this'.
The C's date the whole Baalbek City at 3218 B.C, a lot of years indeed, and if taken for granted it would mean that what we currently call Greek/Roman-styled architecture was adopted 2000 years before Ancient Greece.

Even wiki says that:
The history of settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years, with almost continual settlement of the tell under the Temple of Jupiter, which was a temple since the pre-Hellenistic era

The Assyrians didn't just want independence, though. They wanted control and so, under their leader Tukulti-Ninurta (c. 1233-c. 1197 B.C.), known in legend as Ninus, the Assyrians set out to conquer Babylonia. Under their ruler Tiglat-Pileser (1116-1090), the Assyrians extended their empire into Syria and Armenia. Between 883 and 824, under Ashurnazirpal II (883-859 B.C.) and Shalmeneser III (858-824 B.C.) the Assyrians conquered all of Syria and Armenia, Palestine, Babylon and southern Mesopotamia. At its greatest extent, the Assyrian empire extended to the Mediterranean Sea from the western part of modern Iran, including Anatolia, and southward to the Nile delta.
I finally caught the show two days ago. It was another REALLY great one!

Still got lots of reading to do on this subject. Almost done with Cearar's Complete Works. And then on to all the others added recently on these threads. And then yet another re-read of Horns of Moses. I'm really glad I read The Ancient City a few weeks back to get some very interesting details and place the whole family/society/religion structure described into the context of cyclical cosmic catastrophes and how these things would have developed as the survivors slowly reemerged out of yet another "dark age." Really looking forward to learning as much as possible about all this.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there could be the usual problem for some to fall into black and white thinking with Caesar as with so many other things. In other words, to go from the totally negative, propagandized mainstream image of him, to the other extreme of idealizing him into something he wasn't. My current understanding of the man is that he was truly one of the most amazing human beings ever -- the kind that seem no longer to be born in more recent and current times. But he WAS a human being -- a 3D STS man doing the best he can in the conditions of that estate. And what he did is totally inspiring and its almost hard to imagine all of his accomplishments. Just thought that might be worth mentioning.
Tuned in last night for this prior show: from Edward to the two (or one) JC's, and as so often is the case, was humbled by this information, dissolving biases and preconceived notions of history, as things one has thought to understand, gets thrown on its head. What a fascinating learning experience.

Thanks! :)
Laura said:
Meanwhile, the crew here have set up a little "set" for me to get back in front of the camera and talk about certain topics that have been laid aside for too long now. So much to do, so little time, so much attack and betrayal, and so few helpers.

Well, the difficult we do immediately, the impossible just takes awhile. I'd say that figuring out the Jesus question was a biggie even if I find that a couple other people have figured it out before me. As I said, that is actually a comfort and I'm thankful that each of them has done it exactly the way they have because now I can just quote and cite them and concentrate on the "rest of the story."

What an awe-inspiring show! My head is buzzing- thank you so much for your research Laura. I've been talking about this non stop with my kids, and they're so fascinated by this! I want to read everything I can get my hands on, and the Carotta and Parenti vids have been great. Thanks for the reading list- I've got Ancient City lined up next, amidst a pile of stuff I want to read all at the same time.

In reference to your comment about so little time and much to do, is there any way that I can help? Can I transcribe, or type or something? If I can be of any assistance, please contact me.

I'm just about to settle in for tonight and listen to the Show# 25, continuing on from last week. A sincere and heartfelt thank you, Laura.
Psyche said:
Can you imagine, the real story behind it all is actually of a person who inspires Gurdjieffian/Stoicism philosophy as opposed to Authoritarian follower philosophy!! It has enormous inspiring consequences and as more people realize that, they well get back their sense of hope and have a different view on "saviors". No wonder there has been so much attack as of late. But now with the radio show on this topic and the sharing of info in the forum, this info is likely going to get a whole more audience and momentum for the upcoming shows, books and/or videos. Can't stop the signal now, it is out there :)

Laura also mentioned attack and betrayal in an earlier post on this topic; no doubt the PTB will go into overdrive with this one, it's explosive. I dunno why, but I just feel the need to suggest that everyone take extra care, particularly Laura and the crew.
Arwenn said:
Laura also mentioned attack and betrayal in an earlier post on this topic; no doubt the PTB will go into overdrive with this one, it's explosive. I dunno why, but I just feel the need to suggest that everyone take extra care, particularly Laura and the crew.

Yeah it'll start getting "hot" out of nowhere pretty soon, which is why i felt the need to say the obvious to Laura & co in a previous post about a week ago. I second this comment even though i know you're all aware & vigilant.
On another note, i listened to the 1st show this morning (approaching last chapter in HoM but couldn't resist checking the podcast) & i think the male hosts should boost their microphone or something because i had to strain my ears pretty much all throughout - & i've got a volume booster app! Laura came through clear though. I haven't listened to yesterday's show so maybe the sound was better. Great show (only my 3rd show!) & more like it are probably needed for J.C. alone.
Laura said:
"Meanwhile, the crew here have set up a little "set" for me to get back in front of the camera and talk about certain topics that have been laid aside for too long now. So much to do, so little time, so much attack and betrayal, and so few helpers."

Laura, if there is anything my partner and I could possibly do to help make things easier for you and the crew, please just give the word.

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