Show #30: Assassinated Heroes

Belibaste said:
By the way here is a video interview of the journalist who wrote the book about Coluche assassination (2 parts but unfortunately only available in French).

Thank you, Belibaste, for posting a video and the quote. :) Unfortunately, my French is not good. Two month of studiying French some 20 years ago is obviously not enough:lol: The only info I could find in English was this: _ where it was said that it was Guy Dauve who was directly connected to the murder and a story about the censorship of the information about him by, and accusations of defending Paedophilia. It's difficult to understand anything because there are a lot of links that don't work, and I'm not very well versed in French politics to put it mildly. I'll keep looking and reading.

Here are two more Coluche's quotes:

"Playing the fool can be useful, but really it’s easier just to be one"

"Half of the politicians can’t do anything, the other half would do anything"
H-KQGE said:
The more i look at the photos the more i remember how princess Diana exuded so much poise & grace, a quiet confidence, such warmth & sincerity that any human being could sense it & would be magnetically drawn to it. I'm sure many were upset when she had to leave, & she probably was too.

If the lady in the headscarf's name is Benazir Bhutto then i remember a woman a few years back who i thought was a real powerhouse, intelligent & well spoken with an obviously very clear thought process that allowed me to understand what was happening with Pakistan & the whole democracy mess.
I feel that these 2 women wouldn't have put up with the rape, the inequality & corruption, the famine or the heavy weapons or oil "scandals" (because so many say "that's scandalous!" then go back to their sports/soap opera/"reality television" fanaticism) & i'm emphasizing that the effect on the ponerized youth, male & female would've/could've been enormous.

I agree. I felt drawn to Benazir Bhutto (with the head scarf) and Diana. I can't remember when this was, but when I was much younger I thought that RK was the most beautiful man in the world. I was shocked when people said that he wasn't as good-looking as his brother. I may have seen a different quality, I don't know.
For these past few years, before coming to SOTT and the forum I did wonder why these men were shot in a time span of five years and what was going on. Malcolm X was also shot to death during that same time (in 1965).

I also think that MLK exuded poise and grace and was 'aristocratic' in his own way. On top of that he was also very intelligent, OSIT. He said some beautiful and powerful things.

They killed the positive potential of past male heroes, then the modern females. Just think what might have been if any of those discussed on the show had lived, never mind the spiritual (mental emotional physical) snowball effect if several of them had.
Because of sott, the forum, heck the whole cass site, i can objectively really learn about so many topics, especially the subject of history which i love.
Thank you sott crew, your hard work is most appreciated. :grad:

Laura has said somewhere that 9/11 couldn't have happened, if Diana had been there or something along those lines.

I think we have to make sure that we build up our own positive potential and keep remembering our heroes. That is why I liked this show so much. When we talk about our heroes and think of them, then they are still here in some way. They still influence our lives if we let them.

If you are interested in history, H-KQGE, then I can recommend the video series 'Evidence of Revision' which details the lives of JFK, RK and MLK. I think you can find it on the SOTT page.
Mariama on Today at 07:19:54 PM said:
If you are interested in history, H-KQGE, then I can recommend the video series 'Evidence of Revision' which details the lives of JFK, RK and MLK. I think you can find it on the SOTT page.

Thanks Mariama! I've had SOTT bookmarked from the off & intended to get 'round to watching it but i'm currently working slowly through some of the recommended reading material. I clean forgot about watching it, but there's no excuse for not doing so since i can watch it in parts before work in the mornings like i do with mainstream news. I'll check it out tomorrow.
Kniall said:
Here is RFK's speech again, announcing MLK's death. Still gives me shivers!

Me too. Thank you for posting this video, Kniall. In the video it was said that although there were riots all over the US, there was none in Indianapolis where Robert Kennedy gave his speech. And it seems, that all true heroes have such power in their voices (certain frequency, maybe) that it resonates with the whole being of people who are capable to receive it.

Here's Martin Luther King, Jr: "Mountaintop" (full length) [Note: for educational purposes only]
H-KQGE said:
Mariama on Today at 07:19:54 PM said:
If you are interested in history, H-KQGE, then I can recommend the video series 'Evidence of Revision' which details the lives of JFK, RK and MLK. I think you can find it on the SOTT page.

Thanks Mariama! I've had SOTT bookmarked from the off & intended to get 'round to watching it but i'm currently working slowly through some of the recommended reading material. I clean forgot about watching it, but there's no excuse for not doing so since i can watch it in parts before work in the mornings like i do with mainstream news. I'll check it out tomorrow.

I read quite a bit, but sometimes I am too tired. Then watching a video or a film is a nice change.


Added: Thanks Kniall and Olesya for the videos. :) I am watching them right now. These men are truly inspiring.
Excellent show guys.

I got to say that RFK speech got me teary eyed. Wow, what a speech! Goosebumps all over!

Just a note on the sports heroes thing, there are some exceptions to the rule. For example when I found out about Cristiano Ronaldos support for Palestinian children, I was pleasantly surprised.

Link one, Link two.

Then again he may be doing it for selfish reasons, but you never know.

I got to say with all the “assassinations” and the sheer amount of highly improbable “lucky” events in “his-story” on the side of chaos, it's definitely confirming the C's hypothesis of multiverse pruning, ie “time” travel manipulation, OSIT.
To hear these men is like taking vitamins for the soul. How different our world would have been if they were not killed. More I read about them more I am conscious of our reality. How orphans I feel we are, how hungry for peace and love, how sad it is all about it.

Thanks for the videos!
loreta said:
To hear these men is like taking vitamins for the soul. How different our world would have been if they were not killed. More I read about them more I am conscious of our reality. How orphans I feel we are, how hungry for peace and love, how sad it is all about it.

Thanks for the videos!

I love the way you so eloquently put it loreta, and I too felt teary listening to RKs speech on the show. About to watch the videos from the links above.

Great show SoTT team :)
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