I had ideas for comments, but only after the show ended.
So I guess I'll post here for possible general discussion instead. These aren't exactly ground-breaking thoughts, just what came to mind.
I was thinking about the concept of a universe made of ones and zeros, "yes and no", Being/Non-Being. Clearly a state of having all ones or all zeros is pretty "boring", it contains very little information. So it seems like the goal of true self-development would not be to accumulate ones and get rid of zeros, achieving "one-ness" (:P) in a simplistic sense.
The other thought is that if you really have Faith - that is, a basic trust in reality whatever it may turn out to be - then it will be demonstrated in what you do. If you don't seek Truth, question, perfect what you know, and
act on it, then you are demonstrating "little faith in terms of your interaction with Creation" (that C's quote, paraphrased). What you do sends information out into the world, and then if you have Faith you will be keeping your "eyes and ears" open to accept and try to understand the response you get back. Like a "conversation with God".
An interesting effect of this seems to be that those with the most Faith will be the hardest workers (within their means). I mean , what IS "faith without works"? The closest thing seems to be belief, a dead end. And I suppose works without Faith is just stupidity, or worse, psychopathy?
Anyway, these are things that have already been discussed here, the show just got me thinking about them.