Show #64: The 'Wetiko Virus' and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

Once again, great show. It was refreshing to hear someone who can SEE the psychopathy-psychosis in our world today and studies it, shares his research. Excellent job folks :thup:
Menrva said:
Once again, great show. It was refreshing to hear someone who can SEE the psychopathy-psychosis in our world today and studies it, shares his research. Excellent job folks :thup:

Amazing interview.

It's really cool to hear that there are other collinear people with their budding communities (Paul has mentioned his) taking care of each other to keep awake (=away from the 'Wetiko')

Maybe there is a lot more of these 'awakening' groups, only they aren't aware of each other.

And because of the collinearity factor, the overall "critical soul mass" is just a bit greater than each community would suppose looking at the world around them.. ? For what it's worth.

Thank you for the show!
I'm grateful to the caller Bernard for his question and the following discussion really brought it back to reality for me.

Paul Levy was providing a 'multi-leveled' overview, and his focus seemed to be getting the 'big picture' across and so - for me - i began to get lost in the philosophy and started to question whether their was anything to implement or incorporate. This did however provide opportunity for the Sott team to chime in with practical examples and advice, which is actually their specialty :cool2: and perhaps a new friendship is on the cards.

All in all, an exciting interview! ;) I'm loving the guests right now.
Listened to the show last night and thought, wow, this is interesting on so many levels. Levy shared from his background as Buddhist practitioner, yet was very aware of the threads running through the work done here, even, as was said, including his reading from SHOTW, and the Wave Series etc. Hope Paul gets a chance to read Comets and the Horns of Mosses, too.

Here is another show i'll need to hear at least twice - thanks everyone involved for offering another excellent SoTT Talk discussion.
Menrva said:
Once again, great show. It was refreshing to hear someone who can SEE the psychopathy-psychosis in our world today and studies it, shares his research. Excellent job folks :thup:

I agree, what a fantastic show! Thanks to everyone. :)

One of the most significant aspects for me, of these shows, is hearing how the same subject matter is expressed differently by folk. I think Jason referred to that, and gave examples using his 'language' - which I felt Paul really enjoyed too. Aside from a basic framework, these shows just seem to evolve organically and creatively, which makes it so interesting to listen to!

I liked Paul's reference to SAPA - Spiritually Aware Political Activists. I guess that could mean essentially - DOing, applying ones knowledge, or even 'helping others onto the step you've left behind' - using our own respective 'language' and creative ability.
Sott Team is bringing us strong thought-reprogramming routines this year. Paul Levy's work is very big. Think about this Wetiko virus, an easily digestible definition for all evil, ponerogenesis explained, thought-particles injected into minds by media coalescing into Wetiko. Watch your thoughts, a perfect reminder and teacher this radio show was!

How Neo had that organic cyber-worm injected into his body in The Matrix. How at that time new-agey/Zetatalk people talked about aliens injecting programming-thoughts into peoples head by phone calls, media through heard voice, speeches.

The Wetiko-element content is apparently high in many Hollywood "romantic" movies nowadays - you now the kind that should heal and entertain tired people - with that crazy sick, hysterical, stuck-up representation of relationships, where the director creates situations designed to hurt the psyche of the watcher, injecting Wetiko that remains the next day in the mind.

Hello! Some people are watching these movies, because they want healing. So this painful craziness was going on until recently when director Tom Gormican finally came out with a healthy, normal and healing romantic movie titled That Awkward Moment (2014). Check it out and notice the difference!

In the 90's there was Crocodile Dundee I-II.: what an astonishing difference in content compared to nowadays sickly histerical romantic movies filled with Wetiko viral elements.
Thank you for the show, I enjoyed listening. A very important and interesting topic.
Really lifted my spirits listening to this show. Paul Levey was a fantastic guest, so in-tune with the forum and work of Laura. As well as being enlightening and complimentary to other archetypes presented on the forum, I loved the practical advice to express our creativity and develop compassion to protect ourselves.
For those of you who liked that Radio Show, Paul Levy has just published his new book, “Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father”. This one is more autobiographical.

“In Awakened by Darkness I flesh out the ideas I wrote about in Dispelling Wetiko by adding a personal dimension, offering myself as my own case study so as to give the subject matter living form. The story of how the diabolical wetiko virus played out in my family, as well as within my own mind, while simultaneously being synchronistically mirrored by the outside world can help to illumine how this insidious mind virus is playing itself out in each of our lives, as well as within the world at large. I’ve been waiting my whole life to tell my story and write this book; I’ve finally found the words.” - Paul Levy
6″ x 9″ ~ 596 pages ~ 23 photographs
Awaken in the Dream Publishing

from reviews said:
“Having been fearless, indefatigable, and piercingly brilliant in his exposures and analyses of Wetiko, ‘the greatest epidemic sickness known to humanity,’ Paul Levy now carries his study of the evil that may destroy the world one step farther—into his own family. Families are petri dishes for Wetiko, unknowingly harboring the virus, watering it with smiles, causing it to grow in virulence until its power is immense and its destructiveness entire. Paul Levy’s own father carried the virus, and Levy himself experienced the scalding, irradiating, fierce, utterly destructive force of it when his father’s sickness was projected onto him. By sheer strength, stamina, insight, and will, Levy survived. And now he brings us the story of what he went through, and therefore also the story of what our world is going through. With the depth of Freud and Jung, the wisdom of Buddha, the powerful dramatic force of Dostoyevsky, Paul Levy offers up to us a biography that, if we’re able to read it right, will greatly help us in our pressing and universal struggle for sanity and survival.”
Eric Larson
Author of A Nation Gone Blind and professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

“In Paul Levy’s stunning new book, the question of ‘Does Primal Evil Exist?’ leaps free of academic discourse and positions itself directly in the face and psyche of the reader. Awakened by Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father would become almost too depressing to handle if it were not for the pilgrim soul within the author that struggles always to bring forth his inner Shaman and to employ the wisdom of many master teachers and many spiritual and psychic paths. Paul Levy is to be praised for his courage in sharing his personal battle with the persistent forces of Darkness. Levy offers hope to all fellow pilgrims with his detailed metaphysical battle plans to keep evil at bay in their own lives.”
Brad Steiger
Author of numerous books on the paranormal and the spiritual

Hard copy as well as a PDF available under the above link.

Direct link to a video of the book release:
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