Show #7 - Paleo food: Staying Healthy in a GMO world

Great show! Joe's speculation on the intelligence (and malevolence) of plants was hilarious!
It got me thinking, though. Where does the "organic portal" mechanism kick in? Is it only applicable to animals, where the individual's "soul shard" returns to the archetypal soul (i.e. when a squirrel dies, it's soul shard returns to the squirrel archetype), or does it apply to plants as well? It seems to me that the method might apply for 1D/2D transitions as well...and if that's the case, maybe beneficial mutations aren't random Darwinism at all, but are guided by the archetype?
I caller mention the unavailability of a product called KM that had lots of potassium and magnesium - I think it can be found and purchased at this link: and other links by googling KM potassium. Although it doesn't look to have as much potassium in it as the caller indicated and I haven't found indicated in product descriptions how much magnesium it has. Maybe the product has changed since the 1980's when the caller used it.

edit added: Jumped the gun and should have listened a little more, since Joe does mention this product after searching on google.
Just chiming in as i attended a lecture last night presented by, Dr. Shiv Chopra, who worked for the Canadian government, and who in 1998 had a file land on his desk from Eli Lilly, presenting their Bovine Growth Hormone patent. Following this, he refused to accept it without rigorous study. He was muzzled by his government only to find out later that Monsanto applied for the same thing in the U.S. which was accepted. He and other scientists spoke out in a fascinating series of events.

Also speaking last night was Dr. Thierry Vrain, originally from Paris, France, moving to Quebec (early 70's) and then to UBC in British Columbia. His lecture was on the propagated biotech myths - he does a really good job of deconstructing what is.

Both of these are excellent speakers and would highly recommended them as possible future SoTT guests.

I'll put together a brief on what they did and had to say with links.
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