Sleep Paralysis - Black Figure/Orbs

Hi Menna, would like to chim in just to kindly suggest you to reflect carefully on the suggestions given by other forum members. The choice is yours of course though by experiencing what you've experienced lately I'd do all in my power in order not to attract unwelcomed guests around me while I'm sleeping, an STO being won't never violate your free will so if there is someone out there who is hovering around you then that's definitely not your friend me thinks.

Doing the POTS before going to sleep will certainly add to your defenses against eventual unwelcoming guests out there.

Take care!
I´m sorry for your trouble Menna...

I think that you´ve received an excellent feedback.
I also don´t think you should even think of talking to those entities and that you should fight back mentally and physically. I tent to yell in my dream to let me go and get the **** away from me - resulting me waking up yelling. I´ve never saw anything in realty...

In addition, I´d like to ask if you recently moved to this apartment/house?
Either way, maybe you can do some salting and cleaning the energy of the house especially your bedroom and create a barrier with salt and crystals as well as your mind.
In what position is your bed?
Maybe doing energy cleaning + mental and physically blocking + rearranging your bed position according to i.e. Feng Shui might help.

Hello Menna,
You have already been given some great advice here. I'd like to third the suggestion to re-read the wave series if you wish, as it looks like there are some parts you may have forgotten over time.

I'd like to draw your attention to a quote from the C's from one of the sessions. Laura discusses this in the Wave:
October 5, 1996

A: Each soul has its own patterning, which is held in place by the three bodies of existence “thought center, spirit center and physical center”. There are specific methodologies for adjusting these, and traveling into or out of other planes of existence. When one does not properly utilize these, one tears the fabric of their trilateral continuum when they seek to travel. This can be very problematic, and may lead to the soul being unable to reconnect with the body, thus causing the physical center to perish!!!
Then, there is Nienna's excellent post which I couldn't word better:
Hello, Erowid. I'd like to share something with you that I share quite a bit here for people who are wondering about, or enamored of, various things such as astral travel and other higher realms.

From The Sufi Path of Knowledge by Chittick, Ibn al ‘Arabi says:
"Nowadays most people interested in the spirituality of the East desire the "experience," though they may call what they are after "intimate communion with God." Those familiar with the standards and norms of spiritual experience set down by disciplined paths are usually appalled at the way Westerners seize upon any apparition from the domain outside of normal consciousness as a manifestation of the "spiritual." In fact there are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. No person familiar with the teachings of Sufism would dare lay himself open to such forces..."

And, then, there is this that Laura discusses in The Wave I (which I strongly agree with Aiming's suggestion that you read that series if you haven't already) speaking of the experience of a woman who is talking about The Beautiful Lady:

"She puts the robe around me and then my mind separates from my body. I can look back and see it lying there. Then we go up through the ceiling, pop out the roof, and fly into space. One night the Lady took me back in time. We were in a foreign country and the people wore old-fashioned clothes. The Lady took on the appearance of a beautiful woman in a blue robe. She performed miracles for them..."

Suddenly Ann's face turned ashen and she asked to be excused. Her scream of pain was heard from the bathroom where she had taken refuge. When Ann came out, she was sniffling and holding her abdomen. The Lady had savagely attacked her for revealing that down through history, creatures like the Lady have taken the form of saints. They then use the gullibility of humankind to misguide and misinform people so that they believe they are seeing miracles performed. Ann begged the newsman to delete that portion of the interview." (Osborn, 1982)"

I think that it is very important to know about the forces that inhabit other dimensions and densities because they are not all wonderful spiritual beings that want to guide and help us. Knowledge protects and ignorance endangers could not be more applicable than in cases like these.

As has been suggested by others, if you want to understand what this forum is all about, reading The Wave series is a must.
Laura discusses these things, and much more, in her The Wave series. You can purchase them on Amazon, or from Pilule Rouge or from Red Pill Press. Which gives back to Laura for all of her hard work on these books; or you can read The Wave series for free starting here.

We understand here that there are no free lunches. There are no sort cuts in learning, that is, really learning. So reading the materials offered here on the Recommended Books List will go a long way to building on your base of knowledge.

Also, just as an aside, "enlightened" doesn't mean spiritual or that one is a good person; it simply means that you have a lot of knowledge. That knowledge can be used for good or evil depending on the person who has it.
I might also consider diet as well, have you changed anything in the past month? If I ate something that didn't agree with me I could have sleep paralysis and hear people trying to get in the door/window or hear people rustling around in the room. I'd fight them off or tell them to go away and stop annoying me, do mental blocking and hold mental Reiki symbols over the door/window.
Why would you want to talk to "it" and hence giving it energy? That defeats the purpose of erecting a mental barrier and getting rid of it, whether it's something out there or a product of the workings of the mind.
I sympathise with you Menna. I have had some episodes of sleep paralysis in the past ( much less frequently now though). They were very scary to me but I am a bit of a scaredy cat in reality. Since having my crystals I cannot remember when the last episode was thankfully. When it used to happen I would pray in my head for angelic assistance to get rid of it. This used to help a lot. The experience was like something pressing on top of me but I could never discern what it was. Interestingly it never gave me the feeling of evil which I know some people have experienced. Still, it was most unpleasant and I am glad that the experiences have diminished now.

I would never have communicated with it to the extent of asking what it was and what it wanted. I have always erred on the side of caution and this could be a big mistake, especially with something that presented itself as black and could be quite negative. A great big shouty NO would suffice much better.

Just slightly off topic for a minute - since doing my spinning nightly (which I really enjoy) I have several times been asleep and in a situation where I have been struggling to get my hands apart. The fingers seem to be interlocked with each other and try as I might I cannot separate them. I was wondering if this was something to do with the energy produced by the spinning or whether it is another aspect of sleep paralysis.
Thank you for your response and the link to the Wave portion that speaks about paralysis and black figures. These figures relating to thought realm makes sense.

what’s going on in my life is a non logical in probable high % of negative occurrences in an industry that I care about and I’m involved in. It’s like I am flipping a quarter 100x and 90% of the time it’s turning up tails (tails representing a negative outcome) and in wanting to see life objectively and to live in reality I am forced to see the non logical/Un probable 90/100 coin turning up tails...This forces a negative/frustrated thought pattern in all areas of my life it creates a cascade of woa is me thinking and seeing the negative side of a dynamic. As the Cs said there are two sides and the middle/balance my thought patterns because of the 90% tails is negative in life recently. I can see the sleep paralyses as a warning I need thoughts to be more balanced even if a situation is objectively negative. But to me this is like living in a fairy tail either A you avoid thinking about a problem or B you think balance into a situation that is negative ... how is this objective?
I do see I need to change the thought patterns or future self will be different like Laura said. But how to be objective if something’s are negative and ur suppose to be balanced in life when majority of things that are important to you currently are negative?
I think that's where networking comes in handy, because you can get an outside perspective on those things and determine if there are thought errors that need adjusted, or if there are actions that need to be taken/changed.

It might help you to list these negative things for us if you want to. You might find a pattern or realise that the percentage perhaps isn't 90% like you think.
Here it goes...Since 2018

1) Bitcoin mining investment shut down by the SEC/FBI - Result lost money
2) Investment in CBD/MJ Farm in California - SEC Case fraudulent investment - Result lost money
3) NY Hemp Farm investment - Investment performance that was sold to investors is not happenng investors lied to
4) Cryptocurrency banking investment - Investment performance that was sold to investors is not happenng investors lied to
5) CBD Facility Investment - Investment performance that was sold to investors is not happenng investors lied to
6) Technology investment with fixed return - SEC shut it down turned out to be ponzi scheme
7) Investment property I was sold - Lied to about condition of property. Tenant damaged home I was out 7 figures
8) Job I started a year in a half ago - Started off very well I am handinling my role last 4-6 months influx of resonsibility piling on of responsibility stress and what have you - Annoyed that my smarts good work was taken advantaged of
9) Purchased an Amazon store through a company - Performance was over exaggerated and delays result under performance financially
10) PPP loan Bank Of America messed up - Bank of AMerica gave me a larger PPP loan then I should of got and now im on the hook to pay it back as that excess cant be forgiven even though I was told it would be a year ago...

All the normal everyday Pandemic struggles 2020-2021 ( I know others going through this but its still there)

I know there are people in the word with harder hardships...

Yes I know this is heavily financial and there is no imidiate health concerns and no major deaths in the family but I do have an underlying health condition that I deal with day to day that I was diagnosed with at 19 and the above dissapointment % bad fortune doesnt make sense from a propabablity stand point.

I have all my limbs, both parents are alive and currently healthy a few good friends I am greatful for all that ....... But the above dissapointments in 3 years doesnt make sense its tough for the thoughts to remain positive.

Yes, I have changed my investment phylosiphy and only invest in things that are heavily regulated or just keep money in the bank but the amount of dissapointment since 2018 makes me pick up on all the other non logical dissapointing dynamics in life as I am doing the work and training myself to see the Objectivity in situations if the objectivity in ones personal life IS negative then...This leads to a running together of thoughts in a negative pattern hence I believe the black orbs and paralysis....What should I do ignore the negative or pretend its not that or put a subjective positive spin on it?

Also the overreaching thought of sacrificing lifes pleasures for the past 7-8 year above a 40hr work week to earn the money to then just invest it and it being taken away by fraud over and over again......
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Maybe it’s time for me to learn/attempt/explore out of body travel I have been interested in it for some time and noticed hemisync was mentioned in the last Cs sessions.

Fwiw, the only times I experienced sleep paralysis was during a period when I was interested in astral travel. Perhaps just the interest in it opens people up to the conditions that create sleep paralysis. Once I moved on, the sleep paralysis eventually stopped.
I’d like to talk with this black figure orb if I could but don’t think it is possible.

Black figure orb is nothing but trouble. Ever read the books of Karla Turner or other abduction material? Them visiting you doesn't make you special. Just an easy prey. The more interest you show. The more you start opening doors. I highly suggest you start dealing with normal life and leave the high strangeness out of the door. Stop feeding it. Or chances are you will be permanently abducted. And that's a very brutal way to go.
But the above dissapointments in 3 years doesnt make sense its tough for the thoughts to remain positive.

Fast money is usually scam money. 70% of people lose money in these high volatility markets. It also usually takes years before you see any or a good return in investments. So you are certainly not alone in this.

Also the overreaching thought of sacrificing lifes pleasures for the past 7-8 year above a 40hr work week to earn the money to then just invest it and it being taken away by fraud over and over again......

Why did you kept trying? Was there perhaps a lesson in all of this you missed?

Yes I know this is heavily financial and there is no imidiate health concerns and no major deaths in the family but I do have an underlying health condition that I deal with day to day that I was diagnosed with at 19

Sorry to hear Menna! If you want to talk about it we are here. :)

Also the overreaching thought of sacrificing lifes pleasures for the past 7-8 year above a 40hr work week to earn the money to then just invest it and it being taken away by fraud over and over again......

That sucks! No doubt about it. But don't underestimate the joy of a ''normal life'' meaning a stable family life in the possible future. There are still things to look forward to, right?
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That pretty much explains why you keep having these experiences. There isn't really any point in giving you advice about how to stop it when you don't want it to stop. Good luck.
The advice I recieved over the last 12 hrs since I said I wanted to learn more about it/talk to it has made me realize I should change my thought patterns...I was given the part of the wave that talks about my expeirence and it is clear my thoughts although objective about certain aspects bleed into other aspects and it seems if I continue in this way I will create an unwanted future self like laura said...
The advice I recieved over the last 12 hrs since I said I wanted to learn more about it/talk to it has made me realize I should change my thought patterns...I was given the part of the wave that talks about my expeirence and it is clear my thoughts although objective about certain aspects bleed into other aspects and it seems if I continue in this way I will create an unwanted future self like laura said...

Good thinking.
Also the overreaching thought of sacrificing lifes pleasures for the past 7-8 year above a 40hr work week to earn the money to then just invest it and it being taken away by fraud over and over again......

I'm sorry to hear your plans didn't work out Menna. I'd say one thing that may have helped was networking about your plans and investments. I don't know if we have any investment specialists here but what we do have is a lot of people with a lot of life experience. And the network is large enough to be able to offer you feedback and insight that your own analysis may have missed.

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