A smoker of what? A tire smoker? It's not precised!Propaganda alert!
A smoker of what? A tire smoker? It's not precised!Propaganda alert!
Healthy Subjects With Extreme Patterns of Performance Differ in Functional Network Topology and Benefits From Nicotine
Our findings provide additional evidence that a nicotine based treatment has the potential to improve attentional performance in a subgroup of predisposed subjects that show atypical patterns of low attentional or executive behaviour and differences in local integration of functional brain network topology. This finding may also be of relevance for other disorders such as mild cognitive impairment where a pilot trial on long term nicotine treatment resulted in improved attention, memory and psychomotor speed (Newhouse et al., 2012) or the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia (Tregellas and Wylie, 2019).
Nicotine enhances auditory processing in healthy and normal-hearing young adult nonsmokers
Nicotine significantly improved performance in the more difficult tasks of tone-in-noise detection and selective attention (effect size = - 0.3) but had no effect on relatively easier tasks of temporal gap detection and spectral ripple discrimination. The two tasks showing significant nicotine effects further showed no baseline-dependent improvement.
Nicotine improves auditory performance in difficult listening situations. The present results support future investigation of nicotine effects in clinical populations with auditory processing deficits or reduced cholinergic activation.
I've now been a smoker for 20 years and I've never regretted taking up the habit;
Do you happen to smoke organic cigarettes and if so where do you get them. I'm having great difficulty sourcing some.
Ah, good question
Thanks for replying. I'll just keep hunting.
Oxajil. Thanks for giving me this info. I've tried a few German sites that don't deliver to U.K. This one,however, does..
Nothing is simple however. I've gone through the motions of ordering but when I get to my address details, there's a big pink box saying PLACE. I've looked around to see if there is any explaination for this word but no luck. Do you know what info they want in this box.? I'm really sorry to put on you like this.
SlipNet, Reading through the smoking section I noticed you are from G.B. Do you happen to smoke organic cigarettes and if so where do you get them. I'm having great difficulty sourcing some.
I use this site to buy fairgreen tobacco, prices are excellent and its organic. They also do mohauk and sauvage tobacco and are additive free and American spirit organic tobacco and cigarettes . I'm sure they deliver to the UK aswell.
"...nicotine alters the homeostasis of the RAS by upregulating the detrimental angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)/angiotensin (ANG)-II/ANG II type 1 receptor axis and downregulating the compensatory ACE2/ANG-(1–7)/Mas receptor axis" = CVD
So this must mean that with coronavirus, ACE2 is an issue. You want to up regulate ACE and down regulate/suppress ACE2.
Coronavirus has an affinity for ACE2 receptor sites.
"Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors have been shown to be the entry point into human cells for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. ... Potential upregulation of ACE2 by ACE inhibitors or ARBs has resulted in a speculation of potential increased risk for COVID-19 infection in patients with background treatment of these medications."
Also of note, studies indicate that ACE2 increased to a greater extent than ACE with undernutrition.
Cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases (CVPD). Although cigarette smoking has been in constant decline since the 1950s, the introduction of e-cigarettes or electronic nicotine delivery systems 10 yr ago has attracted former smokers as well as a new generation of consumers. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and it is currently unclear whether e-cigarettes are “safer” than regular cigarettes or whether they have the potential to reverse the health benefits, notably on the cardiopulmonary system, acquired with the decline of tobacco smoking. Of great concern, nicotine inhalation devices are becoming popular among young adults and youths, emphasizing the need for awareness and further study of the potential cardiopulmonary risks of nicotine and associated products. This review focuses on the interaction between nicotine and the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), one of the most important regulatory systems on autonomic, cardiovascular, and pulmonary functions in both health and disease. The literature presented in this review strongly suggests that nicotine alters the homeostasis of the RAS by upregulating the detrimental angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)/angiotensin (ANG)-II/ANG II type 1 receptor axis and downregulating the compensatory ACE2/ANG-(1–7)/Mas receptor axis, contributing to the development of CVPD.
As many of you know, this is what happened to Ark in December, after he contracted the virus in November. But here I should mention that it was piperacillin/tazobactam that stopped the whole thing in its tracks; but that was only in January. So he apparently survived the whole main show pretty much on his own.