Sodom and Gomorrah


The Force is Strong With This One
The Bible hints that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in a Volcanic eruption, the problem is that there is no active volcanoes in Canaan or Syria, no where, the only Active volcanoes are in the Mediterranean.

Mount Etna is an active volcano in Sicily, historically it erupted in 122BCE and 396BCE.

A particularly violent explosive (Plinian) summit eruption occurred in 122 BC, and caused heavy tephra falls to the southeast, including the town of Catania

The word 'Catania' broken down as CTN
CTN > CDN > CDM ( Codom ) bear in the mind 'Sodom' in Phoenician is XDM and written in Greek as Xodom.

Gomorrah in Phoenician is written 'Omre' which could refer to the Sicilian
city of 'Himera' or the Sicilian city of 'Kamarina'.

Sodom : Catania
Gomorrah : Himera / Kamarina
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Mount Etna.

The name ETNA is derived from the Phoenician 'Attuna' meaning Furnace
which relates to the Greek 'Aitho' (burn). These are also similar descriptions of Mount Sinai (XINI) which is also called Mount Elohim, which evoked the term "Elymi", which is an ancient name for Sicily.
Kamarina (Greek: Καμὰρινα, Italian: Camarina) was an ancient city on the southern coast of Sicily in southern Italy. The ruins of the site and an archaeological museum are located south of the modern town Scoglitti, a frazione of the comune Vittoria in the province of Ragusa.

Just before the Carthaginians razed Kamarina in the 5th century BC, the Kamarinians were plagued with a mysterious disease. The marsh of Kamarina had protected the city from its hostile neighbors to the north. It was suspected that the marsh was the source of the strange illness and the idea of draining the marsh to end the epidemic became popular (the germ theory of disease was millennia in the future, but some people associated swamps with disease). The town oracle was consulted. The oracle advised the leaders not to drain the marsh, suggesting the plague would pass with time. But the discontent was widespread and the leaders opted to drain the marsh against the oracle's advice. Once it was dry, there was nothing stopping the Carthaginian army from advancing. They marched across the newly drained marsh and razed the city, killing every last inhabitant.

This evoked the story of Moses, which depicted with an army travelling across the 'Red Sea'... Red Sea in Hebrew is "YAM XUP" but the Phoenician term "XUP" does not mean Red, but "MARSH" and in the Book of Joshua, this Marsh(Red Sea)
did not split in two, but dried out.

Joshua 4:23
For the LORD your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the LORD your God did to the Red (XUP) sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over:
This is a title from a recent podcast from Danny Jones channel with George Howard. He cites many academic articles that have been denied existence from many mainstream articles.

List and outline of topics.

He introduces some articles in this presentation from many areas of altrnative informed academia. Some who have changed there traditional views by the introdduction of new research and information.

One such study was that after the Younger Dryers impact, was the the the women/male ratio was 14/1 female?

One thing I do have and issue with, is that some of his archaeological evidence is founded on so called 'Biblical History"

00:00 - Carolina bays craters24:56 - Global black mat layer36:44 - Airburst evidence45:49 - Biblical archeology; Tall Al-Hammam57:16 - Stunted tree ring research01:06:20 - Younger dryas period01:14:24 - Population decline in younger dryas01:22:25 - YouTubers vs academia01:28:28 - Ancient precision vases01:35:23 - Dark side of the moon01:43:15 - Panspermia evidence02:00:53 - Malcolm Bendall deleted Rogan show02:11:58 - Thunderstorm generator02:19:50 - Commercial purchase?02:24:04 - Malcolm at Cosmic Summit 202402:25:49 - Cosmic Summit 2024 guests

I found this segment regarding Malcolm Bendall most interesting. Is he a charlatan? Or is this a form of technology, we have never know or experienced in our reality? Or a spellbinder?

What I find frustrating, is the control numbers, before the so called experiment, are blurry and basically unreadable, to my eyes, but during the so called experiment, clear.
C's mentioned that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by Lizzies using Electro magnetic Pulse, Nuclear weapon to instill fear and obedience. Bible story is distorted. Many believe it is in Jordan valley and so think it is black sea .

As usual alternate historians who tries to tie every thing to cataclysms tend to mix it to Younger Dryas event or other related cosmic events? There is other possibility is, it could be cometary event which is a reflection of Lizzie's desire to use destory.

This raises the question( to make sense of chronology), when did it happen? where?
C's mentioned that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by Lizzies using Electro magnetic Pulse, Nuclear weapon to instill fear and obedience. Bible story is distorted. Many believe it is in Jordan valley and so think it is black sea .

As usual alternate historians who tries to tie every thing to cataclysms tend to mix it to Younger Dryas event or other related cosmic events? There is other possibility is, it could be cometary event which is a reflection of Lizzie's desire to use destory.

This raises the question( to make sense of chronology), when did it happen? where?
It could be this one; it happened about 3,600 years ago or roughly 1650 BCE over Tall el-Hammam.

Researchers present evidence that a cosmic impact destroyed a biblical city in the Jordan Valley

Ancient Airburst
© Allen West and Jennifer Rice, CC BY-ND

In the Middle Bronze Age (about 3,600 years ago or roughly 1650 BCE), the city of Tall el-Hammam was ascendant. Located on high ground in the southern Jordan Valley, northeast of the Dead Sea, the settlement in its time had become the largest continuously occupied Bronze Age city in the southern Levant, having hosted early civilization for a few thousand years. At that time, it was 10 times larger than Jerusalem and 5 times larger than Jericho.

"It's an incredibly culturally important area," said James Kennett (link is external), emeritus professor of earth science at UC Santa Barbara. "Much of where the early cultural complexity of humans developed is in this general area."

A favorite site for archaeologists and biblical scholars, the mound hosts evidence of culture all the way from the Chalcolithic, or Copper Age, all compacted into layers as the highly strategic settlement was built, destroyed and rebuilt over millennia.

But there is a 1.5-meter interval in the Middle Bronze Age II stratum that caught the interest of some researchers for its "highly unusual" materials. In addition to the debris one would expect from destruction via warfare and earthquakes, they found pottery shards with outer surfaces melted into glass, "bubbled" mudbrick and partially melted building material, all indications of an anomalously high-temperature event, much hotter than anything the technology of the time could produce.

"We saw evidence for temperatures greater than 2,000 degrees Celsius," said Kennett, whose research group at the time happened to have been building the case for an older cosmic airburst about 12,800 years ago that triggered major widespread burning, climatic changes and animal extinctions. The charred and melted materials at Tall el-Hammam looked familiar, and a group of researchers including impact scientist Allen West and Kennett joined Trinity Southwest University biblical scholar Philip J. Silvia's research effort to determine what happened at this city 3,650 years ago.

Their results (link is external) are published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.

Salt and Bone

Excavation Site
© UC Sanata Barbara

"There's evidence of a large cosmic airburst, close to this city called Tall el-Hammam," Kennett said of an explosion similar to the Tunguska Event, a roughly 12-megaton airburst that occurred in 1908, when a 56-60-meter meteor pierced the Earth's atmosphere over the Eastern Siberian Taiga.

The shock of the explosion over Tall el-Hammam was enough to level the city, flattening the palace and surrounding walls and mudbrick structures, according to the paper. The distribution of bones indicated "extreme disarticulation and skeletal fragmentation in nearby humans."

For Kennett, further proof of the airburst was found by conducting many different kinds of analyses on soil and sediments from the critical layer. Tiny iron- and silica-rich spherules turned up in their analysis, as did melted metals.

"I think one of the main discoveries is shocked quartz. These are sand grains containing cracks that form only under very high pressure," Kennett said of one of many lines of evidence that point to a large airburst near Tall el-Hammam. "We have shocked quartz from this layer, and that means there were incredible pressures involved to shock the quartz crystals — quartz is one of the hardest minerals; it's very hard to shock."

The airburst, according to the paper, may also explain the "anomalously high concentrations of salt" found in the destruction layer — an average of 4% in the sediment and as high as 25% in some samples.

"The salt was thrown up due to the high impact pressures," Kennett said of the meteor that likely fragmented upon contact with the Earth's atmosphere. "And it may be that the impact partially hit the Dead Sea, which is rich in salt." The local shores of the Dead Sea are also salt-rich, so the impact may have redistributed those salt crystals far and wide — not just at Tall el-Hammam, but also nearby Tell es-Sultan (proposed as the biblical Jericho, which also underwent violent destruction at the same time) and Tall-Nimrin (also then destroyed).

The high-salinity soil could have been responsible for the so-called "Late Bronze Age Gap," the researchers say, in which cities along the lower Jordan Valley were abandoned, dropping the population from tens of thousands to maybe a few hundred nomads. Nothing could grow in these formerly fertile grounds, forcing people to leave the area for centuries. Evidence for resettlement of Tall el-Hammam and nearby communities appears again in the Iron Age, roughly 600 years after the cities' sudden devastation in the Bronze Age.

Tall el-Hammam
© NASA/CC BY-NDNow called Tall el-Hammam, the city is located about 7 miles northeast of the Dead Sea in what is now Jordan.
Fire and Brimstone

Tall el-Hamman has been the focus of an ongoing debate as to whether it could be the biblical city of Sodom, one of the two cities in the Old Testament Book of Genesis that were destroyed by God for how wicked they and their inhabitants had become. One denizen, Lot, is saved by two angels who instruct him not to look behind as they flee. Lot's wife, however, lingers and is turned into a pillar of salt. Meanwhile, fire and brimstone fell from the sky; multiple cities were destroyed; thick smoke rose from the fires; city inhabitants were killed and area crops were destroyed in what sounds like an eyewitness account of a cosmic impact event. It's a satisfying connection to make.

"All the observations stated in Genesis are consistent with a cosmic airburst," Kennett said, "but there's no scientific proof that this destroyed city is indeed the Sodom of the Old Testament." However, the researchers said, the disaster could have generated an oral tradition that may have served as the inspiration for the written account in the book of Genesis, as well as the biblical account of the burning of Jericho in the Old Testament Book of Joshua.
It could be this one; it happened about 3,600 years ago or roughly 1650 BCE over Tall el-Hammam.

But there is a 1.5-meter interval in the Middle Bronze Age II stratum that caught the interest of some researchers for its "highly unusual" materials. In addition to the debris one would expect from destruction via warfare and earthquakes, they found pottery shards with outer surfaces melted into glass, "bubbled" mudbrick and partially melted building material, all indications of an anomalously high-temperature event, much hotter than anything the technology of the time could produce.

"We saw evidence for temperatures greater than 2,000 degrees Celsius," said Kennett, whose research group at the time happened to have been building the case for an older cosmic airburst about 12,800 years ago that triggered major widespread burning, climatic changes and animal extinctions. The charred and melted materials at Tall el-Hammam looked familiar, and a group of researchers including impact scientist Allen West and Kennett joined Trinity Southwest University biblical scholar Philip J. Silvia's research effort to determine what happened at this city 3,650 years ago.

Thank you Mari for the article. If it is 3600 year ago, it is last comet cluster visit. It looks they dated based on salt deposits and dates seem to be very specific 1661 ± 21 BCE.
Is the biblical Sodom is same as the Tall el-Hammam ?

Potential written record of destruction​

There is an ongoing debate as to whether Tall el-Hammam could be the biblical city of Sodom (Silvia2 and references therein), but this issue is beyond the scope of this investigation. Questions about the potential existence, age, and location of Sodom are not directly related to the fundamental question addressed in this investigation as to what processes produced high-temperature materials at Tall el-Hammam during the MBA. Nevertheless, we consider whether oral traditions about the destruction of this urban city by a cosmic object might be the source of the written version of Sodom in Genesis. We also consider whether the details recounted in Genesis are a reasonable match for the known details of a cosmic impact event.
Going with the assumption, both are same, how to correlate it to Lizard EMP attack for obedience of the population? Comets do produce EMP. Thinking loud of some possibilities:

Our scientists tend to attribute causation to one event, but they can be a part in a sequence of events as in 'cosmic-human connection'.

Is it like 9/11 event, where people were subdued with attack (using Hurricane Erin energy and destroy towers and start the brain dumbing program in the name of 'War on terror' that led to acceptance of vaccines 20 years down the line to eliminate them. True, there are lot of nuts of bolts in between, some may have a relation or some not ) . When things are messy down here, comet will do their cleansing part. If so, what did Lizzie's achieve in this 3600 YA event? Lot of suffering to harvest and create new program from it? any way, these things never tend to be so simple.
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