Sol (Sun) and its phenomena


▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 585.7 km/sec ( 13:33 UTC Jun 20)
▪︎density: 16.5 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 1.7% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 120 (SN149 June 19)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2 (13:57 UTC Jun 20) quiet
▪︎AR3038 enormous size. Last friday this region had an area of 10 millionth of a solar hemisphere (MH) its size is now 140MH (Earth’s area is almost 170 millionths by comparison!) It is a region composed of 17 sunspots with a beta-gamma magnetic field.
BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: Yesterday, sunspot AR3038 was big. Today, it's enormous. The fast-growing sunspot has doubled in size in only 24 hours: movie. AR3038 has an unstable 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that habors energy for M-class solar flares, and it is directly facing Earth

This is an X-ray full-scale image of the Sun on June 19, 2022. You can see 9 groups of corona loops in the active area 13030-13035 / 13037-13039. There is a coronal hole (dark area) in the middle of the east (left) direction near the northeast (upper left) and southeast (lower left) edges.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 522 km/sec ( 15:13 UTC Jun 21)
▪︎density: 7.59 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 2.6% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 112 (SN120 June 20)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3 (15:13 UTC Jun 20) quiet
▪︎Solar eruption from AR3035 with a CME associated
HAPPY SOLSTICE: The northern summer solstice arrived this morning, June 21st at 5:14 a.m. EDT. This is when the sun is farthest north for the year and begins its six-month return southward. Today is the first day of summer the Northern Hemisphere, the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Happy solstice!

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 482.9 km/sec (14:44 UTC Jun 22)
▪︎density: 7.4 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.4% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 104 (SN112 June 20)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=3 (14:44 UTC Jun 20) quiet
▪︎Six regions remain on the solar disk AR3030~32, AR3034, AR3035 and only AR3038 harbors energy for M-class solar flares.
A small flare of C5.6 occurred at the southwestern (lower right) edge of the Sun at 16:21 UT (JST 22nd 1:21) on June 21, and the accompanying material eruption was observed. No relevant CME has been confirmed at this time. The place of occurrence does not face the earth and is considered to have no major impact.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 442.4 km/sec ( 14:35 UTC Jun 23)
▪︎density: 5.6 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.7% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 80 (SN104 June 22)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2 quiet
▪︎New region AR3040 (SN4 beta magnetic field, size 120MH located on the southeast limb)
This is an X-ray full-scale image of the Sun on June 22, 2022. In addition to the 6 groups of activity areas 13032 to 13035, 13038, and 13040, corona loops can be seen on the southeastern (lower left) edge. There is a coronal hole (dark area) near the center in the middle of the north (up) direction and the south-southeast direction.
GOES-16 / SUVI captured the prominence eruption that occurred on the southeastern (lower left) edge of the sun around June 23, 4: 00-7: 00 UT. A faint coronal mass ejection (CME) erupting southeast is also observed in connection with this eruption. Not heading to the earth.
SOLSTICE PLASMA TWISTER: Imagine a tornado 20,000 km tall, twirling hot plasma in a vortex big enough to swallow Earth.

Apollo Lasky of Naperville, Illinois, photographed the twister on June 21st, the summer solstice, using a backyard solar telescope. This solar storm system did not hurl material toward Earth. Instead, most of the tornado fell back to the sun after an exhausting spin.

The following article is about the prolonged failure of energy services due to a Carrington event and that it can affect humanity. Take as an example what would happen only in the US. It is clear that we are not yet ready and in fact all the phenomena that occur on our sun are not fully understood.

As mentioned in the article: "Life on this little mote depends entirely on the mercy of a cosmic nuclear power with an itchy trigger finger. No human triumph will ever change that."

What would happen if a big coronal mass ejection hits earth?
When a coronal mass ejection comes your way, what matters most is the bullet’s magnetic orientation. If it has the same polarity as Earth’s protective magnetic field, you’ve gotten lucky: The two will repel, like a pair of bar magnets placed north-to-north or south-to-south. But if the polarities oppose, they will smash together. That’s what happened on September 2, the day after Carrington saw the blinding beam.
When another big one heads our way, as it could at any time, existing imaging technology will offer one or two days’ notice. But we won’t understand the true threat level until the cloud reaches the Deep Space Climate Observatory, a satellite about a million miles from Earth. It has instruments that analyze the speed and polarity of incoming solar particles. If a cloud’s magnetic orientation is dangerous, this $340 million piece of equipment will buy humanity—with its 7.2 billion cell phones, 1.5 billion automobiles, and 28,000 commercial aircraft—at most one hour of warning before impact.
Prolonged national grid failure is new territory for humankind. Documents from an assortment of government agencies and private organizations paint a dismal picture of what that would look like in the United States. Homes and offices will lose heating and cooling; water pressure in showers and faucets will drop. Subway trains will stop mid-voyage; city traffic will creep along unassisted by stoplights. Oil production will grind to a halt, and so will shipping and transportation. The blessing of modern logistics, which allows grocery stores to stock only a few days’ worth of goods, will become a curse. Pantries will thin out within a few days. The biggest killer, though, will be water. Fifteen percent of treatment facilities in the country serve 75 percent of the population—and they rely on energy-intensive pumping systems. These pumps not only distribute clean water but also remove the disease- and chemical-tainted sludge constantly oozing into sewage facilities. Without power, these waste systems could overflow, contaminating remaining surface water.

As the outage goes on, health care facilities will grow overwhelmed. Sterile supplies will run low, and caseloads will soar. When backup batteries and generators fail or run out of power, perishable medications like insulin will spoil. Heavy medical hardware—dialysis machines, imaging devices, ventilators—will cease to function, and hospital wards will resemble field clinics. With death tolls mounting and morgues losing refrigeration, municipalities will face grave decisions about how to safely handle bodies.

Solar activity during the past 24 hours remained at low levels with only minor C-Flares detected. The number of sunspots has decreased and the main flare threat, AR 3038, continues to move closer towards the northwest limb. All other regions are currently stable. Four regions remain on the solar disk AR3034, AR3035, AR3038 and AR3040 Cosmic rays (measured in the number of neutron particles in the atmosphere) remain elevated.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 415.7 km/sec ( 13.58 UTC Jun 24)
▪︎density: 2.99 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.7% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 69 (SN80 June 23)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=1 quiet

Full image of the sun on June 24, 2022. You can see the plage (bright area) of the active area 13034/13035/13038/13040. There are multiple filaments (dark streaks) in both the north and south hemispheres, and an eye-catching bright prominence on the northwest (upper right) edge.

▪︎Imagery courtesy of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is still unavailable.

Images coming from NASA SDO have not been updating for 3 days now. This is caused by a power blackout due to a wild fire near the Stanford University building where these images are processed.

AlertSU - Stanford University Emergency and Community Alerts

However Solar activity during the past 24 hours remained at low levels with no significant flares detected. Sunspot number declined as we lose regions over west limb. Cosmic rays remain elevated and there are no significant coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun.

▪︎Geospace very quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 414.2 km/sec (14:17 UTC Jun 25)
▪︎density: 3.37 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.8% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 60 (SN 69 June 24)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2 quiet

Full image of the sun on June 25, 2022. You can see the plage (bright area) of the active area 13034/13035/13038/13040. There are multiple filaments (dark streaks) in the northern hemisphere and bright prominence on the northwest (upper right) edge.

The Sun says that he doesn't work anymore this week if there isn't a raise, and that NO photos.
He's a movie star!! 😂😆😃🧐

Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp=4 disturbed) were reached at 20:30 UTC June 25
The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is the term that defines the solar magnetic field carried by the solar wind between the planets of the solar system
The interplanetary magnetic field, is now more commonly referred as the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF),
Interplanetary magnetic field - Wikipedia

Minor G1 geomagnetic storm (Kp=5 storm) Threshold Reached: 23:42 UTC june 25
GEOMAGNETIC STORM IN PROGRESS: A minor G1-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on June 25th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after nightfall. This storm is happening because a crack has opened in Earth's magnetic field.
Current Conditions
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 498.7 km/sec (01:53 UTC Jun 26)
▪︎density: 6.95 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.8% Elevated

Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp=4 disturbed) were reached at 20:30 UTC June 25

The link is huge but it does open, related to this post.
What is this supposed to mean?


  • Screenshot_20220626_090533.jpg
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The link is huge but it does open, related to this post.
What is this supposed to mean?
The link does not work for me but I can see the attached photo. I don't know how the author interprets this image or on what basis he is telling us that whatever appears there does not come from the sun's energy.

It appears to be a typical image of a radio blackout. If so, no X-ray emission was recorded yesterday that would have caused such a blackout over the South Atlantic.

Now, the solar wind does not impact our magnetic field in a linear fashion. Due to the rotation of the sun, the solar wind is spread out like a sprinkler in a garden.


Spaceweather tells us that the geomagnetic storm was due to this sprinkler phenomenon which is scientifically known as Corotating interaction region (CIR).

Corotating Interaction Regions are long lasting large-scale plasma structures generated in low and middle latitude regions of the heliosphere by the interaction of a stable fast solar wind stream with the surrounding slow solar wind. are long,the surrounding slow solar wind.
SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A G1-class geomagnetic storm broke out around midnight (UT) on June 25-26. At first it was a surprise; now the reason is clear. A co-rotating interaction region (CIR) hit Earth's magnetic field, opening a crack in our planet's magnetosphere.

Geomagnetic storm has subsided, however, at this time the planetary index indicates that the magnetic field is disturbed. A minor geomagnetic storm is forecast to occur again later this Sunday and for tomorrow, Monday, the index is forecast to return to kp3 quiet. Sunspots continue to decrease as only two regions remain visible on the solar disk AR3038 (northwest limb) and AR3040 (equatorial zone) Images coming from NASA SDO are not available yet.

▪︎Geospace disturbed
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 650.9 km/sec ( 17.11 UTC Jun 26)
▪︎density: 2.03 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.3% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 31 (SN 60 June 25)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=4 unsettle
▪︎Filament eruption on the northwest side of the sun with a associated CME directed to Earth
GOOD-BYE, BIG SUNSPOT: Big sunspot AR3038 is about to rotate over the northwestern limb of the sun. Pepe Manteca sends this parting shot from Barcelona, Spain:
As the sunspot rotates over the sun's limb this weekend, it will become magnetically connected to Earth via the Parker Spiral. Energetic particles accelerated by flares will be funneled in our direction despite the fact the sunspot is facing almost directly away from us--strange, but true!

Do you think it's cold? Know that today is the 1st day of June when the national average temperature is below the standards. Yes, the 1st! It's a seasonal time. You are no longer aware of it after 5 peaks of sweetness/heat. The heat could return in early July.

Strong temperature contrast this Sunday with a large #fraîcheur along the front between #Pyrénées and #MassifCentral and #chaleur still resisting on the South-East. For example, there is only 14.1°C at #Limoges at 4 p.m. against 34.3°C at the same time at #AixenProvence

The passage of a front leaves abundant cloudiness and it cannot be ruled out that during the morning a drop may fall From noon onwards, the probability of precipitation increases, with scattered and short-lived showers . Thunderstorms are forecast tomorrow , while on Tuesday it will be sunny


For 24 hours, the most significant accumulations have been recorded as expected in Auvergne under the cold front and thunderstorms yesterday. We find up to 67 mm in Meilhaud (63). We can easily guess that it was under the multicellular storms yesterday that there were the biggest accumulations.

While record scorching heat crushed France last Saturday, an autumnal freshness concerns the west and the north this Saturday. In Biarritz, it is 25°C cooler than 7 days ago (18°C against 43°C)!


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Do you think it's cold? Know that today is the 1st day of June when the national average temperature is below the standards. Yes, the 1st! It's a seasonal time. You are no longer aware of it after 5 peaks of sweetness/heat. The heat could return in early July.

I was discussing this with my family today. We live in a high area and commonly in summer the temperatures are very hot, however, this June the temperatures on average have hovered around 20°C that is cool for the summer season in the center of Mexico.

We have seen images of snow-capped volcanoes as well.

Various weather phenomena and effects have been present in #Mexico🇲🇽 this Saturday.

❄️Snowfall in Pico de Orizaba and Sierra Negra.
☀️Solar Halo in central states.
🌨Hailstorms in Mexico City and Puebla.

Rains will continue to increase in coming hours and days!
A halo is an optical phenomenon produced by light (typically from the Sun or Moon) interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Wikipedia
SUNDAY: scattered showers/storms with possible hail Son, Chih, Sin, Dgo, Coah, NL, Tamps, BCS, Zac, Jal, Mich, EdoMex, CDMX, Gro, Mor, Ver, Tlax, Oax, Tab, Chis, Camp; isolated in the rest of the country.

This Spanish physicist has been saying that the 25th cycle is one of the weakest since the 18th century.

There was no geomagnetic storm yesterday as predicted, however, active geomagnetic conditions were recorded at 20:06 UTC on June 26th reaching a planetary index Kp=4 (unsettle) At this time geospace is quiet even though the solar wind speed exceeds 500km/sec. The number of sunspots increased slightly due to a new sunspot complex that is emerging not far behind departing sunspot AR3038 This new sunspot has been assigned the active region 3041 And it groups three sunspots, size 20MH with an energetic beta-class magnetic field located on the nortwest. Eruption probabilities are very low for this group. There was a powerful solar flare in the southwest limb with a coronal mass ejection.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 573.1 km/sec ( 14.00 UTC Jun 27)
▪︎density: 1.03 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 2.9% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 33 (SN 31 June 26)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=1 quiet
SCHRÖDINGER'S CME: Yesterday, June 26th, a bright CME billowed away from the sun's southern hemisphere. The strange thing is, analysts aren't certain which side of the sun it came from. Some clues suggest farside, others Earthside. If it is an Earthside event, it could reach us late on June 28th or June 29th

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is back online and images are now available. Solar activity has remained generally stable despite solar wind speeds in excess of 500 km/sec however, a minor geomagnetic storm is expected in the next few hours due to a plasma cloud that was ejected on June 26.

The AR3038 region is gone but there are three new regions in the solar disk: AR3042 with 4 sunspots, a beta magnetic field, located in the northwest and a size of 20 millionths of a hemisphere with a very low probability of producing a class C eruption. AR3043 SN4, a beta magnetic field, located in the southeast and a size of 10MH with a very low probability of producing a class C eruption. AR3044 SN2, a beta magnetic field, located in the southeast and a size of 10MH with a very low probability of producing a class C eruption.

At approximately 10:05 UTC on June 28 a solar flare was recorded apparently from the AR3041 region the first images show that there was a coronal mass ejection, we are awaiting further analysis.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 516.9 km/sec (15:28 UTC Jun 28)
▪︎density: 6.63 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 2.5% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 32 (SN 33 June 26)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=1 quiet

MINOR GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: There is a chance of minor geomagnetic storms on June 28th and 29th when CMEs might sideswipe or even directly hit Earth's magnetic field. This is a low confidence forecast. A confusing mish-mash of overlapping CMEs left the sun in recent days, especially on June 26th, and it has been difficult to determine their trajectories.

Full Hα image of the Sun on June 28, 2022. In addition to active regions 13040 and 13041, several small plages (bright regions) are visible. There are multiple filaments (dark streaky structures) in both the northern and southern hemispheres and prominences scattered around the edges.

Solar activity has remained stable, the minor geomagnetic storm did not occur as forecast at least in the last 24 hours and because the solar wind speed decreased to less than 500 km/sec it is very likely that the planetary kp index will remain at level 3 in the coming hours.

There are currently 5 active regions (3040-3044) but none of these sunspots pose a threat of eruption. The number of sunspots has increased considerably compared to yesterday despite the fact that the AR3041 region is going to leave us soon.

Regions AR3043 and AR3044 have lost sunspots and the magnetic field of both decreased to alpha class.(unipolar) Lots of small sunspots are numbered by NOAA

There are no significant coronal holes on the Earthside of the sun and cosmic rays remain elevated.

▪︎Geospace quiet
▪︎Latest Solar wind speed record: 460.4 km/sec ( 15:55 UTC Jun 29)
▪︎density: 5.67 protons/cm3
▪︎Neutron Counts today: 3.3% Elevated
▪︎Sunspot number: 71 (SN 32 June 28)
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now Kp=2 quiet

AN ECLIPSE OF THE SUN IN SPACE: Today, the Moon passed in front of the sun, producing a partial solar eclipse. You had to be in space to see it. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the whole thing: At the peak of the eclipse, the Moon covered 67% of the sun, and lunar mountains were backlit by solar fire.

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