Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C2.8 event observed at 23:58 UTC from Region 3270 (S23W04)

The total number of sunspots has increased to 56 (18 of these are grouped into 5 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 65% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.
AR3270 has grown in magnetic complexity and now features a field Beta-Gamma-Delta, a sunspot group with a beta-gamma magnetic configuration (Bipolar with irregularly distributed polarity) but contains one (or more) delta sunspots (opposite polarity within the same penumbra)
Delta sunspots indicate a higher probability of magnetic reconnection between sunspots of opposite polarity and, therefore, of strong solar flares. AR3270 could soon pose a threat for Earth-directed solar flares.

● Auroral Activity
The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to active levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 542 km/s at 14:33 UTC on April 03 Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4) threshold reached at 20:59
Aurora Oval. Bz: -2.58 nT South

● Current Conditions at 05:30 UTC on April 04
▪︎ Geospace active
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now : Kp 4
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 492.3 km/sec (Elevated speed)
▪︎ density: 10.06 p/cm3 (low density)
▪︎Neutron Counts today: -0.8% Below Average
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C2 at 23:53 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 56 (SN 54 April 03)
Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C2.8 event observed at 23:58 UTC from Region 3270 (S23W04)
SOLAR CYCLE UPDATE: March was another strong month for Solar Cycle 25. According to NOAA, the average sunspot number was among the highest of the past 10 years:

Originally, forecasters thought Solar Cycle 25 would be about the same as Solar Cycle 24, one of the weakest solar cycles in a century. March's sunspot numbers are the latest sign that Solar Cycle 25 will exceed predictions. In fact, Solar Cycle 25 has outperformed the official forecast for more than 24 months in a row.
There are currently 5 numbered sunspot regions on the solar disk: AR3262, AR3264, AR3266, AR3269 and AR3270Solar Maximum is not expected until 2024 or 2025, so the solar cycle has plenty of time to strengthen, bringing more X-flares, geomagnetic storms and auroras.
The total number of sunspots has increased to 56 (18 of these are grouped into 5 active regions) NOAA forecasts for the next 24h: 65% chance for C flares, 15% chance for M flares and 5% chance for X flares.
AR3270 has grown in magnetic complexity and now features a field Beta-Gamma-Delta, a sunspot group with a beta-gamma magnetic configuration (Bipolar with irregularly distributed polarity) but contains one (or more) delta sunspots (opposite polarity within the same penumbra)
Delta sunspots indicate a higher probability of magnetic reconnection between sunspots of opposite polarity and, therefore, of strong solar flares. AR3270 could soon pose a threat for Earth-directed solar flares.

● Auroral Activity
The geomagnetic field has been at quiet to active levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 542 km/s at 14:33 UTC on April 03 Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4) threshold reached at 20:59
Aurora Oval. Bz: -2.58 nT South

● Current Conditions at 05:30 UTC on April 04
▪︎ Geospace active
▪︎Geomagnetic conditions now : Kp 4
▪︎Solar wind speed record: 492.3 km/sec (Elevated speed)
▪︎ density: 10.06 p/cm3 (low density)
▪︎Neutron Counts today: -0.8% Below Average
▪︎X-ray Solar Flare: C2 at 23:53 UTC
▪︎Sunspot number: 56 (SN 54 April 03)