Some Overwhelming Issues Iodine/H Pylori


Padawan Learner
I apologize upfront for the length of this post, but I want to include everything, in case someone can spot something I shouldn't have done, or should do. And also for not being as cogent as I normally would. I am under a fair of amount of distress.

I was involved in a rear-end collision in May, the third rear-end collision I've suffered in 12 years. In the past accidents I did have some back pain/herniated discs but it was eventually resolved and I was able to resume my usual activities.

This last collision, however, has really done a number on me. I was two weeks into a new job, which included a month of training. Suffering typical whiplash symptoms, I finished the training and began my shift which was early afternoon to late evening.

At that point I began chiro adjustments and acupuncture for the whiplash symptoms (upper back/shoulders/neck pain and spasms) in the late morning, and then would go to work. Within about three treatments, my lower back went full acute, as bad as it had ever been in previous accidents. Hunched over walking, extreme pain, stiffness, pain emanating from my leg/sacrum, unable to sit for any period of time, and taking a moderate amount of Tylenol #3 (two a day at first, then four to five a week as I progressed until finally one or two a week, sometimes none).

The chiropractor took me off work and advised a course of deep tissue massage. After two months of this treatment (roughly 14 one-hour sessions) my lower back was feeling fantastic. My upper back/neck/shoulders however were still bothering me and we continued deep tissue massage, and I also attended physical therapy per her instructions. I did that for six weeks. Some days I would feel great with a pain level of two or three, and two days later it would be back to a seven or eight. This portion of my back just would not heal. Also, around this point the pain became worse and more widespread to my clavicle, knees, and the elbow areas of my arms.

Of course, all of this injury with a new job was extremely stressful. During my leave, the entire unit (80+ folks) were laid off. So I have money and legal issues to be worked out -- it is pretty stressful on the whole.

I ended up seeing an orthopedic (not that I necessarily wanted any surgery, but I wanted to know for sure what was going on). He diagnosed me with a permanent injury to my back and fibromyalgia. The former prevents my vertebrae from staying aligned, which then puts muscles into spasm, and its a delightful circle that way. And then there is the fibro. What does help the most is deep tissue massage twice a month, and me exercising and stretching on a regular basis (which up until 10 days ago I was doing. Not in any condition to do so now except the stretching.)

After finding this out, I added supplements such as HTP, and Alpha Lipoic acid, which seemed to help with sleeping and energy issues, in addition to the magnesium, fish oil, and multivitamin I was already taking, thanks to the forum here.

Mid November I decided to very slowly start the iodine protocol, for the energy boost so many here and other sites have reported, as well as the detox. I included the cofactors since I have energy issues.

I started with 150 micrograms of liquid Iodine and Potassium Iodide, and slowly worked my way up to capsules of Iodine, Potassium Iodide, and Sodium Iodide of 6.25 mg at the end of January. During that time I would occasionally have stomach rumbling, and be hungry again shortly after eating a full meal. I also had many of the symptoms reported here such as stinging/sharp pains in the ribs, wrists, etc. Some days energy levels would be very high, and other days I would be lethargic. For a period of about three weeks I had very strong body odor, and yellow or orange-brownish urine, the latter especially first thing in the morning. In short, I experienced what so many others have reported here. Sometimes it was very irritating, but on the whole tolerable.

My stomach issues got a little worse (not acute pain but rumbling and hunger after eating), and my whole GI system just felt sluggish towards end of January I decided to take a break, and added a combination milk thistle/silymarin/artichoke/tumeric/dandelion to my supplements to help clear everything out.

I restarted the iodine 6.25 capsules the second week of February, and later began increasing by adding the liquid form previously mentioned, of which I can control the dosage. So I went from 6.25 to 8, 10, and then finally to two of the capsules giving 12.50 mg, which I took for a total of three or four days.

Approximately ten days ago (three/four days after going to 12.50 mg) I woke up with what seemed to be an upper respiratory/flu like condition. I had fever, very dry mouth with yucky taste, felt dehydrated, my lips are all dry as if I've been out in the cold, congestion in the chest which I was constantly coughing up. My fever was 99.5 to 100.5 for a few days, then up to 101.5 for two days, and then back to 99.5 for another two days, after which the fever subsided. Throughout this, my stomach became extremely painful, as if the entire organ was irritated and inflamed. The stomach rumbling became much worse, and I was only able to eat very tiny amounts of food. Several times the pain was so bad I had to lean over the counter before I could resume what I had gone to the kitchen for (usually to get some yogurt which temporarily helped with the symptoms).

I began looking up the symptoms and became concerned over h pylori, as that is what they all pointed to. I decided to try cabbage juice for three days. It did help with the pain, but not so much the feeling of fullness, the yucky taste in my mouth, my exhaustion, and lack of appetite/eating.

I went to the doc-in-a-box who (blood) tested me for h pylori, which she said had a "faint line positive." She placed me on omeprazole (I know), clarythromycin, and amoxicillin. I took the first dose of those three and and was able to sleep fairly well that night. The next (yesterday) morning I felt somewhat better and was hungry. I ate three meals much closer to my usual intake. However, at 3:00 a.m the next morning, I was up with a "lump in my throat" feeling, and was not able to go back to sleep. I tried to eat one egg and one piece of bacon but could not finish even half of it.

I have been up ever since, unable to sleep or rest. My throat, in the thyroid area, has a burning/gnawing sensation, yucky taste/breath, and my tonsils feel swollen and press up into my ears. Earlier today I was positively despondent and crying, especially after reading the experiences of so many people on these combinations where very often the symptoms do not get better, and then may even worsen after the course of treatment is completed.

I took the proton pump only the first three times. Today I have continued the clarythromycin and amoxicillin only. After only sleeping two hours last night, I have been up for 17 straight hours today, only able or feeling like eating very little. At times I have paced the floor. My lower gut also feels to be in bad shape. I have had very small, frequent stools that burn when passing (seems like it is the left overs of cabbage juice).

My experience with antibiotics in the past has always been good, where I might have a sinus infection or tonsilitis every year or two. There is usually a "build up" to the full blown infection where the mucus starts clear and eventually becomes green and then I get a mild fever with other symptoms appropriate to what it is. I always got better after taking the antibiotics, and that is the reason I went to the doctor and took the regimen, although I was not crazy about the proton pump medicine.

Currently, I am not having the gastritis pain (it will probably come later), but very much the "full feeling" and still unable to sleep, be still, or calm my mind.

I am concerned that I have possibly done something with the iodine. I've never had h pylori. My partner had it 15 years ago, but it was successfully treated with antibiotics, never to return. It seems pretty likely I was exposed to it, but I never suffered from it until now. It began very slowly/intermittently and then went into overdrive when I got sick last last week, although I am wondering if this is not "iodism?" Symptoms are unpleasant brassy taste, increased salivation, head cold, sneezing, and headache originating in the frontal sinuses. I had all of those when I was sick and had fever. I still have the brass taste, salivation, and some heacache. The symptoms seem to match, but I clearly have h pylori symptoms as well. __

I am experiencing bloating, shortness of breath, difficulty of swallowing capsules, and moderate belching.

I am sort of going crazy reading articles on the web about Hashimoto's and h pylori (how one may cause the other) and all kinds of other combinations that are really beyond my ability and knowledge.

Would those of you more knowledgeable please chime in, ask further questions if needed, and advise what I might do or look into?

After everything that has gone on the last 10 months I am exhausted, and at a loss of what to do. Thank you'll for your help and advice.

I do have the following supplements which I have purchased, but only used haphazardly a day or two: Monolaurin, Capryl (a time released caprylic acid), Ulcetrol (Calcium, Zinc from PepZin GI Zinc-L-Carnosine Complex, Mastic Gum Powder, and Slippery Elm). Also the aforementioned fish oil and liver/gallbladder combination supplement.
How many days until you are scheduled to finish the antibiotics?

Although it could have been detox symptoms and the re-activation of a bug, I would look into finishing the eradication protocol because you already started it. The protocol is gruesome enough, and I wouldn't worry so much about taking omeprazol if it is only for the duration of the protocol. If you already did a number of days of antibiotics, it might be worth finishing, specially if you are a few days from finishing.

Your symptoms are strongly suggestive of Herx reactions. Those antibiotics not only kill H.pylori, but also mycoplasmas, chlamydias and many other bugs. The shortness of breath and other symptoms suggest some Herx reactions.

For the duration of the antibiotics, I would use omeprazol since you are having gastritis. You can also try tea with ginger and chewing on ginger root directly. You can try oral aloe vera. If the gastritis doesn't subside, I would just take omeprazol with the eradication protocol and then stop it once that is finished. It will make your life easier.

How does your diet look like? You mentioned yogurt which could favor the growth of H.Pylori in the long run.

Do you have probiotics?

Once you are done with the antibiotics, I would look into making dietary adjustments, re-starting the iodine and building up your gut flora. It will be a good idea to network in the iodine thread in order to find the right iodine dose and/or discern re-activation of bugs vs detox symptoms.
Hello Gaby and thank for your response. Lo agradezco muchisimo!

I have 11.5 more days (23 doses) to finish the 14 day (28 total dose) protocol. Just FYI, my body temp has been 97.7-98.0 or so for the last two days. My pulse last night was fairly rapid at 90 when it is usually 60-70.

What concerned me with the omeprazole was after the third dose of it I woke up with a much more pronounced lump in the throat feeling, and I think I freaked out a little reading about the proton pumps and how they can mess up the whole system. I was also worried about having enough acid to properly digest what little I was eating. While I was on the cabbage juice, the HTP and multivitamins passed through undigested and were visible in a stool.

The gastritis (inflammation/pain of stomach lining) has subsided for now. What is still bothering me is the lump in the throat, the stomach rumbling, inability to eat much, extreme body shakiness/muscle tension, and anxiety and inability to sleep. At times the shakiness gets so bad it is incapacitating. As you say, this is all strongly suggestive of Herx. I was freaking out it was some "thyroid storm" or hashimoto's.

My diet is not keto or paleo. Reading in the forum over the last couple of years, I have cut carbs to a large degree, but they are still present as well as processed foods (meats, some frozen meals, etc.) I know that is far from ideal. I have been overwhelmed with the diet threads, just navigating through them all, and it also seems I would need to spend a lot more money to even begin, which is difficult for me right now. I just haven't had the energy, focus, or ability to tackle all that.

Prior to all this, I usually had two cups of coffee with coconut oil, heavy cream, and conventional butter. Once I had been sick for a few days, just a sip or two would really throw my tummy into a rumble and pain, so I have had no coffee in seven days, and only a few (two to three) cigarettes each day.

I have taken these two probiotics for two days now:



I was finally able to sleep about two hours this morning, before awakening again with all the symptoms.

I also just finished an entire hard boiled egg and have taken the antibiotics and omeprazole for the morning dose. I will also try to get some more rest and give an update probably this evening.
It is true that omeprazol is evil, but within this context, you could take it as an emergency basis (i.e. when there is gastritis) and specially if nothing else worked.

As for the diet, it is really very simple. Go to this article where it says "foods to avoid" and "foods to eat":

Why isn't my brain working

And do as best as you can without obsessing about it. You can also eat carrots and sweet potatoes. That's it. It is really that simple. You'll have time to catch up on the other threads at your own pace later on.

Right now, respect your lack of appetite and don't force yourself to eat. You can choose something more friendly to your body in order to have those antibiotics.

Take your probiotics, ideally away from the antibiotics. You can take them before going to bed.

Make sure you drink enough blessed water. You can add 1/4th unrefined salt in each glass and drink that three to four times per day.

The Herx reactions should get better in 4 days or so. Consult your doctor if they don't go away and/or if the symptoms get worse.

It is a gruesome protocol, but considering that you started it and have only 11 days more to go, I think it is worth the effort. Who knows, maybe taking iodine will be easier later on.

People who don't respond the first time to this protocol are usually very debilitated by diet and other stealth infections. I know a guy who used to drink camel's milk in his country. When he moved here, he switched to dairy and manifested the worst digestive issues. He ended up in the ER with gastric pain once. He was diagnosed with H.pylori and he had to do 3 cycles of antibiotics before he finally recovered. When I learned about his experience, I highlighted the benefits of camel's milk vs the toxicity of dairy. His terrain was apt for stealth infections when he made the switch.

Let us know how it goes and speedy recovery!
Gaby said:
It is true that omeprazol is evil, but within this context, you could take it as an emergency basis (i.e. when there is gastritis) and specially if nothing else worked.

As for the diet, it is really very simple. Go to this article where it says "foods to avoid" and "foods to eat":

Why isn't my brain working

And do as best as you can without obsessing about it. You can also eat carrots and sweet potatoes. That's it. It is really that simple. You'll have time to catch up on the other threads at your own pace later on.

Right now, respect your lack of appetite and don't force yourself to eat. You can choose something more friendly to your body in order to have those antibiotics.

Take your probiotics, ideally away from the antibiotics. You can take them before going to bed.

Make sure you drink enough blessed water. You can add 1/4th unrefined salt in each glass and drink that three to four times per day.

The Herx reactions should get better in 4 days or so. Consult your doctor if they don't go away and/or if the symptoms get worse.

It is a gruesome protocol, but considering that you started it and have only 11 days more to go, I think it is worth the effort. Who knows, maybe taking iodine will be easier later on.

People who don't respond the first time to this protocol are usually very debilitated by diet and other stealth infections. I know a guy who used to drink camel's milk in his country. When he moved here, he switched to dairy and manifested the worst digestive issues. He ended up in the ER with gastric pain once. He was diagnosed with H.pylori and he had to do 3 cycles of antibiotics before he finally recovered. When I learned about his experience, I highlighted the benefits of camel's milk vs the toxicity of dairy. His terrain was apt for stealth infections when he made the switch.

Let us know how it goes and speedy recovery!

I just read the article Soot
Without knowing it my son bought the fruiterers whom it was necessary… it is not beautiful that?
Why not have told you that when I was asked the question? And I was left unanswered
Hi Leland. I can't add anything to Gaby's good advice to you. I'll only encourage you to make efforts to correct your diet by reading the article Gaby linked.

You may also want to try bone broths, preferably with as many joint bones as you can find. They are very healing for the gut due to the collagen and since you're not eating much at the moment it'll at least give you some additional minerals.
Wow, that sounds pretty rough Leland! I hope you start feeling better soon.

I'm guessing there's probably a lot going on. The temperature may suggest a latent infection being stirred up, so you could be dealing with pathogens, which the iodine would likely take care of. It's likely best, however, to discontinue the iodine for a little while until you get stabilized.

The rest of your main symptoms, though, make me think of heavy metal mobilization which then overwhelmed your liver and now you're struggling to digest things. Have you ever done any heavy metal detoxing? That should be relatively cheap and easy to test: try getting some Chlorella and taking that and see if you start to feel better. That should bind to any heavy metals in your system that got mobilized by the iodine and allow you to excrete them (instead of having them get redeposited into your organs). Activated charcoal may help as well. Both of these are pretty gentle binders of toxins and metals, so if you did actually mobilize things with the iodine, then they should help remove what's been mobilized--I wouldn't recommend undertaking a more active heavy metal detox protocol until you get stabilized.

For your case, since you're having trouble digesting anything, I'd suggest getting powders and be thinking in the teaspoon or greater range for a dosage. It may take multiple teaspoons of either one per day, or both, to improve things. Activated charcoal is also good for settling stomach indigestion. You probably don't want to take more than probably 6 teaspoons or either one per day, but if one or both are effective, you can probably take them as needed. If either of those show good efficacy, then it's likely that you're dealing with heavy metals.

I'd second the recommendation to not eat anything if you're not hungry, as it could just further burden an overwhelmed system. If you are hungry and are having trouble digesting anything, you could try white rice and/or instant mashed potatoes (which have been highly denatured to only contain starch, removing any of the negative aspects of contained in the nightshade family, so they should be easy to digest) and see if those work for you.

I'd try continuing the milk thistle and see if that helps improve things at all, since it's very potent for liver protection and repair. If it makes things worse, then I'd back off. If you're having trouble digesting the capsules themselves, you can open the capsule and just take the contents.

The lack of digestion of the supplements suggests very, very low stomach acid. There are a lot of possible causes for that with H Pylori being one, but I'd suspect that whatever the cause, you'll probably need to take some HCL and possibly other digestive support supplements before eating for a while.

If you have the option, it may be helpful to see if you can find a good Applied Kinesiologist who can do muscle testing to determine what's going on and what solutions are available for whatever you're encountering. Applied Kinesiologists are typically also chiropractors and if they're good and do muscle testing well, can quickly and effectively diagnose issues and find fixes.

Good luck!
Hi Leland, I don't have much more to add to what's already been said above but I would also emphasize taking some Chlorella or charcoal to help move those heavy metals and toxins mobilised by iodine out of the system. More importantly, I would start looking at your diet and try to gradually correct it. Refined carbs, sugar and alcohol consumption are often linked to low stomach acidity and have known adverse effect on the digestive system overall, so reducing them and slowly replacing them with fats would definitely help. Maybe sharing your current eating habits (no matter how bad they are) may allow us to better understand some of your symptoms and help address them.

Hope for a speedy recovery and do keep us posted on how you progress. :)
You'll are absolute lifesavers!

Within 10 minutes of taking the chlorella, my body began to relax. The burning/gnawing lumpy throat/lymph thing began to subside. I am able to expel phlegm without the gagging/might vomit sensation.

A few hours later I was able to comfortably eat a baked sweet potato dressed with some coconut/palm oil butter, and zuchinni cooked in grass fed butter. The post eating discomfort is about 80% gone!

It seems to go in waves....take chlorella and other liquids (tea, coconut water, salt water) and get a bunch of relief. Then after a couple of hours some of the symptoms will return, but not as strong. Take some more chlorella.

There are a bunch more than usual whiteheads on my torso and arms.

I can think more clearly and my mental outlook is much better. I have a healthy thirst and am passing much more urine. I'm ravenous for some protein but I think I will wait until the morning.

Given that this morning was my 6th antibiotic dose , I imagine I have pretty good coverage. As backed up as everything was, it may be very concentrated so I'm going to skip them tonite and resume in the morning, to give it all a rest and continue clearing.

I'm off to have one more chlorella, an epsom salt bath, and hopefully some :zzz:!

Thank you all for the links, comments, and suggestions. I will get back to your comments and questions tomorrow, and update my progress.
Glad to hear that you're starting to feel better Leland! :D

Leland said:
It seems to go in waves....take chlorella and other liquids (tea, coconut water, salt water) and get a bunch of relief. Then after a couple of hours some of the symptoms will return, but not as strong. Take some more chlorella.

I think this is to be expected. If you've got heavy metals mobilized in your blood, then the chlorella is binding to them as your blood reaches your gut. Once it's become saturated with heavy metals, then the metals are no longer being removed, which could cause symptoms to return. Your body may also be continuing to remove heavy metals as they get cleared out of the blood (possibly from temporary storage in organs), resulting in a return of symptoms, which then requires more Chlorella to be removed.

Your reaction sounds like it was pretty severe, so you'll likely want to continue with the Chlorella for a while. You should see gradual improvement over time, with returning waves being less and less severe. Once you're stabilized, you may want to resume iodine and continue with the Chlorella, possibly adding Cilantro as a mobilizer (to remove more deeply embedded heavy metals) to continue heavy metal chelation. Iodine is also a heavy metal mobilizer, but I've read that it's not good at binding, which is Chlorella's strong suit. Doing a DMSA protocol may also be a useful addition. There's a thread on the DMSA protocol here:,16812.0.html

Especially for DMSA, but possibly also with the Chlorella, you may want to take additional minerals, since heavy metals can be bound where other minerals should be. I think the DMSA thread will cover recommendations for additional minerals to take.

There may still be other things going on, but it sounds like the biggest contributor to the acute problems was likely the heavy metals, so that's a good place to start.

I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Leland said:
You'll are absolute lifesavers!

Within 10 minutes of taking the chlorella, my body began to relax. The burning/gnawing lumpy throat/lymph thing began to subside. I am able to expel phlegm without the gagging/might vomit sensation.

That is pretty amazing!

I agree that there might be issues with heavy metal detox being relieved, but the history of taking those antibiotics comes to mind again. Quite a few folk have Herx reactions from that particular combination of drugs which are the same used in Gulf War Syndrome, Lyme's disease and other stealth infections.

Chlorella is a top favorite to deal with these Herx reactions:

Why do I feel worse when I’m trying to get better?

Lyme Flares and Detoxing Part Two: How to Stop a Herxheimer Reaction

This is a top discovery!

Speedy revovery :)
Why, ya'll act on me just like a tonic! Thanks for the doctoring :D

Six welcome hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. Felt pretty rough when I got up, but did the hydration protocol above, and was ravenous 30 minutes later. 1 hard boiled egg, 2 slices of bacon, coconut yogurt, and a plum. I'm craving protein. It all went down and settled nicely. I then took the amox and claryth. No issues with the aftertaste or heartburn. Really couldn't tell I had taken it.

Waves continue but they are just irritating, rather than distressful. Still get a a little hyped at the crest. Slowly adding back vitamins. Some throat scratchiness and post nasal drip later in the afternoon which a vitamin C relieved.

Bowel has normalized and some green bile stuff passed with no discomfort. Urine a light to medium brownish yellow in the morning and paler the rest of the day. When I think of all the gatorade I drank from teens to late 30s no doubt I'm full of bromine, among all the other goodies out there.

Seems pretty clear I was marinating in a toxic sludge. Body could only handle so much and something had to give, so bacteria otherwise kept in check just went berserk...???

No issues with a near normal size lunch.

I'm just riding it out, filling and flushing. Off to cook some dinner and anticipating another good night of sleep!

Ya'll have a great day/evening. Great progress and will update again tomorrow.
Healing continues!


You are smart like a fox! Can't thank you enough for that recommendation.


You'll be glad to know the refrigerator was cleared and restocked. I've had some good clean food the last few days. I'll give you some idea of diet before all this:

Breakfast - two eggs, two bacon, canned pears/peaches/mandarin oranges. Occasional piece of toast (1 - 2 times week). For a treat an egg souffle from chain bakery.

Lunch - sandwich, some chips, pickle, canned soup or a smaller size frozen meal. Leftovers such a homemade beef roast/stew if available.

"Good" Dinners - grilled strip or ribeye steak, baked potato with sour cream and butter, grilled zuchinni, a salad

Roast, as mentioned above with onions, carrots, potatoes. Will often add 1/2 to 1 cup of red wine for flavoring. This is the extent of my alcohol consumption for 13 years now, after drinking way too much for many years prior.

Chicken breast marinated in something (teriyaki, a wine/oil mixture) and grilled, rice, and fresh or frozen veggie.

"Bad" Dinners - Frozen lasagna and a salad or vegetable. Other frozen meals, the "healthy ones" haha. Those things are gone and good riddance. About half the time they really were not satisfying or enjoyable, just something to stuff down.

A frozen or delivered pizza with a salad or some vegetable.

Treats - ice cream, once or twice a week (really!). Chocolate covered almonds/cherries/blueberries. Occasional piece of cheesecake (once or twice a month).

All the big fast food I gave up several years ago. I used to enjoy eating it, but then would feel miserable an hour or so later. Eventually got to the point where I did not even enjoy taking it in and just stopped.

Dinner last night was some chicken cooked in palm oil, garlic, and parsley, sweet potato, and steamed broccoli. Tonite is lettuce wraps with some grass fed ground beef and some other vegetables. The meals have been tasty, satiating, and with minimal digestion issues.


It really was an amazing, almost tranquilizer effect, which was very welcome at the time. I'm just taking it easy and continuing to flush and add back my supplements and vitamins.

My knowledge of Lyme disease is almost nil -- what the mainstream reported in the late 80s/early 90s: tick bites you and feel cruddy with a myriad of symptoms. I will definitely begin studying the information here on Lyme.

I realize the fibro diagnosis is sort of questionable, not as to the symptoms, but what causing it, and if it really isn't nutrition/toxicity, etc. I do know that taking supplements like HTP, alpha lipoic, vit D, etc., did help a good deal so I will continue those.

I read those links, and then did some follow-up on Dr. Burrascano and the glutathione:

From that page, "Muscle pain, moodiness, and many other symptoms are related to cytokines. IV Glutathione can reverse these symptoms in minutes in some people."

We like fast acting! I will look into that or maybe try the liposomal glutathione + the alka seltzer. I'm in flyover USA and as someone else in another thread indicated, most of the doctors are robodocs. It's even worse because there is shortage of GPs and specialists. You input symptoms and they output either a prescription or some procedure. Not sure if anyone would the IV, but I could do the liposomal and just not expect it to work quite so quickly.

I had no idea the antibiotics could also stir up other infections so I will be increasing my knowledge on this as my energy and healing allow.

Since this episode precipitated a good portion of the auto-immune regimen, would it be advisable to acquire either the metronizadole or tinidazole (would be preferable for me because it's two days)? I've taken the metronizadole years ago and it was very rough on the tummy. Or would it be fine to take one of those later in a few weeks or months?

My temp is slowy rising back up (98.5 this morning) and much less phlegm, and another good night of sleep. Throat is a little bothersome but I think it's because I could finally enjoy some smokes yesterday, and had too many. Will keep that down to a minimum until this is all cleared up. As a matter of habit I usually wait 20-30 minutes before smoking after eating to allow digestion a head start.

Thanks for sharing your expertise and I will begin looking into those issues!
Leland said:
Since this episode precipitated a good portion of the auto-immune regimen, would it be advisable to acquire either the metronizadole or tinidazole (would be preferable for me because it's two days)? I've taken the metronizadole years ago and it was very rough on the tummy. Or would it be fine to take one of those later in a few weeks or months?

That is a good point, but it is also important to highlight that you are a "newbie" and could make great progress with dietary changes, detox and nutrient supplementation (i.e. iodine).

Those of us who tried antimicrobials did so after trying several different things along the years.

I think that at this point, you could focus on healing your body with the dietary changes, detox, re-starting the iodine slowly but surely and see how you go. You'll know when the time comes if the anti-microbials are something that needs consideration.

I'm glad you're feeling better!
Alrighty, will do. I'm tracking down some liposomal glutathione.

The thought of iodine a few days ago was just repulsive, but it no longer is.

I'm going to stabilize, continue with the diet, and then take it up again slowly and in conjunction with the above, when body indicates it is appropriate.
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