SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary video suggestions

{{3 crazy Twitter embeds}}

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"Roof gets blown off a building in Millersburg, Pennsylvania on April 15. Luckily, no one was injured."

Full video of hail core intercept in Sundance, Wyoming with 80 mph winds and baseball hail shattering windows of Nissan Sentra, as tornado warning is issued for supercell just east of Sundance along I-90. This supercell would go on to damage parts of Black Hills Region including Lead, Deadwood, and Spearfish, SD.

AMS Published on Apr 17, 2019-Location Baltimore US

A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan's coastal city of Hualien on Thursday. Video footage captured across the east coast shows buildings shaking, lights swaying and flickering, students evacuating schools, and a halted subway service in the capital Taipei.

Translated from French by Microsoft
A very bright meteoroid consuming in the atmosphere was seen Tuesday night on more than 1000 km east of the #EtatsUnis-the detector of #foudre one #satellite #météo of the #NOAA even improperly detected: -meteomedia: MétéoMédia - Une boule de feu aperçue sur plus de 1 000 km

Published on Apr 18, 2019
Severe storms ripped across the Southeast on Thursday (4/18/19) including several tornadoes.

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