SotT Promotion Posters

Fantastic images!!

I will print as many as I can to post in places that I frequent such as work and my college, as well as heavily trafficed areas. Here in the UK we still have quite a considrable amount of wooden telegraph poles. I also have a friend or two who may help spread the pictures in their areas, so I'll ask them if they will help.

I'm going to be carefull when posting them, as here in the UK if were caught posting these in public places, I would expect to be arrested and maybe charged with Graffiti or destruction/defacement of public property. However its a risk I'm more than willing to take. But anyone else here in the UK thinking of going public with these, just be carefull and be fact there are so many camera's around, it may be better to wear a mask like V's when doing so, so that they can't use your face as evidence on CCTV cameras.

There is a local newspaper here in my area with a coverage of around 150,000 readers...I wonder how much it would cost to to have one of the pictures printed in the paper as an advert? I'll find out if I can afford to that also as it may catch a bigger audience than I can by posting them over town and countryside. If I have any success with that angle I'll post the results here.
domivr said:
The absence of "pathocracy" in a dictionary is indicative of the problem we are dealing with and the corruption of the system.
I think it's not the absense of the word itself that is indicative, I think what's indicative is the absense of the concept the word describes and the absense of all promotion of the significance of this concept. Since it applies to every facet of our lives, most saturated at the highest levels of power, and its effect so total and powerful, the corruption is seen in the absense of the concept itself from public awareness, regardless of what word is used. There are words that describe various aspects of it (psychopathy for example), although they are given very little attention, and the overall concept of "pathocracy" itself is distorted and broken apart into "separate" pieces which are never allowed to be officially and scientifically connected and studied together as a coherent whole, and it seems to me that this is very much intentional. It's like studying parts of one equation without ever admitting that it's all parts of the same equation leading to a very important overall conclusion. Look at 2, look at the other 2, look at +, look at =, but never ever look at 2+2= and see that it is 4. Might be a good idea to find some sociology groups who may already be aware of the study of psychopathy in localized environments, and suggest that "as above so below" applies, that the affect is similar if not worse in macrosocial broad environments, including the entire planet. I can see how people could be reeling away from hyperdimentional realities/beings, but this doesn't even have to include the label "conspiracy theory", all it is is a scientific study, just observing human behavior. People accept sociology and psychology, they don't call those "conspiracy theories", and this is no different. Then again, the same can be said about hyperdimentional realities and "aliens" etc, just too many preprogrammed associations in people's minds that they just turn off or laugh it off. :(

BUT - seeing that recent poll on MSNBC (I think) where the majority of Americans suspect that their own government has been involved in 911, it sure as hell gives hope that all is not lost, it does not have to be a tiny minority that wakes up, it COULD be the majority! I just keep thinking about that poll, it is an astounding number, suddenly "conspiracy theorists" as they are presented in the mainstream media aren't just a tiny percentage of "kooks", they are the MAJORITY OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. I just love saying that, because it's true.

I remember right after 911 happened Bush said in a speech, "Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories, vicious lies designed to shift the blame from the real terrorists". It seems that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS (oh yeah!!) are vicious liars, they just hate freedom and democracy, and want to shift the blame from the real terrorists (for god knows what reason, maybe because most americans actually love terrorists?) and are tin-foil-hat wearing outrageous conspiracy theorists, all 180 million of them (at least). I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I say that.

P.S. - The SOTT posters are AWESOME, unbelievable!! So professional and creative and just amazingly well done!!! I'm soooooooooo spreading these around@#&*@#
domivr said:
For sake of clarification: mine or his?
What's 'is face: friend Ben.

Added later:

Another quote from Lobaczewski on the problem of language which comes at the end of the following discussion:

The ideology of pathocracy is created by caricaturizing the original ideology of a social movement in a manner characteristic of that particular pathological phenomenon. The above-mentioned hysteroidal states of societies also deform the contemporary ideologies of the times in question, using a style characteristic for them.

Just as doctors are interested in disease, the author has become primarily interested in the pathocratic phenomenon and the analysis thereof. In a similar manner, the primary concern of those people who have assumed responsibility for the fate of nations should be curing the world of this heretofore mysterious disease. The proper time will come for critical and analytical attitudes toward ideologies which have become the "delusional systems" of such phenomena during historical times. We should at present focus our attention upon the very essence of the macrosocial pathological phenomena.

Understanding the nature of a disease is basic to any search for the proper methods of treatment. The same applies by analogy with regard to that macrosocial pathological phenomenon, especially since, in the latter case, mere understanding of the nature of the disease starts curing human minds and souls. Throughout the entire process, reasoning approximated to the style elaborated by medicine is the proper method which leads to untangling the contemporary Gordian knot.

A pathocracy's ideology changes its function, just as occurs with a mentally ill person's delusional system. It stops being a human conviction outlining methods of action and takes on other duties which are not openly defined. It becomes a disguising story concealing the new reality from people's critical consciousness, both inside and outside one's nation.

The first function - a conviction outlining methods of action - soon becomes ineffective for two reasons: on the one hand, reality exposes the methods of action as unworkable; on the other hand, the masses of common people notice the contemptuous attitude toward the ideology represented by the pathocrats themselves. For that reason, the main operational theater for the ideology consists of nations remaining outside the immediate ambit of the pathocracy, since that world tends to continue believing in ideologies. The ideology thus becomes the instrument for external action to a degree even greater than in the above-mentioned relationship between the disease and its delusional system.

Psychopaths are conscious of being different from normal people. That is why the "political system" inspired by their nature is able to conceal this awareness of being different. They wear a personal mask of sanity and know how to create a macrosocial mask of the same dissimulating nature.

When we observe the role of ideology in this macrosocial phenomenon, quite conscious of the existence of this specific awareness of the psychopath, we can then understand why ideology is relegated to a tool-like role: something useful in dealing with those other naive people and nations. Pathocrats must nevertheless appreciate the function of ideology as being something essential in any ponerogenic group, especially in the macrosocial phenomenon which is their "homeland". This factor of awareness simultaneously constitutes a certain qualitative difference between the two above-mentioned relationships. Pathocrats know that their real ideology is derived from their deviant natures, and treat the "other" - the masking ideology - with barely concealed contempt. And the common people eventually begin to perceive this as noted above.

Thus, a well-developed pathocratic system no longer has a clear and direct relationship to its original ideology, which it only keeps as its primary, traditional tool for action and masking. For practical purposes of pathocratic expansion, other ideologies may be useful, even if they contradict the main one and heap moral denunciation upon it. However, these other ideologies must be used with care, refraining from official acknowledgement within environments wherein the original ideology can be made to appear too foreign, discredited, and useless.

The main ideology succumbs to symptomatic deformation, in keeping with the characteristic style of this very disease and with what has already been stated about the matter. The names and official contents are kept, but another, completely different content is insinuated underneath, thus giving rise to the well known double talk phenomenon within which the same names have two meanings: one for initiates, one for everyone else. The latter is derived from the original ideology; the former has a specifically pathocratic meaning, something which is known not only to the pathocrats themselves, but also is learned by those people living under long-term subjection to their rule.

Doubletalk is only one of many symptoms. Others are the specific facility for producing new names which have suggestive effects and are accepted virtually uncritically, in particular outside the immediate scope of such a system's rule.

We must thus point out the paramoralistic character and paranoidal qualities frequently contained within these names. The action of paralogisms and paramoralisms in this deformed ideology becomes comprehensible to us based on the information presented in Chapter IV. Anything which threatens pathocratic rule becomes deeply immoral. This also applies to the concept of forgiving the pathocrats themselves; it is extremely dangerous and thus "immoral".

We thus have the right to invent appropriate names which would indicate the nature of the phenomena as accurately as possible, in keeping with our recognition and respect for the laws of the scientific methodology and semantics. Such accurate terms will also serve to protect our minds from the suggestive effects of those other names and paralogisms, including the pathological material the latter contain.
Added again: A quote from V for Vendetta"

Valerie said:
I remember how the meaning of words began to change. How unfamiliar words like "collateral" and "rendition" became frightening, while things like Norsefire and the Articles of Allegiance became powerful. I remember how "different" became dangerous. I still don't understand it, why they hate us so much.
But WE do understand. "Anything which threatens pathocratic rule becomes deeply immoral. " And that is, of course, anything of conscience, love, empathy...
I think the posters are fantastic. An I am also speaking as a fellow designer.
I am printing the 1st (Psychopath rule our world) and the 8th (6% - 94%) front and back on card and sheets to let them lay around in places. They seem to go perfect together in color and as a thought.
I work in an office where there are people going in and out all the time. I was wondering how I could use SOTT's posters to jolt some of the people.

Well to start off, I printed out one (the one with Crop Circles) and put it up with magnets on the white board. This particular board had all sorts of things written on it, like phone numbers to various other departments in the company, etc. So basically it's a board that is in a convenient location where all can see it and it's used very regularly by almost everyone that walks in and out of that office.

On one occasion, I heard one of my colleague's noticing it and sort of making a remark like, "oh how interesting" to another colleague. All he said was "oh yeah, conspiracy and alien thingy" and it ended there. I was there but didn't say anything and was just observing. Sadly it was there for a few more days and then yesterday I noticed that someone had removed it. I was really upset. I tried a few other things and I am now thinking of standing it front of a supermarket and hand out the posters to passersby. But looking back at what happened in the office, I am having doubts if it will work.

Anyone else has experiences to share so that we can all learn from it?
Seems similar to my experience with the Pentagon Photographic Evidence picures from this thread:

In the "social room" of our company, I pinned up one A4 sheet with the computer picture and one with the undamaged pentagon windows. These are high quality photos printed on a high quality colour laser printer. One day, it came to a discusstion between workmates. Conclusio:

* one mate did not even recognize that it is a computer rendered image and just said "it is clear that this picure is faked, because it looks so artificial". This statement hurt in my stomach.
* one mate stated, that it did not matter what really happened, because it had certainly no effect on our lives in our country. and if one knew, what would it good for because one could not change anyting?!
* et cetera at infinitum

The discussion was over after 3 minutes, because it diverged. I was not able to argue any point because I am a junior here and the seniors are extremely inflexible in their thought patterns. I simply gave up. Just studied the IGNORANT and "EVERYTING's EASY I'm INTELLIGENT" reactions.

It is a tragic.
Although it's not my usual attitude, I wouldn't be so pessimistic if I were you.
Work environment is very harsh and "pretense required" environment, it means that people will choose to hide their true opinions in order to present a curtain image.
I am almost sure that your colleague (the one who said "how interesting") decided not to develop a conversation with a person who used "oh yeah, conspiracy and alien thingy" shtick, because it carries lot of negative connotations, and no one wants to be even slightly suspected as a loony or not so reliable/stable person.
If your colleague or other people at work will be really interested, they can access this site and see for themselves under a cover of "anonymity". But they atleast should know that such place exist ;)
Data said:
* one mate stated, that it did not matter what really happened, because it had certainly no effect on our lives in our country. and if one knew, what would it good for because one could not change anyting?!
yep, that sure sounds like austria to me!

i'm always amazed at how much time people here spend on following and arguing local politics while not knowing anything about the bigger picture and truly disturbing goings-on outside of austria.
Keit said:
...present a curtain image
This is certainly true. Work environments are full of "curtains". But I can sense the difference between "hiding one's light" in a neutral, passive manner and an ignorant depreciation of a discussion topic.

As for the SotT Posters, I sent them to approx. 20 Friends. Only one asked me in return what I intended to convey by mailing them. I answered, that those showed the topics that SotT deals with. He anwered, that the posters had a "strong punchline". I will ask the other friends what they think about them and posting it here.

Personally I find them great!
Data said:
Keit said:
...present a curtain image
This is certainly true. Work environments are full of "curtains". But I can sense the difference between "hiding one's light" in a neutral, passive manner and an ignorant depreciation of a discussion topic.
Interesting typo. :) When I wrote it, I was thinking about "certain image".
And you right, there are things a person can't hide, even behind a thick curtain.
for posting in public places, I would suggest: "psychopaths rule our world", the one with the guy with the US flag wrapped around his head, the religion one or the hidden words one.

These are not so easy to dismiss as "alien stuff".

The response I got when showing the "hidden words" poster was that it was "liberal BS". Talk about short attention spans, they didn't even bother to read the second message and I felt it was a waste of time to explain it.
Evry so often I run into someone that has a clue, but people generally ignore this stuff (slap a derogatory label on it right away - liberal, conspiracy, etc...)
Thank to all who responded. I've also tried attaching the images in my email replies but not one person has ask what it all means. Maybe they do have a look at the website to check things out for themselves but I am unaware of how many actually do it. And as Rhansen says
...... but people generally ignore this stuff (slap a derogatory label on it right away - liberal, conspiracy, etc...)
and that has precisely been my experience too. Before the crop circle poster, I had the hidden words one up there but perhaps because it was a black and white print out, it was not easy to read. I was hoping that because it was not easy to read, people might try looking at it a little closer but after awhile, I switched to the crop circle picture which was easier to see and required a lot less attention span. Seems to me that if it requires any sort of longer than seconds ;) to decipher a message, people just don't have the time!! The "I want it fast everything" culture I guess, sigh..

Is there a more effective way to spread the messages? Or do we keep spreading it the normal way that I've been doing like via emails, put it up in the office, etc and just hope that at least some people will be spurred on to have a look for themselves?
Sometimes it is just enough to have an indirect effect on other people's conciousness rather than expecting to wake them all up and/or bring them into 'reality' all at once, or all of a sudden.

The problem with many people is they are very scared and defensive about the ugly truth. These people can be very dangerous and will sometimes try and attack people who they think are threatening their 'reality'. In order to communicate with them and not be 'attacked' you have to appear non-theatening as well as not having an 'attachment' to waking them up in the first place. In other words, a person's observations to their responses to your small (and cautious) steps at trying to awaken them, should probably be, like the words of your collegue: "Oh, that's interesting". The moment you start 'threatening' these people, they are likely to get hostile. Thats something no-one needs.

Actions can have a kind of a ripple of butterfly effect. The smallest thing can eventually cause the greatest change, but not immediately. Sometimes its enough to provide people with an awareness of alternatives. What they chose to do with them, is up to them.
Ruth is right. Just keep using the images. Even if people do not respond, their subconscious minds are taking note of words and phrases. Then, at some moment later, when some particular issue comes up, they will remember...

Printing the posters on sticker paper and sticking them up in public bathroom stalls at eye level is also fun... putting them as bookmarks into selected books in libraries and bookstores... leaving them about in busses, trains, airport lounges, waiting rooms... If you have a dozen or so of the sticky and non-sticky variety in your pocket at all times, you are prepared to leave a trail of clues through the forest for someone else.

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