SOTT Radio Network en español is moving!

Hi everyone!

First of all, we have turned 400!! we made a small video commemorating our birthday :) I hope you guys enjoy it, the video can be found here: SOTT Radio Network en español cumple 400! Because YouTube did not like what we did with that video, so we couldn't upload it there and embed it here, and we're in the naughty corner for a few more days.

Now, for our show today we had a conversation about Lula Da Silva's recent return to power in Brazil and what this means for the region, and for the global agenda that he seems to be so perfectly aligned with. Along with this we discussed the reactions that so many have had in Brazil, and the chaos that ensued after the elections.

We will have to wait and see what goes on in the nation, what it means for the region and for BRICS.

Then we talked a bit about that article by The Atlantic going.. "yeah, we messed up and probably killed a whole bunch of people.. so how about we simply forget about that and call it even... yes?" how arrogant.

We also talked about Pelosi's strange encounter with the assailant that.. he invited into their home and then proceded to get smacked with a hammer? right on time for elections.

For your consideration, here's #400

Lula vuelve a Brasil y los autoritarios piden “amnistía”​

Hi everyone!

And today we had a discussion about the most embarrassing, devastating, final, and completely deadly defeat that Russia has received in their incursion in least if we believe the media in the West. In all seriousness, we discussed about the Kherson defensive retreat that Russia initiated.

But also about the recent rumors that have been going around about the US pushing Kiev to start thinking about negotiation with Moscow, and how all of that connected to the Mid Term elections in the United States of democracy... which still have not finished as some states have not reported the results.

We also talked about the COP27 conference, and how they're calling for a reduction of CO2 comparable to the one created by all the lockdowns to "save the planet" It could be the beginning of the climate lockdowns that have been discussed everywhere.

for your consideration here's #401

La retirada de Jersón y la ola roja que no fue​

Oh YouTube, you are becoming predictable.

So last week's show was taken down and our channel is on strike for two weeks... because we said something along the lines of "some people in Brazil aren't happy with the results of the elections" According to their policy, you may not question the elections in the US , Germany, Brazil.

So this week we broadcasted from another channel, and after that rant. Today we discussed the situation in NATO, I Mean in Ukraine.. after those two missiles struck Poland.. and the entire organization got ready to enact their defensive apparatus in order to make sure that the security of the entire alliance was kept sa.. oh, never mind... they all backed off.

On a serious note, it seems like someone in Ukraine is getting out of control, and are really desperate to keep their relevance on the international sphere and they think the only way to do that is to expand the conflict past the borders of their nation, either that or there was a freak accident or equipment malfunction that was misread by Zelenski and some of the media. Either way, it was interesting to see poor Zelenski back pedal his own words.

We also talked about the FTX collapse, and the corruption and how it all points right at the deep state in the US, more specifically the democrats. As if that was surprising, we touched briefly on the Midter elections, which are still going on.. and Trump's return to the race for the White House.

for your consideration, here's #402

Ucrania lanza misiles hacia Polonia y el fraude de las criptomonedas​

And yesterday we had a conversation about the 52nd state in the union... the EU.

The EU has been the target of an abusive relationship with Washington, they tell them what to buy, what not to buy, what to steal, who to attack and so much more.

This week, the EU parliament declared Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, but Washington didn't do the same, the goal? probably to be able to continue to sanction Moscow once Kiev has list its utility as winter settles in. Also, the US just allowed... allowed, a few EU countries to purchase Russian gas products, and there's also that new law to reduce inflation that intends to bring European investment into the US.

Europe has lost all of its sovereignty, it has no power to protect its people, its economy and its essential relationships, nothing. As such it's like a brand new state in the US, although, come to think of it... the relationship of Brussels with Washington is even more distant and more abusive than the one of some states in the continental US with Washington.

For your consideration, here's #403

La UE, el estado 52 de EEUU y ¿Rusia estado terrorista?​

And we're back to our channel after our time out was done.. Let's see how long it lasts,

This week we had quite a bit of topics to go over, first off was Ursula Von der Leyen's declaring that 100.000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in action by those evil Russians, who are at the same time.. loosing the war, but then the contradictory aspect of these statements were noticed by someone and the video was quickly edited.

Then we talked about the EU, who are slowly loosing relevance in the International sphere, and continue to push in that direction, first by attempting to steal Russians 300k million euros, and then by agreeing on a ceiling to the prices of Russian energy.. right around the same price that it is actually being sold in the open market... something that was responded by Moscow by saying that they'd simply not sell to anyone who is attempting to put a cap on prices.

Then we also talked about Twittergate and how Elon Musk is letting everyone know how deep the pollution between government and big tech really is.. and how the white house is freaking out about it.

For your consideration, here's #404

Musk revela censura en Twitter y Von der Leyen mete la pata​

Today we had a discussion about quite a bit of topics, but we felt it was interesting that last month, three meteorite impacts were reported, and that is a tendency that should be concerning to everyone watching the skies. It certainly felt like quite the uptick.

Adding that to a chaotic climate, a downward economy, food shortages, and loonies in power, we're certainly living in those interesting times that Chinese people would curse other with, 2023 sounds like one interesting next chapter in the craziness that is going on.

We also discussed the situation in Peru, to some degree as it is still too early to tell. But Castillo was ousted and arrested, and it seems like Schwab has moved in... and people have already started to respond in opposition to Castillo's incarceration.

And lastly we had a conversation about Twittergate 3.0 this time with the FBI included.

For your consideration, here's #405 the penultimate program of 2022:

Meteoritos, golpe en Perú y bye bye petrodólar​

Sorry for the late post, a day late from my usual.

But, yesterday we had our last show of the year.. and we decided to have a conversation about Graham Hancock, not about how correct or incorrect his most recent Ancient Apocalypse docuseries is, but about how much of a freak out people in academia and the MSM had about it.

It was really incredible to read people calling him a racist, a nazi, a white supremacist... it's truly incredible to see how academia deals with its members, by denying them grants and funds and so starving them into compliance, but since he's not a member of their club.. then ad hominem attacks are the next best thing.

Instead of considering the ideas, they just called them racist... period. There's probably more with this reaction, maybe it would expose the PTB as completely useless when it comes to protecting the population, and not only that, but lying about the biggest thread to humanity, it's not covid, or Russians or cow farts... it's cyclical catastrophes that we have no means of preventing, or stopping.. we could prepare.. but no, buying electric cars is more fun.

For the last time in 2022, here's #406

Graham Hancock, civilizaciones perdidas y ciencia corrupta​

See you all next year!
And we're back everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely holiday season.

We had a bit of a free flowing conversation about several topics, the return of the covid, with its new variant and the fact that it seems to be weaponized to try to harm China.

We also talked about the twitter files on covid and how these kids were controlling the narrative and censoring actual scientists, just becase they said something inconvenient, of special note was when a twitter censor said something along the lines of "Trump just said do not be afraid, isn't that against policy?" hilarious, but very telling.

We talked about Ukraine, and their most glorious victory.. that for some paradoxical reason keeps on needing new weapons and more money.

We also talked about the economy, and how most predictions the world over seem to see 2023 as a rough year, rougher than last.

For your consideration, here's #407

Nuevo año, nuevas variantes​

PS: Soon, we might jump on Twitter and have our show streamed there as well.. since YT will eventually find a way to kick us out.

Stay tuned!
I just realized I never posted our past show!

I apologize, we did indeed have a show and it was about the January 6th insurrection... I mean, I am sorry.. the January 8th insurrection in Brazil. In all seriousness the amount of similarities is astounding and the treatment that it is being given is the exact same one that Trump received after the Jan 6h events.

We also had a long discussion about the latest release of documents dealing with military reports of UFO events by the pentagon, and why now... that is the question we're always left with.

For your consideration, and a little late, here's #408:

Convulsión en Brasil y nuevas revelaciones ovnis del Pentágono​

Hi everyone,

This week we decided to have a conversation bout the WEF summit in Davos, and all that it has left for us, specially their catastrophist rhetoric, where we're in a state of "policrisis", and they're the only ones that can save us, something that Kerry defined as "extraterrestrial".

We also had a conversation about the latest developments in Ukraine, specially the whole debate about delivering tanks, and it looks like so far they have committed a grand total of 14, good luck.

for your consideration, here's #409:

Davos y la narrativa catastrofista, ¿algo se aproxima?​

Hi everyone!

I suppose I never pressed send on last weeks show! :-0

But here it is, we had a conversation last week about the tanks... the few dozen of them, that will win the war! But also, we talked about that one video that went viral from Project Veritas, and that Pfizer executive.

You may have already seen it, and it may be too late, but just to keep the record intact, here's #410

Los tanques de la discordia y nuevo escándalo de Pfizer​

And this week, we decided to change it up a bit and have a conversation about Artificial Intelligence, specially because it has been in the news so much lately, our experiences with it, our take on the implications of continuing to seek for it to replace human creative efforts.

We discussed, where we see the technology going, where we see the technology is today, and what it could all mean for humanity in general, so we played a bit of futurism in this program.

for your consideration, here's #411

ChatGPT, Inteligencia Artificial y el futuro de la humanidad​

Hi everyone!

This week, we had a conversation about several topics, first and foremost the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. What a tragedy, and so "timely" this event has the potential to create change beyond the geological, but in the geopolitical arena as well.

Also, we had a conversation about Hersh's article placing the blame for the Nordstream sabotage squarely on Biden's government.

We also talked about the Chinese globe, the first one.. and the second one, what an interesting set of events these balloons has become, specially the fact that people seem to have reacted immediately associating it with Aliens and UFOs.

For your consideration, here's #412

Brutal temblor en Turquía y se destapa el escándalo del Nordstream​

And yesterday we had a discussion about the balloon/UFO saga that the US just pulled over our eyes, specially within the context of the history of the UFO phenomenon and the effort that was behind it to describe the situation with such language that the association between the events and aliens was created without needing to admit anything.

We also discussed the possibility of a confrontation with China, maybe not direct but proxy, similar to what's going on in Ukraine.

And we speculated a bit about what they may have been trying to distract everyone from, Epstein and his contacts, the Ohio (and the rest) derailment, the state of the economy, Biden and his culpability over Nordstream being made public and so on,
For your consideration, here's #413

Descarrilamiento de tren en Ohio y el misterio de los globos​

Hi everyone!

And today we had a conversation about the one year anniversary of Rusia's intervention in Ukraine and all that has come to light ever since, which Putin pretty much put into his latest speech.

We discussed the implications of the suspension of the START III treaty, and where we see things going in the short term for that one conflict. We also discussed what it has meant for geopolitics, for international finance.. and specially sadly for Europe.

We also talked about the train derailments, the factory explosions, and the implications and the possible effort behind it, to keep people in a constant state of chaos.

At the end, we had a conversation bout China, and their own statements about the US, and Washington's own escalation of retoric against them.

For your consideration, here's #414

Ucrania a un año, explosiones y desastres industriales​

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