SOTT worthy articles in Spanish

leMunch said:
1. My question remain: Before this thread, where was the place to suggest Spanish Articles for es.sott? :halo:

Yes, but the thread hadn't been active. I just merged them both here.

2. I found futur Quantique:, though it seems it hasn't been update since Nov 2010, maybe people moved to SOTT in French. Don't know

Yes, everything was transferred to SOTT, and the same happened with Señales de los tiempos.
l apprenti de forgeron said:

Here is an interview with William Parra who was covering the war in Syria for two months. I found that several of the data it provides are food for the mind and confirms what we already knew of the "rebels", which are foreign to most service nato/israel /usa. It is also striking that the media ( who post the note so far reported as most of the mainstream media: "Assad is the bad one."

Aquí hay una entrevista con William Parra que estuvo cubriendo la guerra de Siria por dos meses. Me pareció que varios de los datos que da son comida para la mente y confirma lo que ya sabiamos de los "rebeldes", de los cuales la mayoría son extranjeros al servicio de la otan/israel/usa. También es llamativo porque el medio ( que publicó la nota hasta el momento informaba como la mayoria de los grandes medios: "Asad es el malo".

Thank you very much! And the news is great, you can see it posted here:

Muchas gracias!!! Y la noticia es buenísima, puedes verla publicada aquí:

:clap: :thup: :clap:
Tristan said:
Striking and profound documentary: The Gatekeepers. Former members of Shin Bet Israel talk about the dirty operations undertaking against the Arabs. The subtitles are in spanish

PS: Not sure about posting it here

Thanks Tristan!!! we will publish the documentary over the week ... if you have more to share is better do it in this thread. Warm greetings.

leMunch said:
Aquí dejo la nota en Español, ya que en el Thread ya está (parcialmente) en inglés:

Mexicano predice científicamente un Terremoto d 8.2+ en Mexico DF max en Dic13

Parafraseo parte de la noticia:
El ingeniero mexicano, Gabriel C. F., dice que conoce una manera de predecir terremotos con mucha probabilidad de acertar, al estudiar los efectos gravitacionales que la luna, el sol y los planetas ejercen sobre la Tierra.

Él cree con seguridad que en los siguiente 4 meses, antes de Diciembre, México DF (Mexico City) tendrá recibirá un Terremoto de 8.2 grados o más.

El mes de Agosto ha sido un mes de temblores en México DF, y alrededor de Junio-Julio hubo uno de "6 grados pero que se sintió de 10".

1. Artículo / Y Carta mandada al Presidente de México
2. Blod del Autor de la teoría (Ing. Gabriel):
3. Más acerca de su teoría (Alineación Planetaria y Fuerzas Gravitacionales):

Hola leMunch, el equipo Sott no está muy seguro de publicar esta noticia porque no ha podido verificarla y se ha decidido finalmente descartarla... Pero esperamos tus nuevas aportaciones. Gracias!!!

Hello leMunch, Sott team is not sure to post this news because it could not verify it and finally decided to discard ... But we hope your new contributions. Thank you!
Orange Scorpion said:
Thank you very much! And the news is great, you can see it posted here:
Muchas gracias!!! Y la noticia es buenísima, puedes verla publicada aquí:

you are welcome Orange Scorpion!
This news, in the same newspaper, it's awesome!:

The asteroid impact 12,900 years ago forced humans to change their diet
You can read there:
"The cooling during the Younger Dryas affected human history in a profound way," says Dartmouth Professor Mukul Sharma, a co-author of the study, whose findings are published next week in the online edition of 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences'. "Environmental stresses may also have caused the Natufian were established for the first time in the Middle East and practiced agriculture"

I've never read a scientific note with dating so close, with humans on the planet!

What we had read in the HH thread, of a mutation few millennia ago may associate with the beginning of agriculture, the need to eat other foods by a genetic change caused by celestial bodies?

in English:

Edit: Greater clarity!
SOTT worthy articles in Spanish
« le: décembre 03, 2009, 09:22:37 pm »
Sorry Ailén :/ I see..
anyway, nice to see the reactivation of "this bridge" between the languages.

Nice to see the enthusiasm ;)

Thank's for the links guys.. very interesting, very good!

Posté par: Ailén
« le: septembre 02, 2013, 11:18:32 am » Citer ce message
Citation de: leMunch le septembre 02, 2013, 08:07:23 am
1. My question remain: Before this thread, where was the place to suggest Spanish Articles for es.sott?

Yes, but the thread hadn't been active. I just merged them both here.

Like always, you can also just to send un email to (in the bottom of the sott page) in your language, french,spanish or whatever..
for some one will be easier, faster. (to write in english can take time.. :rolleyes: ).
l apprenti de forgeron said:
This news, in the same newspaper, it's awesome!:

The asteroid impact 12,900 years ago forced humans to change their diet

:clap: :thup: published!!! :headbanger:
Tristan said:
Día del colesterol: Cómo se crea un “Día de…” de la nada:

These are articles about cholesterol and marketing campaign of high cholesterol rates back to sell statins. A Connection Between Big Food / Big Pharma and Nutrition Policy

Very good articles! Thank you! :thup:
Acid Yazz said:
Tristan said:

These are articles about cholesterol and marketing campaign of high cholesterol rates back to sell statins. A Connection Between Big Food / Big Pharma and Nutrition Policy



Thank you, Tristan!
It is being a great success in Facebook. Nearly 12,000 people have seen this news!!! :jawdrop: :clap: :thup:

Muchísimas gracias Tristan!!
Está siendo todo un éxito en Facebook. Casi 12.000 personas han visto esta noticia!!! :jawdrop: :clap: :thup:
freesurfer said:
I found here a very interesting article about (or again) veget-vegan diet..
take a look on that.. and in general other very interesting pages here, too

aqui encontré un articulo muy interesante sobre (o en contra de ) las dietas veget-vegetalianas..
miren esto.. y en general las otras paginas aqui son muy interesantes, tambien


Yes!!! very, very interesting!!!! :clap: :thup:

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