SOTT worthy articles in Spanish

freesurfer said:
(y el sitio donde lo encontre tambien parece interesante por es.sott , por si acaso )

Hello freesurfer, that was published yesterday although from another source:

And thank you for the documentary's link you've posted. It looks nice and I will have a look on it when I have a bit of spare time. Maybe others can give you their opinions.

(y el sitio donde lo encontre tambien parece interesante por es.sott , por si acaso )

Hello freesurfer, that was published yesterday although from another source:

And thank you for the documentary's link you've posted. It looks nice and I will have a look on it when I have a bit of spare time. Maybe others can give you their opinions.

Yes I know a same one was published Miguel Angel, was just for linked the website also.. because seem to me interesting for the editors of es.sott.
For the documentary.. well.. nice... ;) Horrible I think is more adapted for so much "no shame at all" ... you will see.
The other documentary on this website linked look interesting also " Maiden los rostros enmascarados" I will finish to look it this evening.

Other things here is 1 (well 3) others earthquakes shake Quito today after the 5.1 of tuesday

and one who critic the presidential "no mesures" on it:

and on the (ecuadorian) way an other one on Yasuni scandal (for me)

freesurfer said:
Yes I know a same one was published Miguel Angel, was just for linked the website also.. because seem to me interesting for the editors of es.sott.
For the documentary.. well.. nice... ;) Horrible I think is more adapted for so much "no shame at all" ... you will see.
The other documentary on this website linked look interesting also " Maiden los rostros enmascarados" I will finish to look it this evening.

Hello freesurfer,

Finally I was able to watch it yesterday night and you are right, there is "no shame at all" displayed there. When I wrote "nice" I should have written "interesting", I had just watched 5 minutes then.

I think it is a very worthy documentary to watch and not too long and it is a good way to remember who are the masters of puppets.

I was specially impressed at the minute 42:15 when the Georgian President says to Bruce Jackson: "Did I say something I shouldn't?" while he was talking to the journalists.

Thanks for the links and "saludos"! :)
Algo como.. propaganda y verdad

Something like.. propaganda and truth

I was amused? by the word "cabrones", didn't expect you "dare" to put in on article and tittle, is a word that -unfortunately I use a lot, mostly when I accidentally hit myself and referring to others that, they are simply that: cabrones (in this context: malicious people) that not always are psychopaths, I understand that sometimes, like this one, is needed to use of the word "cabrones", in fact, I was thinking in another set of words that fit quite nicely with the cabrones in that artice. But one/me have to be polite here. :P

modify: spell check
Hi guys
I found an interesting article.. on a asteroid of 400m.
NASA VS russian scientist, two different point of view, two different approaches... definitely!

I quite liked the
""La Nasa.... reconoció en la página web del Programa de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra que conocían la existencia del gran asteroide, pero que no habían alertado a la población porque consideran que es poco probable que los dos cuerpos puedan colisionar, durante al menos los próximos 150 años.""

freesurfer said:
Hi guys
I found an interesting article.. on a asteroid of 400m.
NASA VS russian scientist, two different point of view, two different approaches... definitely!

I quite liked the
""La Nasa.... reconoció en la página web del Programa de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra que conocían la existencia del gran asteroide, pero que no habían alertado a la población porque consideran que es poco probable que los dos cuerpos puedan colisionar, durante al menos los próximos 150 años.""


Thanks freesurfer, we'll check it! :)
Found this article at Proceso magazine from this sunday, I do not know how it is done to publish something from Proceso magazine, I had observed RT actualidad quotes Proceso magazine in their news.

Is interesting to know how the "cabrones" care themselves. The article, in Spanish, talks about the Peña's Lobby at the International Court, helping the ex President Calderon to prevent, that UN court inquire and penalize him for the multiple cases of human rights and crime wars of his war against narco, in order to not get him (Peña) with the cases of Ayotzinapa and Tlatlaya, this lobbying is accompanied by$ donations to orgs. I should not be surprised, I hope the judge won't be intimidated. I suppose this is how is made with other countries as well.

The whole article is here:
Cabildeo peñista en favor de Calderón
_, taken from here (just for subscriptors, I think), couldn't access _ (apro is the news research agency from Proceso magazine)

Stil, it could be used as future references, I think.

This one is good:
Mexico's New Tourist Attractions: "Corruptours" And "Narco tours"
Here a very interesting article about what is going to happen to Endorgan soon.

Aquì un un interesante artículo acerca de lo que podrìa pasarle a Engorgan pronto.
Dear Editors of Sott, i do not know if it`s the correct thread but i detected a mistake in the sentence of picture of the day:"Last week's eruption of Urbinas volcano in Peru, as seen from space".The name of the volcano is Ubinas.
I hope it helps.
I had nothing to share for the moment, just a little note, in this article ¿Amenazas enmascaradas? Estudios revelan que no hay beneficios en la política global de que todos lleven mascarillas contra el COVID-19

Mientras tanto, ahora vemos a los laicos, incluyendo a los niños, usando mascarillas rutinariamente. La gente parece no ser consciente de que lleva en la cara un filtro altamente contaminado que puede transmitir la infección si se manipula, almacena o elimina de forma inadecuada.

English version:
Meanwhile, we now see lay people including children routinely wearing masks. People appear unaware they're wearing a highly contaminated filter on their face that can transmit infection if it's handled, stored or disposed of improperly.

In Google traductor and deepl, "lay person" came as "laico" but, laico (laic), at least as I understand, is people whom are not or not associated with religion. Perhaps using "personas comunes" as a distinction from the medical, nurse, hospital related ones may work better, I think.
You are right, nice catch mabar.

It's now corrected: "[ ..] ahora vemos a las personas, incluyendo a los niños, usando mascarillas rutinariamente. "

Thanks for the heads up!
I think the following article would be excellent for Sott's spanish page. Very, very complete, with many references about everything related to the pandemic:
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